Parsifal Wins The Day

Parsifal Wins The Day


Winners Are Grinners

Expect a smile at the end of the day, winners are grinners and it does not really matter how much money you have got in the bank, life is more important than dollers and love is the answer to living within a right relationship with God. No matter what it costs, choose life, you just can't put money in the bank all the time and be happy. If you have a bet on life, then make sure your payment is towards God. Pray a prayer of thankfullness and forgiveness with an attitude of desperateness and caring concern. God would rather see you happy than be the richest person in the world, infact true happiness is being in a right relationship with God. There is also a reason to believe that the gift of time is a much more precious thing than gold or silver and all the riches in the world otherwise. Infact the treasures of God's kingdom and the wisdom to be found in it are a much more precious thing where the price and cost of living was all and completely paid on the cross by Christ. I know it is hard to put others before yourself but the true happiness of giving is found in helping others to see the truth and grace of God. It is in loving that we learn to give and it is in living that we learn to find God in all those places that we desperately need and expect. Respect is in learning how we can get on with others and trusting the beauty of what the world has yet for us to see with God going before us and hiding all those places that we just can't see for ourselves. So at the end of your day and you have a smile on your face then you are the winner and the grinner because you have found the answers to the kingdom of God and the heavenly realms that sit there and wait for us to find. It is never too late to give your life to God and all you need to do is to offer a simple prayer for forgiveness and come into a loving relationship with God through a belief in Jesus Christ dieing for your sins on the cross two thousand years ago. Don't give up and don't despair, trust and achknowledge God as your creator as we now get into the creation of this book Parsifal Wins The Day, look to God in heaven for your inspiration and truth as I intend and try to do as I write this book. God bless. Darel.

CHAPTER 1 Time Matters

1 Twelve Hours

Twelve hours day and twelve hours night,

Time for fun and time for delight;

Working during the day and sleeping at night,

Enjuring, managing and heavens political light.

Twelve hours day and twelve hours night,

Loving the living, looking and life;

Married or aren't you, wife or strife.

The sword of the spirit, cuts like a knife.

Twelve hours day and twelve hours night,

Only so much time in the day;

To get things done and go your own way,

Time your awake to pray, play and say.

Twelve hours day and twelve hours night,

Seeing the sun up there high in the sky;

Useing your senses to smell and stay well,

That the waves on the beach were not a big swell.

Twelve hours day and twelve hours night,

Looking clever, smart, intelligent and bright;

Staying alive and eyes on the write to right.

Twelve hours day and twelve hours night,

Justice and judgement come into reason and plight;

Watching out for the truth both day and night,

The jury's verdict might not be what the judge think as right.


Sleeping well.

2 Twenty Four Hours

Twenty four hours for the world to turn around,

Time on your hands, the earth a big ground;

Stars out at night, the sun shining by day,

Sometimes it rains and the whole sky is grey.

Twenty four hours for the world to turn around,

The earth a small ball in the universe of God;

Twelve months or 365 turns of twenty four hours,

Hopes and reasons, purpose and powers.

Twenty four hours for the world to turn around,

The earth in orbit of the sun eternally for years;

Harken and listen, sharpen up your pricking ears,

360 degrees of rotation and spinning.

Twenty four hours for the world to turn around,

The beauty of the sun by day and stars at night;

Flickering and flashing and sparkling quite bright,

Lighting our way and pleasure by day.

Twenty four hours for the world to turn around,

Digesting your food and flushing it away;

All these things we take to heart and travel and pay,

The trouble is that we only need to think what to say.

Twenty four hours for the world to turn around,

You know for yourself all the things you have done;

God looking down on you and seeing all of your fun,

As all these things just seem to happen under the sun.


Brighter days.

3 Only So Much Time

Only so much time in the day,

Only so much time in your life;

Trouble and toil and strife,

To get things done and win a wife.

Only so much time in the day,

To look forward to God and His love;

Trying hard not go your own way.

Only so much time in the day,

We each try to make the best of it;

Keeping well and trying to stay fit,

Money comes second as we relax and sit.

Only so much time in the day,

Doing what is right and living by faith,

Seeing the truth and God in the light.

Only so much time in the day,

God and His greatness, thinking things are lovely;

Riches untold and heavenly glory waiting,

Getting things done and keep on relating.

Only so much time in the day,

Your watch and your wallet dictate the terms;

Of all of the things you are working for,

For maybe a hundred and twenty years if were are lucky.


Time wise.

4 Weekly Leave

Time off is a great thing,

Working hard all week;

Takes it toll on your health,

Mentally taxing striving for wealth.

Weekly leave four times a year,

Or a month break overseas;

Just when a holiday is needed,

Recollect your thoughts and mind.

Debating whether your stressed or not,

You know in your heart you have had enough;

Time to regroup and rethink your life,

Too much drink and too much strife.

Get hold of a brand new situation,

A week off to plan and heal;

Setting of goal achievements required,

You want to live another ten years.

Sometimes it is a matter of sick days,

Sick leave and time off to get well;

The Lord knows how hard it is to tell,

Listening to God for him to ring His bell.

