General Daily News 1-2 Months


The Working And Learning Centre 42 Books

*The Mind Of Peace and Paradise in Poetry*

Including News Worthy Events and Articles

*In The Daily Journaling Of Life & Learning*

On Poem 51 Parsifal and Romance - Book 43



The Knowledge Centre-*Intellectual Literature*8/12-Books

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3.--- *** KING OF PARADISE *** ---

The Education Centre*Psychological Literature*3/12-Books

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***So That Is A Total of 53 Books On The Three Websites***


Darel R McAllister~BSB 082141 Account Number 271680749


31/07/2024 Wednesday

30/07/2024 Tuesday Manly

29/07/2024 Monday

28/07/2024 Sunday Church

27/07/2024 Saturday Pay day

26/07/2024 Friday

25/07/2024 Thursday

24/07/2024 Wednesday Pyschiatrist

23/07/2024 Tuesday Manly

22/07/2024 Monday

21/07/2024 Sunday Church Camp

20/07/2024 Saturday Church Camp

19/07/2024 Friday Church Camp

18/07/2024 Thursday

17/07/2024 Wednesday

16/07/2024 Tuesday

15/07/2024 Monday

14/07/2024 Sunday Church

13/07/2024 Saturday Pay Day

12/07/2024 Friday

11/07/2024 Thursday Bible Study Lunch

10/07/2024 Wednesday

09/07/2024 Tuesday Manly

08/07/2024 Monday

07/07/2024 Sunday Church

06/07/2024 Saturday

05/07/2024 Friday

04/07/2024 Thursday Marje Podiatrist

03/07/2024 Wedneday Marje Bone Specialist

02/07/2024 Tuesday Manly

12.30 am Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly again today and bought a sausage roll for $40 and a coffee for $5.38. I gave $20 to the church and had poridge for breakfast, Douglas shouted, welcome of you found the website here today. I am picking Ruth up from a nursing home and taking her to Dialysis now for $30. Have a good day and more later. Darel. 

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am back from taking Ruth to the hospital for $30, I bought $5 Red Rooster on the way home. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good eveninga nd good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a coffee and a piece of fruit cake. Then I was still hungry so I went looking for a Lebanese Bakery only to find out that they all close early, so I went to Dominos and bought a $7 peperoni pizza. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

01/07/2024 Monday

4.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I got nearly $30 interest this morning. That will pay one mission, World Vision today $20. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

5.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I read up to Exodus 26 and Marje and I are going for another drive this morning, if it does not rain. They have predicted floods for the whole week in Noah proprotions, so we will just have to see how we go. More Later. Darel.

6.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading Exodus. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a drive down to Bowral via Picton and back, we got $45 petrol and Marje gave me $20. I bought a pie $7 and bottle of water $2 = $9. I also paid the website provider for my three websites for a year $759. More Later. Darel. 

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a piece of cake and cup of coffee with Marje for afternoon tea. Just checked the markets this afternoon and the ABC News. I have been watching Harvey Norman shares which have dropped a lot over the past 3 months. That is about it once again for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

30/06/2024 5th Sunday Church Lunch

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church and saved my $50 for next week, I gave $50 on Thursday online. I picked Marje up from her church and we had lunch at my church. Up to Exodus 21. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just listened to music this afternoon while lieing down resting. I went down for afternoon tea with Marje at 3.00 pm and had two pieces of fruit cake that Jannette made and took to Marje at church this morning. That is it for today, interest overnight tonight, maybe $45. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂ

29/06/2024 Saturday Pay day

6.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been paid and now have $10,000 in my goalsaver account, I should get about $45-$50 interest tomorrow night. Going for a drive this morning with Marje I think. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. Marje and I have driven down through Appin to Thirroul and back through Waterfall and home. I will get petrol on Monday after my interest goes in, I think I will put my $50 in for church tomorrow and then I will be right for next week as well after paying $50 online on Thursday. I also have two $20 Mission payments coming out next week on the 1st and 7th, but I can dip into the $10,000 after I see how much interest I make on that figure. I have a $20,000 goal now for the end of next year. More Later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂ

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am having trouble getting my e-mails as Telstra has been notified URL as it has a scam on it. I have done smart scans on my computer to detect issues but all seems ok. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am up to Exodus 7 now after reading just one chapter this morning and getting stuck, stuck again now. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, we finished off Josephines rockmelon that she gave Marje. Church tomorrrow with lunch after the service, I will pick up Marje after her church and take her back for lunch at mine. I am slowing down a bit with my reading and writing again, can't be helped but I will try and get over this stuckness next week. Nothing coming to my mind of late but I have been enjoying the plenty of walking that I have been doing recently. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel. ÂÂÂÂÂ

28/06/2024 Friday Walking Group

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I did my walk this morning from Manly Wharf to Dee Why beach along the coast, through Queenscliffe, Freshwater, Curl Curl and around the headland to Dee Why Beach. I had McDonalds at Circular Quay for $12.95 and a coffee in Manly $5.30 and a bottle of cola $1.20 and four potato scallops in Dee Why Beach for $5.60. I gave $5 to The Salvation Army as well. Lovely fine weather and beautiful scenery, coastal views and beaches. I caught the B1 bus back to Wynyard from Pittwater Road Dee Why and train home. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have taken Marje up to Vinnies to get rid of some cloths and wool for $10, she also gave me $40 for two days next week on Wednesday Podiatrist and Thursday bone specialist. $50 all up now in cash. That is it for today. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a cup of coffee and a plate full of cut up rockmelon that Josephine gave Marje for me. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel. ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

27/06/2024 Thursday Bible StudyÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Genesis this morning, going to Bible Study today and the church. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from HJ's and Bible Study, I bought a bottle of water from Woolworths for 80c. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, about 5 Tim Tams and a rocky road biscuit with a cup of coffee. Just rested this afternoon, listening to music and lieing down, checked the market which was down badly (120 points) this morning and recovered halfway this afternoon and the ABC News, Assainge home and done his time, now a free man. That is about it for today, tomorrow I am walking over ten kms with two friends. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

26/06/2024 Wednesday-Pyschiatrist 11.15 am

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I took Marje out to Pearls grave this morning after HJ's and she got flowers at Coles. Then we went to my Pyschiatrist and got a coffee, tea and lollies. Up to Genesis 40. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Parramatta with Marje shopping, she bought Ugg Boots $49 and a warm coat for $100, she gave me $40 and we got $54 petrol. We went to Woolworths on the way home and she bought me pies and cheese for about $16. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a cup of coffee and a couple of biscuits. I did the budget for next fortnight already. That is about it for today, Bible Study at the church tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.


25/06/2024 Tuesday Manly

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and given $20, I had a pie and 2 coffees for $11, someone shouted one. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been and bought a charcoal chicken for $14 and gave Marje a quarter. More Later. Darel

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I had two $5 bets on the races and won on both of them $36.57 total, $26.57 profit. Afternoon Tea time now with Marje. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a cup of coffee and a rocky road biscuit and then Ronnie came in with a magnum ice cream for us each. Did not really want to bet anymore but I saw two chances of winning which I did. That is it for today, Pyschiatrist tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

24/06/2024 Monday Cronulla Beach

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at CRonulla again this morning and had $12.95 McDonalds on the way. Yesterday on our way to church as per usual we stopped at Hungry Jacks where Marje always shouts a $6 meal for both of us. I gave $10 to their make a wish for critically ill children to do something or get something they wish for. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I went to Woolworths and The Chemist for Marje as she was not feeling well for $15. Up to Genesis 14. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am up to Genesis 32 now. I fell over again at the beach this morning, I was watching the tractor on South Cronulla Beach and there was an uneven step on the path / esplanade and I went over like I did a Manly about a month ago. I will have to be more careful where I put my feet and keep my steps in my mind. At Manly I was chasing a volly ball which came up on the path from the beach and I ran and slipped on the grass, today was just a case of not watching where my feet were going when the tractor was turning around and going through the water. More Later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje as per usual, a cup of coffee and one Rocky Road Biscuit. Just listened to music otherwise, I did not watch even one race today as I might be tempted to bet, there was one horse that the selectors picked yesterday which I was going to put $10 on, it came in at $7.50 and would have paid $75. But this can't be helped it might of lost as well which is why I did not bet on it. That is about it again for today, Manly tomorrow. Carol gave me a dozen eggs and some carrots from Ruth's place as she is in respite care for a month. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

23/06/2024 Sunday

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church and given $50, the sermon was on Ephesians 2 1-10. I bought a Chinese bun for $4 and a packet of chips and a bottle of water for $3.80 from Woolworths, I gave my $2.20 change to Marje, as she always like today shouts HJ's. Up to chapter 10 of Genesis in my Baker Christian Standard Version Bible. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just listened to music and watched a few races, no betting. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a cup of coffee and about 6 caramel Tim Tams. She has another packet there of double choc. I am not sure what I am doing tomorrow but the next four days are all booked up and then it is pay day again. I updated the news segment and got my dates right and added July to the news section as well. Marje gave me a couple more little cans of Tuna that Nefus son gave her, I got three cans off her two weeks ago and ate them and also a jar of Vittoria instant coffee unopened. Nefu is coming back to Australia after being in Samoa for over a year now, but she can't move back into her unit here as she is in a wheel chair and her unit is on the first floor, one level up the stairs. She will move in with one of her five sons when she returns, maybe we can visit her there then. That is about it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

22/06/2024 Saturday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read 2 Corinthians and Galatians this morning, Ephesians next as I try and finish off my Bible today. It is raining constantly and has been raining most of the night, so it is no good going to the beach for a walk today. I rang Marje at 7.30 am and she slept in till 7.00 am like I did yesterday. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now read Ephesians, Phillipians and Collossians. 1&2 Thessalonians and 1&2 Timothy next. More Later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading1&2 Thessalonians and 1&2 Timothy. Titus, Philimon, Hebrews, James, 1&2 Peter, 1&2&3 John, Jude and then Revelations next. More Later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am now up to Revelations. Going for pizza for lunch with Marje I think now. More later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been and had Domino's Pizza with Marje, she shouted, mine the pepperoni was $7, her ham and pineapple was $11. Should be back at 1.00 pm with revelations read and my Bible finished for the 316th time through. More later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News Bible For The 316th Time Through

Good afternoon again today. I have now finished reading my Life Recovery Bible which is 316 times through the Bible now for me. Baker Illustrated Study Bible next. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good eveninga nd good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just rested and listening to music, I watched a few races but no betting. Then I had afternoon tea with Marje, just a cup of tea and a couple of Rocky Road biscuits. Church tomorrow, my minister is still up the North Coast I think, probably looking after his mother and making arrangements as she is now on her own and also elderly. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

21/06/2024 Friday

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read 1 Corinthians this morning, I rang my sister to see how she is doing in getting over covid. Marje and I may go for a drive today after I read 2 Corinthians. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. This may seem like the first news for today as the 8.30 am did not save properly earlier. I have been for a drive with Marje down through Campbelltown and Appin and back through Thirroul, Sea Cliff Bridge and Waterfall. We filled up near home for $60 and Marje gave me $20. No luck with the Powerball tickets last night, I am $2 up this week with my wagering. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I took Marje to get an X-Ray done but they said she did not need it because she only had one done three months ago. She had her appointment in December brought forward to 2nd July with the same doctor so we thought he might want the x-ray done before that, not to be, they rang the doctor. She gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just checked the ABC News and the market this afternoon, listening to some music. There was one share that I was tempted to buy BSX at .043 and is currently at a 52 week low of .041, so you could buy 100,000 shares for just over $4,000. I don't think they will go down any further but for them to go up in a sudden is another story as well. I also want to keep my money to have the $10,000 in my goal saver account next weekend. So no more betting or gambling, no races tomorrow even though I can, no more lottery tickets or Powerball as the $40 mil went off last night as well and that is only $5 mil now. The $2 lottery ticket is at about $2.5 mil for the jackpot but very hard to get and not easy to win either. I will see how that goes after the first of July when I get about $50 interest on my $10,000. Betting on the interest is a safe and sure thing. You just have to leave your money there in the bank and you get paid. I went down to see Marje about 3.15 to 3.45 pm but did not have anything to eat or drink. I just had a small can of Chilli Tuna for dinner after a couple of pies for lunch. That is about it for today. Not sure what I am doing tomorrow, maybe another walk at the beach or reading my Bible as I could finish it off from here in a day of I really try now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

20/06/2024 Thursday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been paid the lump sum from Centrelink $1587.45 and have $9400 now with the $700 in my next pay I will have $10,000 I hope and meet my goal saver amount. I am up to Acts 14 and taking Josephine at 9.00 am, then getting Marjes pay for her. Have a good day and more later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading Acts. More later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now read Romans. More Later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from taking Josephine for $10 and I got Marjes pay for $10. I gave Marje back the $20 for the podiatrist today as she is not well, she said her throat is not sore now but she could have gone, but she cancelled last night and I rang them this morning to make another appointment in July. More Later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have taken Marje to McDonalds and shouted her breakfast for $12. We had sauage and egg McMuffins each with a hash brown each and Marje had the cup of tea that comes with the big breakfast meal. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I took Marje to Koorong for $20, there is a 20% off everything there at the moment and put $100 in the bank. Scott Morrison has written a new book which he will be signing next Saturday, called A Plan For Good. Louisiana's govenor has said that from January next year it will be mandetory to have a copy of The Ten Commandments displayed in every school, University and prescool as a measure of good learning and education, they should have it in every state in The USA as well as Australia I think and Great Britain, but The Federal US constitution supports freedom of religion and it does not look like getting passed in congress. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have taken Marje to the bank to deposit some money into her other savings account, she gave me $10. That is about it once again for today, I have $9500 now and look like making the $10,000 by next pay with $200 up my sleeve, $70 of the $80 cash I have will go to the church over the weekend and on Tuesday, leaving $130 for petrol and food, plenty I think. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

19/06/2024 Wednesday

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at Cronulla this morning and got $12.95 McDonalds on the way. Big surf, sunny day with blue skies and light winds. It was 5 degrees when I got in the car this morning at 6.00 am and only 10 degrees when I got back into the car after the walk around 8.30 am, at home now still cold now but sun is shining. Pleasurable clear and fine, yet special conditions. Up to John 7. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. Justin Claude Stein has been found guilty of Charlise Muttons murder, her mother Kallista Mutton walks scott free. I reckon the jury got it wrong, we have a killer on the streets now. He will be sentenced in August possible life sentence for a crime he did not commit, sure he was part guilty and accomplish after the facts, But I don't think he shot her, she did, he should lodge an appeal. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now finished reading the Gospel of John. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I took Marje to the doctor for for $20, she had a sore throat and cough, I tested her for Covid earlier and she was negative, she got antibiotics and cough tablets from the chemist. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good ecvening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Josephine today, just a bottle of water and two biscuits, I am taking her to her physiotherapist tomorrow morning and also getting Marjes pay for her. She has cancelled the Podiatrist appointment tomorrow and also her Bible Study tonight, she is not sure about church on Sunday as well, but a bit early to call that one yet. She paid me for the podiatrist and so with the $10 I get off Josephine tomorrow and also getting her pay for $10, I will giver he back the $20 she paid me by giving her Josephines $10. That is about it once again today, in the case of Charlise Muttons case I think we need to have a good look at the justice, judicial system, we can't have killers going free. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

18/06/2024 Tuesday Manly

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I bet $40 last night on the races and won $33.60, $6.40 loss. Today I won $18.80 on the Set For Life $9 ticket 2 games everyday for a week. I got four numbers and both the supplementary numbers and it only paid $18.80. You have to get all seven numbers to win $20,000 a month for 20 years in that. Yesterday I won $40 and the $21 mil went off in the same day, I had not won any money in the $5 lottery tickets before and the day I won it the jackpot went off, it could have been me, with only about 5,000 eligible prizes to get the big won. Today I went to Manly and bought a pie for $6 and a cup of coffee for $5.28, I gave $20 to the church and $4.20 to Marje when I got home, I found 20c on the ground. I walked about 2 kms and went to the prayer meeting and Bible study. I bought four $8.10 Powerball tickets with my winnings plus $13.60. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have read Luke this afternoon and had my last available $10 on the races and lost. I also applied for a Centrelink $1587.45 loan for 6 months paid back at $122.20 a fornight, bringing my fortnightly salary down to about $721.70 Afternoon tea time now with Marje. More later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have taken Marje shopping to Woolworths for $10 and she also bought me about $7 worth of canned fish. That is it for today. Welcome to Adam and Libby from Manly if you found this here, enjoy the read. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

17/06/2024 Monday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read matthew this morning after finishing The Old Testament last night. Doing a load of washing now and then going for a drive with Marje. I have 2 $5 lottery tickets drawn this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. Marje and I have been for a drive down through Appin and back through The Royal National Park. I won $40 with my $5 lottery ticket and also the $21 million Jackpot went off, so I will not be buying any more of those tickets now. We got $40 petrol near home and Marje gave me $20. I have two Mission $20 payments coming out today as well. Up to Mark 3. More later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I had a few bananas that I cut out the bad bits and ate for lunch as well as a pie. Marje gave me $23 for taking her to The Podiatrist on Wednesday so I have $150 cash now. Up to Mark 13. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now finished reading Mark, Luke next. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just checked the ABC News and the market this afternoon, placing a couple of low bids there today. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a cup of coffee and a piece of cake, we finished off the cake that Janette made. I did not read any more Bible today, my eyes had had enough and were tired. That is it again for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

16/06/2024 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church and given $50, I bought HJ's Big Jack for $9.15 and a bottle of water from WW for 80c. My minister could not get a flight to Ballina on Thursday afternoon till Saturday, so he and his wife decided to drive they left at 2.30 pm and got to Raymond Terrace at 5.00 pm and got another phonecall and his father had just passed away, they got up to Ballina at 10.00 pm, he was 91. I read Amos, Obadiah and Jonah this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I read another four chapters of the minor prophets and now up to Haggai with four more books to read that will finish off The Old Testament. Then I went to Bunnings for George to buy soil and cow manure for $36.80. Then I had afternoon tea with Marje, a cup of coffee and a piece fo cake. That is about it for today, I will try and finish of the OT tonight. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

4.30 pm Late Extra

I finished reading The Old Testament. Good Knight Again. Darel.

15/06/2024 Saturday Pay Day

6.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read Daniel and Hosea this morning, 26 chapters, Yesterday I read 104 chapters, so I will see how I go today with the rest of the Minor Prophets. There is 52 chapters in Jerimiah and 48 in Ezekiel so that is eactly 100 chapters between them, plus the 5 chapters of Lamentations, I had already read one chapter of Jerimiah before yesterday. I have been paid and done the budget. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been to Woolworths $29.60 and got petrol $70, Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I took Marje to the chemist and also to the watchmakers to get her watchband repaired, it was rusted he said so she got a new watch for $40, she gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read Joel, but my eyes are tired and a bit sore today, playing tricks on me a bit, so I don't know whether I will be able to read too much more today. It is a bit wet, otherwise I might have been tempted to go for another walk. More later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been and bought a charcoal chicken for $14 and I gave Marje a quarter of it. More later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had $50 worth of bets on the races this afternoon and won $42.50, $7.50 loss for the day. Then I went down for an early afternoon tea with Marje and had a cup of coffee and about 8 chocolates. I was sitting here shivering earlier on and so I put a jacket on, such a cold day. They say that Melbourne had its coldest day in 5 years last week. I don't know so much about global warming, global cooling is just as likely. I paid my telephone bill which has gone up to $89 a month. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

14/06/2024 Friday

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at Cronulla this morning, I got $12.95 McDonalds on the way. My sister has Covid, so no lunch today. Have a good day and more alter. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have finished reading Jerimiah now, Lamentations next followed by Ezekiel. More later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have read Lamentations and up to Ezekiel 34. I cooked a pork roast for lunch for me and Marje with roast vegetables, sweet potato (yam), potato and onion. I got a phone call from CBM Christian Blind Mission and they asked me to commit to a monthly payment of $15 to help the kids recieve sight, I said I give 20% of my income as it is and am on a pension, I am happy to make a one off $20 donation every two or three months which I already do. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I finished reading Ezekiel this afternoon and had afternoon tea with Marje, just a bottle of water as I was full from a big lunch. Payday tomorrow and I have to get petrol in the morning as well which has gone up again now, I also need milk, Weetbix and shavers. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

13/06/2024 Thursday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am up to Jerimiah 13 this morning after eading one chapter yesterday. I also worked out how to get back onto the Lotteries website and have bought two $5 tickets for $11. Taking Marje to the eye clinic this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have taken Marje to the eye clinic this morning and also Josephine to the doctors for $10. I got a snitzel roll at the hospital for $10 and then we went to Bible Study at my church. My ministers father is on his death bed as I write and he is headed up to Ballina this afternoon to be there for him. More later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have watered my plants and bought two $8.10 Powerball tickets for tonights $20 mil draw $16.20. I had a break from gambling for three weeks but I am feeling a bit better now in regard to my health, I don't know how long I will go without having another break. More later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have taken Marje to get her meals on wheels for $20. I am reminded by my ministers father of someone I could call a friend who died last week and their funeral was yesterday at Redfern. I knew Peter Boyce from St Andrews Cathedral when I use to go there. He invited me a couple of times to a dinner that he paid for at Rose Bay Golf Club about 6 years ago now, there was over 100 people there for the meal and talk about how Christianity had an effect on the war and choosing the better way. He also went to the soup kitchen over at St Matthews Manly where I go on a Monday night, he had been going there for nearly twenty years I think. He owned a Packard Vintage car that he drove around Colorado and had shipped out here and he had a block of land near Bundanoon with a garage on it. I don't know where he lived but he was known to be a bit intinerate, living in different places. I know he spent a bit of time in Daisyville with Bill Gordge who is in a wheel chair and has a department of housing place there and an avacado tree which he agve me a couple of avacardos. Peter was about 84 I think and died from Prostate cancer. My ministers father had bowel cancer. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I read up to Jerimiah 27 this afternoon concluding half the book now. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a piece of cake and a cup of coffee. That is about it for today, maybe lunch with my sister again tomorrow, I will see in the morning if she is working then. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

12/06/2024 Wednesday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I bet another $10 last night and won $45.75. I recovered the $10 that I lost and made $25 overall for yesterday. This morning I have read Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song Of Songs. Marje has a specialist to see today at 2.30 pm, she paid me for this last week and also The Eye Hospital tomorrow morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. George gave me a book with $5 in it, he said I could have it but I don't remember the book or think that it was mine, never mind, he seems happy enough. More later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I lost $40 on the races this morning, $15 down for the week now. I am also half way through Isaiah, up to chapter 34. Leaving at 2.00 pm for Marje. More Later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have now finished reading Isaiah. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written another five poems for Parsifal and Romance. 46. Trust The Truth, 47. Poles Melt and Freeze, 48. Equator Relator, 49. Tropics In Mind & 50. Doubt in The Deserts. Only ten more poems to go now to finishing off the book. More later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. We have been at the doctors since 2.20 pm and only just got home now, he was running two hours behind schedule. We have the eye hospital tomorrow morning. I hope that you enjoyed the poems for those who have read them so far. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

11/06/2024 Tuesday Manly

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and walked 6km. I bought a pie and a coffee $11.39 and gave $20 to the church. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I sold my BSX Shares at .051c for a $136 loss, which was the price I intended to buy them at in the first place. More later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a few bets this afternoon, only $10 and lost the $10. I had a piece fo cake and coffee with Marje and she told me that Nefu is in a wheelchair now so she can't come back here from Samoa because she has a first floor unit. So her sons started cleaning out her unit, she has been gone 14 months now and Marje gave me three cans of Greenseas Tuna and a jar of coffee that they gave her. That is about it for today, theyw ere having trouble with the Sky Channel on the arces so I did not bet anymore without being able to watch the races. Good Knight and God Bless.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

10/06/2024 Monday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. It is a lovely blue sky Sydney day today without a cloud in the sky, cold but the sun is shining. I read up to Psalm 109 this morning and I pan to go to the beach with Marje for a walk today. Too good to sit home and watse the day away, so as soon as I have finished reading Psalms we will go. Have a good day yourselves and more later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading Psalms, leaving for the beach now. More Later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a walk at Cronulla of about 6kms, I got McDonalds on the way for $16.75 and shouted Marje. Then we went to Woolworths on the way home and I spent $28.45. More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had $40 worth of bets this afternoon on the races and won $40, in other words broke even. Last night I listened to the Melbourne Storm match with the Newcastle Knights, Storm won and then Manly Warringah vs Penrith Panthers, Penrith won. Today I have sort of followed The Canterbury Bankstown match with Parramatta Eels in the RFL, Parramatta leading 12-10 at nearly halftime. Cronulla (my team) beat The Broncos the other day and to equal on top of the ladder with The Storm now. On Thursday Cronulla play The Redcliffe Dolfins who are coming forth. That is it for today, I was trying to buy two more $5 lottery tickets but the browser would not let me get to The Lottery website. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

09/06/2024 Sunday Church

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and Marje shouted HJ's as per usual on a Sunday, then I bought a packet of chips for $2.50 and gave $50 to the church. We finished our series on Galatians today and also the two and a half years of The Story of The Kingdom series afterwards. I read Esther and up to Job 4 this morning. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have finished reading Job, Afternoon Tea now. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a bottle of water with Marje for afternoon tea, she has another blanket to sew up now, she tried to ring the person then because they were not at church today, she wants to know whether they want a cot blanket or a single bed before she sews it up. That is it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

08/06/2024 Saturday

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive with Marje down through Bowral and Macquarrie Pass to Albion Park where I bought a set of ten CD's from The Salvos there by Pavarotti Gold collection for $8 and a book by Wilbur Smith, The New Kingdom $4.50, then I shouted Marje KFC and myself for $19.40 total. We came back through Wollongong Mount Ousley to get petrol near home for $57, Marje gave me $27. I read Ezra and Nehemiah this morning, Esther next. I gave George The New Kingdom book to read and he gave me $5. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I downloaded all ten of my new CD's this afternoon which took over an hour, I listened to a few of them while others were downloading. They will come on now in my normal mix of random songs by various artists that I play while doing other things. Then I had a piece of cake and coffee with Marje for afternoon tea. That is about it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

07/06/2024 Friday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read up to Ezra this morning, finishing 2 Kings and 1&2 Chronicles this morning. Maybe going for a drive today, I will now check with Marje. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.30 am Good morning News

Good morning again today. I went down to see Marje to see if she wanted to go for a drive and she reminded me about lunch with my sister at 12.00 noon. So I rang my sister and we are having lunch at the Club today as she is not working. More Later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have had my Baptist World Aid $20 payment come out this morning, I also paid $20 to CBM Christian Blind Mission and $24 to Feed The Hungry. Vaccuumed the floor and had Weetbix for breakfast and a chat with Marje this morning, leaving for lunch now. More Later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. We had lunch at the Club with my sister and it cost me $13.90 for the roast beef and vegetables. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I bought 100,000 BSX Shares this afternoon at .052c. I bought them at Market value which was .051c and someone else bought 80,000 of them at exactly the same time and I came off second best. That is a $100 difference which would have been better in my pocket than theirs, I should have made my bid at .051c and then I would have had to of bought them at that price. There was only 65,000 at .052c and 101,000 at $.051c and so I actually bought 15,000 at .053c which is where they are now showing an $80 profit if I sold them now, but that just means that you have to buy them at .053c and if I sold them the buy price now is about .050c, so I would lose money, but on Monday or Tuesday someone might buy them at .054c which is what I am asking for a $160 profit then. That is it for today, I had afternoon tea with Marje, some cashews and a cheese sandwich, plus a bottle of water. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

06/06/2024 Thursday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read 1 Samuel this morning and then Taken Marje to get her pay and Woolworths for $10. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now read 2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings next. More later. Darel.

