
It's time to strike it rich so stake your claim,
It might be gold or diamonds, but whatever your game;
Make sure you make something besides only your name,
For this is the way to stand up to fame.

Claims are for people who return things that are broken,
For this matters for products in which you have spoken;
Claim whatever is true and all that you do,
Claim words of wisdom and cling onto them too.

Great is the man who can claim God in his heart,
For he is very clever and intelligent and smart;
Now that sot easy for every man to do,
Unless you believe in yourself and have faith in what's true.

Claim all you can when it's right and proper,
For God will know everything and put in the stopper;
But for now just listen to the claims that you've made,
And make sure that in all of them you are making the grade.

I'm not the dark horse but what I don't know,
Claims will not offer to soften the blow;
But what will all this be, when in the end,
They hold to the truth and claim a new friend.

Claims are not simple but seem to blend in,
If its not that we're people, all trying to win;
But sometimes it seems, a bit kind of like the sin,
So take stock of your claims and hold up your chin.


Who is claiming to be what