Thankyou Lord for all your help,

This day and week and I am giving time to you;

To help pick me up and lift me high home,

Taking a weeks break for rejuvinating strength.


Take a break.

5 Weekends Are Lovely

Weekends are lovely,

All the things to do;

As the weekdays go by,

To love and live and try.

Weekends are lovely,

Beautiful things happen;

Good and great and kind,

The birds, the bees and flowers.

Weekends are lovely,

Take time to make time;

Don't let the world pass you by,

Relaxing and enjoying.

Weekends are lovely,

The weeks hard work over;

Watching the sport as a pleasure,

Going for a swim at the beach.

Weekends are lovely,

A country drive out West;

Up and down the coast,

The farms and the coastal towns.

Weekends are lovely,

Wash the car and mow the lawns;

Fix the cuboard and repair the bike,

All these things to do on the weekend.



6 Days Your Way

Days your way,

As the world goes around;

From sunrise to sunset,

Sleeping at nightime.

Days your way,

Breakfast, lunch and dinner;

Doing what you like,

Going out and enjoying the day.

Days your way,

Sit inside and work;

Watch the television,

Anything you please.

Days your way,

Craft and games to play;

Entertainment and enjoyment,

Things to do and see.

Days your way,

If you go that way;

Then I'll go the other way,

Each to their own day.

Days your way,

Time on your hands;

Sitting on the beach,

Just doing what you like.


For Pleasure.

7 The Day Goes Bye

The day goes bye,

Life is really good;

Time is by your side,

Your on earth, enjoy the ride.

The day goes bye,

God is great;

The world is turning around,

Pleasant weather each day.

The day goes bye,

Winning is at the heart;

Time to live and see,

The beauty of the sea.

The day goes bye,

The sky is flying by;

See the sights of heaven,

Red and orange, yellow hue.

The day goes bye,

It is good to be alive;

Learning to win and thrive,

Taking time out for a drive.

The day goes bye,

Take time to explore a cave;

Diving on a reef for coral fish,

The sun shining and surf washes up on the sand.


Plenty of everything.

8 Sunrise

Sunrise in the morning,

Worth still believing;

For what you are concieving,

The beautiful, glorious burning.

Sunrise in the morning,

Coming up out of the East;

Bacon and eggs for a breakfast feast,

God has blessed even the least.

Sunrise in  the morning,

Reds, yellows and oranges;

Breaking over the sea,

Beautiful to look at and to see.

Sunrise in  the morning,

Another days new dawning;

No more crying or mourning,

Never dull or even boring.

Sunrise in  the morning,

A fresh new day to enjoy;

Pleasantness for being a good boy,

Grace and mercy to employ.

Sunrise in  the morning,

The sun higher by 6, 7, 8 & 9 Oclock;

The new day is breaking,

As the sunrises to midday.


Enjoy the day.

9 Sunset


Sunset in the evening,

The red, orange yellow glows;


Slipping off into the West,


Brilliant colours before the night.


Sunset in the evening,


The sun setting on the horizon;

Going down at the end of the day.

Looking to find another way,

For the coming night we pray.

Sunset in the evening,

Glorious beauty seeing the setting sun;

God paints a picture in the skies,

As a bird seeks to eat and flies.

Sunset in the evening,

Another day gone by the way;

I think there is something more to say,

Till we are greeted by another day.

Sunset in the evening,

Slowly sinking in the distance;

Patience, perseverance and persistance,

Presserving, paying and resistance.

Sunset in the evening,

As we see it creeping away;

And it turns to find another day,

Now is gone and stars are shining.


The sun.

10 High Noon

High noon, twelve o'clock,

Happily it is now midday;

The sun high in the sky,

Has risen and will set soon.

High noon, twelve o'clock,

Or the moon and midnight;

Stars twinkling bright in the night,

The sun the brightest star and light.

High noon, twelve o'clock,

Seeing it up there is such a sight;

The sun shining down on me,

A light so brilliantly bright.

High noon, twelve o'clock,

Lunch is set on the table,

Dinner to come and breakfast done.

Eat to your hearts content.

High noon, twelve o'clock,

The beauty of believing;

God smiling down from high above,

Heaven smiling all the while.

High noon, twelve o'clock,

Loving, looking and rejoicing;

Talking, speaking and voicing,

You opinion of the sun on high in the sky.


Don't be blinded.

CHAPTER 2 Keep Smiling

11 Sun Grins

Sun grins, keep smiling,

Laughing at the world;

Everything turning around,

Watching for a time to try.

Sun grins, keep smiling,

Rays coming shining down;

Happiness is important,

Waiting for a better place.

Sun grins, keep smiling,

Loving, looking at literature;

Why people fall into play,

Plenty of praise and prayer.

Sun grins, keep smiling,

Wonderful ways and wise;

Beautiful pictures and paintings,

Shining nearly everywhere.

Sun grins, keep smiling,

Perfect peace, a place of rest;

By never putting God to the test,

But living out days to your best.