9.30 pm Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now read 1 Kings. More later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I cooked some pork snitzels for me and Marje that I got off Carol. Then I donated $25 to Every Home For Christ. Up to 2 Kings. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just rested reading the ABC News and the market. No races today at all for me. I have eaten a fair bit yesterday and today. Today I after the snitzel I have a can of smoked oysters on Ritz biscuits and then a can of John West sardines on Ritz biscuits. Then I finished off the lemon butter that I rought back from Marjes sisters place that she had made, I had four pieces of toast with lemon butter today and yesterday. Then another piece of cake for afternoon tea with my bottle of water again. Tomorrow we may be going out with my sister for lunch, I will have to wait till tomorrow morning to find out if she is working. Up to 2 Kings 5. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

05/06/2024 Wednesday

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at Cronulla this morning of about 6km again. I got McDonalds on the way for $12.95. I read Judges and Ruth this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have watched the races today without a single bet, just seeing which horse wins and trying to pick a winner. I have not had any kind of bet now for a couple of weeks. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a piece of cake and a bottle fo water again until Ruth rang and Marje went in next door to see her then. Rain tomorrow and Marjes pay day so we will get her money in the morning and then she will do a bit of shopping. That is about it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

04/06/2024 Tuesday Manly

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and bought a pie and coffee for $10 and gave $20 to the church, I walked about 5km. Welcome to Derek and David if you found this here from the Manly group, enjoy the read of the books and you are more than welcome to keep checking the news. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have read Joshua this afternoon, no time for reading in the morning before I go, just my daily devotions. Judges next. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje and Ronnie came in for a while before I left. I had a piece of cake again and a bottle of water then Marje got the chocolates out for Ronnie and I had two of them, Ronnie had about eight. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

03/06/2024 Monday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read Deuteronomy this morning and doing a load of washing. Marje and I might go for a drive this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been for a drive down through Appin and Thirroul and back through The Royal National Park to Sutherland where I bought a half chicken for $12.20 and home and got petrol $40, Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have had afternoon tea with Marje for an hour, a piece of cake and a bottle of water again. Just checked the ABC News again this afternoon where in Charlise Muttons case the accused took the stand and said he saw her mother kill the daughter, Charlise said ''please mummy don't'', he said and then she shot her for the second time in the face, the first shot was in the back. Such a callous cruel attack by a mother, murdering your own daughter. I don't know what it takes for a mother to do that to her daughter, she was on ice, just a very bad example of a person I am afraid. God knows there must be justice in the world. Marje gave me $40 for two appointments next week, I gave her my $2.05 in change for HJ's. That is it for today, Manly tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂ

02/06/2024 Sunday Church

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50, I also bought a 2ltr Dare Ice Coffee for $3.75 and a pork bun for $4. I finished reading Numbers this morning. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just rested and listened to music this afternoon, then at 3.00 pm I went down for afternoon tea with Marje and stayed till 4.00 pm, I had a piece of cake and a bottle of water again. That is it for today. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.

01/06/2024 Saturday Pay Day Mens Breakfast

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to the mens breakfast at the church this morning and given $5. Been paid and done the budget, I got $26.92 interest. Up to Numbers 12. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. It has rained nearly all day here today so it was only good to sit in and watch the internet, ABC News, Races and listen to music. Carol came and we all got some food. People must have square eyes watching television all day though. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a piece of cake and a bottle of water. That is about it once again for today, church tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

31/05/2024 Friday Pyschiatrist / Marje Doctor

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I took Marje to the doctors this morning for $20 and then we went to my Pyschiatrist. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have written five more poems for Parsifal and Romance. 41. Words Eternally, 42. With Wisdom Why, 43. Proof Of The Years, 44. Infinity Reigns & 45. Living Forever. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, some red jelly with bananas on top, I also had some of that with desert for lunch that Josephine made. Pay Day tomorrow and also about $25 interest on my Goal Saver account. I watched the races but could not bet till 4.30 pm today, even though I can I will not because I need the money in my account to get the interest and if I spend any I will be below what I had last month and that is not allowed. I did not buy a ticket in the last $5 lottery either, I had a bad day yesterday suffering in my eye and leg and back of my neck, so it might be time to give that up as well, the jackpot on that is about $20 million now though and I was going to keep going with it till the jackpot went off, whether I won it or not is out of the consideration. So I should have about $7800 tomorrow morning. That is about it once again for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

30/05/2024 Thursday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read Leviticus this morning, Marje and I are going out to put some flowers on Pearls grave this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to pearls grave with Marje, she bought some flowers at Coles Brighton and then we went to the cemetary and they were putting a headstone on the grave, before it was just a temporary cross. Then around through Maroubra, Coogee, Bondi and Rose Bay, Double Bay and through the city and home. We got petrol near home $35 and Marje gave me $10. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje again with some cashews and a bottle of water. We both have doctors appointments tomorrow, I will take her to hers first and then take her to mine. My sister is working again tomorrow so no lunches till the school holidays probably. That is about it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂ

29/05/2024 Wednesday

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am back from taking Marje, I spent $21 on food at the hospital. I finished reading Genesis and also read Exodus this morning. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your dayas much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, just a cup of coffee. Got a bit of a sore throat today, I took a couple of Vicks Vapodrops. Tomorrow Marje and I might go out and see Pearls grave to put some flowers on it. Just rested, watched the market drop nearly a hundred points today and listened to music and read the ABC News. That is about it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

28/05/2024 Tuesday Manly

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and bought a pie for $6 and gave $20 to the church, I walked about 5km and had breakfast shouted me. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I took Marje to Woolworths for $10 and she gave me another $20 to take her to the specialist at the hospital tomorrow morning. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje about four pieces of a fresh new cake that Janette had just cooked and brought to Marje. The trial of Charlise Mutton continues today and has been running for three weeks so far, it runs for six weeks total. Today Kallista Mutton her mother was acused of shooting the gun that killed her daughter, The boyfriend said he saw her fire the second shot, which means he must of run around there after hearing the first shot up at Mount Wilson. It is a wonder that she did not kill him to and leave the gun in his hand, he had text her that he was going to kill her at some time and he had a gun, they had stolen two guns from a farm, they had just broken up their relationship, probably over Charlise. I hope she gets life. Such a beautiful and innocent little girl, who got a certificate for literature from her school. He was disposing of the body in a barrel near the Colo River and he later was caught, he said he did try and get rid of the body but he did not put her in the barrel he says. The trial continues on this week and for the next two weeks. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

27/05/2024 Monday

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive down through Appin with Marje where she bought me a apple strudle with cream. Down Bulli Pass to Thirroul and up to Stanwell Tops where we watched the hang gliders for half an hour, one guy who took off was a midget, a dwarf flying through the air. I got Red Rooster on the way home for $11.95 and bought $38 petrol and Marje gave me $20. enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been shopping with Marje after afternoon tea with a coffee, we went to Woolworths. Marje bought me about $14 worth of things for taking her up there. That is about it for today. I have just listened to music and rested otherwise. Up to Genesis 42. Manly tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

26/05/2024 Sunday Church

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church and given $50, I bought 2ltr Dare Ice Coffee for $3.85. Yesterday I lost another $40 on the races, I had one horse that would have paid $46 and lost by a nose, that is it till next Saturday now for racing, we will see then. Up to Genesis 40. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje a bottle of water and a piece of fruit cake. Just listened to music and relaxed this afternoon. Signing off for today now once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

25/05/2024 Saturday

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to Cronulla and walked 6km again. I got McDonalds on the way for $12.95. I bet $10 on the races last night and won $30, $20 profit on a horse called Critical Time. Up to Genesis 33. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I bet $50 this afternoon on the races and won $32 on a $10 bet with a horse called Hard To Cross. Not have much luck all day and won on the last race, still $2 up from yesterday, I bet $60 in the last two days and won $62. I had afternoon tea with Marje with a cup of coffee and a piece of fruit cake that she got from Carol, I had some grapes that I got from Carol while I watched the races, on Saturday they have all the big meetings races on TV so it is better than other days. That is about ot for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

24/05/2024 Friday

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. Marje and I have been up to visit her friend on The Central Coast this morning where Marje got $50 for a knee rug that she had made her. I got a pie at North Rocks on the way for $6.50 and we had HJ's at Tuggerah which is now open again after being closed for over a year. We got lunch at Swansea fish and chips for $7 which Marje paid plus $6 at HJ's, I got drinks for $2. We went around Lake Macquarrie and got petrol near home for $68, Marje gave me $50. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I started my new Bible this morning reading the first 15 chapters of Genesis in a Life Recovery Bible, it has to do with the twelve steps program and Bible verses that help mend broken lives. It takes me back to 1985 when I said that is enough of my downspiralling lifestyle and I became a Christian again and was baptized in 1986, 1979 to 1984 December was five hard years of being a bit of a rebel for me. So this Bible has a bit to do with that decision to get right with Christ, taking up writing and reading many books. I have been seeing Pyschiatrists for that very reason and taking pills (medication) for the last 40 years nearly. I got an Advanced Management Certificate in the process after twelve years of night time study and now written over fifty books. I had afternoon tea with Marje and we finished some grapes and strawberries off together. I had two bananas before that and I still have a kiwi fruit to eat tonight to finish off dinner with some fruit that Carol gave us. That is about it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

23/05/2024 Thursday

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read up to James this morning and might finish reading my Bible for the 315th time today. Going to Bible Study today at the church 11.00 am. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I took Marje to get her pay and I have also finished reading my 1560 Geneva Prodestant Reformation Bible for 315 times through The Bible now. Leaving for Bible Study now. More Later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from Bible Study, Marje gave me $5 for taking her to the bank this morning, I said $5 instead of $10 because she changed the $45 for a $50 note the other day. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have listened to a favorite song of my about twenty times this afternoon by different artists, the one that I listened to most was by Jen Johnson, the song is The Goodness Of God, it goes. I will sing of the goodness of God, all my life you have been faithful, all my life you have been so so good. Google Goodness of God and have a listen for yourself, see if you can find the one by Jen Johnson on youtube. I heard it at the hundred years old funeral about six months ago and I would like it at my funeral to, which I hope is not too soon really. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a cup of coffee and a few biscuits. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

22/05/2024 Wednesday

6.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read 1&2 Corinthians this morning, Marje has the cleaner coming this morning. I may go for a walk at the beach by myself or wait till the cleaner goes around 10.00 am and take Marje for a drive instead. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been for a 6km walk at Cronulla. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have written another five poems for Parsifal and Romance. 36. Love Wins In The End, 37. Marriage Vows, 38. Home and Family, 39. House Forever & 40. The Truth Of Love. I had a poem in my head last night in bed or at least the first stanza,

Many hands make light work,

Stand on your own two feet;

As the world goes around forever,

The word on earth is always worth.


I will try and use it somewhere later.

More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a cup of coffee and a half a dozen biscuits, she rang her friend on the Central Coast and we are heading up there on Friday to deliver the knee rug to her that Marje has finished making today. That is about it once again for today, I hope that you liked todays poetry. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.


8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read Acts this morning. Taking Thuan and Nam out at 11.30 am. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now read Romans, 1&2 Corinthians next. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from taking Thuan and Nam for $30, Marje gave me a $50 note for my $45 so I have $100 cash now. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening And Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just picked Nam and Thuan up from the station and dropped them home, they gave me a chicken and salad roll. before that I had afternoon tea with Marje, just some grapes that she got off Carol on Saturday. That is about it for today, just rested and listened to music and checked the market and ABC News elsewise. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

20/05/2024 Monday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading John this morning. Taking Marje and Josephine to their doctors this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from taking Marje $20 and Josephine $10. I got pills for $7 and petrol $31, Marje gave me another $12. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am not going to Manly tomorrow as Thuan rang me and wants me to take her out to her friends place, for $30 I could not refuse. Marje bought Dominos Pizza for lunch and I have just listened to music and watched the races a bit today, checked the market and The ABC News. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a cup of coffee and four rocky road biscuits. Just rested today and listened to music, I think I am still recovering from the long drive last week. Signing off now for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

19/05/2024 Sunday Church

1.30 am Good Morning News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning with a sermon on Galatians, Galatians for the next four weeks as well. I bought 2ltr Dare Ice Coffee for $3.92 and gave $50 to the church. Up to John 7. Enjoy the rest ofyour day and more later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I just rested this afternoon and listened to music until 3.30 pm when I went down for afternoon tea with Marje. Ronnie came in about 4.00 pm. Marje got another order for a crocheted blanket off her friend on The Central Coast, she has made two for people at her church that she is taking next week. Tomorrow I am taking Marje and Josephine to their respective doctors. That is about it again for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

18/05/2024 Saturday Pay Day

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Luke this morning and been paid. Budget is done for next fortnight. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been to Woolworths and HJ's again with Marje and spent $14, he undercharged me $5. Watered my plants. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje this afternoon after watching the races without betting as I have reached my limit for the week on Thursday. I listened to music and ate a fair bit today three manderins and an apple after getting fruit from Carola who has been to Melbourne twice this month. I got a hospital meal off Ruth from Marje and a soup, I had HJ's for breakfast after a bowl full of Just Right cereal. So I am feeling quite full and contented now, though I just have to be careful of my weight after not walking for a couple of weeks and driving a fair bit, healthy food as well. Anyway that is about it again for today. Church tomorrow, Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

17/05/2023 Friday

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to Cronulla for a 6km walk. I got McDonalds on the way for $12.95. No luck with $5 lottery tickets or the Powerball, $150 million now. I finished reading Mark, up to Luke 5. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Woolworths again with Marje, I spent $32 there and also bought a charcoal chicken for $14. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I sent $20 to CBM Christian Blind Mission. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evenng and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have had afternoon tea with Marje and Ronnie after watching the market for a while and reading the ABC News. The Charlise Mutton case has come up at Parramatta Surpreme Court, the lovely young nine year old girl who was murdered around the Colo River or Mount Wilson in January 2022. Such a waste of life for a such a beautiful young girl. I hope that she gets justice. Her alleged killer was the boyfriend of the girls mother Kallista Mutton, but he is saying that she did it even though he tried to dispose of the body, I think he is right and the mother killed her. That is it for me tonight. Good Evening and God Bless. Darel.

16/05/2024 Thursday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have done a load of washing this morning after the time away. I read up to Mark 9 while away and up to Mark 14 this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been and bought things at Aldi and Woolworths for $19 total. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have had a few bets on the races this afternoon again and lost $42, I also have $16 worth of Powerball tickets in the $100 million tonight and two $5 lottery tickets drawn tomorrow morning. I think I will go for a walk at the beach tomorrow if it is a nice day. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

15/05/2024 Wednesday Heading Home Holiday Update

3.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and welcome to my holiday report. We headed out to Parkes and saw the dish and The Henry Parkes Visitors Centre, had lunch and bought petrol, which Marje paid for the whole trip except me $85 worth, from there we went down to Narrandera, Yanco and Leeton where we visited Marjes freinds and family, half the town knew her or her family. From there we went down across the Victorinan Border and got petrol at Shepardton, then into Melbourne where we stayed with Marjes sister for three nights, I went to Templestowe Anglican Church and gave $50 on Sunday for Mothers Day, we went for a ride on the Eltham mini train on Sunday Afternoon and then on Monday I drove to Frankston and bought McDonalds and then to Sorento and caught the ferry $79 across to Queenscliffe and around through Geelong and back across Westgate Bridge, those two things for my first time, the ferry and the bridge. Yesterday we ehaded out to Merimbula where we stayed with Marjes friends who manage a motel there, we had fish and chips for dinner last night, back through Ulladulla where we stopped today and had morning tea with my cousin down there. I think I spent about $150 on food all up, budget is done, about a $300 trip for me. More tomorrow, Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

14/05/2024 Tuesday NSW South Coast

13/05/2024 Monday Melbourne

12/05/2024 Sunday Melbourne

11/05/2024 Saturday Leave For Melbourne

10/05/2024 Friday Riverina

09/05/2024 Thursday Head For Riverina

08/05/2024 Wednesday Leave For Central West

No news for the next seven days, news back on Thursday 16th of May.

07/05/2024 Tuesday

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read another twenty pages of the Apocrypha this morning and been to HJ's with Marje. Home today to pack and get ready. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have now finished reaidng The Apocrypha, Marje and I are now going to have pizza for lunch. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I had Domino's Pizza for lunch, Marje shouted, mine was peperoni for $7. Marjes ham and pineapple was $11. I also read Matthew, Mark next. More later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Well we are all set to leave in the morning early, bags are packed and in the car. There will be no news now till we get back next Thursday morning, even though we will get home on Wednesday night I will be too tired to do the news. My Bible is also in the car so I did not get Mark read today, I will try and finish off my Bible while I am away if I can find the spare time. That is it for today and now, see you when I get back. I have transferred some money into my everyday account from the goal saver but I will not adjust the budget till I get back as well, then there will be a full accounting. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

06/05/2024 Monday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have booked a Motel in The Central West for Wednesday night and so we are leaving on Wednesday morning now. Taking Josephine to the doctors at 8.30 am and Jan to the doctors at 1.00 pm today. I read Daniel this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading The Old Testament. Apocrypha next which is about 172 pages before I start The New Testament. I took Josephine to the doctors for $10. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from taking Jan to the specialist for $20. Josephine is in hospital, so I did not have to bring her home from the doctor, she rang me to tell me. I read about 70 pages of the Apocrypha. More later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. We will have news tomorrow but not on Wednesday or until Thursday the 16th of May. Then you will get a full update of the trip. I have exactly 100 pages left of the Apocrypher and I will try and finish off those tomorrow. I cancelled one of my accomodation bookings and rebooked it with a bigger room, the first one had twin share or one queen size bed and I sent a note wanting the twin share and as I did not get a reply I cancelled it and changed to a bigger room only an extra $15 so there would be no confusion when we got there. The other place did not send me a text but only an e-mail and as I will not be taking my computer with me I will have no e-mails to show them I have got an itinerary number though with Wotif, the email confirmed my booking. That was $234 for the two nights. Waiting for the cancellation to be credited back to my account of $97. That is about it for today. I would like to read Matthew tomorrow as well and at least get a start on The New Testament, I will be taking my Geneva Bible with me when we go. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel. ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

05/05/2024 Sunday Church

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50, the sermon was from Romans 16. I bought a packet of five Bonds undies from Woolworths for $16, half price, normally $32 and a red bean bao for $4.50, we got $35 petrol on the way home and Marje gave me $15. Last night I booked a motel in The Riverina for two nights $234 and Marje gave me $200. Up to Ezekiel 20. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now finished reading Ezekiel, afternoon tea time now. More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have checked out maps of NSW online looking for somewhere else to go on Wednesday on the way down. I thought about Canberra, but it is a little out of the way and we would have to go to Cooma and and across the snowy mountains to Tumut and there could be snow there. Otherwise we would head over the blue mountains first and down through Cowra. Not sure yet, I will have another look tomorrow. I am taking Jan to the doctors tomorrow at 1.00 pm, she is my next door neighbour. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

04/05/2024 Saturday Pay Day Mens Breakfast

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to the mens breakfast at the church this morning and given $5. I have been paid and waiting for internet security $405 to come out in the next couple of days. Was going to go for a walk at the beach again today but still looks a bit grey in that direction this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have listened to music and I was checking my bank accounts and found an extra $10 in one of them which I transfered back to my every day account. I had transferred some money back into that account after spending some of it and I transfered too much, it is the account that I use for donations on my website which I have still not had any money go into it yet, I thought someone had given me $10 till I found the mistake that I had made. Marje gave me another one of Ruths meals from the hospital which I will have for dinner as I probably won't have lunch today after a big breakfast this morning. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I got up to Jerimiah 12 this morning, I will now try and finish off reading the book. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am now up to Jerimiah 42 with only ten chapters to read now with 52 chapters in the book. There is a burntout Maclaren sports car out the front of our neighbours place at the moment, the police have checked it out and put tape around it. I said to Marje that we are going to Melbourne now, I am not sure how she took it. It seems as if one wants to go the other doesn't. More Later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I finished reading jerimiah this afternoon and also Lamentations. I had afternoon tea with Marje and the people we were staying with in the Riverina on a farm have family coming for mothers day and so we will be looking for a motel down there now. That is about it for today. Church tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

03/05/2024 Friday

5.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been awake since 2.00 am and had three coffees so far and a yogurt. I am going to ring my sister at 8.30 am to see about lunch, otherwise a walk at the beach might be worth trying again today, I also have to drop in my referal to the doctor. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now read Isaiah. More later. Darel.

