Type and Read

Write what you like and read all the type,

I'm using my pen and need a wife whether will wipe;

You're reading the type I have typed with my computer,

And you need the look and type of a commuter.


What are the twelve disciples are they apostles or stones,

When their birthdays are they typed numbers or phones;

If you can read the type of people you see,

Is their face giving them away or have you just paid me.


I typed and I read and now you are expecting me to lead?

But just wait your turn and have the patience you need;

I need the patience to type and to read a bit faster,

So something which is something I can rewrite and master.


I write at my own speed and whenever I like,

When I can or am led or am some other kind of life;

The type that you read is stars to what words,

And to people without brains who think pills are birds.


If the type and the read are a book in your hand,

The books on the shelf will all mount up quite grand;

All the type that I read or write will all walk around on legs,

And I'm eating chicken or fish and begging for eggs.


Type and read words and I'll find out what kind they'll be,

For those who know Jesus and or even possibly me;

Book shops are full of publishers and books to be read,

So now ends this poem, wondering if I am dead or am led.



What life is a word.