Sun grins, keep smiling,

Sharing the light and love of day;

To where the heart needs as we pray,

The brilliant mind and light on the bay.


Happy heart.

12 Some Still Smile

Some still smile at you,

Seems the right thing to do;

Watching, waiting, smiling,

Sun shining through the blue.

Some still smile at you,

Things starting to happen true,

The sky and the sea laughing at you,

The world a paradise of water.

Some still smile at you,

Trying to make others happy;

A grin above their chin,

Laughing, looking along the line.

Some still smile at you,

Nice to see a happy face,

Blow your mind out into space,

Trying to love and find a trace.

Some still smile at you,

Making you wonder why you do;

Things that happen and come true,

The world a wave and wind that blew.

Some still smile at you,

Giving time so free and true;

Kindness and goodness just for two,

People a product the best for few.



13 It Only Takes A While

It only takes a while,

To think about life and smile;

Wondering what God has next,

For us as we make our mess.

It only takes a while,

To go for a walk and live;

Learning what we have to give,

Understanding just how to link.

It only takes a while,

Finding out what is in style;

Looking for the latest fashion,

To try and compete with others.

It only takes a while,

To go through our chest of draws and file;

To clean the bathroom and kitchen tiles,

Working out what is best for us while.

It only takes a while,

Perfecting our look and style;

As we marry and walk down the aisle,

As we take our honeymoon on an island.

It only takes a while,

To look into the heart and smile;

What God has in mind for us while,

And where He is leading us along the Nile.


Home sweet home.

14 Laugh A Minute

Laugh a minute,

Smile and wait;

Look a second,

Happinesses fait.

Laugh a minute,

Happy in heart;

Belch out from your guts,

No one listenes to the buts.

Laugh a minute,

Smiling is in style;

Watching others for a while,

The whole supermaket isle.

Laugh a minute,

God loves you very much;

Good to keep in touch,

Looking, loving, laughing.

Laugh a minute,

It does not hurt much;

You won't offend anybody,

No pun intended.

Laugh a minute,

Life is very good;

As it really should be,

Because it could and would be.


How it works out.

15 God Loves Happiness

God loves happiness,

As He is pleased with you,

All the things you do,

How His will works out too.

God loves happiness,

It pleases Him very much;

Laughing and loving yourself,

Seeing all the good there is.

God loves happiness,

Santa Claus is coming to town;

All the kids are waiting,

Plenty of toys for all.

God loves happiness,

Your purpose and pleasure;

And wonders and treasure,

With out end or measure.

God loves happiness,

Smiling down on us from heaven;

All the good things of life,

Everything working out well for all.

God loves happiness,

Good food and well eating;

Meeting others and giving greetings,

Relationship and entitlement.


We are all smiling.

16 Happy Attitudes

Happy attitudes,

Mindful existance;

In touch with pleasure,

Heaven is your treasure.

Happy attitudes,

Positive and right,

Not negative and wrong,

Balanced and figurative.

Happy attitudes,

Peaceful feelings;

Paradise of mind,

Enjoying life.

Happy attitudes,

Purposeful living;

Reason for life,

Seasons changing.

Happy attitudes,

Healthy eating,

Exercise daily,

Fitness freak.

Happy attitudes,

Changes that heal;

Choices that mean,

Charges that happen.


Reigning monarch.

17 Positive Feelings

Positive feelings,

Freedom from fear;

Joy and peace,

Happy happenings.

Positive feelings,

Revolutonize reality;

Truth and trust,

Tried and relaxed.

Positive feelings,

Purposeful people;

Prizes and gifts,

Treasured presents.

Positive feelings,

Full in presence;

Not so nervous,

Never negative.

Positive feelings,

Power and pursuasion;

Corrupt and caught,

Winning and grinning.

Positive feelings,

Niceties of life;

Nourishment and happy,

Heaven and happening.


Peace and paradise.

18 Keep Grinning

Keep grinning,

Stop sinning;

Love winning,

World spinning.

Keep grinning,

Smile for a while;

Laugh a minute,

Happiness purpose.

Keep grinning,

Watching people,

Things in style,

Fashion and passion.

Keep grinning,

From ear to ear;

Looking so lovely,

Joy to be around.

Keep grinning,

Purposeful living;

Seasonable lives,

Reasons for others.

Keep grinning,

World of your own;

Forget what you owe,

Seeing someone else.


Joy of others.

19 Smiling A While

Smiling a while,

Seeing what is in style;

Time to clean tiles,

The clock keeps ticking bye.

Smiling a while,

Happyness purpose;

Treasures in heaven,

Reasonable living.

Smiling a while,

Connecting with others;

Community spirit,

Relationship with God.

Smiling a while,

Things to be happy about;

Working to help others,

A big fat bank account.

Smiling a while,

Pleasures in life;

Marrying a wife,

Sex and in strife.

Smiling a while,

Several right ways;

Even brighter days,

Sunlight shining.


Reason for living.

20 Happy Faces

Happy faces,

Smiling hearts;

Heads in heaven,

Feet on the ground.

Happy faces,

The joy of paradise;

Peace and patience,

Life is a merrygoround.