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have had ham steaks and eggs for breakfast with a few mushrooms. Will ring my sister in half an hour. More later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have taken my referal into the doctor and I am having lunch with my sister at 12.00 noon. More later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I gave $30 to Feed the Hungry Australia which feeds 6 children for a month. I had no luck with todays lottery tickets or last nights Powerball. No more gambling now till I get back from Melbourne. We will see how we go then and whether I will continue in that direction. More later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been out to The club with my sister and her son, my nephew for lunch. I had a roast beef and vegetables for $13.90, Marje had chicken nuggerts and chips for $13, she gave me $15 when I paid on my card. That is about it for today. Pay day in the morning though I have a 12 month subscription for internet security coming out this pay of about $405 and whatever Melbourne costs of course. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

02/05/2024 Thursday

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs this morning. Probably going for a walk at the beach today and lunch with my sister tomorrow I think. I am also thinking about Melbourne next week when we are due to leave on Thursday. I think I have just got to decide to go and let The Lord lead me everywhere we are going. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I headed out for Cronulla and it started raining and it looked like it was going to get heavier the closer I got to Cronulla and so I got HJ's $2.95 and came home. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and she bought me a $4 yogurt and also from the bakery a chicken and salad roll. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have taken Marje to the hospital to get a referal for the eye clinic as she has a bit of a floater in her eye after the lazor treatment which is in June for $20. I got a new referal for my pyschiatrist as well because of a change of medical centres and I also got a haircut for $15. That is about it for today, I rang my sister and she said ring back at 8.30 am tomorrow morning to see if she is working tomorrow or not. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

01/05/2024 Wednesday

4.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I got my $25 interest this morning and I also got another remediation payment of $115 for some reason. I don't know where it came from, The Government I guess, but it is most welcome even though I don't know what it is for. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read Proverbs and paid my electricity bill of $73.52. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. Marje and I have been for a drive down through Appin and back through The Royal National Park, I got a bacon and egg roll at Flying High Cafe at Stanwell Tops and also Marje a cup of tea and lollies for $16.67 total. $41 petrol near home and Marje gave me $20, we also stopped at the chemist and OPSM on the way home and Marje got a couple of things. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a few bets this afternoon, losing $56, I bet $100 and won $44, not good enough really, I have not had a bet for about 11 days now, I lost $49 Saturday before last and am $105 down for the fortnight, with tyres and dentist that puts a medium size hole in the budget. I had a piece of cake and bottle of water with Marje for afternoon tea, she is nearly finished sewing up a single crocheted blanket after she sewed up a knee rug earlier this week. That will do for today, Powerball tomorrow night and two $5 lottery tickets on Friday, no luck with my two tickets today again, when I get one it should be a good one. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

30/04/2024 Tuesday Manly

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning, walked 6km and bought a pie $6 and a coffee $5.30. I gave $20 to the church and had breakfast shouted me. I got two new tyres on the car on the way home for $250, $125 each. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have watched a few races this afternoon, not betting anything because I need to keep my money in the bank to get the interest tonight. If I have got less than I had in the goal saver account than I did last month I don't get the bonus interest on my money which is about $25. I had $6800 last month and I have $6850 this month. I guess I could have bet about $20 or so but when I got the interest last month it took me to about $6825 and I don't know whether they count the interest on the next month or not, otherwise I would only get a few dollers interest without the bonus interest. Marje and I talked about Melbourne again, she is nearly convinced that we are not going now as it is such a long way to go. I could do it, but it is like writing that you have to be in the mood to do it. I talked to a few of the guys about it this morning, one of them from Melbourne originally like my father was, they come from a similar area around the bay. I also talked to the tyre guy and he said it would be good to see the countryside again on the way down and back. I would be right getting the Riverina and Melbourne over and meeting all Marjes friends and family, because I have to stay with them and eat with them and they don't know me from a bar of soap, I saw Marjes sister in Tasmania who now lives in Melbourne, I have stayed with her friends down the south coast before which we will do on the way home/back. I have stayed in the Riverina before and it was not a real successful event, meeting all her friends there and we turned around and came back the next day. Anyway I will check the weather this weekend and see what it is like, if it is going to rain the whole time we won't be going for sure. I am kind of looking forward to going but if I have to drive in the rain all the time I will not be going. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

29/04/2024 Monday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finshed reading Psalms this morning, taking Marje to the doctor now. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from the doctors with Marje for $20. I also checked on my tyres which will cost me $125 each, $250 for two. I have $5 lottery tickets drawn today and tomorrow. Powerball on Thursday for the $40 million, cost me $16.20. I did not spend any money on races on the weekend. More Later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I had to take Marje back to OPSM to pick up her glasses for another $20. No luck with todays lottery tickets. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written 31. Virtueosity for Parsifal and Romance. More later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written another four poems to make five poems today. 32. Valour, 33. True Hearts, Two Hearts, 34. Love Wins and Sins & 35. Pains and Hurts. Enjoy the read and More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Thuan and Nam up to the doctors for $20 and got Red Rooster Chicken for $13.95. That is about it once again for today. Manly Tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

28/04/2024 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church and given $50 this morning. I got two pork dim sims for $5 and a 2ltr ice coffee milk for $3.29. Also got $50 petrol on the way home and Marje gave me $20. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have watched a few races and listened to music this afternoon. I had afternoon tea with Marje at 3.00 pm for half an hour and talked about Melbourne which I am a bit worried about being so far to drive and doing so much driving in a week. I said we will see how I feel a few days out. I can do it and I have driven to Melbourne about 6 times but usually on my own it is a bit of a worry having the responsibility of having someone elses life to account for, even though Marje said she will pay for the whole trip. I like the idea of me paying for my own trips and accountable for my own life only. She has the whole trip planned but I have to find the places and the people she is staying with. I like Brisbane and Queensland better than Melbourne and Victoria. I would rather head North where it is warmer than South where it is colder, even though I have spent a year in Hobart I did not have a car then and did not do very much driving except when I hired a car and went to Orange and back to Hobart and to Lake Clare and back in the National Park there. Anyway it is too early to call the shots yet and I will see how I feel closer to the date. Sydney is home and my travelling days are just about over, time to settle down and get married and buy a house if that is at all possible for me. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.  ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

27/04/2024 Saturday

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at Cronulla of about 6km. I got HJ's on the way for $3. Going to a choir concert and brass band this afternoon with Marje. I also enquired about new tyres for my car, I will get a price on Monday. Up to Psalm 100. Have a good day and more later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have had a most enjoyable afternoon listening to The City Choir and Brass Band Concert, I shouted Marje $15 plus my $15 plus five raffle tickets $5, $35 for the afternoon. I saw people who I know from Manly there. Good Knight and God Bless. More Tomorrow. Darel.

26/04/2024 Friday

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive with Marje down through Appin and Thirroul. I got a burger for $16 and shouted Marje a cup of tea $4 at Helensburg an some lollies $4 there also. I have to get an oil change this afternoon as well. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have got my oil change and service done for $132. I may need new tyres when I come back from Melbourne and brakes 30%. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been doing that line now for nearly thirteen years. I started this website in July 2011. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a packet of salt and pepper chips and a bottle of water. I have been watching the market this afternoon which is down around 100 points today. I decided not to buy anything while they are cheap because I get my bank interest on Tuesday night and I would miss out on that $25 if I bought shares, guaranteed income not so with shares, infact I am expecting the share market to drop a fair bit more in the coming weeks looking at the trend in the shares history chart lines, of course they could buck the trend but I have seen it happen before. Therefore I could pick up some really good bargains in about three or four weeks. That is about it for today once again, Tomorrow looks like a good day for a walk at the beach if the weather stays the same as this, another lovely day today, blue skies and sun shining, too good to be working and people on holidays must be lapping it up, school back on Monday for the kids, I think my dentist flew to New Zealand, Hamilton this week. One of my new fillings is a bit tender and could come out again if I am not careful. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

25/04/2024 Thursday ANZAC DAY

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading 2 Chronicles this morning, Ezra next. Today Marje and I are having lunch with my sister at The Club where I have a $20 birthday voucher to spend. Marje went out last night to her church, I will go and see her now. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I saw Marje and arranged for her to come with me for lunch today. I also did a load of washing and read Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. Leaving about 10.45 am for lunch. More Later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read Job now, leaving in half an hour or so. Psalms next. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to Sharks Kareela for lunch, I used my $20 birthday voucher for a pizza which I shared with Marje, that was $25 on a public holiday with surcharge of 10%, Marje paid the $5, normally $22 for members. I got $37 petrol on the way home and Marje gave me $10. That is it for today, no market trading today with Anzac Day, I caught a bit of the dawn service at Gallipolli on my sisters TV around 12.00 noon. Up to Psalm 46. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

24/04/2024 Wednesday Pyschiatrist

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read to the end of 2 Kings this morning. Taking Josepine to her sisters where she has sold the house and is moving out, it was a nice big house on the Georges River and is moving inland a bit. She must have needed the money because the mortgage was too high or something. Josephine is going to buy me Lebanese bread for breakfast as well this morning. The I am going to my doctor in the new office of his. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

7.30 am Good Morning news

Good morning again today. I took Marje to the bank to get her pay which went in a day early because of Anzac Day, she gave me $10. More Later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read up to 2 Chronicles 10 after finishing 1 Chronicles. Leaving about 9.30 am, doctors appointment at 11.15 am. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from taking Josephine for $40 (I owe her $15) and Lebanese bread for breakfast. I have been to my doctor as well. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and spent $15 and also gave Marje the $15 I owe her for Josephine that she is holding for me. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje and shared a normal big sized packet of lamb and rosemary chips with her that we got today for $1.50, the three other packets we got of the same type were on special for $2.50, Original Chip Company. I would have got more of the lamb ones but that was the last packet, Marje got soft lollies for the trip to Melbourne. That is about it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

23/04/2024 Tuesday Manly

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and walked about 5 km. I got a pie $6 and a coffee $5.40 and gave $20 to the church. Attended the Prayer Meeting and the Bible Study. Marje wants to go back to the chemist now. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have come back from the chemist with Marje and been reading the ABC News while listening to music. I have been reading about a lot of childhood illnesses which kids have been diagnosed with, dementia, cancer and many other diseases, they need money for reaserch and treatment costs a fortune, a lot of the cases were in Adelaide and Melbournes Royal Hospital for treating some of the illnesses. The thing is that kids don't understand adult thinking and it takes them time to learn and grow, you cannot simply know the buzz word ''money'' and expect things to work out allright all the time. Life is a learning and growing thing and not all aspects of living are advantageous for kids to grow and live in. Anyway I read about ten different news articles after clicking on the links after finding one child that was diagmosed with spine cancer and had fortnightly cheotherapy twenty times and flew to America for blood transfusions. There is a guy in my church that has spine cancer and I don't know how long he has got to live or whether it is treatable, my ministers father also has cancer which is spreading all through his body and he has not got long to live either up The NSW North Coast. Anyway lets hope and pray that some more of these kids diseases are treatable as their short lived lives is not acceptable to me anyway, they need to grow up and experince adulthood. Its not all about funding doctors and professors for research as well as teaching and educating parents how to bring up their children. Copied to Business and Political news as well. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and spent $37, Marje paid the $7. That is it for today, tomorrow Josephine to her sisters and me to see my pyschiatrist. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

22/04/2024 Monday

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have taken Marje to the doctors and chemist this morning, she also made an appointment for the Optomitrist at 2.00 pm. We will go back to the Chemist then as well to pick up her packs which they had to change and rearrange a bit. She gave me $40 for both trips. Up to 2 Kings 7. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I took Marje back to the chemist and she picked up her packs, then she went to the Optomitrist and they ordered her new glasses which she paid $665 for. I got $8 Soul Origen pasta while I was waiting for Marjes eye testing and $30 petrol on the way home and Marje gave me $10. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I lost $20 on the arces today and also bought two more $5 lottery tickets when I failed to get a prize with the last two yet again, better luck next time I hope. I am taking Josephine to her sisters place on Wednesday before I go to my pyschiatrist at 11.15 in the new rooms, or at least there new for me after Wesley Mission closed their Ashfield/Croydon Offices. The new rooms are operated by The Catholic Church but the same doctor. That is about it for me today, Manly Tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

21/04/2024 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50, we had a guy come down from Newcastle and preach on 2 Timothy. I also bought two boxes of sausage rolls for morning tea, we will have them next week $16 and a bottle of mineral water $1.20, $17.20 from Woolworths. I read 1 Kings this morning. Have a good day and More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I just read the ABC News and listened to music this afternoon going down to Marjes a couple of times, had a piece of cake and coffee there. I have been snacking all day really, I had HJ's for breakfast, Ruths hospital meal when I came home from church, then some sausage rolls and then a packet of rice crisp snack biscuits. Then I got a roast beef sandwich off Marje which Ruth had given her as well. Not hungry at all now even though I got Ruth's soup off Marje as well and that is only small but I don't think I will eat it today. That is about it for me today once again, I hope that you enjoyed your Sunday as well, church wherever you go. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

20/04/2024 Saturday Pay Day

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been paid and been for a walk at Cronulla, it got a bit wet down there so I walked half way to Shelly Beach and back to Green Hills and returned. I got HJ's on the way for $2.95. Up to 2 Samuel 7. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have picked Josephine up from the station for $10. Also I am cooking a roast port fillet with potatos in the oven. Up to 2 Samuel 19. More later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have finished reading 2 Samuel and about another 20 minutes in the oven for the pork, potatos are done. 1 Kings next. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I bet $30 on the races and won $32.50, I was $12.50 up and then lost another $10. Marje has some pork for lunch to with potatos and she just brought the plate back up to my place. afternoon tea in an hour. No more races till $20 tomorrow 5.00 pm for Sportsbet, I have $50 available now for Ladbrokes, if at all. More later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I took Marje to Woolworths and hse gave me $10, I gave her my $4.10 change for HJ money. More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a relaxing afternoon with a few bets on the races, I bet my $50 Ladbroke money and won $19.50, $29 down for the day. Nothing else to do really, Randwick was abandoned for the last two races. That is about it again for me today. Church Tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

19/04/2024 Friday Central Coast

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Welcome to my day and here it is. Marje and I went to visit a friend of hers in a retirement Villiage up on The Central Coast today. I gave this dear old soul, she is 92 a set of my three books as she gave me her book about two years ago which I read, her husband was 96 when he died at the end of last year, they were married for over 70 years. Then we went and got fish and chips at Swansea $7 and around Lake Macquarrie, we had HJ's on the way up which Marje paid for $6 and a coffee at the service station in Normanhurst on the way up for $4, Marje had a cup of tea as well. I also got a cake for me and Marje at Toukley $7.50 and a bottle of mineral water from Coles for $1.20. We got $80 petrol near home and Marje gave me $30. Marje got a copuple of things from the opshops as well, a fan $10 and a knitted blanket $7 which she will unpull and use for her own crochet blankets. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.


7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I had a filling come out of my tooth yesterday so I am going to the dentist this morning on the way to Marjes appointment to make an appointment of my own. I will get him to have a look at the other two broken teeth and see if he can do anything about them as well, other dentists just wanted to pull them out but I figure it is better to have some tooh than nothing at all. Even if he can just smooth them over to stop them cutting my tongue. I finished off reading Judges this morning and also Ruth. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I had the housing inspection first before I left and got three of my teeth filled for $450. I took Marje to the eye clinic and picked her up again for $20 which I added on last night. Up to 1 Samuel 10. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I read another 11 chapters of 1 Samuel this afternoon, up to chapter 21 now and there are 31 chapters in the book, another 10 to go. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a piece Jannettes chocolate cake. When I came oput of Marjes place it was bucketing down with rain so I had to wait for a while before I could get back to my unit. That is about it for today, tomorrow Marje and I are going up to see her friend in the retirement villiage on The Central Coast. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

17/04/2024 Wednesday

7.30 pm Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. Marje and I and Josephine had a nice meal last night at The RSL Club. Ronnie gave me $20 for my birthday as well. Today we have got a Department of Housing Inspection going on so I have to stay home for that today. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read Joshua and now up to chapter 3 of Judges. More Later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I took Josephine up to the post office but her parcel won't be there till after 4.00 pm, she gave me $30 and I will take her back up again later. Up to Judges 5. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Josephine back to the post office and she forgot her ID so we had to come home again and get it, then we went back up again and she gave me another $20. Marje has an eye clinic appointment tomorrow and the housing people did not turn up today, they sent a text about 3.00 pm and said they are coming tomorrow now, that was the original day and they sent a text saying the 17th now we have to be home tomorrow again. Marje rang the department and said she would not be home till 1.30 pm tomorrow and so I am now waiting on the phone to tell them the same thing. I just spoke to them and told them, while I was waiting on the landline someone rang me on my mobile form the same place so I was talking to two people at a time till I hung up on my mobile. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

16/04/2024 Tuesday My 64th Birthday Manly

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my 64th birthday. I have been to Manly this morning and given $20 to the church. I had birthday breakfast shouted me and I had a sausage roll for $4 and a coffee for $5. Don't ask me how my day is going so far, it is a happy birthday but I am looking forward to next year when I turn 65. Days and years seem to go past to quick of late and I would really like to slow things down and live out the rest of my days on God's terms. The quick and the dead, heaven and hell is what is going through my mind at the moment, in other words there is a judgement and I am looking to Jesus for my salvation to avoid that. Hopefully I can live out the rest of my days/years in good terms with God and other people and be at peace and harmony with everyone who expects it. Have a good day yourselves and more later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have finished reading Numbers. Marje, me and Ronnie are going out for dinner tonight for my birthday to an all you can eat buffet which I get free because I am a club member. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I read Deuteronomie this afternoon. Josephine is coming out to dinner with us as well now, we are leaving at 5.00 pm. The market took a big dive today ending up down about 135 points recovering slightly near the end there from down 170 points. Josephine gave me some Turkish sweets, Turkish delight, dates with brazil nuts in them and other assorted sweets. I ate nearly half the box this afternoon. That is it for today, I had a good day despite reading over this Geneva Bible with words that I don't understand and sometimes they mean something and other times they don't. But I get the general jist of the thing after reading the Bible so many times I know what I am looking for. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

15/04/2024 Monday Marje Hospital 11.00 am Birthday Lunch 1.00 pm

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read exodus this morning in my Geneva Bible v for u and the like, so upon is vpon, crazy stuff. Last night the horse that I won on was called Peacemaker and I thought maybe that is what I was meant to be. Another good question, as if we all had all the answers that we need in life, only God knows that. Out today with Marje to the hospital and then to my birthday lunch with my sister. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I had two salmon rissoles that I got off Carol the other day for breakfast this morning. I also read Leviticus, the third boke of Mofes. Peacemaker went out to $7.50 just before the race started, I should have waited and got $75 for my $10, you just don't know these things before they happen. I got it at $10 for $4.80. More Later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje to the hospital and then to my birthday lunch at George River sailing Club near Captain Cook Bridge. They rebuilt the building that goes out above the water a few years back now but it was established in 1897, I had an angus rump with chips and salad for lunch my sister shouted me and her friend shouted me sticky date pudding for desert. My sister gave me $100 as well. We got $40 petrol on the way home and Marje gave me $20, petrol is expensive now with E98 around $2.37c a ltr. I also read up to Numbers 20 this morning as well. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

Late Extra Last Night

14/04/2024 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I finished off reading Genesis this morning and gave $50 at church with a sermon on Psalm 48. In this Geneva Bible 1560 they use f for s and I for J, very confusing but I am managing. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written another five poems for Parsifal and Romance. 21. Dodging And Arguement, 22. Don't Tread On My Toes, 23. Both Want Their Own Way, 24. Have To Agree On Something & 25. Love Settles Things. More later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written another five poems for Parsifal and Romance. 26. Taking Too Many Chances, 27. Looking Out For Yourself, 28. Many Hands Make Light Work, 29. Now Is The Time to Win & 30. You Lost, Don't Lose again. That is half way through the book now. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I ahd afternoon tea with Marje around 3.45 pm till 4.15 pm and hse had a cheese and chicken Indian bread that Ruth gave her, I ate most of it and we also finished off a packet of chips that we started yesterday. I have $20 available to me at 5.30 pm today but after writing what I wrote today I am not tempted to use it. I don't feel lucky even though I also have 2 $5 lottery tickets drawn tomorrow while I am at lunch. It is a good question in What are you gambling with? Your money, your life or your time and family. I am driving to Melbourne in three weeks and I want to feel safe while I take on that 2,500 km journey so I will give up gambling now. No more after my birthday. My father died aged 64 in 1987 and my brother was born in 1964 and died in March 2015 and I am turning 64 this year and I want to make sure that I get through this one. I give a lot more to the church in my lifetime so far than I ever did gambling, I won $10,000 in 2018 on a $2 lottery ticket which I think I told you about before which would have paid back all my gambling money up till then, pokies when i was young and a bit of races since 2007, Power Ball, Oz Lotto and lottery tickets till then. I think I am about $2000 down since 2018 till November last year when I started gambling again. With a company business like Parsifal Enterprises that does not make any money, it looks like it is obvious that I would enter into prize draws of some kind and I am still hoping to get the big one so that I can buy my own house and get married with a family of my own before it is too late. I would hope to go all throughout my life never marrying. I have Marje as a good friend but she is 86 and not really a spouse contender. The races is not really a way to get rich but just a bit of a thrill and enjoyment challenging your wits to try and beat the brokers. People investing to make and lose fortunes every day on the stock market but I am not smart enough to make money out of that as I have tried a few times unsuccessfully. So that is it for today, saying that I will try my $20 out tonight I think to try and recoup a bit of my losses for the week, I can only go to $224 down for the fortnight if I lose as my next available money there is next weekend now, still not good enough, $224 down I mean. Working hard to win in some way or kind, I hope and trust God is keeping His watchful eye over me to keep me safe and secure in my own lifetime. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

6.00 pm Late Extra

I bet the $20 and lost two $5 bets and won a $10 bet $48, $28 up for the day, $176 down for the fortnight now. Good knight Again. Darel.

13/04/2024 Saturday

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I read the first 25 chapters of Genesis this morning after finishing the introduction of my 1560 Geneva Bible. It is in old english and a bit hard to read with very fine print as well, I am sort of just skimming over the words that I don't understand. Then I went for a walk at Cronulla on what is yet again a very lovely day, big surf but the sun is shining brightly on the water. Marje shouted HJ's and gave me $50 for my 64th birthday on Tuesday. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and spent $29.50. I also halved my Ladbrokes and Sportsbet limits from $100 to $50 a week each. Trying to save some money somewhere as I don't seem to be able to win very easily on them, a little bit of fun is OK but not if your only losing. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I lost another $30 on the races again today, $20 tomorrow and that is my limit till next Saturday, in next pay week for Sportsbet. Can't take a trick of late. More later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I lost my $50 Ladbrokes money this afternoon, not good, $204 down for the week now, it won't be that much in the future. Simply could not take a trick, last four bets on the last four races at Randwick $5 each. I thought I would get something with a lot of previous winners on my list. Anyway that is it for today, major operation on in Bondi at the moment. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

12/04/2024 Friday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have started reading my Geneva Bible and only got through the first 12 pages of the 24 page introduction. It is detailed and great reading about how they came to put this great work together in and around 1560, with William Tyndale and Wycliffe. Marje and I may be heading up the Central Coast today to visit her friend in the aged care centre, I also want to give her a copy of my books as she gave me a copy of her story in a book she had written. Once again it is gloorious and fine conditions today, a great day for travelling or at least getting out of home for a while. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. We have been up The Northern Beaches to Palm Beach and Whale Beach and had HJ's at Mona Vale for $7.45. Down to Manly and North Head where Marje shouted an apple struedel and home. We got petrol for $25 and Marje gave me $20. More later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I bet $30 on the races and won $22, lost $8. Afternoon Tea Time now. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had another $20 bet and lost, actually I won $6.58 on the trifecta but I thought I was betting on the first four which would have paid $19, I had another bet with the $6.58 and lost because you cannot withdraw less then $10, otherwise I would have been up for the day if I had placed the bet right. That will teach me to check and make sure first. We are going up to the Central Coast next Friday now to see Marjes friend. It has been great weatherwise today I hope it is like this tomorrow when I go for a walk. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

11/04/2024 Thursday Marje Podiatrist

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to HJ's this morning and got Marjes pay for her, she gave me $10. I was going to read an Interlinear Bible next but when I opened it in was Hebrew and Greek writing so I left it on the shelf as I don't understand or speak either, so I am starting a Geneva Bible first published in 1560, it has very small print and so it will take me longer to read this one. I read the Bible 14 times in 2021 I just noticed this morning when checking back on my readings. I just finished last night for the 314th time through. My Family Bible I am up to Joshua 15 which would be the 315th time through if I finished that one before the Geneva Bible but I don't think so. Taking marje to the podiatrist this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have finished reading a 100 day devotional by dc Talk and The Voice of The Martyrs. The first book I have finished in two months. Taking Marje to the Podiatrist now. More Later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from The Podiatrist for $20. Going for a drive now. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. Marje and I went down the usual way to Thirroul via Appin and stopped at Sutherland after going the The Royal National Park for a chicken from Coles, Marje bought some other things and I paid $10.I was going to go through The Waterfall exit and have fish and chips but it was closed again after the rain I surpose.We got petrol near home for $50 and Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. The weather is getting colder but with the sun shining it is still nice to be out. Marje and I are going to Melbourne this time next month from the second Thursday and back home the following Wednesday, I will put it on the calender when I do Mays news dates, it could be quite cold down there then. That is about it for today, I had about six chocolates and a bottle of water with Marje this afternoon, too tired to read any more today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

Late Extras Last Night

10/04/2024 Wednesday

5.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. No luck with the Oz Lotto tickets last night, I did not read any more Bible because I was too tired and went to bed and asleep early. Home today as Marje has cleaner coming and water people for her filter. Have a good day and more later. Darel

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been to Cronulla for a walk, there was storm damage to the esplanade so I had to walk around the road to Oak Park. I saw friends of mine down there and I am meeting him for lunch at Manly in a couple of weeks. I got HJ's on the way for $2.95. Up to Acts 7. More Later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading Acts. KSN shares around .070 and .071. More later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have now read Romans. I sold my shares for a $11.31 profit. More later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now read 1 Corinthians. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now read 2 Corinthians. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now read Galatains. Afternoon tea time now. More later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now read Ephesians. Had chocolates and water with marje her water guy has gone and the cleaner went this morning, Jannette came nad visited her this morning as well. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I read Phillipians and Collossians just now and i will try and finish my Bible off tonight while I am so close to finishing. It could take a few hours and there will be a late extra if I do. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

7.00 pm Late Extra

It has been slow going and I am now up to Revelations, I will be back for a late late extra after that around 8.00 pm I hope. Good Knight Again. Darel.

8.30 pm Late Late Extra

I have finished reading this Large Print Amplified Bible which is a Bible of mine for the 314th time. This one completed in just three weeks. Good Knight Again. Darel.

