
What a lovely and special time of year,
It's the birth of our saviour who we all wait to appear;
There's holly and tinsell and of course there a tree,
When gifts are given to those who believe in he.

There's Chris Cringle and who Saints that none can deny,
And Rudolf the reindeer who lights up the sky;
With snowmen and candles we all find our dream,
As the sparkle and glitter glow as gold does it seem.

And carols with choirs to fill up our hearts,
With joy and with love in which they impart;
So don't forget to hang up your stocking,
For he comes down the chimney for the behaved not the chocking.

The shops are alive with decorations to spare,
With people in the stores who spend without care;
Now look to this time and message from above,
And be inspired by his grace and abide in his love.