Happy faces,

Working together;

Group service,

United we stand.

Happy faces,

People laughing;

Smiling a while,

Getting and giving.

Happy faces,

Joy of living;

Reason for the season,

Christmas gifts.

Happy faces,

See you all later,

Still being around,

You can't do without me.


Other people.

CHAPTER 3 Not Boring

21 Dead Tired

Dead Tired,

Time is running out;

Weary but not gone,

Looking for things to do.

Dead Tired,

Not sleeping well;

Can't get to sleep at nights,

Still working hard anyway.

Dead Tired,

Never bored or worried;

Just can't get the rest I need,

Things going through my mind.

Dead Tired,

Watching out for God;

Something coming my way,

At the end of another day.

Dead Tired,

For those who inquired;

Relaxation therapy,

I must take some time out.

Dead Tired,

Never giving up though;

Always more later on,

Wake up into the future.


Wide awake.

22 Still Going

Still going,

Not stopping;

Never giving up,

Not even on my mind.

Still going,

World has plenty to offer;

Things always coming ahead,

Not to leave the past behind.

Still going,

Just keep on working;

Something is happening,

Getting paid at the end of the week.

Still going,

No time for death;

Using up each breath,

Money as it happens.

Still going,

Forget about dieing;

God has plans for you,

Allways something to look forward to.

Still going,

Taking another step;

Forward and not backward,

Where we end up God knows.


Time by your side.

23 More Than You Expect

More than you expect,

What you must respect;

God tells you things to detect,

The Devil you must reject.

More than you expect,

Money coming in from places;

Putting a smile on your faces,

From out of space there is traces.

More than you expect,

Things always rolling in;

Never a real dull moment,

A bit extra every time.

More than you expect,

God loves you very deeply;

Faith and hope and trust,

Grace and mercy and truth.

More than you expect,

Learning how to connect;

Freinds coming and going,

Relationship is important.

More than you expect,

Heavens paths are made of gold;

The pearly gates and St Peter,

More to life in eternity.


Life everlasting.

24 Interesting Moments

Interesting moments,

Never a dull time;

Things always happening,

Money coming in from around the corner.

Interesting moments,

Time is something facinating;

Rhymes turning around and investing in,

Work related incidents make sure you can.

Interesting moments,

Something right now as I write;

Working for the new right,

Left at home doing nothing.

Interesting moments,

Your reflection in the water;

Shining like the light of the world,

Looking in the mirror for perfection.

Interesting moments,

Making things out of nothing;

Something there for everyone,

Santa comes at Christmas time.

Interesting moments,

Plenty of food on the table;

Never go hungry with God,

Clowns in the clouds going to town.


Places to go.

25 See What Is Next

See what is next,

The sea and the beach;

Typing out a text,

Surf, swim and sun.

See what is next,

Looking for what is coming;

Plenty happening to expect,

A banquet and a feast.

See what is next,

Forgetting what was behind;

The past has come and gone,

Passed experience counts.

See what is next,

Looking ot the sky out yonder;

People making me happy and pleased,

Why is there always trouble in hell?

See what is next,

Avoid difficult situations;

Use different perspectives,

A fleshy perplexion.

See what is next,

Travels around the world;

Maybe going out into space,

A desert and ocean encounter.


God loving.

26 Whose Coming

Whose Coming?

What is next?

Are you out there?

Where are you from?

Whose Coming?

Things are happening;

Time to turn up,

What lies around the corner?

Whose Coming?

Heaven is waiting and calling;

Are you coming along with me there?

I hope that I am not all on my own.

Whose Coming?

We are having a big party;

Plenty of people will be here,

Don't turn up uninvited.

Whose Coming?

Where are you coming from?

Do you know where you are going to?

Stay connected and invited.

Whose Coming,

Do you like reciting poetry?

We are having a reading get together,

A time and a chance to strut your stuff.


Reading mine.

27 Your Smiling

Your smiling,

Are you happy?

Grinning for a reason,

Its the silly season.

Your smiling,

Why this time?

Something makes you laugh,

A camel and a giraffe.

Your smiling,

Well good for you;

That is the way to be,

Happily smiling for a while.

Your smiling,

What is it?

Something you can't see,

You know it is there.

Your smiling,

That is a good thing;

It has a nice ring,

The joy that it brings.

Your smiling,

I can tell for sure;

There is a day for more,

A year full of cheer.


Christmas Time.

28 Not Happy, Why?

Not happy, Why?

Something gone wrong?

That frown on your face,

There must be a reason.

Not happy, Why?

Perfectly not right,

Things aren't going your way,

Seems no point to this.

Not happy, Why?

How could you be miserable?

Someone said the wrong thing,

Something to hurt and not praise.

Not happy, Why?

You not good for nothing,

Why are people so unkind?

Try to please not squeeze.

Not happy, Why?

I can't understand;

Everything seems to be good,

You can't judge a book by its cover.

Not happy, Why?

People are inconsiderate;

Universal conversation,

Smile your day will get better.


Happy days.