09/08/2024 Tuesday Manly

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and bought a sausage roll and a coffee $9.30, I walked 6kms again and had breakfast shouted me, I gave $20 to the church. Welcome to Doug who I gave a card to if you found this here, Doug shouted breakfast this morning for three of us. I went to the prayer meeting and the bible Study. I just had trouble logging onto netbank but I rand the bank and cleared some cookies and it is right now. KSN shares fluctuating around .069c to .071c. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I had no luck with my free $5 lottery ticket and I bought two more $11 and also 24 games $35 in tonights $50 million Oz Lotto draw. Up to John 6, I finished reading Luke last night. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I did not go down for afternoon tea with Marje today but I rang her and talked for a while on the phone because it was raining too heavy. I finished reading John and I will try and read Acts and Romans while I am waiting for the Oz Lotto to be drawn tonight at 8.30 pm. KSN shares closed today at .07c. That is it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

08/04/2024 Monday Marje Specialist

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading The Old testament this morning. I lost another $20 last night on the races, that is it till Thursday now for money on them, I think I will give it up again as no point continuing when you are going to lose all the time. Marje to the specialist at the hospital this morning and then Josephine to her sisters. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from taking Marje and Josephine, Josephine gave me $20 and Marje paid me last week. More later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I had some spaggetti bolognaise that Marje got from her church yesterday and up to Matthew 11. More Later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading Matthew. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have read Mark, Luke next. More later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have taken Marje back to the hospital to get an appointment for the respiratory clinic next Monday, she gave me $20 for that and $10 for petrol, I got $33 petrol. I double booked next Monday with my birthday lunch with my sister and Marjes appointment so we will try and put the lunch back to 1.00 pm. Up to Luke 6. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I bought 70,000 KSN shares at .07c $4919.95 and I have a bid in to sell them at .079c. I bought them at .08c last time and sold them at .079c. Up to Luke 12. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

07/04/2024 Sunday Church

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I won $10 yeteday afternoon after signing off, I bet $40 on about five races and won $50 on a horse called Bubba Bay, I have won on it before. Church today and gave $50 for a sermon on two Psalms 125 (five verses) & 126 (six verses). I picked Marje up after her service to bring her back to my church for the fifth Sunday luncheon which was defrred from last week due to Easter. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have bet another $10 on Ladbrokes that is it for them now, no win but I have $50 left on Sportsbet coming up this afternoon I think, $66 down for the races this week now so far. I finished reading Jerimiah this morning, Lamentations next followed by Ezekiel. More Later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I read Lamentations and Ezekiel this afternoon. I had a bottle of water with Marje, she has to go to a specialist at the hospital tomorrow and then I am taking Josephine to her sisters. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

06/04/2024 Saturday Pay Day Mens Breakfast

Late Extra Last Night

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to Mens Breakfast this morning and also read up to Jerimiah 11. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am now up to chapter 18 of Jerimiah on page 1100. Marje and I are going for a drive now. More Later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. We headed out for a drive and had HJ's and then got stuck in heavy traffic due to the floods I think so we decided to come home. More later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I bet $80 on the races today and won $14 in the Doncaster at Randwick. I had six horses in the Doncaster and only had $2 on the winner, at $7 Celestial Legend. Three of the others were all $1 but at long odds and would have paid about $20 each. I had $3 on the favorite Another Wil at $3.40 and $2 on another horse paying $10. Not much luck otherwise today could not take a trick all day really till the last race. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

5/04/2024 Friday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read Isaiah this morning and last night I lost $30 on the races. Have a good wet day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have taken Marje for Dominos pizza which she shouted, hers was a ham and pinapple $11 and mine a peperoni $7, but she spent $16 the other day for Woolworths and only needed to pay me $10, $13 and plus she gave me an extra $10 last time I filled up ($23 total) which I said I would catch up with her later for, so I said don't pay me the $20 on Monday when I take her to a specialist at the hospital. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just checked the ABC News and the market today listtening to some music. At 3.15 there was a horse running at Rockhamton which I wanted to back but did not have the funds available till 3.50 pm called Sun Worshipper and it won at $5.50 it went out as far as $9 and I was going to go down the club and put some money on it but did not, I told Colin and then that he won, he said that is my horse. So after my money bacame available I bet on a horse called The Oyster at $31 and $6 for the place, I had it each way, it had won its last two races and came second in the one before that, he is still running I think now win on that one. I have $10 more available today after 4.50 pm, if no luck with that one I have to give up anyway till tomorrow after I get paid and also I have the mens breakfast on in the morning. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

5.00 pm Late Extra

I won $42 on the last race with a horse called Imalovaboy. I bet $50 in the last two days $8 down not too bad. Good Knight Again. Darel.

04/04/2024 Thursday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read Ecclessiastes and Song of Songs this morning. Marje rang and has a few things to do today with regards to doctors, so she paid me for that yesterday. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been to the doctors for a referal with Marje, she also went to the hearing aid place and a specialist who was not there but she will ring him to change her appointment time. More Later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again for today. My two $5 lottery tickets were drawn todaya nd I won a free ticket into the enxt draw, the first prize of any kind that I have won on the $5 lottery tickets, it might be lucky I will see and not buy any more tickets till it is drawn next week some time. Just listening to music as I can't get my mind to read or write any more apart from the ABC News. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternon for today. I have written poem 17 for Parsifal and Romance, Your Eyes Are Bigger Than Your Stomache. More Later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now written poem 18 for Parsifal and Romance, In Deep, Don't Lose It. One at a time, step by step, seems to be the way to go at the moment. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now written 19. Power and Hower and 20. Soft and Gentle for Parsifal and Romance. That is 33% of the book now written. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have checked Parsifal Self Actualizes for corrections and only making a few changes. The next eight books need to be checked up to Cruises Along, but the rest are all pretty right I think. I know the the next five which were written long ago have been checked and after that I typed all the books on myself so I checked as I go with those. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje to Woolworths and she shouted me $16 worth of things, milk, shaving cream and deoderant. That is about it for today, heavy rain tomorrow so we won't be going anywhere. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

Late Extra Last Night

03/04/2024 Wednesday

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. Marje and I went for a drive up the mountains this morning and stopped in at my sisters place and saw my brotherinlaw because my sister was buying flowers at Flemington Markets. Then we went up to Lawson and Marje shouted me a pie and then to Mount Victoria and went down to the Bells Line of Road to Bilpin where I bought a 2ltr cloudy apple juice $10 and I shouted Marje cake, tea and lollies $10, cost me $24 all up, I had a apple slice to. Back Home through Richmond where I bought a Peter Fitsimmons book, Long Tan for $3 that Marje paid for. I checked at the bank on the way home and they put the $20 back into my account from Manly ATM and saw it in my account when I got home. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I forgot to tell you that I read the first twenty chapters of Proverbs this morning. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now finished reading Proverbs, afternoon tea with Marje now. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went and got petrol with Marje $32 and she gave me $20 and also $20 for the doctors on Friday, plus $10 for next time because she gave me a $50 note. I had another one of Ruths hospital meals for lunch, just a bottle of water for afternoon tea, her friend came and collected the bottles that Marje saves for her to recycle and Marje also gave her $30 for meals that she cooks for her. That is about it once again for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

5.30 pm Late Extra

I wrote poem 16 for Parsifal and Romance, Use The Brain In Your head. Good Knight Again. Darel.

02/04/2024 Tuesday Manly

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I went to Manly this morning and gave $20 and walked my normal 6km. I had trouble with the ATM there and when I checked my receipt and looked at it the $20 went back into the machine. I did the transaction again and got the $20 but the $20 from the first transaction did not go back into my account. So I put $50 into my account to make sure that I had enough money for other transactions coming out today. I went down to the branch after Bible Study but the branch was closed due to a power outage, so I am waiting on the phone now to the bank. I also shouted breakfast for me and one other guy $33. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I waited one hour on the phone for the bank and still did not get through so I went up to the local branch and there was an hour wait there as well. Just have to see whether they put the $20 back in or try later, ie tomorrow. No luck with the two $5 lottery tickets so I bought another two $11. Welcome to Barry who I shouted breakfast to this morning, I hope that you enjoy the website if you found it here, he is a semiretired Anglican Minister. More Later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje to Koorong for $20 this afternoon, then I got $45 petrol and she gave me another $10, also Ruth got us to pull the weeds out of her garden again for $20, so that paid for petrol. That is about it, they have closed the Commonwealth Banks at West Ryde and Ermington now so I could not check my $20 on the way this afternoon. That is about it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

01/04/2024 Easter Monday April Fool's Day

5.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I received $27 interest last night and I lost $20 last night on the races, I checked my winnings from the races and my total was not as bad as it seemed. I had outlayed $200 and won $153, I thought I had lost $93 but infact it was only $47, a big difference I think. With $33 in lottery tickets that makes $80 in the light investment category to try and make money. It is one thing to be content with your income as the apostle Paul says, but another not to have enough in comparison with everybody else. With the average price of houses getting up towards the $2 million mark now, I no way fall into that category. Sorry but I don't know any April Fool's jokes or I would have tried one on you. Pinch and a punch for the first of the month anyway. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been for a drive with Marje down through Appin and Thirroul to Stanwell Tops, with a great view from Bald Hill this morning after a real lot of fog down passed Campbelltown this morning, you could hardly see twenty feet in front of you. We then went through The Royal National Park to Bundeena and had a drive around there and stopped at the park and had a look at the water, Marje shouted morning tea at Flying High Cafe and I had a bacon and egg roll and a cappacino. Back through Sutherland and home, it is a really lovely day now today. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I took Marje to Woolworths for $10. It is now after 12 o'clock so the April Fool's joke are on you now.More later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been back to Woolworths to get vitamin pills which were half price I saw on Everyday Rewards website Cenovis Mens Multi $17.50. I also got a half a charcoal chicken for $7, Marje got the other half and also spent more at Woolworths. More later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am over half way through this Bible now after finishing Psalms last night, however my mind won't let me start Proverbs now I tried this morning but could not so that is why Marje and I left at 6.30 am this morning for our drive, still not able to engage and read any more Bible even though I did manage my daily devotions this morning. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I wnet down for afternoon tea with Marje around 2.45 pm and we shared a packet of Kettle Duck Hoisin Chips. I bit bored this afternoon, I watched the races but could not bet anything after reaching my limit on both book maker companies yesterday, no more till Thursday now, it was a good day for the book makers with a lot of long shots winning. I have 2 $5 lottery tickets drawn tomorrow, not very hopeful but you never know while I am at Manly or on the way home. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

Late Extra Last Night

31/03/2024 Easter Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News - He Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church and got HJ's on the way, Marje's shout as per usual. There was Random Breath Testing on the way with about 10 Police Cars and twenty Police Officers on King Georges Road. We got to Marje's church and she realized that she had forgot her crocheted blanket to give to someone there so we came home and got it, we were not stopped by the RBT either time. She had taken the blanket three times before and the people who she wanted to give it to were not there, they were there this morning so the trip back was worth while. I gave $50 for the sermon on Matthew 28 this morning. I bet another $40 last night and won $19, $19 down for the day now yesterday. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am having a little trouble with the font I think I have got it right now but the last news segment will have to stay Ariel. Up to Psalm 66. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I had my last $10 bet on a horse on Ladbrokes and won $16, $10 left on Sportsbet as well after 4.00 pm today. Up to Psalm 80. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went down to Marjes for afternoon tea and she gave me a packet of six hot cross buns and I ate two of them there, she also gave me two sandwiches that Ruth gave her. I can't bet any more money till 4.51 pm $10 and then another $10 at around 5.10 pm. So I will have a crack at it then and try my luck, though winning is a more of a skill and intelligence quest, reaidng the selectors comments and looking at the recent form of the horses. Though sometimes I just can't pick them at all and sometimes I win quite a few in a row. I would like to reduce my expenditure by about $20 or more but to back a favorite the oddds are not that high and picking the high odds winners is a very hard thing to do. We will see how we go. I am up to Psalm 110. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

5.00 pm Late Extra

I finished reading Psalms. Good Knight Again. Darel.

30/03/2024 Easter Saturday

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at Cronulla this morning, the usual 6kms. I got HJ's on the way for $2.95 and picked up Marje's hand bag from my sisters place on the way home. Marje is out with her son I think. Up to Psalm 20. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I had some sausage rolls with tomato sauce for lunch and read up to Psalm 36. Marje is still not home. Listening to some music, I can bet another $10 at 1.00 pm under the limit restrictions. I also got two more $5 lottery tickets. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I saw Marjes son and his wife before they left, they had been to the shops for lunch. Then I watched the races and was $50 down and had not won a thing all day, then I bet $30 on a horse called Sea What I See and it paid $83, money back, $2.17 profit after Paypal fees 83c. Taken my pill now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

Late Extra Last Night

29/03/2024 Good Friday Church

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. Happy Easter or at least it is Good Friday when Jesus died for the sins of the world. Yesterday afternoon I bet another $30 on the races and lost $11 winning $19 on one race. Then my friend Lynne came around and he told me that our other friend Laurie had died, I knew he had bowell cancer but he went quicker then expected. I tried to go around to his place a few times recently but Lynne said that he died a couple of month ago which was about the last time I was there. I finished chapter 3 of Stormie Omaritains book this morning Out Of Darkness and got up to chapter 3 of Job. Marje and I are off to church this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from The Good Friday Easter Service and gave $20. How very important and meaningful is this time of year. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I read up to Job 30 and watched the races this afternoon, I bet $10, won $10 and lost $10, no change. I also cooked another roast pork in the oven with baked potatos and brocollini and gave some to Marje. That is about it for my day now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

6.00 pm Late Extra

I finsihed reading Job today and also had another $10 bet and lost. Good Knight Again. Darel.

28/03/2024 Thursday Bible Study

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read Ezra this morning, no luck with the $5 lottery tickets, I give up on tham again after buying about 30 or more in 3 months, not a single win, $15 million or not. Bible study on at the church today. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now read Nehmiah. Esther next. More Later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading Esther. Leaving for Bible Study now, HJ's on the way. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from Bible Study with Marje, she shouted HJ's on the way and also got Hot Cross Buns for Easter, her son is coming down from The Gold Coast on Saturday to see her. I put them on my card $6 and gave her $40 for a $50 note. When I got home I took Josephine to the shops to get her pay from the ATM for $20 and brought her home again. I got half a charcoal chicken for $8. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have done all the rest of the first lines for each stanza in Parsifal and Romance and started a couple of the poems. Afternoon tea time now. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje for an x-ray this afternoon just then for $20. She had a migraine where there is a spot in her head that the neurosurgeon has been looking at, so she made an appointment for the 8th of April to see him instead of December when she was next due. She already had the x-ray form for November a week before so we used that and he can have a look on the 8th and give her another x-ray form for November. Marje went to her Bible study group from her church on Wednesday night and they prayed for her and she was right this morning but she had already made the appointment for the 8th so it is best that she keeps it for a checkover. I rang my sister about tomorrow lunch but she is not well so that is off and we are now looking at my birthday on the 16th April which is a Tuesday and I have Manly so we will probably do something on the Monday the 15th April. She also had Marjes handbag ready which she did some repairs to and Marje had bought a new one but she does not like it as much as the one that my sister gave her for her birthday in September, so I will pick that up on my way back from Cronulla on Saturday, Marje and I are going to my church for Good Friday Service tomorrow. That is about it once again for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

27/03/2024 Wednesday

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at Cronulla of about 6km, the usual walk. I got HJ's on the way for $2.95 and got petrol on the way home for $47, I gave Marje the $3 change from the $50. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I got a lunch off Marje from Ruth's Hospital meal, which she does not eat but brings one home anyway after she has her dialysis three times a week. I read up to 1 Chronicles 10 on page 609. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now finished reading 1 Chronicles. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am up to 2 Chronicles 24 now on page 665, going down for afternoon tea with Marje now. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a packet of Duck Hoisin chips with Marje and then we went and got her pay from the bank because it is Easter she got it a day early, she gave me $10. Also I will try and finish off 2 Chronicles tonight (twelve more chapters to go in the thirty six chapter book, 36 chapters in Numbers as well) and maybe Ezra or Nehemiah, then there is Esther, Job & Psalms, over two thirds of the way through now and nearly half way in my Bible, there is 1942 pages in this one, but it is large print so you turn the pages over quicker but there is more to get through. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.

5.00 pm Late Extra

I finished reading 2 Chronicles. Good Knight Again. Darel.

Late Extra Last Night

26/03/2024 Tuesday Thuan Friends Place

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I only read one more chapter of 2 Samuel last night before going to bed too tired to read. This morning I am up to 2 Samuel 10 and same again, the mind is too tired to read. I am taking Thuan and Nam out at 11.30 am to have lunch with her friend. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been out with Marje to buy a kettle for her, she got one and gave me $15 and we had HJ's as well. My Ladbrokes money has come out as well. More later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading 2 Samuel. More Later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. Leaving now for Thuans friends lunch, up to 1 Kings 10. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from taking Nam and Thuan for $30. Picking them up from the station at 3.00 pm or near abouts. More later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now finished reading 1 Kings. More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Late Extra

Paid my comprehensive car insurance $1175.99, got a $122.05 discount when I rang up. I have finished reading 2 Kings. Good Knight Again. Darel.

25/03/2024 Monday Marje Eye Clinic

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I picked up Thuan and Nam from the station and got a chicken and salad bread roll. I read up to 2 Samuel 10 and had my roll and a bottle of water with Marje for afternoon tea, dinner as well I surpose. I bought 4 $5 lottery tickets which has jackpotted to $15 million now. That is it once again for today. Marje has the cleaner coming in the morning, so I might go for a walk at the beach while she is there. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I read the rest of Joshua this morning and then Judges, Ruth next. I took Marje to the eye clinic and the chemist, she gave me $20. I bought HJ's for $5.90 and a sniztel roll for $10.50. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. Josephine rang me to pick her up from the doctors for $20 and I read Ruth, up to 1 Samuel 5. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to the bank and the chemist, I put $100 in the bank and bought pills for $7.70 and gave Marje the change from $10. Also I had some money come in from Ladbrokes but I am waiting for some money to come out so my balance is a little inflated at the moment. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I cooked some mushrooms for lunch and had afternoon tea with Marje at 3.00 pm, about seven or eight chocolates and a bottle of water. I read up to 2 Samuel 2 after finishing 1 Samuel, I will try and finish 2 Samuel tonight, maybe by the time it gets dark around 7.00 pm. That is it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

Late Extra Last Night

24/03/2024 Sunday Church

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I read the first 20 chapters of Leviticus this morning before church. I gave $50 for the final sermon on Nehemiah. I spent $11 at Woowlorths as well. I bet $10 and won $13 today, $30 down for the week so far. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now finished reading Leviticus. Numbers next. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. There was a horse that was picked by the selectors for $9.50 which won, I did not have any money on it and there was another horse at $81 which won Boorowa Girl at Orange, I would have liked $5 on that. I have been through the town of Boorowa between Cowra and Goulburn and gave $10 to St Patricks Catholic Church there, it was also St Patricks day last week. But no I had a much more productive afternoon read Numbers. Deuteronomy next. Taking mare to The Eye Clinic tomorrow morning and Thuan to Nams friends place on Tuesday instead of Manly, I rang the group leader there and told him I would not be there this week. I will save $20 plus $20 petrol and make $30 of Thuan, About $70 worth instead of being down. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

7.00 pm Late Extra

I have now read Deuteronomy, I had $20 more bets and lost, $50 down for the week now, I will earn $50 in the next two days. Up to Joshua 18. Good Knight Again. Darel.

23/03/2024 Saturday Pay Day

6.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I bet $10 last night and won $36, $26 profit. I have been paid this morning and read my daily devotions. Exodus next, not sure what I am doing today, maybe a walk at Cronulla. Have a good day yourselves and more later. Darel.

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading Exodus. More Later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been to Cronulla with Marje and she shouted HJ's on the way. I walked the usual 6-7kms from Eloura to Bass and Flinders and back. Carol came with the food and I got some of that. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I was watching the races this afternoon and I was $40 down by 3.00 pm when I went for afternoon tea with Marje. I stayed there a half an hour and then Marje said she wanted to go shopping, for $10, earlier I quickly took Josephine to KFC for $15. I had one more bet on the races for $20 and won $47, $13 down for the day. The Golden Slipper is on at Rose Hill and about to race now and Storm Boy is the favorite at $2.60 which I might put $10 on and try and get even for the day. I put the $10 on Storm Boy and lost it came third, then another $10 on another favorite and lost. $33 down for the day, I won $40 in the last two days. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

22/03/2024 Friday Lunch With My Sister

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read to the end of genesis this morning. Last night I had about half a dozen bets and won $54 and paid out $40, $14 ahead. Today Marje and I are going out for lunch with my sister. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Marje and i drove down around Appin and Thirroul this morning, stopping at Engadine where I bought a $6 jumper from The Salvo's, Marje gave me $1 and I paid $5. Marje got some chocolates from Woolworths there for my sister and herself. We had lunch at Dolls Point 16ft Sailing Club $20 and I had bangers and mash, one long chicken sausage and mash potato. My sister ordered salt and pepper squid $25 after that to fill us up we shared it and also a strawberry mouse, My sister had three large king prawns with a special sauce $30 for main. Marje had the kids meal, one sausage and mash potato with a small icecream for destert, $15. We got petrol near home $36.09 and Marje gave me $20. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

21/03/2024 Thursday Thuan Daughter In Laws

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read another ten chapters of Genesis this morning, up to chpater 21 now. I am taking Thuan and Nam to Thuans Daughter In Laws today, she gave me $50 yesterday. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from taking Thuan to her daughter in laws. We had a nice Vietnamese lunch, Bah Minh rolls with roast pork. I took Nam to the doctors on the way home for $10 and I found $25 on the ground there. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I did the budget for next fortnight. Thuan also rang me and wants me to take her out again next Tuesday at 11.30 am, I told her that does not leave me much time to get home from Manly but I will try. That is about it for today again now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.


3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. Marje and I have been to Visit her friend on The Central Coast in a Retirement Village. I got HJ's for $7.85 and paid for fish and Chips at Swansea for $7 and we went around Lake Macquarie, I took my shoes off and had a paddle in the lake. I gave Marje the $3 change from $10 note. I bought a bottle of Coke for $1.90 and we got petrol near home for $66 and Marje gave me $30. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I had afternoon tea with Marje a couple fo sandwiches and a bottle of water. Thuan gave me $50 for tomorrow, we are going out to see her daughter in law. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had an issue with my e-mials and I could not get a verification code to login, I rang them and then realized that I had flight mode on, I switched it off, got the code and logged in. I read the first ten chapters of Genesis this morning in My Large Print Amplified Bible. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

Late and Late Late Extra Last Night

19/03/2024 Tuesday Manly

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I went to Manly this morning after Marjes appointment for today was cancelled. I gave $20 and had breakfast with the guys. I was a little late in getting there and went for a walk between breakfast and The Bible Study after the prayer meeting when I got there at 7.30 am. I have to take Marje for an x-ray this afternoon as well. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am back from the x-ray with Marje for $20. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have read 2 Corinthians now. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now read Galatians, Ephesians, Phillipians and Collosians. Afternoon tea time now. More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have had afternoon tea with Marje, about eight chocolates and a bottle fo water. I read 1&2 Thessalonians and 1&2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon and Hebrews this afternoon, leaving James, 1&2 Peter, 1&2&3 John and Jude and Revelations to go. I will try and finish off today if I can while I am in the mood for reading. I will be back for a Late Extra if I finish, otherwise it will be tomorrow night, as we are leaving early tomorrow morning to go up to The Central Coast. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

6.00 pm Late Extra

I have now got up to Revelations. Late Late Extra if I read that. Darel.

7.00 pm Late Late Extra

I have now finished reading My Ryrie Study Bible which is now 313 times through A Bible Of Some Kind. Good Knight Again. Darel.

