Good And Kind

Good and kind is typically those who care like twinkling stars above,
God is gold to those who love and share with him a prayer;
Good and kind are the things of life which treat you always fair,
God is good to those who show a kindness in faith beyond compare.

Good and kind and never odd, are all the good gifts of God's love,
To those who know his heart so fair, he shines his light from above;
And always teaching caring ways of different truths on different days,
From God whose kind beyond compare, who leads and guides and teaches care.

Good and kind, I say I live that God would only show me his life,
And all creation from earth's beginning, leaves itself to heaven above;
For God is good and God is kind, for matters of concern upon the mind,
As all is fair in love and what, peace fills the hearts to endure the more.

Good and kind and often smart, to lead the love of godly hearts,
Whose world of care is beyond compare, to save the lives of the simply smart;
Good and kind in a work of despair where life begins and ends in care,
And all the good God did impart is found in minds and hearts who dare.

Good and kind is life greater than death, to each and every single breath,
For the love of God beats all evil and odd and lives to beat another breast;
Good and kind it's fair to say, that Gods love leads the whole world away,
For in the quest of meaning heaven, hell is dealt with another day.

Good and kind and loving forever, all the turmoil of troubled weather,
And whether the wise are good and kind or fools within their own mind;
Good and kind I know not why but search the heart for eternal sky,
To know how the world will end, is for the earth to drive you around the bend.


A nice day out