29 Get What You Want

Get what you want,

Everything you think you need;

No question about it,

I have simply got to have it.

Get what you want,

Work hard for the goal;

Rewards can come quick.

Get what you want,

Believe and achieve;

Concepts we concieve,

See when it is coming.

Get what you want,

Things you talk about;

People go walkabout,

Dreamtime is a reality.

Get what you want,

Created and creation;

Working hard to get it,

Recieved at your door.

Get what you want,

All you ever asked;

God will provide your request,

According to His heavenly will.


Our Father.

30 Things Fall Into Place

Things fall into place,

Coming into fruition;

The truth of happiness,

God's heavenly face.

Things fall into place,

Like water from a waterfall;

Air blowing in the wind,

The joy of answered prayer.

Things fall into place,

The way it all should happen;

Just as life should be,

It doesn't rain it pours.

Things fall into place,

Love, faith and hope;

Peace, happiness and joy,

Mercy, grace and goodness.

Things fall into place,

Kindness shining down on me;

Sunshine on my shoulders,

The wind beneath my wings.

Things fall into place,

Standing on both feet;

Knowing your right from your left,

Typing, writing, penning it down.


Get what you want.

CHAPTER 4 Never Lose

31 No Good Turning Back

No good turning back,

Don't look over your shoulder;

Leave the past behind,

The future holds the key.

No good turning back,

Stay focused an committed;

What is true and right,

Freedom finds out its own cause.

No good turning back,

Leave that for Harry and Jack;

Every Tom, Dick and Larry,

You have your own name to hang onto.

No good turning back,

Jesus Christ is coming back;

Heaven is up there waiting,

God sits on His thrown.

No good turning back,

Our hope is over the horizon;

Dawn is turning into dusk,

Tommorrow holds promises of its own.

No good turning back,

The future is in front of you;

Look beyond and and above,

The dead are in the past.


God Bless.

32 Don't Bet On It

Don't bet on it,

You can't win all the time,

Take your chances with God,

Writing lines along the rhyme.

Don't bet on it,

The pill and the pillow;

Lay your head down on it,

Wake up to a new day tomorrow.

Don't bet on it,

Luck is something you make;

Your own chance in life,

Money is safe in the bank.

Don't bet on it,

Your not getting past this;

Forgetting something you missed,

Remember tomorrow is always coming.

Don't bet on it,

Find out what you need to know;

Read all those books on the shelf,

God is not a flee bitten elf.

Don't bet on it,

You can't count your chickens before they hatch;

Neither can you count all the stars in the sky,

God loves you as much as all the sand on the beach.


Pass this time.

33 Lucky Chances

Lucky chances,

The choice is yours;

Life is a big gift,

Love is a blessing.

Lucky chances,

You only get one crack at it;

Make the best of what you have got,

You will win if you persist.

Lucky chances,

Work is never ending;

Trying to get what you want,

Money is the key to success.

Lucky chances,

It is a safe bet on God;

He will give you what you need,

In His good time and plan.

Lucky chances,

Making time by rhyming;

Knowing what you need more of,

It is a choice we are all making.

Lucky chances,

Some things drop and fall in your lap;

Like turning on and off the tap,

Like your head is the top of the world.


Good old earth.

34 Choices Are For Real

Choices are for real,

So are gifts of the spirit;

Fruit of what you deserve,

God will always reserve the right.

Choices are for real,

We have to make our own chances;

Like going to church on the weekend,

God holds the key to your future.

Choices are for real,

Things turn out to be ideal;

Counting money for what you need,

Buy a nice house to live in.

Choices are for real,

God cares how you feel;

And He reads what you are trying to reel in,

Wait till the time is right.

Choices are for real,

Think things through carefully;

Make up your mind and ideas,

You can buy what makes you happy.

Choices are for real,

See clearly what lies ahead;

Wake up and get out of your bed,

God holds heaven within your head.


What is gone is beaten.

35 Being Bad Sins

Being bad sins,

Seeing what wins;

Life under your skin,

That decietful heart.

Being bad sins,

Committing a crime,

Caught out in rhyme,

Learning to do the time.

Being bad sins,

Agreeing God wins,

Putting out the bins,

Not being fat but thin.

Being bad sins,

All the things gone wrong;

You just can't have your way,

How to fix and get out of it.

Being bad sins,

Ignoring the truth of life;

The law of sin and death,

The wages of pages and breath.

Being bad sins,

Walking down the street,

You can't hide from me,

God holds the winning truth in the end.


Being good.

36 Being Good Wins

Being good wins,

Doing evil sins;

Great to feel right,

Love achievement of things.

Being good wins,

My head and my mind;

All people being kind,

Grace, Mercy, joy and peace.

Being good wins,

Faith in the future;

Hope for a better life,

Certainty of eternity.

Being good wins,

Natural and national;

Culture and edicate,

Honesty and morality.

Being good wins,

Freedom and living;

Being good wins,

Blowing, breathing the wind;

Search for the sign,

Direction and purpose.


Reason to live.

37 Right Or Wrong?

Right or wrong,

Writing left;

Written Britian,

Money payment.