18/03/2024 Monday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good aaaamorning and welcome to my day. I have read Romans this morning and am now up to 1 Corinthians 13. I hope and pray to finish off that and 2 Corinthians today. It is a bit of a wet day and so a walk at Cronulla looks out at the moment but I have not walked very far since last Tuesday so that is what I wanted to do today. While it is wet it is a good day for reading however if I can just get my mind to focus and conscentrate on the work. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. Marje and I have been for a drive down through Appin and Thirroul to Cronulla through The Royal National Park. Marje shouted me a bacon and egg roll at Flying High Cafe at Stanwell Tops Bald Hill Lookout. I walked from North Cronulla to Bass and Flinders and back. We got $36 petrol near home and Marje gave me $20 plus $20 for tomorrow to the hospital $40. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Marje and I both got textsa nd messages on our phones from the hospital about Marjes appointment tomorrow. We tried to ring abck but they did not answer so we went in to see them. To cut a long story short she had to do a breathing test tomorrow 19th March, but she did one the other day at the sleep doctors and so we gave them that report and they cancelled the test for tomorow. She needed to see the doctor at the hospital about her lung infection/inflamation that she has been on steroids for since December and she thought they had cancelled the appoint from the 23rd of March to May after we come back from Melbourne, but that was the reason she rang to cancel the appointment on Thursday because the doctor won't be in. So now they are getting a report from the sleep doctor and she does not need to go in tomorrow now at all, they were going to bring Thursdays appointment back to tomorrow but cancelled that as well. So I think she had to get a chest x-ray done before that appointment which we will get done tomorrow afternoon now, but they said they will call Marje if they want to see her, but I am worried that her lung infection/inflamation needs to still be checked which they might sort out after the x-ray is done. Anyway we will see what is going to happen now, we might need to ring them but they said she does not need to see two repiratory doctors, the sleep doctor and the one at the hospital because they work together. So I think the May appointment is for Marjes neurology now which is in the same place at the hospital. Some how the woman at the hospital got it wrong and she even got us to check Marjes lazor treatment appointment next week while she was there. Anyway we will see what happens and whether they ring back for another appointment. So Marje used her $20 that she paid me for tomorrow for this afternoons trip now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

17/03/2024 Sunday Church

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50, the minister preached on Nehemiah again today. We had our Annual General Meeting (AGM) after the service today and I bought a bottle of water for 80c from Woolworths. Last night I had one bet on one race and won $30. It was a dead set favorite, I could not resist the extra money. I bet $20 and won $50, I broke the drought after not betting on anything for a week. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I watched a few races and picked the winners a few times but did not bet, they want their money back at the book keepers I am sure. I had afternoon tea with Marje, we shared a packet of chips and I had my bottle of water. That is about ti for today, I read two more chapters of Romans but can't quickly finish off my BIble after wanting to race through and end it again. Marje is reading Revelatians 1 and is nearly finished her Bible again, but she only reads two to three chapters a day and I might catch her and finish off before her if I get a riggle on. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

16/03/2024 Saturday

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been dwon through Appin to BUlli and down through Wollongong to Shellharbour for fish and chips lunch $14 my shout, Marje shouted me a vanilla slice at Appin and $6 HJ's as she usually does for both of us. Then back through Albion Park and Moss Vale, Bowral and home where we got $55.51 petrol and Marje gave me $20. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have listened to music and checked the ABC News this afternoon before having afternoon tea with Marje again, about 5 chocolates and a bottle of water. At church tomorrow after the service, we have an annual general meeting for my church, so Marje will get both services in at her church tomorrow. It was a good morning even though I only read two chapters of Romans today, up to chapter 5 now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

15/03/2024 Friday

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read Acts this morning, My sister texted me early today and said she is working so lunch is off with her today for me and Marje. I took Josephine to the doctors this morning for $10 and gave it to Marje because she gave me $10 the other day when I changed 2 $20 notes for a $50 note. Probably going out today anyway, on Wednesday we are going to see Marjes friend on the Central Coast in a retirement centre. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. Marje and I set out for a drive and got HJ's, then it started raining so we came home again. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been shopping with Marje, she bought me a packet of Kippers and some Hoisin Duck Kettle chips. The market down another hundred points today like yesterday. Up to Romans 3. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje to the chemist this afternoon to get some pills for $20. I had a piece of cake and that finished it off now for Janettes cake and Marje and I ate the duck hoisin chips. That is about it for today again now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

14/03/2024 Thursday Pyschiatrist

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have handed in my Drivers medical assessment for this year after seeing my Pyschiatrist. His offices in Ashfield, Wesley Mission are closing now, I have been going there for 23 years, I have to go to his other office now. I finished reading John this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went and saw Marje a couple of times this afternoon, had a piece of cake for afternoon tea with my water. Just checked the market and ABC News and listened to music, I read the introduction to Acts but that is about as far as I got with my mind being too tired to read. That is about it for today, Marje gave me $10 so that I had a $50 note for church, but now Josephine wants to go to the doctors tomorrow morning so I will get $10 to pay Marje back. Possibly lunch with my sister tomorrow as well. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

13/03/2024 Wednesday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read up to Luke 12 this morning and I would like to finish reading the book today, plus John if possible. Marje is home this morning with her cleaner coming, so we will not be going out till after 10.00 am if at all today. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have finished reading Luke, John next. More later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for the regular drive down through Appin and Thirroul, I got a half a chicken at Helensburg for $9 and $37 petrol near home, Marje gave me $20. Up to John 8. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with marje, a bottle of water and a piece of cake. Marje gave me another one of Ruths hospital meals with a soup, I ate the soup for dinner tonight and will have the main meal tomorrow for lunch, I am not very hungry today snacking on fruit a fair bit this morning. Just listened to music, checked the market and read the ABC News this afternoon. I got up to John 12 and will still try and finish that off tonight before going to bed. I have taken my pill and so my day is over so to speak now, but if I can I will continue to read my Bible a bit more. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

12/03/2024 Tuesday Manly

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and given $20 to the church. I had a pie for $6 and a coffee for $5 and found a $2 coin on the road. I had breakfast shouted me and went to The prayer meeting and Bible study after a walk from Queenscliff to Shelly Beach and back. Taking Marje to the sleep doctor at 1.00 pm for her sleep apnia. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am back from the sleep doctor with Marje, she gave me $20 and I gave her my $3 change for burgers. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a piece of cake and some cashews down with my bottle of water at Marje's place for afternoon tea, just rested before that listening to some music, well I think that is it, no more gambling, I am happier and less worried about things now. I have not touched the stock market for a while now, even though I still check it would just about take a miracle for me to buy anything now. The market is at a near all time high, no good for bargain hunters. Those who have been in it for the long term are having there dividends paid off now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

11/03/2024 Monday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am taking osephine to find a doctor that she has to see in April soo she knows where it is this morning. Tomorrow after Manly I am taking Marje to The Sleep Doctor. I read 14 chapters of Matthew this morning and I will try and finish the book today. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been for a drive with Marje down through Appin and Thirroul and back through Helensburg and home. I found the place where Josephine has to go but she does not want me to take her to the doctor there till April now. We got $52 petrol near home and Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afteroon News

Good afternoon for today. I have now finished reading Matthew, Mark next, no luck with the $2 lottery ticket and the $5 today. More later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have read mark now. More later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have watched Australia win the cricket online against New Zealand by three wickets. Cooking a long pork fillet in the oven with potatos and carrots. More later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I ate lunch and gave Marje some, very nice, could have stayed in the oven another 5-10 minutes though, meat was just right with just a very little bit of pink and potatos were cooked but not as soft as I like them, I gave Marje the best cooked ones, most golden brown. Also the $2 lottery jackpot of $10 million went off today and so I did not buy another ticket, the $5 lottery ticket $14 million jackpot is still there but I have not won a prize with that since starting to buy tickets, so I did not buy any more of those either. Races are not tempting today and I think I have given up gambling/betting completely now, life is more important than money, we will see how we go. More later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to NSW services to get a medical form for my doctor to fill in on Thursday, I also got the optomitrist to do the eye test. That is about it for today. Manly tomorrow but not next week as marje has an appointment I have to be there for. Tomorrow afternoon Marje has the sleep doctor which I think I told you this morning. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

10/03/2024 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. First I added a bit to the good knight news last night. Today I have been to church and given $50 with a sermon on Nehemiah again. I bought a bottle of water from Woolworths for 80c, I will have to learn to take my own bottle of water to church in the future to save money. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have read Joel, Amos and Obadiah this afternoon, only 13 chapters really, I want to finish the Old Testament if I can. I had one bet this afternoon on a horse called Boy's Cry, I bet $5 and it ran forth which would have paid $55 at 11/1. Better off reading my Bible Aye! I had one more $5 bet and won $11 money back again. More later. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I finished reading the Old testament this afternoon with a break down at Marje's with Ronnie from 2.45 pm to 3.45 pm where we talked and I drank a bottle of water and had a piece of an orange zest cake that Janette had made for Marje today at church. Up to Matthew now after reading all the parraphanaylia between the Old and New Testaments that covers and tries to fill in that time period. That is about it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

09/03/2024 Saturday Pay Day

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to Cronulla for a walk this morning about 6km again, I got $2.95 HJ's on the way. I read Hosea this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just rested this afternoon till just now, I watched a few races and had a $20 bet on Think About It in the group one race at randwick. She won the Melbourne Cup and The Everest but could not win for me today coming second. I had afternoon tea with Marje (a few biscuits) as well as eating another packet of Cheetos with Marje this morning. Carol came with the food and I got some of that, fruit and pasta salad which I have nearly finished. I did not back Think About it in The Melbourne Cup and backed I Wish I Win and he came second, not very lucky at the moment. I had a two more $10 bets and won $37.50 on Celestial Legend at Randwick, money back. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

08/03/2024 Friday Marje Physio

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have taken Marje to the doctor and physio this morning, she needed an x-ray as well but they changed her appointment to May and she has to have the x-ray one week before her appointment. I lost another $20 on the races last night, $10 up for the fortnight only now, I bet $50 total yesterday and won $27. That is $50 down for the last few days and I bet $100, I was $61 up. I read Daniel this morning as well. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and spent $15, with $10 WW$ off so $5. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje back to Woolworths for $10 and she bought two packets of cashews which we found in the WW catalouge. She was looking for them the other day and they were $18 each. Then we finished afternoon tea and had two small Frys Turkish Delights and nearly finished a large packet of Cheetos cheese and bacon that Ruth gave Marje, I left some for Marje as I could have eaten the whole packet, Marje had about five handfulls. That is about ot for today, pay day tomorrow morning and I might go for a walk at Cronulla. I used up all my Sportsbet $ yesterday so tomorrow I might use some Ladbrokes after I get paid on Flemington, there is specials on Moonee Vally today but the races are probably over by now, not feeling very lucky at the moment with a favorite last night in the dogs leading and then pulling a hamstring or something and wandering over the line 20 seconds after all the other dogs. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

07/03/2024 Thursday Marje Eye Clinic

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Ezekiel this morning and I am taking Marje to the eye clinic this morning for lazor treatment on her eye. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from the eye clinic where Marje had her lazor treatment done today. I got a snitzel roll for $10.50. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have written another five poems for Parsifal and Romance. 11. Use Your Head, 12. Stand Tall, 13. Sit and Think, 14. Write Anything & 15. Right and Wrong. Afternoon tea now. More later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a few bets last night and lost $27. I bet $50 and won $23 on one race, I lost on a few other races. I figured out that I would have $8000 on Saturday but I needed $20 more after spending money at Woolworths yesterday, so I tried to win the $20 and lost. I had $20 come out today anyway for Baptist World Aid which would have meant that I needed $40 more, plus church on Sunday $50, I was going to be under for sure, but it would have been nice to see the $8000 even for a while, I bought another 4 $2 lottery tickets today as well $8.80 after losing on them yet again. I started gambling when my sister told me I was not going to inherit her house after she told me for years that dad never gambled and that ''God" would look after me in that department. So I started buying lottery tickets, I can't win a house on the races but I can on the lottery tickets and the other Powerball and Ozlotto games, not much chance of that. I know that no one else in my family will leave me a house and the only chance of a family house is to bet a little bit as God has a way of paying for that and no one else will give me the money for it, even if it is only a small chance. I won $10,000 on the $2 lottery ticket in 2018 and had a Cairns and Whitsunday holiday with that. It was as if God looked at me at just the right time to buy a $2 ticket and it won. So it is not impossible for God to make it a bit more next time, harder yes but nothing is impossible for God. I gave away over $1000 as a tithe last time, $500 to Bible Society and $500 to World Vision plus the neighbours some. So God knows he will get his 10%. Anyway just stating my case, when I win next week if I do at least I will be able to say I told you so. I will stop buying lottery tickets when the two jackpots go off, though the $100,000 first prize for the $2 and $200,000 for the $5 are still tempting. That is about it for today. My carers pension for Marje was knocked back as well, I needed 12 points and only got 1.5 points to qualify. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ

06/03/2024 Wednesday

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good Morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive down through Appin and back through Stanwell Tops where we stopped for a while to take in the view on a beautiful day. We got $53.51 petrol near home and Marje gave me $20. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and spent $23, I got a half a charcoal chicken for $8 as well and $10 off my next shop at Woolworths. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written five more poems for Parsifal and Romance, 6. I Think I Want, 7. The Need For passion, 8. Romantic Love, 9. Greed Kills & 10. Fools Philosophy. Afternoon tea time now. More Later. Darel.

05/03/2024 Tuesday Manly

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and given $20 to the church, I bought a sausage roll for $4 and a coffee for $5. I had breakfast shouted me and I walked from Shelly Beach to Queenscliff and back. No luck with 4 $2 yesterday or 2 $5 lottery tickets today. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I donated $20 to Karl Faase's Olive Tree Ministry, I get his daily nudges online five days a week. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje shpping for key rings and also food at Woolworths, she gave me $20 which is for Friday Physio as well. Marje also gave me some mini Ritz biscuits and some nachos dip she got off Carol, I have just about finished my three dips that I got off Carol as well. That is about it for today, I also had some banana dough balls Ruth gave Marje for afternoon tea. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

04/03/2024 Monday Marje Heart Specialist

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have said good morning to Marje this morning and caught up on the news from last night. I am waiting for George to get a phone call this morning after 9.00 am for me to take him back to the doctor who wrote his script and fixes it, then I can take him to the chemist with that and come home to take Marje to the heart specialist by 12.30 pm. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading Jerimiah, Lamentations next. Still waiting for George to ring but I may go and see him first now. More later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from taking Marje and I think George went with Ronnie and so I will miss out on that pay. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have read up to Ezekiel 18 now which is thirty chapters till the end of the book of 48 chapters. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had some watermelon with Marje for afternoon tea and then took my pill around 3.30 pm and rested for a while listening to music. Signing off for today now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

03/03/2024 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church and given $50, the sermon was from Nehemiah again. I read the first twenty chapters of Jerimiah this morning. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I read a couple more chapters of Jerimiah and stopped, not being able to read anymore today. I listened to music and relaxed lieing down for a while, then I watched a few races and the last one I watched had two favorite horses, Happy Link the $1.75 favorite and Moby Dick $4.40 second favorite, Moby Dick won and Happy Link came second, not feeling very lucky today I did not bet at all. I had afternoon tea with Marje for 1 hour 15 minutes from 2.45 to 4.00 pm and we talked and I drank water and ate some sandwiches which Ruth gave her. That is about it for today, I took my pill and I am having an early night. Busy couple of weeks coming up, actually it is a busy month with Marje in March, she gave me $40 for Monday Heart speciaist and Thursday Eye Clinic for lazor treatment this week. I have done my calender for this month now and I will put more things up as they arise and I think of them, Marje's calender is nearly full. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.

02/03/2024 Saturday

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to the emns breakfatsa t the curch and given $5. Then I took Marje to Physio, she gave me $20, then Sari shopping and she gave me $50 for shopping and my backpack. Carol came with the food and we all got some. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have finished reading Isaiah, afternoon tea time now with Marje. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I just had a bottle of water with Marje this afternoon, she has something on at her church tonight which someone is picking her up and taking her to. That is it for today. Just listened to some music this afternoon, no gambling till tomorrow 3.00 pm on the races, not likely to do it anyway, more likely to read Ezekiel. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

01/03/2024 Friday Walking Group

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day, back a bit early so we have afternoon news. We walked this morning from Cremourne Point to Taronga around Mosman Bay and then to Middle head where we caught a bus to Mosman Junction and walked 1km up to Spit Junction from there. Bus to the city and train home. I got HJ's at Circular Quay for breakfast for $2.95 they have gone up from $2.50. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took George to Fairfield to his doctor to pick up a script and go to the chemist, but there was something wrong with the script and the chemist would not take it, so I have to go back on Monday to get the new script and then hand it on to the chemist for them to order it in and then go back on Tuesday after Manly to pick up the medication for $50 next week, he gave me $30 for today. Tomorrow I have the mens breakfast at the church and then I am taking Marje to the physio because her physio was sick today and she caught the community bus, she did see the doctor though and got a referral for next month for the specialist. Then I am taking Sari the Fijian visitor to an ATM to get some money to pay me for a packpack that I gave her to take back to Fiji on Sunday for $30. That is about it for today, Monday I have to take Marje to the heart doctor after George as well and then an x-ray in the afternoon. Marje has something on Wednesday as well but I am not sure what Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

29/02/2024 Thursday

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I made another $45 on the races last night, I won on two horses named He's Heaven, 7-1 odds and Think of God which was a favorite. This morning I read Ecclessiastes and Song of Songs. Taking Josephine to the doctor this morning and then going for a drive if our Fijian visitor is up to it. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been on the usual route down through Appin and Thirroul and back via Helensburg as the Waterfall road from The Royal National park is closed and we would have to drive all the way to Sutherland if we went through the whole park. I got $10 off Josephine this morning and Marje gave me $10 for petrol which was $18.57 near home. I gave $20 to CBM. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje and had some chocolates, shortbread biscuits and cashews with a bottle of water and I have some of those three to take with me on my walk tomorrow, plus a pack of sandwiches that Ruth gave Marje and she gave me. That is about it for now, no news now till the good knight news tomorrow night. Bank interest going in tonight. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

28/02/2024 Wednesday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Psalms this morning and I am taking our Fijian visitor for a drive today. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. Our Fijian visitor is still in bet with a painful foot this morning so we are not going for a drive now. Josephine has to go to the doctors tomorrow morning and Marje has an appointment next Thursday when my Pyschiatrist is, so I will try and ring them today and get the appointment changed for tomorrow after Josephine if I can. Marje also has the heart specialist on Monday and I am doing my walk on Friday with a couple of friends. Marje and I still might go for a drive today but maybe we can take the Fijian visitor tomorrow after Josephine at the doctors. More Later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now read Proverbs. Ecclessiastes next. Market opens soon. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Liverpool with Marje and spent $27.50 on food including a Chinese meal for lunch. We got $37 petrol on the way home and Marje gave me $20. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I rested for a while this afternoon, nearly going to sleep. I got up and won $6.50 on the races, I lost the first two races and won the second two at $5 each race, so I bet $20 and won $26.50. The two races before I started betting were tips by the expert, both at around $6 each and they both won, I should have been on them. I had afternoon tea with Marje, some twisties and Darrell Lea Rocky Road and three small packets of cheesey Cheetos. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

27/02/2024 Tuesday Manly

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and given $20, I bought a pie for $6 and walked from Shelly Beach to Queenscliff and back in the dark, I woke up at 3.15 and after I did my devotions and got ready I left at 4.15 am and got there at 5.00 am. It was grey this morning at dawn and it rained as I went back to the car to drive home. I am taking Ruth's Fijian visitor to the hospital this afternoon. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I am back from Westmead Hospital for $50. Ruth's friend is going home to Fiji on Sunday to organise some money for a prosthetic procedure, about $13,000. Then she is coming back when that is all organised for the procedure and fitting. That is about it for today, tomorrow I am taking her on our trip around Appin and Thirroul. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

26/02/2024 Monday

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I lost about $50 on the races last night, I was about $40 up before that for the day, I lost count of the money, but I think I am about $10 down all up for this weeks betting, Over the weekend I bet about $150 I think and won a fair bit as well as losing it, getting a bit sick of this but sick of the boredom at home as well. I have read so much that even that becomes too boring at the moment. I read 25 Psalms this morning after getting up at 8.00 am, up to Psalm 36 now. I still like going for my drives and walks but I can't do that all the time. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I just went back and checked my finaces on yesterdays wagers and I deposited $70 to Sportsbet and withdrew $65 and deposited $40 to Ladbrokes and withdrew $55, $10 up. I read another 20 Psalms this morning after going and saying good morning to Marje, up to Psalm 60 now. Lottery tickets drawn soon. I can spent another $30 on Sportsbet after 12.00 noon but will probably go for a drive instead. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. No luck with my lottery tickets again and I bought the same again for next draw $22. I will ring Marje now and see if she wants to go for a drive or keep sewing up her blanket. More later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje for a drive along the usual route through Appin and Thirroul, I got a half chicken for $9 and shouted Marje a cup of tea $5 at Helensburg. We got $60 petrol in Appin and Marje gave me $20. I bet $30 when i got home on Sportsbet reaching my limit there now for a week and won $37, $36.63 by the time I pay Paypal transaction fees. I have $60 available to me on Ladbrokes now but not toughing that today, I don't want to lose after winning today and stretching my luck like I did last night when I was up and lost the money again, I will try and save the $60 for Saturday when they have the big races and I can watch it on TV and get the experts opinions. That will do for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

25/02/2024 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50, the sermon was on Nehemiah 4. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I bet $30 this afternoon on the races and won $52, I won $13 last night as well, $35 up for the weekend. Marje is sewing up another single bed patchwork blanket for a child at her church this afternoon. I have $2 and $5 tickets being drawn tomorrow morning and after Manly on Tuesday I am taking Ruth Figian friend who is staying with her at the moment to the hospital. Not sure yet whether I will go for a drive tomorrow morning yet but I might, if I win on the tickets, I win if I lose I lose, not really important to me but it would be nice to get the big one. That is about it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

24/02/2024 Saturday Pay Day

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Job this morning and been shopping with Marje at Woolworths, I got $14 worth of food for my efforts. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Marje and I have been out to Pearls grave, Marje bought flowers at Coles Brighton and then back through Maroubra, Coogee, Bondi Beach, Dover Heights, Vaucluse, Rose Bay and Double Bay and then home. I got Red Rooster sweet and sour pieces (2) and then Marje got two at another Red Rooster and bought me two more pieces they were $2.50 each. Taylor Swift is in town tonight and for four concerts, she made $1.2 billion in Melbourne over three nights and so that would be closer to $1.6 billion in Sydney or more. She got 96,000 to each crowd in Melbourne and probably 100,000 people or more in the crowd at each night at Sydney Olympic Park. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

23/02/2024 Friday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read 22 chapters of Job this morning with 20 chapters to go to finish reading the 42 chapter book. Taking Marje to the doctors this morning and then a walk at Cronulla or a drive somewhere. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. Back from the doctors and phisio with Marje. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been for a walk at Cronulla from Eloura to Bass and Flinders Point and back, about 7kms. I got a chicken and salad roll $6 on the way with a sausage roll $3, total $9 at Padstow. I told them that at Palm Beach a sausage roll costs $9 and a pie $12. I also got a bottle of water from Woolworths Caringbah for 80c. I had afternoon tea with Marje she gave me a packet of cheese balls crisps, actually five packets in one packet, I ate three small packets and she gave me a Hospital Meal that Ruth gave her and I took it home and ate that to, it is good I get quite a lot of those off Ruth, I like hospital food it is well prepared and cooked and very healthy for you. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

22/02/2024 Thursday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther this morning. Going to Bible Study at the church this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. Marje and I have been to HJ's, leaving in half an hour for church Bible Study. More Later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from Bible Study, I bought a 2ltr Dare Ice Coffee from Woolworths for $3.50. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I took Ronnie to pick up his car from the mechanic for $30 and Marje gave me $20 for the doctors tomorrow. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just checked the market this afternoon which was pretty flat for most of the time, KSN, BSX, AMP and WES. Not much happening really but it was something to do to fill in time instead of doing nothing. I listened to music as well, Marje had a friend from her church there this afternoon so no afternoon tea with her today. That is about it once again for today. Marje to the doctors in the morning, possibly followed by a drive or lunch with my sister but she has been busy at work for the first three weeks of this Feburary school year. I also have to e-mail my two friends about our walk next Friday now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

21/02/2024 Wednesday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I woke up just before 12.00 midnight last night and got up, had a coffee and did my daily devotions and Bible reading, I am up to 2 Chronicles 30 and will finish reading the book today. Going out for a drive today somwhere after Marjes cleaner conmes around 8.30 am for an hour. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now fiished reading 2 Chronicles. I rang Marje and she is doing washing like me this morning, her cleaner is coming as well. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. Marje and I have been for a drive down to Thirroul via Appin, back through Helensburg and home, we got $34.10 petrol and Marje gave me $20. No luck with five $2 lottery tickets today, more Monday. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a bottle of water with Marje and two sandwiches that Ruth gave her from the hospital for dinner. Marje has her church Bible Study on tonight and tomorrow is a free day at this stage, the road where we go down the coast in Wollongong (Lawrence Hargrave Drive) is going to be closed on Monday so we won't be doing that then. That is it for today. No Powerball this week or next week as it is only $4 mil and the same as the Ozlotto next week $3 mil, too bad if my numbers come up but I have to be realistic and limit myself to just a few of the big ones when they come around. Must cut back on the races as I can't always win on them all the time and even though it is fun it could end up costing me too much. A month or so ago I opened another betting agency because I wanted to have a bet when my limit was reached, so now I have Sportsbet and Ladbrokes with a $100 a week limit on each. You have to wait a couple of weeks before they ajust your limit if you apply, I went from $100 a fortnight with Sportsbet to $100 a week, but I can't really justify more than $100 a week alltogether. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

20/02/2024 Tuesday Manly

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and I woke up at 3.00 am this morning and read till 4.00 am and had a shower and got ready and left by 4.30 am. I got there at 5.30 am and walked to Shelly Beach and Queenscliff and back for the Prayer meeting at 7.00 am and gave $20. I had breakfast with the guys and one shouted. Then The Bible Study at 9.30 am and left for home at 10.45 am, I got home about 11.45 am with slow traffic and heavy rain. Marje had her heart specialist appointment cancelled at 12.45 pm because her doctor got stranded in the country, she will find out when they have resheduled in a couple of days. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Ronnie up to the shops because he is without his car for a few days while it is in for repair. He bought me a coffee and a spinage and cheese triangle and also a packet of chips and a chocolate. He bought Marje a packet of her favorite Werthers originals as well, because he eats her chocolates. Then we sat and ate them in Marjes place for afternoon tea. That is about it for tonight, I bought three $17.50 OzLOtto tickets for tonights $30 mil draw $52.50. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

19/02/2024 Monday

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. Marje and I have been for a drive down through Appin and thirroul and back through The Royal National Park to Sutherland and home where we got $51 petrol and Marje gave me $20 and another $20 for the doctors tomorrow after Manly. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I had two $5 and four $2 Lottery Tickets drawn today but no luck, I got the same again and won a free $2 lottery ticket for the next draw on Wednesday. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had some more bets this afternoon, for the last two weeks since I got piad last I have bet $400 and won $395, $5 down all told. I have a limit of $200 a week and can't bet more than that, I take my money as I win so that I can't lose more than my $400 total outlay. I had afternoon tea with Marje and Ronnie, some Smiths chicken chips and chocolates and a bottle of water. There was trouble with the Commsec website so I only checked the market once today, it was up about 15 points around 10.30 am. That is it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

18/02/2024 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50, the sermon was on Nehemiah 1. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I woke up at 4.00 am this morning and went back to sleep at 5.00 am and woke up again at nearly 7.00 am. Consequentially I did not get my Daily Devotions and Bible Reading in this morning, I finished reading 1 Chronicles yesterday and started 2 Chronicles this afternoon. I bet $30 on the dogs and won $50 in five races. I can't bet again till after 4.00 pm this afternoon but I am likely to quit while I am ahead and leave the money till next weekend. More Later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I won another $15 this afternoon on the races and I gave $20 to Certainty4Eternity, Mark Gilbert at Manly and Marrickville Anglican churches, he tries to covert Catholics to Prodestism. I had afternoon tea with Ronnie and Marje, a few chocolates and a bottle of water. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

