
Is there enough justice in this big wide world,
Would there be someone on which you could call;
This kind of offer may seem amazingly small,
But God is really out there, when people aren't warm.

Fairness is a thing which really is good,
It gives heart to the beaten as victory would;
It's a thing you can count on when all else fails,
For like goodness and kindness, fairness heals all.

Miracles do happen in this world of constant pain,
When the poor want pity and the rich their self gains;
But down deep in the heart where a it hurts the most,
There's still faith to be found in the Lord Holy Ghost.

Many men needed a living from the land,
By helping one another produced their own crop by hand;
In the city where the victim in one quiet small child,
God oversees and ensures his life's worth whiled.

You see in the system the Devil gets his way,
But not when there's sunshine on the earth all the day;
People and progress well that will happen just fine,
But somewhere unknowingly fairness got lost in the line.

Brilliant as it may seem to always, seek truth,
The answer is solved when the question is provided proof;
If there is something about fairness is that there is meaning to all,
For passion can beat us when God's seen as small.

So what then happens when you're left out on a limb,
Are left for the lions when the branch breaks and sins;
The monkeys come and rescue you when bananas bend the bow,
And all the goodness in the world is then yet know.

There's still a loving attraction in this world we try and win,
Like the word and wind give a good old Biblical grin;
As if the money is finally coming and you held the key,
The worry and fear all disappear to me.


Really rational