Right or wrong,

Living so long;

Loving forever,

Peace and happiness.

Right or wrong,

Judgement and jury;

Crimes committed,

Sentenced to jail.

Right or wrong,

People are winning;

Rhymes are sinning,

The earth is spinning.

Right or wrong,

The sun is shining;

Not at night time,

Orange, lemon and lime.

Right or wrong,

Plenty of time;

Punish the crime,

Reason and rhyme.


Locked or looked up.

38 Make Best Decisions

Make best decisions,

Be sure you are right;

Perfect writing wins,

Good things in life.

Make best decisions,

Trying to stay alive;

Pleasure and we strive,

Going for a nice long drive.

Make best decisions,

Indicators and precision;

Best future direction,

Ending up in the right place.

Make best decisions,

Know where you have been;

Enjoying everything you have seen,

Travlling and seeing the scene.

Make best decisions,

Caring about people;

Money in the bank,

Time left for living.

Make best decisions,

Putting down in words;

Things are real and worth,

The best places on earth.


God's world.

39 Aye Or Eyes

Aye or eyes,

Starting and seeing;

Being and winning,

Dieing and sinning.

Aye or eyes,

Know where your going;

See where you have been,

Keeping everything clean.

Aye or eyes,

Understand what I mean;

Blue, red, yellow and green,

Prayer for clear water.

Aye or eyes,

The earth is our home;

From where we travel and rome,

Searching with a fine tooth comb.

Aye or eyes,

Nose, mouth and ears;

Pray beyond the sky for your fears,

Living a long time in years.

Aye or eyes,

God kicks it all off;

Finishes it with a grin,

Laugh all the way to heaven.


Well I am not going to hell.

40 Keep Praying

Keep praying,

God is waiting to hear;

What you want to ask Him,

Hhe has control of your destiny.

Keep praying,

His is in heaven,

Sinners go to hell,

Paradise for people.

Keep praying,

Answering your questions;

Giving you what you need,

Wanting and waiting.

Keep praying,

Don't give up hope;

God really loves you,

Faith for the future.

Keep praying,

God is listening to you;

Caring and rewarding,

Blessings and honour.

Keep praying,

Morality is the reason;

Pleasure is the purpose,

Treasure is on earth.


Waiting anticipating.

CHAPTER 5 Day Time

41 Sunshines

Sunshines brightly,

Reasons for living;

See where your going,

Know what you are doing.

Sunshines brightly,

Reading and writing;

Stars twinkle nightly,

Daytiime is dwindling.

Sunshines brightly,

Pastures and paddocks;

Sheep and cattle grazing,

Sun ever really blazing.

Sunshines brightly,

Looks lovely on the water;

Reflection and perfection,

Correction and selection.

Sunshines brightly,

What is hiding in the shadows;

Trees wavering with the shade,

The green grass blades.

Sunshines brightly,

Jesus risen from the cross,

Gone to heaven and He did not leave us,

But gave us life eternal in eternity.


The paradise factor.

42 Still Smiling

Still smiling,

Happy at last;

Keep smiling,

Bad times will pass.

Still smiling,

The right way to go;

Happily staying in the know,

Keep up the happy face.

Still smiling,

It is well with my soul;

As we age and grow old,

Santa on The North Pole.

Still smiling,

Happy all the while;

Things are all in style,

Money in a mountain pile.

Still smiling,

It is good to be happy;

Waiting for things to happen,

Laughing all the way to the bank.

Still smiling,

I like seeing your face;

Keep up the hard faith,

Smiling, happy and laughing.


Well done.

43 Work Hard

Work hard,

It is good for you;

Earning an income,

Worth waiting for the wealth.

Work hard,

Happy and healthy;

Rewarding and fulfilling,

Enjoyable and worth it.

Work hard,

Smile at your style,

See what you will get,

Money for the effort.

Work hard,

Time on your hands,

As time goes bye,

Clouds out the window.

Work hard,

Things to play with and do;

Tools and operating equipment,

The joy of a successful job.

Work hard,

Maintain the faith;

The right centred outlook,

Security and safety.


Peace forever.

44 Enjoy The Weather

Enjoy the weather,

What a lovely day;

Good to shout and sing,

Peace the sunny sky will bring.

Enjoy the weather,

A few clouds passing along;

The days get grey and long,

Blue skies and white clouds.

Enjoy the weather,

Peace and joy forever;

No matter what the whether,

Reading at home on a seat of leather.

Enjoy the weather,

Changing, turning, healing;

Beautiful, brilliant and bright,

Happy and ceaselessly peaceful.

Enjoy the weather,

Watching wonderful workings;

God handiness of creation,

Hardy and tardy relation.

Enjoy the weather,

Loving, living and looking;

Facinating, fantastic and unforgetable,

Whether your life or death.


For all times.

45 Playing Around

Playing around,

Head above the ground;

Heavens in the sky,

Fills your mind with peace.

Playing around,

Listening to the sound,

A song in the hills,

The noise of the traffic.