17/02/2024 Saturday

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to Cronulla for a walk of about 6 kms. I got HJ's on the way for $2.50, a BBQ Cheeseburger and a coffee. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have written the first five poems for Parsifal and Romance. 1. Leap of Faith, 2. Foot and Feet, 3. Steps and Breaths, 4. Sucked In & 5. You before Me. Leaving at 4.00 pm to go to my sisters for dinner tonight, 4.00 pm Good Knight News before I leave. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have had a few bets $40 this afternoon with $20 bnous cash, I am $15 down and I have one $10 bet left on the favorite at Randwick next up. I won $25.75. I will let you know tomorrow, I won another $10.50, $4 down for the day. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

16/02/2024 Friday

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive down through Appin to Thirroul and back through Stanwell Park and Helensburg. We got petrol near home for $27.43, Marje gave me $10. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been shopping with Marje to Woolworths and spent $20. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Tomorrow night Marje and I are going over to my sisters for dinner, maybe I will do a walk at Cronulla in the morning. I had afternoon tea with Marje and had cashews and water, I gave her a Turkish Delight Bar that I bought at Woolworths. KSN shares down to .073c and I nearly bought but changed my mind at the last moment. They may go down further on Monday, I don't know. That is about it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

15/02/2024 Thursday

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been out for Marje to get her pay, we were then going to go for a drive but it was a bit wet and so we got HJ's and came home. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have taken Marje to Woolworths for $10. More Later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have watched Marje crochet a whole square from start to finish, it took about 40 minutes and she does over a hundred to make a single bed blanket. I cooked a pot full of brussel sprouts for lunch and Marje gave me two sandwiches from Ruth for dinner tonight. AMP up 20c since yesterday morning, now at $1.13 from 93c, about 21%. BSX climbed another .006c, to 7c. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to the $ shop again with Ronnie this afternoon, then he bought me a coffee and a doughnut a a local cafe. Then we sat and talked with Marje for another hour after that, my mind is tired and gone now. Back in an hour for the good knight news. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been through all my facebook pages since a week ago with over 40 pages to sought through including an invitation to my high school 50th reunion in February next year. Just listened to music and checked the market and the ABC News as well. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

14/02/2024 Wednesday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reaidng 2 Kings this morning and started 1 Chronicles. Taking Marje to The Hospital to The Eye Clinic today. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from the hospital eye clinic and we got $42 petrol on the way home and Marje gave me $20. I won $25 eight prize in the $2 lottery tickets. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went to a dollar shop with Marje this afternoon that someone at the hospital told us about and she got wool 4 for $5 and find a word books $1 each and all up she spent $52, $7 of that was on a few things of mine, toothpaste, hair gel and hand sanitizer. It was a big shop with nothing much over $5. I got some more lottery tickets for Mondays draw $19.80. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

13/02/2024 Tuesday Manly

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and given $20. I was 20 minutes late for the prayer meeting and did a walk after breakfast to Shelly Beach and back, then the Bible Study and I had to leave right on 10.30 am to be back in time for Marje to get her heart monitor taken off which I did by 11.50 am. Like yesterday it is a great day for the beach. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have wtached the marketa nd the ABC News this afternoon, there is an out of control fire burning in the Grampians in Central Victoria and we just started getting a thunder storm here at home just as I started writing. BSX shares went up 29.63% today from .054c to .070c I should have bought some the other day when they were only .045c would have almost doubled my money, 40% increase anyway. Anyway that is ot for today, I hope it does not hail with my car not under cover. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

12/02/2024 Monday

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at Cronulla and back this morning. Lost another $50 last night on the races, I think I am about even now after Saturdays win. I will have to work it out, I could be still ahead, I just checked and I am still $40 ahead. Taking Marje to get wired up with a heart monitor this morning and she has to ware it for 24 hours. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from The Pathologist where Marje got wired up for 24 hours, I will take her back after Manly tomorrow. I lost my last $20 on the dogs, I have to wait another week now before anymore betting, should give it up, $20 ahead after all that. I had no luck this morning with 4 $2 lottery ticktes and so I bought 4 more and 2 more $5 ones, $19.80, there goes my $20 profit, but still a chance now. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje and she ahs to write down what she is doing every half an hour while she is wired up, she puts it into night mode when she goes to bed though, it takes her blood pressure every half an hour anutomatically. I have just listened to music and checked the market this afternoon, read the ABC News and watched the live results on the Superbowl, Kansas City won twice in a row now and three times in five years, they scored a touchdown in overtime while San Francisco 49ers could only manage a field goal. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

11/02/2024 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50, I bought a bottle of water from Woolworths for 80c as well. The sermon today was on Nehemiah 1, The Kings Cupbearer. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

6.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I lost about $40 on the races today. Still $40 up from yesterdays win. I bet $100 and won about $70 on only two races. Last night I bet another $30 and won $32. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

10/02/2024 Saturday Pay Day

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been paid and am going for a drive and then a walk this orning. Appin Road was closed yesterday due to a two car accident and it should be open today. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. It is a bit grey today and not nice weather for a drive or walk at the beach. I have finished reaidng 1 Kings. More later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I won $82 on the races, I bet $40 and won $122, I said I wouldn't but I could not help picking the two winners of $40 and $82. I lost $25 on three others, $10 for the win on the same race multi $82 and $5 at 8-1 on the other. I have $15 bonus bets on a same race multi but I could not work out how to use it, I would have won a lot more money if I did. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been down with Marje for an hour so I was not tempted to gamble anymore and quit while $82 up. Marje gave me $40 for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Monday she has to have a heart monitor put on for 24 hours and Tuesday she gives it back, $10 each for that. Wednesday $20 she is going to The Eye Clinic. That means that I now have $7000 until my $50 come out tomorrow at church. More Later. Darel.

09/02/2024 Friday

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed yopur day as much as I did mine. I took Marje up to visit her friend in the aged care facility on The Central Coast today, we had lunch at Swansea and I shouted the $7. I also spent $7.50 at Woolworths on drinks, chips and chocolate and $2.50 at HJ's. We got $60 petrol near home and Marje gave me $30. Pay Day in the morning and the budget is already done. No luck with the two $5 lottery tickets. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

08/02/2024 Thursday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am up to 1 Kings 11 this morning and I want to go for a walk today if possible, I checked the weather chart and rain is not predicted for the next week but there are some grey clouds around which might mean otherwise. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been and picked up Meals On Wheels with Marje for $20. I think I am going for a walk at Cronulla now. More later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to an Electrolux Spare parts Centre to get a new egg tray cover for my fridge. I have replaced this part about four times now. When Peter my friend from Broken Hill was staying here in around late 2018, he knocked it off and broke it, he gave me $50 for the part and I have only just got around to replacing it, it cost me $59.95. Peter died in January 2019. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje at 3.00 pm after reading the ABC News, watching a few races and checking out the market. BSX shares which I have bought before around 25c are down to 0.045c each. You could get 100,000 shares for $4,500. I thought about it but if they go down even further I could lose a fortune, they may even be taken off the market and I would lose all my money or sell at something crazy like .01c each when your $4,000 worth would become $1,000. Anyway tomorrow Marje and I are going up to see one of her older church friends on The Central Coast, Marje has not seen her for more than a year, it might be two or more I can't remember but her husband died towards the end of last year at age 96. We have been there a few times but I would rather go and get something to eat while Marje spends an hour or so with her so that they can talk about commonalities and old times. Anyway that is about it for today, my $5 lottery tickets are drawn around 11.00 tomorrow when we will arrive at the age care centre up there. That is it for tonight, Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

07/02/2024 Wednesday

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. Great to be with you once again for yet another day to praise the Lord and be blessed by His heavenly comfort and reassurance that God is always with us. We should always give thanks to God for the good and the bad and trust His soveriegn love to teach and guide us day by day. I finished reading chapter 4 of Ten Fingers For God this morning, the story about doctor Paul Brand in India operating on leprosy patients. It has not go to the healing yet but he is in London learning the building trade. Paul Brand in his later life co-authered with Phillip Yancey in The Problem of Pain and In The Likeness Of God, a brilliantly written book, one of my favorites. I have four $2 lottery tickets drawn this morning and I may go for a walk at Cronulla while Marje has her cleaning lady there. have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I read a chapter of Science - A History by John Gribbin about 40 pages, now on page 400. More Later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I won $10 on my $2 lottery tickets, that only puts me $1.20 ahead on the purchase but at least it is a start after losing for a month or more now on those tickets, that might be the turning of the tides and things might start to be looking up for me now, I have 2 $5 tickets drawn on Friday and I have four tickets including a free ticket in the next $2 lottery draw, possible Monday TBA. Going out now for a drive and possibly a walk at Cronulla, it is coming over a bit dim now and it might rain and so I will just have to see how things go this afternoon. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a drive down through Appin and Thirroul and back through Helensburg where I bought a half a chicken for $9. We got $24 petrol near home and Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I just took Marje up to Woolworths for a few things, she paid me enough petrol money so there was no charge. That is it fortoday once again, maybe Cronulla tomorrow depending on what the weather is like, there was rain today and it is predicted again for the next couple of days. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

06/02/2024 Tuesday Manly

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I got up at 4.20 am and by the time I was ready to leave at 5.00 am it was teaming down rain and so I finished reading 2 Samuel by 6.00 am and the rain had eased a bit by then and so I left for Manly. It took me two hours to get there leaving later with the traffic and the rain and I got there at the end of the prayer meeting at 8.00 am, I gave $20 and had breakfast shouted me by one of the guys there, I shouted last time I was there 7 weeks ago. After breakfast I walked around to Shelly Beach and back and then did the Bible Study Group. Our leader has had Prostrate Cancer in the past and he says that it has spread to other parts of his body and so we are praying for a complete cure for that. A bit like the news of King Charles diagnosis for cancer, not too sure where it is in his body, Our leader says his could be in his bones, that would be Leukemia. I bought a Set For Life ticket last week which is only two games drawn once a day for a week costing $9.45, I won $8.95 last night with a few days yet to come, if you get first prize in that it is $20,000 a month for twenty years, I got three numbers and the suplementary. Giving up on the Powerball and Ozlotto and the races now, just going to stick to the $2 and $5 lottery tickets till the jackpots go off, now $9 mil and $12 mil respectively. I am not sure about the Set For Life next week or not, it is cheap enough so I will see, I am 50c down. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went and got $40.04 petrol and Marje gave me $11. I had afternoon tea with Marje and rang up about some more Meals On Wheels for her and me to pick up tomorrow. That is about it for today once again, Marje has the cleaner coming in the morning tomorrow. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.

05/02/2024 Monday


8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am off to the doctors again with Marje this morning, followed by taking Josephine to the chemist. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from taking Marje $20 and Josephine $25. Marje has to go her heart specialist at 1.30 pm today. I have to take Josephine back to the chemist tomorrow and then get an oil change done on my car. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I took Marje to her heart specialist for $20 and then I got an oil change and puncture fixed for $150, I also bought four new Tontine Pillows from Vinnies for $36. I am also taking Josephine back to the chemist at 4.00 pm today. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Josephine back to the chemist for $25 and bought a piece of pizza for $5. That is it for today once again, Manly tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

04/02/2024 Sunday Church

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50, also a bottle of water from Woolworths 80c. We had a visiting preacher from Newcastle who preached on Revelations 1 9-22. He was a recent Bible College graduate who took 9 years to finsh part time. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written five more poems for A Knights Life, only five more to go now. 51. Love's Story, 52. Hope Not Hell, 53. Life In Heaven, 54. Money Means, 55. Got You Back Last. Marje has to ring the chemist now with her blood pressure tests. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have finished writing my book, A Knights Life now, the last five poems and the Final Word are now completed. 56. The One That Got Away, 57. It Takes Two To Tangle, 58. A Whale Of An Idea, 59. How The Story Ends, 60. Home Sweet Home and the Final Word was Unarmoured. I went down and rang the chemist for Marje, she has to go to the doctors tomorrow morning and then Josephine has to go to the chemist after that. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

5.00 pm Late Extra

I have written the Introduction to Parsifal and Romance, Fools Fall In Love. Good knight Again. Darel.

03/02/2024 Saturday Mens Breakfast

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome ot my day. I have been to the mens breakfast this morning at the church and given $5. We studied the first two questions of the Bible in Genesis 3. Then I took Marje to the chemist to check her blood pressure machine, her blood pressure was low and she has to go back on Monday to see the doctor for $20. I have to take Josephine somewhere on Monday morning as well, I am not sure where yet, it has something to do with Medicare and the chemist. I finished reading 1 Samuel this morning and I just got some food off Carol. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have finished reading another book, As Long As The Earth Endures by Jonathon Moo and Robin Routledge. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and spent $10.70. Cooking some sausages that I got off Carol and I also ate a couple of dips with rice crackers that I just bought. More Later. Darel.

02/02/2024 Friday

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and welcome to my day and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been for a drive with Marje down through Appin and Thirroul to Waterfall where I shouted fish and chips for $14.35. Then we went to Cronulla and I walked from half way up to Eloura to The Fisheries and back, about 7 km. Marje waited at South Cronulla. Then I called in and saw my brother who turned 51 yesterday. My other brother was nearly 51 when he died in March 2015, he was born in August 1964. So my living brother has just gone passed him in age, he as born in 1973. I also got a $13 credit on my contents insurance which was nice, paid for lunch today. I got $26 petrol and Marje gave me $11. No luck on the Powerball last night. I have two $5 and four $2 lottery tickets drawn on Monday. That is about it for today once again, nice at the beach today, I had to where my hat and keep the sun off the top of my head. Last night I read six chapters of As Long As The Earth Endures and lost $55 on the races. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

01/02/2024 Thursday Pyschiatrist

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I tried $15 on Wednesday nights Lotto and no luck last night and I paid my electricity bill for $98.49 for three months. I am taking Marje to the Podiatrist this morning, chemist and bank. Then I have my Pyschiatrist appointment this afternoon at lunch time. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from taking Marje to those few places, leaving in another hour for my doctor. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from the doctors, Marje shouted me a pepperoni pizza from Dominos for $6 and gave me $4 towards $24 petrol. More Later. Darel.

31/01/2024 Wednesday

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have taken Marje to Pathology to hand in her specimens this morning and also to the Chemist but they did not have her packs ready yet and so she has to go back tomorrow after the Podiatrist at 8.30 am, she paid me $20 and she has paid me for tomorrow. My doctors appointment tomorrow is not till 12.30 pm. I had a go on the Ozlotto last night which I had not done for three weeks and no luck again. I have to win something sooner or later to recoop a bit of finance. I had two $5 lottery tickets drawn at 11.00 am today and also the big one tomorrow night with the $200 million Powerball. I just have my normal tickets in that but I might get another $50 one as it is such a large amount and I don't want to miss out on that one and so increasing my chances a bit. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon news

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and she spent $8.35 on my food, sugar, juice and yogurt. No luck with the $5 lottery tickets, I got two more for Monday. Marje and I are going out for a bit of a drive and shopping again now. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to Liverpool and spent $20.45 at Coles, including $5 for wipes for Marje as she shouted me earlier. Then I checked out a car I saw on Parramatta Road the other day, it was a 2018 Mazda 5 for $28,000, way out of my price range. I thopught it was a 2013 red Mazda 6 for around $15 which I might be able to afford. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje back to Big W where she bought the bras because they still had the security tags on them for them to take them off. We had the docket but had to search for it and found it at the back of the car on the footpath. I should have checked before we left, I wondered why the bips went off when we left the store and then again as we walked through Myers to the car park and the bips went off again and the security guard there checked our bags and saw the docket there. Anyway that is just about again for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

30/01/2024 Tuesday

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive with Marje down through Appin and back through Thirroul and The Royal National Park to Sutherland. We stopped at Stanwell Tops and Marje shouted me a bacon and egg roll, she also shouted HJ's on the way. We got $20 petrol near home and Marje gave me $10. I got my Powerball tickets for this week. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I rested this afternoon and listened to music, watched a few races but did not bet, I have reached my limit there till Thursday. I had afternoon tea with Marje, some of Janettes cake and about five chocolates with my bottle of water. Not much happening really, I am getting in a writing mood and it would be nice to finish A Knights Life off, but not today as my mind is a bit tired from all the staying up and watching the tennis, I have been sleeping in a bit more lately except when I have to get up for church and to take Marje somewhere, after 7.00 am now a bit more like my regular time than 5 or 6 am as I used to for years. That is it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

29/01/2024 Monday

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to the doctors with Marje this morning. I lost last night on Yannik Sinner even though he won in five sets which would have paid about $5 for the win. Not many predicted that, only $20 and only down $25 yesterrday all up. I have four $2 lottery tickets drawn this morning, going for a walk at Cronulla this afternoon. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have paid my parsifal enterprises domain name for the next 2 years to Hills Web Design $88 and I did not have any luck with my 4 $2 lottery tickets again, I will get four more and I also have two $5 tickets drawn on Wednesday. Going out with Marje now, either Cronulla or our regular drive through Appin. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been for a 6 km walk at CRonulla and spent $8 on food at Caringbah and $25 on petrol near home, Marje gave me $10 and shouted $5 HJ's. That is it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

28/01/2024 Sunday Church

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and spent $7.70 at Woolworths. Psalm 123 &124 today. I gave $50 online the other day. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have bet $80 on the races again and won $75, $5 down. I also have $20 on Yannik Sinner winning The Australian Open Mens Tennis final tonight in three sets. It will pay me $55 if he wins, which is $30 up for my $100 outlay if as I say he wins in three sets agains Daniil Medvedev, $25 down if he misses out. That is it for today. For an outright win by sinner in any sets it only pays $1.35 which would only be $7 for my $20, $27. But I think he can do it as he has only lost one set all tournament to Djokovic the other night and this guy will be easier than Djokovic I think. 3-1 pays $3.60 and I nearly put $10 on that to cover myself and win $6 with the two bets but I bet it on the races and lost. So lets hope that Sinner is up for a good win (slaughter)) tonight. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

27/01/2024 Saturday Pay Day

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive down through Appin and to Albian Park and back up through MacQuarrie Pass to Robertson and Moss Vale and back home through Bargo and Tahmore where I got Subway for lunch $9.45 to Camden and Liverpool and we got petrol in Mount Pritchard for $33 and Marje gave me $10. I am taking her out to two doctors next week, Monday and Thursday and so that will be another $40. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, about six chocolates and a bottle of water. Ronnie gave me a ham that Carol brought today, half a leg and Marje paid me the $40 for next week. I also got some fruit and vegetables off Carol as well and a dateloaf. I paid my church weeks tithe online $50 as I only have two $100 notes. That is about it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

26/01/2024 Friday Australia Day

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day, Happy Australia Day as well. I have been paid this morning and I did not win anything on the powerball last night which has now jackpotted to $200 million. Going out for a drive today with Marje, I have just done a load of washing and after I hang it up we will leave. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. Marje and I have been out to Pearls grave and put roses on it. We went to La Perouse and along General Homes Drive to Sans Souci where there was a large scale Police operation near the water there, maybe someone had drowned as there was an Ambulance as well. Then across Captain Cook Bridge and through Sylvania Waters to Hungry Jacks at Miranda where Marje shouted lunch and home from there, we got $25 petrol and Marje gave me $10. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I moved some furniture for Ruth for $20. More later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written another five poems for A Knight's Life. 46. Looking For Knowledge, 47. Intelligent Information, 48. Where Is The Grail, 49. Exactly On A Trail & 50. Train On A Track. Afternoon tea with Marje now. More later. Darel.

6.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that your enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I watched Yanick Sinner beat Novak Djokovic this afternoon 3 sets to 1, that was the first set that Sinner dropped all tournament so far, he looks set to win the final in my books at world number 4, though the other two playing each other for the other position in the final at world numbers 3 & 6 and so he will have his work cut out for him, but the way he is playing at the moment it would be very hard to beat Sinner at his game the way he is playing now. He was $2.75 with the bookies against Novak at $1.45, it would have been good to have some money on him at those rates. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

25/01/2024 Thursday

8.30am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am up to Judges 11 now and going out West today to Thuans family there for lunch and to take her there and bring her home. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from out West, we had a nice lunch and they gave me a bottle of red wine and Thuan bought it off me for $10. No luck with my four $2 and two $5 lottery tickets and I bought the same again to replace them. More Later. Darel.

24/01/2024 Wednesday

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am going for a drive today down through Appin and back through The Royal National Park to Cronulla and then do a walk. After that if I have time, Marje wants to go to Koorong. She is waiting for her cleaner this morning and so we won't leave till after 10.00 am, if I have time for all that then. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have finished reading another book, God On Campus by Trent Sheppard (Sacred Causes and Global Effects). More Later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I took Marje to Koorong for $20 and spent $15 on two books. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I wnet for a drive with Marje down through Appin and back across The Sea Cliff Bridge to Helensburg where I bought an office chair for $10, I also got drinks in Appin for $1.45. We got petrol near home for $42 and Marje gave me $20. Tomorrow at 10.00 am I am taking Thuan to her daughterinlaws, she has already paid me. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

23/01/2024 Tuesday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Joshua this morning and it looks like a stay home day today as it has just rained a bit and also the panel beaters could ring at any time now for me to pick up my car. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have walked up to the bank to reset my password, it is right now and i have access to my account again now. More Later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have picked up my car and taken Marje to the hospital to make an appointment for March for $20. Also Thuan paid me $50 to take her to her daughterinlaws on Thursday 10.00 am. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and spent $60. Afternoon tea now. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have had about five chocolates and a bottle of water with Marje. I watched a bit of the tennis with Coco Gauff, USA and Marta Kostyuc from Ukraine, who was leading the first set 5-1 and lost it in a tie breaker and she won the second set in a tie breaker, she is down 2-0 in the third set at the moment. I picked George up from the station for $10. That is about it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

22/01/2024 Monday

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I was going to go out today with Marje on the train up to Swansea but I slept in a bit till 7.30 am and by the time I was ready it was too late I think. So I am staying home today and we may just go to the shops for a few things later. It has to be by bus and train and so you can't carry much with doing things that way, just something to do. Also I have four $2 lottery tickets drawn this morning after 11.00 am and so I will probably wait till after that before we go out. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read about 8 chapters of Selwyn Hughs book My Story and now up to chapter 34 on page 307. There are 384 pages in the book and nearly 400 with the end notes afterward. More Later. Darel.

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have finished reading My Story by Selwyn Hughs now, no luck in the $2 lottery tickets. I bought three more $2 tickets for the next draw where I have one free ticket, four tickets now. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Marje and I went to Parramatta this afternoon and I bought shorts and a shirt at Kmart for $19 and also spent $35 at Woolworths, washing powder $16 and coffee $19.50, plus water 80c. As well as three chicken dim sims for $7.50. I will have to charge my Opal card soon to $20. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

21/01/2024 Sunday

12.00 Noon News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to church bybtrain this morning and heard and watched a good sermon by a regular visiting minister who preached on Psalm 122. I gave the other day electronically $50. Marje had a friend pick her up and take her to church today, she is also briging her home. I had HJ's this morning before church $2.50. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I cashed out on my Alex De Minaur $20 bet for $15.11 and bet the money on a dog that had won its last five races at $1.90 and it came last. I watched the Novac Djokovic match which was a complete shrashing, he won 6-0 6-0 6-3. He only pays $1.03 for a win though, Alex has stepped out to $2.25 for a win tonight, good luck to him as my money would have probably been a jynx for him, it is a bit of a jinx for me. I can't bet any more on the online betting till Wednesday but I could go down to the club and put money on him but I won't. No more betting now for a while anyway, I will place my Powerball tickets on Thursday night just before they are drawn for the $150 million, but that is it, if that goes off there will be no Powerball for me after that. I may still be just content to have a few $10 bets on the $2 and $5 lotteries but that is it. I ost a $100 yesterday with only one win for $18.50 which I reinvested and lost. Normally I cash out when I win and that seems to be lucky for me but I am not going to even attempt doing that now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

20/01/2024 Saturday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have to go back to the doctors this morning with Marje for a blood test and the chemist, she gave me $10. Doing a load of washing first and up to Joshua 6. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from Marjes blood test and chemist and she shouted me breakfast at McDonalds. More Later. Darel.

6.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I bet $100 this afternoon with $20 of that being on Alex De Minaur tomorrow at the tennis. I lost $80 on the horses and dogs and I still have one bet remaining though for $5. I had some watermelon with Marje and a bottle of water. That is it for today, church tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

19/01/2024 Friday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. Well the $100 million did not go off last night and is now $150 million in the Powerball. I am catching the bus this morning with Marje to see her doctors, then we have to hand in a form at Centerlink, have lunch there as well and then she has another specialist appointment at 4.00 pm. I also paid off my Centerlink loan last night and have till July now to reach my goalsaver account of $10,000. I finished reading Deuteronomy this morning to and also church $50 online as I do not have the cash this week. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I read another two chapters of Selwyn Hughs biography and now up to chapter 27 on page 247. Also a late couple of entries to the last news article if you were in quick you would have missed the other two by 8.15 am. More Later. Darel.

