The Sword of Old

Out of the fires of brimstone and hell,

Came the sword of old for heaven to dwell;

The steaming singe from the red hot quench,

Here in the world to relieve sin's death stench.


It was forged from metal of the magic kind,

Refined of brilliant steel and special kind;

It's blade so sharp to cut through mesh,

Or chain and plate mail, leather and flesh.


It gleamed like lightning in every swing,

Flashing and dancing as a breathing thing;

It was designed to serve but knew one master,

To protect from danger the maiden he was after.


Lost in a world of eternal wilderness,

Rises the wielder in infinite holiness;

As the dragon inhaled to blast his breath,

He's pierced through the side to his final death.


Many a man who sought such mortal tale,

Lost as fable was told, in stories on mountain vale;

Now the truth revealed through years of cold,

God holds high triumphantly the sword of old.


Good speed my man in which you fight,

The battle you fought the right for light;

As they all rose to meet heaven forever,

The sword of truth the judgment whether.



The hilt of jewels.