Seek Out Why (2)

Seek out why you come near or go far,
Trouble is close but God is right there;
Love all the good things by questioning why,
Look toward heaven and see the beautiful blue sky.
Seek out why you are lost or are found,
Manage to keep your head above the ground;
Stay clear and true to your heart's desire,
Look hard and high for all of God's love.
Seek out why the earth is round and you are upon,
Look to the heavens and the sky far beyond;
Avoid hell at all costs and work well and safe,
Stay true to yourself and try not to waste.
Seek out the truth of the good news of God,
Understand how the beauty is there to behold;
Ask for your heart to find always good sense,
Why am I human and why is gold cold?
Seek out why there is in everywhere an ultimate cost,
Why there is a price for everything so nothing gets lost;
Take time for yourself and make memories to remember,
Consider that money for myself is a selfish endeavour.
Seek out the good things in life and God will bless,
Consider your neighbour and how you can help;
See that you try and do things right all the time,
You have had more than your fair share of reason in rhyme.

Always thankful.