Playing around,

Having a nice fun time;

Enjoying each others company,

Happy family games.

Playing around,

Caught in the act of adultry;

Susceptable to the law,

Where two tango and tangle.

Playing around,

Forget the dismal past;

Look to the brighter future,

Where times are happier.

Playing around,

Try and do the right thing;

Get married and have a family,

Children are a joy to behold.


Living music.

46 Sun Or Rain

Sun or rain,

Showers or snow;

Go to the beach,

As the waves reach.

Sun or rain,

Whether you care;

Weather you know,

Simply a sun shower.

Sun or rain,

Pleaseure or treasure,

Enjoying any kind of day,

Depends on which way you go.

Sun or rain,

Prayer for the care,

Weather that you want,

Whether you are in need.

Sun or rain,

Shines on the Godly and Ungodly;

At peace with the one who made us,

It all happens to work out at the right time.

Sun or rain,

Rains on the righteous and unrighteous;

All about happening the best way,

Be sure there is a judgement.


Righteous God.

47 Blue Skies

Blue skies,

Smiling at me,

Happy to see,

Right for you.

Blue skies,

Beautiful to look at;

Brilliant sun shining through,

A few white scattered clouds.

Blue skies,

Loving and living;

Looking and growing,

Godliness and greatness.

Blue skies,

Peace and joy;

Mercy and grace,

Faith and healing.

Blue skies,

Lovely to look at;

Happiness forever,

Peaceful times.

Blue skies,

Sick or well;

Heart for healing,

Head in heaven.


Like life.

48 Cloudy Days

Cloudy days,

Try not to worry;

Going your own ways,

The sky keeps changing.

Cloudy days,

Heavenly peace;

Moving about,

Things just happen.

Cloudy days,

It just might rain;

Forget all the pain,

Working hard for gain.

Cloudy days,

Whether the weather;

Always stays the same,

It looks like Christmas.

Cloudy days,

Never a dull moment;

Lots of things to do,

Parties and good times.

Cloudy days,

Better staying indoors;

A roof right over your head,

I just like them anyway.


People pick.

49 Still Happy

Still happy,

Its been a long time;

Working out all well,

Keep a smile on your face.

Still happy,

It is a good way to be;

After all those painful days,

Getting your head on top of things.

Still happy,

Lose that frown forever;

Laughing at the weather,

Living out your days.

Still happy,

Beautiful to behold;

God is full of gold,

Sun shining at me.

Still happy,

Billy on the boil;

Tea for the Tillerman,

Coffee at the cafe.

Still happy,

The right way to see;

Everything right to me,

Writing to be happy and free.


Well done.

50 Dawn Or Dusk

Dawn or dusk,

Day or night;

Way to fight,

Write the light.

Dawn or dusk,

Right or left;

Worry is wrong,

Kind of deep.

Dawn or dusk,

Sunrise or sunset;

Colours of reds;

Oranges and yellows,

Gold and silver.

Dawn or dusk,

Thinking aloud;

Time for thought,

Setting sun.

Dawn or dusk,

Rainbows and hues;

Beauty and strife,

Brilliant minds.

Dawn or dusk,

A shade of night;

First light arises,

Twinkling stars.



CHAPTER 6 Won One Win

51 Winning The Days

Winning the days,

Trying to find;

People who are kind,

Money on your mind.

Winning the days,

Fighting for good;

Only with God,

Life never ends.

Winning the days,

Working hard to earn,

People in the bank,

Sunshining all day.

Winning the days,

Lucky and loving;

In life and death,

Losing your lunch.

Winning the days,

Wondering the ways,

Wisdom of the wise,

Women walk on water.

Winning the days,

Living in hope;

Face up with faith,

Loving and looking.



52 Each Day Even

Each day even,

Nothing is odd;

Eating for God,

Faith and prayer.

Each day even,

Thirty to a month

Twelve months a year,

366 days in a leap year.

Each day even,

It all works out well;

We all get what we want,

Making our own needs.

Each day even,

Everything is fair;

Depends on your heart,

Whether your mind gives.

Each day even,

Great what you get;

Thankful for everything,

Joy and happiness.

Each day even,

Preach it brother,

Listen to the sermon,

Working for heaven.


To your own.

53 You Have To Eat

You have to eat,

Or you will die;

The beauty of food,

Fresh all the time.

You have to eat,

Three times a day;

Prayer in a way,

Then you can say.

You have to eat,

Nourishment helps;

Meat and vegatables,

Sweet and savoury.

You have to eat,

Glorious gracious;

Giving back to God,

Nuture and native.

You have to eat,

Its the best thing to do;

Joy and happiness,

Freedom from want.

You have to eat,

Need and sacrifice;

Peace and grace,

Not self indulging.


Gone to the toilet.

54 One Meal, One Million

One meal, one million,

Minutes of eating;

People and food,

Starving or hungry.

One meal, one million,

Thousands enjoying;

Money for employing,

Everyone working.

One meal, one million,

Production on time;

Words of a rhyme,

Caring and sharing.

One meal, one million,

Giving and getting;

Serrving and seeing,

The starving are fed.