6.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and i hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I did everything I had to do today with Marje and she gave me $20 and bought me lunch, I had a two curry Indian dish with rice. When I got home George got me to move 14 large pavers and Michelle gave me $40. My carers allowance applictation for Marje has now been accepted and they will contact me in March with the details. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

18/01/2024 Thursday Car Panel Beaters

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have dropped my car off this morning at the panel beaters, they said it will be finished by at least Tuesday or earlier, that means bus to church and also the doctors with Marje tomorrow. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I caught the train into the city this morning with Marje and then the ferry to Manly, we had fish and chips there for $12.95, my shout and then caught the bus up to Palm Beach and back, I had a pie there for the incredible price of $12. Then the ferry back across the harbour and train home. That is it for today, good luck if you bought a Powerball ticket, remember me if you win, I think that nearly everyone in Australia has bought one this time. God love you if you resisted the temptation and trusted your love to Jesus and God, the thing is the money always wins in the end, even in church I think when you pay you are blessed but it does not buy you a house, sometimes people give away houses to other people but not to me. I can't work for a house and the pension does not really pay all my work anyway, I guess if I live to two hundred it might by then but still not own my own home, when nearly everyone else in Sydney does or they can or are paying it off, poetry is just not that a rich a sport. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

17/01/2024 Wednesday

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at Cronulla from North Cronulla to Bass and Flinders and back. I got $2.50 HJ's on the way. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I watched the tennis this afternoon, Wasniacki went down and Alex De Minaur won hs second round against an Italian, he looks like playing another Italian in the third round. The young sixteen year old Russian got through against the number 6 seed.Marje gave me another of Ruth hospital dinners and I had afternoon tea with her for about 40 minutes, we ate cashews. That looks like about it for today, I have $50 to spend at the races, I watched a few but I don't think I can win when the only dog I picked came in at 22-1 and I did not bet, not a good omen, trainer Daryl Weightman. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

16/01/2024 Tuesday

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive down around Appin and back through Thirroul and The Royal National Park to Sutherland and home, I got a chicken and salad roll at Padstow for $6 and petrol $30, Marje gave me $18 including a $2 coin that I put into my collection. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and spent $34 on food. I have watched the tennis in bits this afternoon while listening to some music and ringing my sister about Friday, she is still up the coast and Marje and I have things to do with doctors for her on Friday anyway, maybe next week sometime. Thursday I have to put my car in for repair from the guy who scratched my bumper a couple of weeks ago outside church covered under his inurance. Tomorrow I have three $2 lottery tickets being drawn, but it is going to be wet again tomorrow and so I will be staying home this time instead of driving in the rain like this morning. That is it for today. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.

15/01/2024 Monday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I watched the tennis till well after 10.00 pm last night seeing Kubler go down in five and Djokovic win in four. Raining today not a good day to go out. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I had no luck with my four $2.20 Lottery tickets today and also bought another 2 for Wednesday, I have three there now counting the free one. I saw Marje and we agreed it was too wet to go for a drive. I have watched the women play in the Tennis, Stormy Hunter won her maiden in the Open. Taylor went out in straight sets, at least The Aussies have a chane to win this year with plenty of hopes going around. More later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written another five poems for A Knights Life. 41. On A Quest, 42. The Best Adventure, 43. Life's journey, 44. Roads And Paths & 45. Following God. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, three Rocky Road Biscuits and about 6 Walkers Shortbread biscuits. I bought my Powerball tickets for the $100 million draw on Thursday. That is three quarters of the book written now for A Knights Life with only fifteen more poems to write now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

14/01/2024 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50 for a sermon on Psalm 120 & 121, Marching to Zion our final song. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now finished reading Numbers. I slept in till 6.45 this morning and did not have time to do my daily devotions and Bible reading before church and so I just did them now, I read the last 16 chapters of Numbers just now. More later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I watched the Tennis this afternoon, first and Australian going down to an Italian and then Sweeny a first time AUS Open Australian going down to an Argentinian 22 seed in five sets, he was ahead on games at the end of the forthset but I think he got a bit tired in the fifth missing shots and the other guy getting them all. Australian Alex De Minaur the giant slayer now world number 10 after beating world numbers 1, 2 & 3 in the last tournament. That is it for today. I will watch Alex play and then go to bed. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

13/01/2024 Saturday Pay Day

6.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been paid and also paid my Telstra bill. Heading out today after I do my daily devotions and have a shower and get ready. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a drive with Marje up around Lake Macquarrie, we had HJ's at Lakehaven (Marjes shout $5) and fish and chips at Swansea $7 my shout and coffee and tea with a caramel slice at Wangi on the lake, Marjes shout $12. Got petrol near home for $38 and Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

7.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I watched the Gold Coast Magic Millions this afternoon, apart from a 40 minute break with Marje for afternoon tea. In The three year old Guinnies a horse got stuck unde the barrier and there was a delay of about an hour and a half, Sydney Bowler the favorite, was the horse that got stuck. Storm Boy won the $3 million two year olds, trained by Gai Waterhouse. They reran the Guinnies just now and Abounding a 8-1 odds won. Anyway that is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

12/01/2024 Friday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I lost about $60 last night on the races, but won $12 on The Powerball which did not go off last night and is now $100 million. I am having trouble with my internet bank account and I will see them today about that after rininging up yesterday and still not fixing the problem. I went up to the shops this morning for George to pick him up out of the rain as he was leaving his scooter there because it was very heavy rain, it stopped raining on the way home and I dropped him back there to ride home for $10. Marje has a doctors appointment this morning and Josephine as well for her doctors and I have to lodge a medical report after that at Centerlink. George was heading to Bunnings to buy grass which I have to lay when it is delivered maybe this afternoon. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from taking Marje but the doctor won't fill in the medical report form till next Friday. I got back online with the bank but not on Chrome on Edge. I got pills for $7 and gave marje the change from $10. George does not want the grass done now. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for my usual 6km walk at Cronulla and got $42 petrol near home. More later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Ruth to the doctors for $25 and she also paid me $20 for the other day when I took her to the local shops. Marje came with us and it took about an hour and a half for it all this afternoon with the doctors waiting and extra time because she saw a new doctor. That is it for today, payday tomorrow and the budget is done for that I spent abot $2400 this fortnight with the bed and beddings as well I earned an extra $600 plus. That is it for today, tomorrow Marje and I are heading for Swansea I think as she has to take back three bras she bought a Vinnies there. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

11/01/2024 Thursday

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I won another $15 last night on the dogs. This morning Marje and I went for a drive down through Appin and Thirroul and back through The Royal National Park to Sutherland and home. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I took Nam to her doctors and then Thuan to her sons grave for $50, I bought a Lebanese meat and cheese bread for $7.50. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and spent $31 and also a charcoal chicken for $14. Thuan gave me chicken (two drum sticks) and fried rice as well, I am full now after eating one drum and some rice, plus half the charcoal chicken, just a wing left to have with the other drum and rice tomorrow, plus the other half of the chicken. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I bought another 18 games in the Powerball tonight for $24.95 and also lost $5 on the dogs, $30 potentially down the drain but I did win about $100 all up yesterday, $50 million in tonights draw of the Powerball. I can bet another $5 on the dogs in five minutes and probalbly will be up doing that till the draw tonight at around 9.30 pm. I had plum pudding and custard with Marje for afternoon tea and she rang my sisters friend in Mosman who is currently in a nursing home and wants to go back to her own place maybe on the weekend. Both my sisters are away on holidays in Port Stephens area. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless, I will tell you how much I win or lose tonight tomorrow morning, I think I have still got about $80 to spend by the end of the night with betting limits of $100 a fortnight. Darel.

10/01/2024 Wednesday

6.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read up to Numbers 11 this morning and my new bed is coming today, I have to take Josephine to her doctors but that will only take ten minutes and Marje will mind my place while I am out. Three, two $ lottery tickets drawn this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I read three chapters of Selwyn Hughs book and now up to chapter 23 on page 207. Also my bed is not coming till this afternoon and so that will be fine to take Josephine to her doctors this morning. More Later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from taking Josephine to her doctors for $10. More later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I bought a QS sheet set from Kmart for $59, I got $10.66 off with Fly Buy Points and also got two keys cut for $9. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. One mroe free ticket with the $2 lottery tickets and I bought four more tickets for the next draw on Monday, the free ticket is the draw after that, $5 ticket drawn on Monday as well. $10 more on the races as well. Doing some work in the garden for Michelle on Friday for $50 after I take Marje to the doctors in the morning. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I bet $35 on the dogs and won $109, $74 profit only down $23 for the week now. Harvey Norman due in 10 minutes. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje into Centerlink to get some id documents copied and filled in for the cares allowance, we just need the medical report for her doctor on Friday now as I picked up the form today. Marje paid $31 for petrol and that is enough for the doctors on Friday as well as other running around during the week and church. I also bought another QS sheet set $59 and two packets of two pillowslips for $15 each $30 and I won another $10 on the dogs trifecta, $5 bet $15 return. That is it for today, Marje just rang and said that Josephine had dropped some cherries in for me now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

9/01/2024 Tuesday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am up to Numbers 6 this morning and also read a chapter of Selwyn Hughs book and a chapter of God On Campus. Taking Thuan to the chemist and her friends place at 10.30 am. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I read a chapter of Paul Brands book and also some of As Long As The Earth Endures. I said good morning to Marje and had a chat for half an hour. More later. Darel.

1.30pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I took Josephine to her doctors for $10 and then Thaun to the bank and then her friends place for $50. I bought a mattress cover for my new bed $65 and my new bed which I paid for is being delivered tomorrow $1213 including $120 for taking away my old bed. I have to pick up Thuan from the station this afternoon. More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I picked up my neighbours from the station at 4.00 pm and took them to the doctors, they gave me a chicken and salad roll. I lost $25 on the dogs this afternoon after betting $50 and winning $25. Josephine has to go to her doctors again tomorrow, I will have to work something out with Marje to mind my place in case the delivery of the bed happens while I am out. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

08/01/2024 Monday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Leviticus this morning. Taking Josephine to her doctors at 8.30 am and then Marje to her doctors and Ruth To The NSW Services and then her doctors in two different places. I don't know how I am going to work all that out. Tomorrow I am taking Thuan to her friends, she is back from Vietnam a week ago. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I did not have to take Ruth this morning but I put some money in the bank for her for $10, Marje gave me $20 and Josephine gave me $10. Marje also bought me some margerine. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today, my two lottery tickets are still pending this afternoon, going out for lunch now, hopeful when I get back. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I took Marje out to KFC and shouted $18.90. No luck in the $2 tickets, $5 still pending. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I bought two Powerball tickets for Thursdays $50 million drawand I did not do anygood with the $5 ticket either, but I did win another $2 ticket for Wednesday 10th and so I have three tickets in that draw now and I bought another $5 ticket for next Monday. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went in to see about applying to be a carer for Marje this afternoon and I was told to return home and do it online which I did. I got right through the questions and then I was asked to download ID but I could not because my printer is disconnected. So I will have to go back in and get them to download my and Marjes ID's. I also need a form to get a medical report from her doctor which I will have to get them to print one for me. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

07/01/2024 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and as usual had HJ's on the way that Marje faithfully shouts each week. I gave $50 for the sermon on Psalm 1, The wicked and the righteous, one way to live. Very touching, moving and challenging about keeping the faith in Jesus and worshiping God alone. My Baptist World Aid $20 also came out today, I bought a bottle of water from Woolworths for 80c as well. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written five more poems for A Knights Life. 36. Lance Of Love, 37. Spear Of Fear, 38. Rope Of Hope, 39. Horse and House & 40. Mope and Mote. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, three Oreo biscuits and a bottle of water, vitamin milk that Ruth got from the hospital and a Berri orange juice as well that Ruth got. That is it for today, I had a look at the TV but nothing on, the fishing shows a bit and all thos eold movies that I never watch now as I saw enough of them when I was younger. After this mornings sermon I feel a bit guilty about the races. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

06/01/2024 Saturday

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive down through Appin and Thirroul and back through Waterfall and home, where we got petrol for $53, Marje gave me $20. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I shouted Marje lunch from Red Rooster for $10 a chicken burger each. More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I watched races this afternoon on TV after Australia won the cricket, a bit of the Sydney Tennis and did not have a bet as I could not till Tuesday. That is it for today, church tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

05/01/2024 Friday

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk from half way up to Eloura to Bass and Flinders Point at Cronulla, I got $2.50 HJ's on the way. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I sold my KSN shares for a $190 loss. I did some work in the garden and went to Bunnings for Ruth for $70. Marje bought me a pizza for lunch. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Ruth to the shops, she will pay me later. Lost my nerve with the shares, they could go down to .070c like BSX did, I sold 66% at .079 and 33% at .078c. I read one chapter of God On Campus today. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

04/01/2024 Thursday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I read another three chapters of 321 (up to page 126 now) and also finished reading Exodus this morning. Taking Ruth to the hospital again today. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have taken Marje to get her pay for $10. More later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I took Josephine to the shops for $20. I finished reading 321 The Story Of God, The World And You by Glen Scrivener. More later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have watched the market with little change today on my shares, someone sold off at .079 this morning early and the KSN shares have hovered at that price all day. I started reading another book, God On Campus - Sacred Causes & Global Effects by Trent Sheppard, up to page 40. leaving at 1.30 to take Ruth to The hospital today. I bought my Powerball tickets for $16.20 in the $30 million draw tonight and also another couple of tickets for the next $2 lottery $4.40, both the current $2 and $5 are now drawn on Monday 8th. I did not buy Oz Lotto tickets on Tuesday for $35 because it was $3 million and I checked my tickets and would not have one anything anyway so I saved the $35. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I took Ruth to The Hospital and she gave me $40 to pick her up tonight as well. I put $100 in the bank. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I did not sell my shares today, I paid for them and I have now bought them as of last night, they sat on .079c all day with over 300,000 sold. Someone wanted to sell 500,000 at .79c he sold about 135,000 and someone wants to buy 1,000,000 at .078c, I am in for the long haul at around .088c. I am pretty sure they will hit .090c next week. Powerball ticket tonight, worth waiting up for after I pick up Josephine from the hospital around 7.00 pm I hope. I am up to chapter 3 of the new book by Trent Sheppard after finishing the first 50 pages today. That is it for now, today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

03/01/2024 Wednesday

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have taken Josephine to the doctors for $10 and also had Hungry Jacks with Marje while she waiting for the key cutting place to Open and she got some keys cut for Ruth. Taking Ruth to the eye doctor at 11.00 am, I did not pick her up last night from the hospital and she caught a taxi. I am up to chapter ten in Carswell's book and nearly finished reading it. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have finished reading Roger Carswell book titled Where Is God In A Messed Up World. Market set to open lower by 67 points. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from taking Ruth for $27, I bought coffee and tea for Marje and me $9.50 and Ruth shouted lunch, we went to the doctors and chemist twice as well as the eye place. I started reading another new book, 321 The Story Of God, The World and You by Glen Scrivener, up to page 45 at the start of chapter 3.More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I read anothe chpater of 321 this afternoon and my shares did not sell at .085 despite being sold today for .083, closed at .078 this afternoon. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

02/01/2024 Tuesday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I did not get up till 7.00 am this morning, a bit of a sleep in for me. waiting to hear what time Ruth wants to go to the hospital today. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I read two more chapters of Max's book, up to chapter 8 now, but there is about 20 chapters. More later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read another four chapters of Max's book, Out Live Your Life, up to chapter 12 now. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have finished reading Max Lucado's book, Out Live Your Life. Taking Ruth at 1.45 pm, market flat today shares have not moved off .080c for me, still waiting for the Lottery tickets to be drawn. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I started reading another book, Where Is God In A Messed Up World by Roger Carswell, I read the first three chapters. No luck with the lottery tickets, I bought 2 more $2 and 1 more $5 tickets, $2 drawn on Thursday and has gone up to $8 million Jackpot, $5 now $11 million.. Shares still around the .080c. Leaving for Ruth to the Hospital now. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I dropped Ruth at the Hospital and I have to pick her up around 6.30 pm, she gave me $30. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I moved my shares from .083 to.081 and they still did not sell, so I have withdrawn them to .085 and will hang onto them for as long as it takes to sell them the market for KSN fluctuates between .080 and .090 on a regular cycle and so it is just a matter of time until they sell, even till the end of January. I had a drink of water and three peppermint chocolates with Marje for afternoon tea and now it is just a matter fo waiting till Ruth rings around 6.30 pm for me to go and pick her up from the hospital with Marje coming along for the ride. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

01/01/2024 Monday New Years Day

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and Happy New Year for 2024. I woke up about 11.45 last night and watched the fireworks on TV, I also had fireworks going off outside both of my windows on either side. Well 2023 is gone and is best left behind, treasuring the memories but not dwelling on the past. Welcome to 2024 another year ahead for all to enjoy and work to achieve something of value in their lives. I started two new daily devotional books this morning, A Year With Timothy Keller and Jesus Freaks by Voice Of The Martyres which you will forget by this time next year when I write them in my books read list. Have a good day and prosperous 2024 and more later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I took Marje up to HJ's and they do not open till 10 am today, so she got a few things from Woolworths which opened an hour later today and they also close earlier. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I went for a walk this morning from half way up to Eloura to Bass and Flinders Point and back, I got $2.50 HJ's on the way and $42 petrol on the way home. Also $34 interest this morning on my savings. Marje gave me some fish and chips for lunch today and also some beer nuts that Ruth gave her. More Later. Darel.

6.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I bet $100 on the races this afternoon and only won $36, hence forth $64 down for today and reached my betting limit once again. Tomorrow I have to take Ruth to the hospital and pick her up again and the same for Thursday and Saturday, plus on Wednesday I am taking Josephine to her doctors and also Ruth to her eye clinic, That is about $150 worth of work in total, Ruth will pay me on Saturday $140 and $10 off Josephine. Also tomorrow morning my shares go up for sale and also my two lottery tickets are drawn. That is it for today. I had afternoon tea with Marje where we finished off the Panini. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

31/12/2023 Sunday Church New Years Eve

6.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading two daily devotional books this morning being the last day of the year. A Heartbeat Of Hope by Nina Smit and Extreme Devotion by The Voice Of The Martyres. Up to Exodus 11 now, the last and final plague. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to church and given $50, I also got water from Woolworths for 80c. George wants me to take him somewhere now and Ruth has booked me up for the next two weeks, three times a week to the hospital and eye doctor as her carer is on holidays. More later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took George to Campbelltown for $70 and had Red Rooster for $12. I also bought a new bed from Harvey Norman Stores there while I waited the hour for $1368.10 delivered in mid February. I put a $275 deposit down and I pay the rest when it gets here $1093.10. It is a King Koil Queensize bed, reduced from about $3500 for their end of year clearance sales. I still have $9000 which will give me time to finish off my $10,000 goal saver account by then. I had my old QS Enviro bed for about 15 years new from The Salvos then, which Peter my friend from Broken Hill who died five years ago broke when I let him sleep on it while he was here a few months before he died. I paid about $370 for that then delivered $100. It sags in the middle and the base is broken on one side where he sat getting up. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

30/12/2023 Saturday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am up to Exodus 6 this morning. Going for a drive but I don't know where today, maybe for a walk at Cronulla. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been for another walk from half way up to Eloura to Bass and Flinders and back. A lot of people at the beach today. I read another chapter of Max's book, up to chapter 6 now. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I took Marje to Woolworths for $10 and $8 worth of food, I gave her a $1 coin that I had to take out of my collection to fit another one in that she gave me the other day. I also found a $1 coin at the beach near Wollongong on our way back from Thirroul the other day which I gave her as well, and I gave her my 75c that I had floating around, because she often buys the HJ hamburgers. She bought me yogurt and orange juice. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written five more poems for A Knights Life 31. Shield Of Faith, 32. Helmet Of Salvation, 33. Belt Of Truth, 34. Breastplate Of Righteousness & 35. Sword Of The Spirit. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have had afternoon tea with Marje, some more Panini and a chocolate and a bottle of water. I listened to music tis afternoon while I rested for a while after writing. Anyway that is it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

29/12/2023 Friday

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I stayed up till 9.30 pm last night and won $40 on the dogs, I bought two $8 Powerball tickets and two $2 and one $5 lottery tickets for $26, $14 profit, no luck with the Powerball tickets, $30 million now. Today Marje and I drove down through Appin and Thirroul to Waterfall through The Royal National Park and home where we got $33 petrol, Marje gave me $20. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I bought 100,000 KSN shares at .08c for $8,020. I started reading Max Lucados book Out Live Your Life up to chapter 2 now and I finished reading Genesis this morning. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I read the first four chapters of Max's book and then had afternoon tea with Marje, four chocolates and nearly a quarter of a Panini bread. I will start Exodus tomorrow morning and it will probably be a stay at home day with maybe a quick trip to Woolworths for a few things. Hoping I sell my shares before I have to pay for them on Wednesday, I have a low bid to do that with a small profit. That is it for today, looking for something exciting to do now that I have reached my limit again on the races. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

28/12/2023 Thursday Pay Day Georgina's Funeral

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Marje and I went to Georgina's Funeral today at 11.00 am. We got HJ's on the way and I bought vitamins at Woolworths for $17.50. It was a lovely Catholic Funeral at St Catherines Gymea in the same street that I grew up in and it went till about 12.30 pm. We had the wake at Menai Club with family, there was about two hundred people and the church was full. No luck in my two free lottery tickets. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

27/12/2023 Wednesday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I surcummed to the Oz Lotto last night and did not win, there were three winners who recieved over $30 million each. Taking Marje to OPSM this morning after her cleaning lady comes and has been. Funeral tomorrow. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. Back from OPSM with Marje for $20. Watching the market, I nearly bought 100000 KSN shares at .79c for $7,920. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I was restrained from being tempted today with the shares, I may have a go at them tomorrow afternoon after the funeral as I don't have to pay for them then till Tuesday next week and i will get the interest on my bank accounts before then. I took Marje back to OPSM and the chemist this afternoon to have her glasses adjusted and pick up her pills while they are still on the free list this year. That is it for today. I can bet $5 at 6.00 pm on the races but I probably won't unless I can't sleep, I don't know when I can bet after that. The budgets are done for tomorrows payday tonight. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

26/12/2023 Tuesday Boxing Day Holiday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am wearing a Cronualla T-shirt that Marje gave me and Nike shorts that my brother gave me today. Will watch the start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race at 1.00 pm and then head for Cronulla for a walk if the weather allows and permits. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Cronulla for a walk from North Cronulla to Bass and Flinders Point and back. I got $44 petrol on the way home. On Christmas Eve I lost $50 on the dogs, $20 down on that now as I was $30 up. Marje has to go to OPSM tomorrow to get her glasses fixed. I saw Laurie on the way home, he fell off a ladder and broke his foot, he starts Chemo for his bowell cancer on the 8th of January. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I watched the Sydney to Hobart this afternoon, a bit of the test cricket in Melbourne against Pakistan until it got rained out. Watched one horse rate no betting, no confidence there at the moment. The $90 million Oz Lotto is drawn tonight, I am not sure whether I will go in it or not, I do not have a ticket yet. The thing is if your numbers come up and you have not got your ticket in then you will kick yourself to death forever. Then again I could save $35 as there is not much chance of the numbers coming up anyway, no luck with the free lotto strike ticket last night. I have two free tickets in the $2 and $5 lottery on this Thursday drawn at 11.00 am which is the same time as the funeral starts for my brothers motherinlaw. Marje has OPSM tomorrow morning. That is about it for today, up to Genesis 36. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

25/12/2023 Monday Christmas Day

Christmas day News done Boxing day. Merry Christmas and I hope that you all had a blessed day. I went to church in the morning and gave $20 and then to my sisters place in The Sutherland Shire for lunch. My brother came over with his wife and four boys, one is just getting over Covid. We has roast lamb and my brother brought prawns. Then in the evening we went up to my other sisters place in The Mountains. I took a ham but she had one so I brought it home again. We had ham, turkey, chicken, lamb and vegetables with cheesecake and lemon merang pie for desert. I got t-shirt and two pairs of shorts for Christmas and a large Yeti water bottle, Marje also gave me two Cronulla print T-shirts. I got home about 10.30 pm last night, a bit late for the news then. Merry Christmas everyone. Darel.