One meal, one million,

The gift of life,

Money for missions,

No one should die.

One meal, one million,

Christmas dinner,

Plenty for everybody,

Food left over.


No one goes hungry.

55 Water In The Air

Water in the air,

Clouds and vapour;

Evaporation and waiting,

Condensation and precipitation.

Water in the air,

Moisture and humidity;

Sweating in the heat,

Mist on the swamp.

Water in the air,

Raining and pouring;

Drought and irrigation,

Wet and dry days.

Water in the air,

Miserable and happy;

Cold and the flu,

Running noses never stop.

Water in the air,

Grey and black clouds;

Waiting for the rain,

Dumb on a dull day.

Water in the air,

A drink for a millionaire;

Urinating and pollenating,

Sex and sea water.



56 A Sure Thing

A sure thing,

A stable table;

Pen and paper,

Writing and righting.

A sure thing,

Bet on a winner;

No matter the weather,

Whether the water.

A sure thing,

Buildings and houses;

Units and universities,

Hospitals and schools.

A sure thing,

Life everlasting;

Eternal life,

Never infinity.

A sure thing,

Goes on forever;

People must live,

Money for food.

A sure thing,

Earth turning around,

The way of the world,

Things going to happen.


Great gift.

57 God Granted

God granted,

Grace and mercy;

Jesus and the life,

Peace and joy.

God granted,

Kindness and goodness;

Forgiveness and forgetting,

Great gift of love.

God granted,

Peace and happiness;

Righteous and restored,

Living in the resurrection.

God granted,

Perfect solution;

End of polution,

Scientific notation.

God granted,

Plenty of enjoyment;

Working and employment,

Food and nourishment.

God granted,

Trees everywhere;

Mountains and rivers,

Organs and oceans.


Drink of water.

58 Right With God

Right with God,

Joyous living;

Peace forever,

Mercy and grace.

Right with God,

Perfect relationship;

Restored and righteous,

Justified and redeemed.

Right with God,

Loving and really;

Heavenly dreams,

Eternal happiness.

Right with God,

Way to be and go;

Time for everyday,

Money when needed.

Right with God,

Living correctly;

Loving enjoying,

Free to embrace.

Right with God,

World in order;

Earth still turning,

People are honoured.


Really written.

59 Won The Day

Won the day,

Enjoyed the life;

Endured long term,

Victory fulfilled.

Won the day,

All done and eaten

All gone and beaten,

All going to heaven.

Won the day,

Christ on the cross;

Restored and redeemed,

Furture perfection.

Won the day,

We are lucky enough;

Winning the final prize,

The joy of everything.

Won the day,

Bet on the best;

Live in the spirit,

God reigns on high.

Won the day,

Right restoration;

Redemmed and righteous,

Rescued and fulfilled.


Peace forever.

60 Never Look Back

Never look back,

Except if your lost;

Just count the cost,

Remember the past.

Never look back,

On the hard times gone by;

Look to the furture,

Where hope is still nurturing.

Never look back,

The worst is gone behind;

What is coming is brighter,

Hold on to the truth and the light.

Never look back,

God holds onto the keys;

The trees are all free,

The beauty being you and me.

Never look back,

On what is beaten and gone;

Leave the past well behind,

The future is still in front.

Never look back,

Faith will find you home;

Honesty will keep you safe,

Somewhere over the rainbow.


Don't get upset.


The Climax

God wins the day, His peace and mercy are never ending, the highlight of heaven is the joy of winning the prize of eternal life. It does not get much better than this, living in a right relationship with God in a restored environment. The climax of winning is the perfect beauty of a restored life, where the days are never ending and the nights are always there. Coming into a right relationship with God as to speak so of the life neverending, eternal destination and arival in heaven. We simply can't sit still with our hands under our bottoms and feet up on a pedestal all the time without working for a living to achieve the desired goal of winning the day. Money is important but not everything and having enough time to get everything done is a treasured posession. I hope that you have enjoyed this new book of Parsifal wins the day and got something out of it that is appropriate and applicable to yourself. It has been a bit of an action thriller, even though the joy of winning is still to be fulfilled in most of us. We should live each and every day as a gift of God with plenty of joys to be fullfilled in His happiness purposes. The reason for lving is not to make more and more money but to offer the selfless service of Christian giving to others less fortunate than ouselves. Even when we thing of achieving more for ourselves we have to remember those who are in destitute situations and try to help supply the needs of those unable to fend for themselves. By making friends of our neighbours and learning to live in a righteous state with God where the country is counting for all the best things iin life to come. The beauty of selfless offering is our way or winning the day, when the dark clouds of hell appear to be rising on our doorsteps. God has the keys to paradise and perfection and can lead us out of troubled waters to sit safe and sound on the mountain top. Thankyou for reading this book even if you can't relate to it fully, there will definitely be a sense of peace and joy in living out the events after the fact. God Bless you in your future endeavours and stay with me for the journey and ride of writing the next book in the stillness of Parsifal Quietly Achieves. Darel R. MCAllister.