24/12/2023 Sunday Church Christmas Eve

11.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to church this morning and given $50, when I came out to my car there was a note on it with the phone number of someone who hit my car while I was in church. I rang my Insurance Company and they are handling it, the car will be repaired on the 18th of January. I also won $30.19 on the dogs last night while waiting for the lotto draws and I won one game free ticket on the Lotto Strike. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje after organising my car repair on Thursday 18th of January. Georgina's Funeral is on the 28th of December which Marje and I will be going to. Marje broke her glasses and she will need to go to OPSM on Wednesday to get them fixed if possible. That is about it for today, I am not betting on the dogs tonight I know they want their money back, I wanted mine back to. I read my Bible and daily devotions this afternoon as well as I slept in this morning till 7.30 am and had to get ready and leave asap. Genesis 26. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

23/12/2023 Saturday

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive up, Marje got HJ's at Gosford and I got fish and chips at Swansea $7, I also got drinks at Coles Toukley $3.20 and Marje a cup of tea at Morriset $3. I bought a pair of shorts at Vinnies in Swansea as well for $10 and got petrol near home $51, Marje gave me $21. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I wanted to try the new Chicken Big Mac and so Marje shouted me McDonalds for dinner. It was nice but probably would not do it again. That is it for today, up to Genesis 21. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

22/12/2023 Friday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. No luck with the Powerball last night, I only got 2 numbers out of twelve games, plus the Powerball was 12 and I would not have got a prize anyway if 8 had come up. My ECU $20 came out last night and I donated $30 to Feed The Hungry this morning. Taking George to his solicitor this morning. Up to Genesis 11. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read a chapter of Selwyn Hughs biography, up to chapter 18 now on page 160. Taking George at 9.00 am. Read one more chapter of Genesis, up to chapter 12 now. More Later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from taking George for $30. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I took George to NSW Services for $30 and spent $9 at Oporto and $7 at McDonalds. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a bottle of water and three rocky road biscuits. Checked the market AMP and KSN shares good value but not over Christmas. I bought 6 games in Sat Lotto and 6 games Lotto Strike just to try it out, I have never bought them before $11.75. That is it for today. I drive or a walk tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

21/12/2023 Thursday

6.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have started reading a new Ryrie Study Bible and after all the forwards and introductions I am now up to chapter 3 of Genesis. Maybe go for a drive this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been for a drive down through Appin to Thirroul and back through Helensburg and home, we got $46 petrol near home and Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. No luck with the 5 lottery tickets, I gave $20 to be doubled to CBM Christian Blind Mission. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I went and got a charcoal chicken for lunch $14. Up to Genesis 6 now. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a bottle of water and some chocolates with Marje and Ronnnie for afternoon tea. AMP shares closed at 91c today, tempting for tomorrow but as I said I don't want shares over Christmas or New Year for that matter, no trading for me now till January. The free $2 and $5 lottery tickets are both drawn on the 28th, no more of them for now either. The $90 mill is tempting next week for the Oz Lotto, but I don't really want to part with $35 to get my games in when it is so hard to win. This is the time of year to celebrate Christmas and should be the reason for the season with the birth of our saviour the central focus at this time. My Powerball number is 8 in all of my 12 games tonight, so cross your fingers that that one comes up, then I might have a chance of getting a win if not the big one when they are drawn around 8.40 pm tonight. That is it for today once again tonight. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

20/12/2023 Wednesday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I read 1&2 Thessalonians and 1&2 Timothy and Titus & Philimon yhis morning, up to Hebrews now. No luck with the Oz Lotto last night and it jackpoted to $90 million for next week. My brothers mother in law also passed away last night around 8.30 pm, Georgina was 74. Home today to watch the market as it is a bit of a wet one to. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read Hebrews, James, 1&2 Peter, 1&2&3 John and Jude. Revelations next, I will read that before the market opens I hope at 10.00 am and finish reading my Bible today. More Later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have finished reading my Quest Study Bible now for the 312th time through a Bible. More Later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I sold my shares with a $20.10 profit. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and she gave me $8 worth of food. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Just watched the market this afternoon and a few races, no money for that. KSN shares are good value but I am not buying more shares before Christmas and New year now, I want to see how much I get from my goal saver account interest. Tomorrow is Marjes pay day and I have the $2 $7 million jackpot lottery drawn tomorrow with five tickets in that, also tomorrow night is the $8 million Power Ball. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

19/12/2023 Tuesday

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk from North Cronulla to Bass and Flinders Point and back, I got $2.50 HJ's on the way. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I bought five more $2 lottery tickets for this Thursdays draw. The free ticket is in the draw after that TBA. The $5 ticket is drawn on the 28th of December. The market is up 45 points today, AMP shares are down 1c at 92.5c to 93c, I have been looking at those, not confident enough to buy though. I also read Galatians, Ephesians, Phillipians and Collossians. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I bought 8000 AMP shares this afternoon at $.9225 = $7400. They closed today at $.093, I will see how they go tomorrow morning, I currently have a bid to sell them at $.0945 = $7540. I went down for afternoon tea with Marje and had some cashews and a bottle of water. Sitting up tonight to see how the $70,000,000 Ozlotto goes. Probably nothing and probably $100,000,000 next week. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

18/12/2023 Monday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read 1 Corinthians this morning. Taking Marje and Josephine to the doctors this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I earnt $30 for this mornings work. Market set to open down 70 points today. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I won a free $2 and a $5 lottery ticket. Marje and I are going to HJ's for lunch. More later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am back from HJ's, I shouted $5. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I listened to music and watched the market this afternoon, not much move, no good for me to buy. Jan was talking to Marje for a fair while this afternoon so I did not go down there for afternoon tea. I finished off the lamb chops that were in the freezer for 3 months for late lunch early dinner. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

17/12/2023 Sunday Church

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50 and bought a bottle of water from Woolworths for 80c. The sermon was on Galatians 4 1-7 titled When The Time Had Come. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have read the book of Romans this afternoon, I was up to chapter 2 but read the rest (the other 15 chapters) today. More later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I went down and had a bottle of water with Marje. My next pay is on the 28th of December because of New Years Day. More Later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have watched the cricket for a last hour or two, the Perth test against Pakistan. Still watching now, I watched a bit last night as well. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

16/12/2023 Saturday Pay Day

6.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I had my pay go in this morning and I got my tickets for this week. Going for a drive this morning, Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been for a drive down through Appin and Thirroul to Cronulla through the Royal national Park and Marje bought me a Christmas present, two Cronulla Surf T-shirts. We got $56 petrol near home and Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Woolworths and spent $71 on a ham for Christmas and a hot chicken for lunch today. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written poem 26. Waiting In The Distance for A Knights Life, also putting in all the first lines of all the stanzas. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I finshed writing chapter three of A Knights Life, poems 27. At The End Of The Day, 28. Somewhere To Lay His Head, 29. Walking A Tight Line & 30. Straight To The Top. That is half the book written now. I also read the first chapter of Romans. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

15/12/2023 Friday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I spent $90 on the races last night and won $45, also two $8 Powerball tickets, no luck, $16 also two tickets $17.50 for OZLOTTO next week $35. Going out with my sister again for lunch today. I finished reading Acts this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went up to Palm Beach this morning after Marje shouted breakfast at HJ's Mona Vale, back down to Manly for a bit of a walk and then to McDonalds Neutral Bay $10 and a cafe in Mosman $10 and then to Middle Head for lunch $20, $4 parking ticket. That is it for today, Pay day tomorrow, the budget is done already. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

14/12/2023 Thursday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I won $10.02 on the dogs last night, by the time I get it, it is $9.77. I have been to HJ's with Marje this morning and she has her appointment with the respiratory specialist today to find out the results of her tests. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been to Liverpool with Marje and got $33 petrol on the way home which Marje paid for. More later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I just helped Michelle up the stairs again with more potplants for $20. I have a 8000 share bid in for AMP shares at 92c, they closed last night at .925c but where down to .92c yesterday for a bit, they have been on a downturn run for a while but they opened up today at 94c, I should have bought them last night at .925, I would have made $140 this morning. If they go down today I will get them but hang onto them for a while and see what they do, if I sell them at .93c I only make $40 so I need to sell them at 94c. Leaving with Marje for her appointment at 11.00 am. More later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from the hospital after getting the good news that Marje does not have lung cancer, it is just an inflamation on her lungs. She smoked for ten years fifty a day but that was about fifteen years ago since she last smoked, the doctor said that should be expected a bit. She bought me a chicken snitzel roll for lunch. More later. darel.

013/12/2023 Wednesday

6.00 pm Late Extra Last Night Again

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk from North Cronulla to Bass and Flinders Point and back this morning, I got $2.50 HJ's on the way. The market is about to open and I will have a look and check that now. I paid my Contents Insruance this morning $427.13, covered for $98,700. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I made another $60 from EVN shares this morning while I read up to Acts 15. Bought 2000 shares at $3.52 and sold 2000 shares at $2.57. I just went and told Marje and had a bottle of water down there, I have been drinking water all morning since coming home form my walk, it is good to hydrate in the Summer. More later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. They paid me my $120.10 and I paid back the other bank I used to buy breakfast with yesterday $76.63. That leaves me enough money in the account now to pay my phone company on Friday when they pay me the $60.10 then. Taking Marje up to the shops now to post a package. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I took Marje up to the post office with me as I had to send a Christmas card to New Zealand, she paid for the stamp and did a bit of shopping, she also sent some wool to her sister in Melbourne. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had another water with Marje and finished off the last two pieces of sponge cream cake with pink icing that she got when her nephew was there a couple of weekends ago. I need to write some more poetry but can't get my mind into the mood to write, I am however on track to finish reading my Bible by the end of the year I hope, I will try. Did you read the late extra last night? What do you think? Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

12/12/2023 Tuesday Manly Christmas Party

Late Extra Last Night

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning for the last time till February next year. I bought a pie $6, coffee $5, shouted the four of us breakfast $75.50, gave $20 to the church and then paid for my lunch $34, about $140 spent there this morning, anyway I will be saving there for the next 7 weeks. No luck with the $2 lottery tickets. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine, I bought 2 more $2 and 1 more $5 lottery tickets drawn Friday and Monday coming, also OZLOTTO for tonight a replay of my last weeks ticket $17.50. I had a bottle of water and two apricots with Marje, she has been board at home all day today, but has the cleaner coming tomorrow morning and Janette coming to take her out for lunch after that. I am going for a walk at Cronulla tomorrow. I walked about 6 kms this morning from the car at the top of the hill and to Shelly Beach and Queenscliffe again and back tot he car up the hill. That is it for today, I will be still ahead with my finances at the end of the week by payday on Saturday with all my little investments. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

6.00 pm Late Extra

I finished reading the gospel of John and then I picked another OZLOTTO ticket myself and bought that for $17.50, $5 down now on my fortnightly investment, trying to make money as I have not had one donation into my bank account from anyone of you in the last five years since I have had the account number there, so I will be regularly buying tickets, investing in the stock market to try and make a life of some quality for myself now, a house, wife, family, new car and holidays. I have had about 16 cars since getting my licence 45 years ago and I have never owned a new car. God wants me to work and I believe that he is more than capable of paying me above and beyond my penision because of all the work I do and all the books I write, the thing is that he must have a way to pay as no-ne else seems to want to make any contributons to my work. God pays me the pension through the Goverment, I pay God through the church. It can get pretty boring sitting around doing the same old things all the time. I want more for my life than what I already have. With the schizophrenia I am not able to work and hold down a normal job anymore, but what I do is more than normal anyway and I just have to give God the chance to work finanically in my life. Good Knight Again. Darel.

11/12/2023 Monday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read up to Luke 20 this morning and will finish it soon, I also did a load of washing this morning. Taking Marje and Josephine to the doctors this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finshed reading Luke. More later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from two doctors with Marje, Josephine gave me $10. More later. Darel.

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I did not have any luck with the $5 lottery ticket today, maybe tomorrow with the 2 $2 lottery tickets. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I bought 100,000 BSX shares at .066 and sold 30,000 at .069 and 70,000 at .067 making a $120 profit to be credited to my account on Wednesday. I had afternoon tea quickly with Marje a bottle of water and two apricots, I wanted to get back and sell the rest of my shares before they go down again this afternoon. Not a bad little haul for today, that is all my gambling money back and more, I also had $130 in transaction fees from 22-23 financial year for the market, some of that redeemed. I also read 12 chapters of John this afternoon. That is it for today. Manly Christmas Party tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

6.30 pm Late Extra

I bet my last available $10 on a dog, now I can't bet again till Christmas day as I lowered my betting limit to $100 a fortnight. Good knight Again. Darel.

10/12/2023 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Late Extra Last night

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and spent $3.60 at Woowlworths, a Brie cheese and bottle of water. The sermon was on Psalm 76 and I gave $50. Marje gave me $50 on the way home for this week and petrol as per last nights news, $34 for petrol paid. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now finished reading John Bright's, The Kingdom Of God. It is just over a month since I finished my last book. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Well the second long term serving premier is resigning now within a few months, Victoria and now Queensland. I had a few chocolates and a bottle of water with Marje for afternoon tea. I reached the limit for my Sporsbet account with deposits for a week, I set a limit so that I could not bet too much, I can bet $10 after 8.00 pm today but will probably wait a week for my limit to come back fully $150. I am only down $40 now with Sporstbet counting my share trade, but $27 down with Lotto, $67, which I made otherwise with driving people around. Still it is not good to be betting, but it is a little bit of light entertainment and a chance at winning something. I am still inline to have $10,000 in my goalsaver account by the new year, payday enxt Saturday and the Saturday before 2024 on the 30th of December. The kingdom of God book was about The Old and New Testament and finally the legacy left by the church which is really too good an offer to simply refuse, which goes on forever in the never ending kingdom of God. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

09/12/2023 Saturday Nephews Daughter, First Birthday Party

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to my great neices 1st birthday party today up in The Mountains, it was 41 degrees up there and slowly climbed to 42, 43, 44, 45, Penrith 46 &47 degrees around Blacktown on the way home, about 45 degrees when we got home. I bought a charcoal chicken for lunch $14, I also got 2 $2 $4.40 and 1 $5.50 lottery tickets last night $9.90, drawn Monday and Tuesday. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a talk with Marje and a bottle of water this afternoon. Then I came home and had two bets on the horses, lost $10 running second by a neck and third. That is it for today. Church tomorrow, Monday Marje has the bone specialist for her x-ray last week on her skull and Thursday she gets her results from her big tests for the petscan and the biopsy. Tuesday I have my breakup Christmas Party at Manly. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

5.30 pm Late Extra

I won $19 on a horse. Good knight Again. Darel.

08/12/2023 Friday

5.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Mark this morning. My sister rang me last night about lunch today. It is going to be very hot today over 35 degrees and tomorrrow 43 degrees for the first birthday party. Today we are going to the beach where it will be 28 degrees for fish and chips. She also told me that my brothers mother in law is in hospital after a brain haemerage, the second one she has had and is not expected to live for much longer. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read two more chapters of Kingdom Of God by John Bright, about 60 pages. I am taking Josephine for her x-rays at 10.00 am on the way out for lunch. More Later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read another chapter of Kingdom Of God. Up to page 215 now and the book has 274 pages, nearly finished, not long to go now. More later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. After I took Josephine for her x-rays for $10, Marje and I went to my sisters place and then Cronulla for lunch $9.50, I found 10c and we walked a bit and I went in the pool there just to wade my feet, nice warm water. My sister went for a swim and Marje watched from the grass. That is about it for today, scorcher tomorrow 45 degrees some places I believe. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

07/12/2023 Thursday Pyschiatrist

6.30 am Good Morning news

Good morning and welcome to my day. I took Georges friend back to the station this morning for another $20 and also Marje to the bank to get her pay for $10. Pyschiatrist this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning news

Good morning again today. My mission $20 payment came out this morning and Marje and I went to HJ's for breakfast, she shouted the $5 for both of us. leaving for the doctor now. More later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from the doctors and George gave me the $20 from this morning and then I carried a big pot upstairs for Michelle and she gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Marje and I went for a drive this afternoon down through Appin where Marje bought me a vanilla slice to Bulli Tops and then down towards Mount Ousley and up the Picton Road to Picton where I bought some crumbed lamb cutlets for $10 and a bottle of Coca Cola and chips and Twisties for $7.17. We got petrol near home for $30 on the way back through Campbelltown. That is it for today, cooking the lamb cutlets for dinner. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

06/12/2023 Wednesday

9.30 am Good Morning News

Late Extra Last Night

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk again today at Cronulla from North Cronulla to Bass and Flinders Point and back, about 6km. I got HJ's for $2.50 on the way and $51 petrol on the way home. Have a good day and More Later. Darel.

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon for today. Marje has Anne with her this afternoon, I am thinking about lunch but I don't know what I want to eat after snacking on Jatz and Ritz this morning and fruit. EVN shares down today 13% $3.50, Evolution Mining, still too dear for me, they were so high before $4, but they were even higher a year or two ago $5.20. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have had lunch at the local Chinese Restaurant for $11. George will give me $10 this afternoon. More later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I bought 2000 EVN shares at $3.52 and sold them at $3.55, a $30 profit which they will pay me on Friday, with the $39.90 fee for brokerage, they are at $3.58 now, would have been $80. Waiting for George to ring to go to the station and pick some one up at 4.30 pm. More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I picked Georges friend up from the station for $20. EVN shares closed at $3.60, I would have made $120 selling them at that. I just have to be patient and learn to wait for the right time, I will see how I go next time if at all. Anne went home and Marje is going out for dinner with her Wednesday night Bible Study group from her church that she started going to for the last few weeks. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

05/12/2023 Tuesday Manly

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and given $20 to the church, I bought a pie for $6 and walked to Shelly Beach and Queenscliff and back. I had breakfast shouted me as well and a coffee. Lats night I watched the dogs again on the internet, not so lucky this time, I bet $70 and won nothing with the $24 win the other night that means I am $47 down, Paypal costs a bit to transfer into your account 1%. Have a good day and More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje around 3.00 pm and I did not get back to my unit till 4.00 pm. Just a piece of cake and a bottle of water, but we talked for a long while. I checked the market while it was down 70 points today, 89 points and back up to 60 points butr closed at 72 points down. PLS was a good buy as they were down a fair bit 30 points with something like $60 million in turnover today, and a takeover bid or something, Origen Energy was back up 20 points today. Anyhow that is it for today, no betting tonight, I could not sleep the two previous nights. George wants me to pick up someone from the station tomorrow afternoon and Josephine wants to go to the doctors on Friday morning before lunch with my sister again I think. Thursday I have my pyschiatrist. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

Late Extra 8.30 pm

I could not help it the gambling bug got me again. Check the budget for details. Good Knight Again. Darel.

04/12/2023 Monday

Late Extra Last Night, Excuse me.

9.30 am Good morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am back from taking Marje for an x-ray this morning and also the chemist, she paid me before. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I had a vegetable cauliflour rice with an egg, chilli powder and garlic for lunch that I got off Carol the other day. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I rang HP about my printer and they went online but could not connect it. Henceforth I now need a new printer even though my one works HP have deleted the program that connects the printer to the computer as it is 2011 hardware. I can still print a page off my printer but not from the computer just by scanning the page. The market was up 80 points this morning, now down around 47 points up now. Origen energy under a takeover bid which does not look like eventuating but they are cheap shares at the moment. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and the opshop to donate a few things for $10. Marje wanted to buy chocolates while they are half price and so we had to go to two different Woolworths to get enough of what she wanted as they only had one box in the first place, we got the last two from the other one as well. The market back up to 60 points now. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

03/12/2023 Sunday Church

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50. The sermon was on Psalm 75, The Cup of God's Wrath, it was a communion service, Jesus drinks the cup for us. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight aqnd I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have listened to music and read the ABC News this afternoon, I had a look at a few races but the ones I picked did not win and I did not bet on any of them anyway. I also looked at the $2 & $5 lottery tickets which are jackpoting at $7 million and $10 million respectively. Ozlotto is $40 million and Powerball $20 million but I have come to the resting point that you can't win on any of them either and so I will just have to trust God to provide for my needs. It seems that when you have got time on your hands and you want or need money to do whatever it is you are after that Gambling is tempting but God has the bigger picture and perpsective, even when we think we can see enough money spinning around and going around the earth, the only usual way to get it is through corruption and I will never be tempted to entre into that. Gambling is a close border line case to that. When people have enough money and abundant to spare sometimes it is just a matter of waiting on the Lord till they feel happy to help someone else out, even me with all my poetry work for free. God is in control of that to, I would hate to see rich people die and leave the money to someone undeserving, even if I have to wait another twenty years or more. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

Late Extra 9.00 pm

I had one bet on a dog and won $23.66, over $9200 now. Good Knight Again. Darel.

02/12/2023 Saturday Pay Day - Mens Breakfast

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to The Mens Breakfast this morning at church and given $5. Marje has her nephew coming today till 12.00 noon. I have been paid and also had approved a Centerlink advance payment of $1559.25 taking $120 out of my pay till 30th of May for the next 13 pays, but I now have over $9275 and willl reach my goal saver of $10,000 by the end of the year I hope. I have a $400 payment for contents insurance due on the 2nd of January, coming out at the end of the month, but I get three pays this month and only need to save $400 a pay plus some expenses till then to meet my aim. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I went and bought coffee from Woolworths for $19.50. More Later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I just got $56 petrol, I will ask Marje for $20 after her nephew goes. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. Marje gave me $20 for petrol and now we are going over to Pearl's grave because Marje wants to put some flowers on it. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been out to Pearls grave where Marje put some coloured roses on it. We came home via Ramsgate where I bought a bottle of drink for $1.20 and Kogarah Bay before I stopped to buy a half chicken at Revesby for $9. Marje gave me $20 for x-rays she has to go to on Monday. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I checked the ABC for updates since this morning, had some salami that I got off Carol this morning for an early dinner, the chicken was a late lunch. The market is set to open up 65 points on Monday, no good for me.That is about it once again for today Church tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

01/12/2023 Friday

6.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am going out with my sister today for lunch again over on The North Shore with her friend there. for the last four days I have only read one chapter of my Bible and now up to Mark 4 including the introduction. Marje and I will leave early and go for a drive first. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been up The Northern beaches this morning and Marje shouted $5 HJ's for both of us at Mona Vale, we went to Whale Beach and then Palm beach and came back down the Northern beaches to Mnaly and North head where we stopped for a while and had a look at the magnificent view down the harbour and across to South Head. Then we had lunch at Mosman in Military Road after doing a walk down to Mosman Bay with the dog. I got $23 interest this morning and my sisters friend shouted Marje and I lunch. That is it for today, Pay Day tomorrow and Mens Breakfast at the church. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

30/11/2023 Thursday

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to Cronulla for a walk from North Cronulla to Bass and Flinders and back, I got $2.50 HJ's on the way. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Eveneing and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have had a quiet day at home today with about three trips down to see Marje where I had a piece of fruit cake and two chocolates. I also made a trip out to Bunnings for George for $20.90. That is it for today, I am back over $7700 for when I get paid on Saturday, tomorrow night. Trying not to spend anything tomorrow and stay in the positive. I had two little cans of John West Chilli Tuna for dinner. The market was haywire today, down up and then right up and down a bit. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

29/11/2023 Wednesday

6.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I just checked the weather and it is not going to start raining till 12.00 noon and so Marje and I will head out for a drive this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been for a drive down through Appin to Thirroul and Stanwell Tops, back through the Park to Waterfall, where I bought fish and chips with a cup of tea for Marje, $18.60. Petrol near home for $37 and Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went back to Heathcote again this afternoon to an OP Shop that we saw this morning to buy three chrocheted blankets for $35, they were having a half price closing the shop sale so we got about $50 off the prices of them all together. Marje gave me $20 extra for that and then we went to Woolworths on the way home and I got four long life lite milks for $5. That is it for today, a storm starting to hit now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

28/11/2023 Tuesday Manly

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I walked from Shelly beach to Queennscliffe and back this morning after buying a pie for $5.50. I went to the prayer meeting and gave $20 and was given a coffee. Then breakfast shouted me before the Bible Study and then a coffee after that $4.50. A bit wet now and for the drive home. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a Dominos pizza with Marje for dinner / afternoon tea around 3.00 pm, Marje shouted after I drove up there $7 for a peperoni for me. She has ham and pineapple $10 for hers. I did the budget for pay day on Saturday, if I spend anything I will just have to change it, I allowed for World Vison $20 coming out on the 1st December. I would like to go for my normal drive tomorrow down through Appin but they are predicting rain again so it will not be very pleasant in the wet and probably best avoided. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

27/11/2023 Monday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Matthew this morning. I have a load of washing on and will be going out shorthly after that finishes. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Koorong with Marje looking for colouring in books for her nephew who is mentally challenged is coming to visit her on Saturday. Nothing there but I got two books for $45, Marje gave me $40 and I got $36 petrol as well. We also went unting all over the place for other colouring in books, she got about five all together but they don't make what she was really looking for, the big jumbo ones with the good pictures. I got one Max Lucado, Out Live Your Life and a 365 daily devotional by Timothy Keller for 2024. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a piece of fruit cake, a chocolate and a bottle of water, same as yesterday I think. I wathced the market go down a lot this afternoon after it went up a bit this morning. I rested and listened to music while cooking mushrooms that I got of Carol, a little can of chilli tuna and two pies for lunch. Manly tomorrow, only a few more weeks of that this year before our break up Christmas Party around the 11th of December. Then we will be off till February, also I am not going to Bible College next semester, having a break from that for a while. We are also now planning our trip to Melbourne next year which is back on the agenda now, stopping in The Riverina on the way down. I also have a cousin in Albury who I might stop in and see if he is there, he is Gay and proud of it and has the same name as my great grandfather on my mothers side who was a staunch Christian and use to go to the church that I go to now, he died in 1945 age 85 years old. We cleaned up great grandfaters grave one time about 30 years ago. I get my middle name from him. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

26/11/2023 Sunday Church

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50. We got HJ's on the way and I got a bottle of water from Woolworths for 80c and bought charcoal chicken for $14, Marje gave me $5. Enjoy the rest of your day and More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a piece of fruit cake and a chocolate and a bottle of water. Ronnie came in, he had been out and had a desert and water for nearly $20. More tomorrow, I will probably go for a walk if it is not raining. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

25/11/2023 Saturday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I wanted to go for a walk today but it is raining or a drive but same idea, too wet. I watered my plants on the balcony that are undercover and said good morning to Marje, she is crocheting. I only read five chapters of my Matthew yesterday and the day before, but today all I could manage was two chapters, so I would like to try and read a bit more while it is raining. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I havwe written two more poems for A Knights Life, 21. Fighting For Future Glory and 22. The One That Got Away. More Later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now written another three poems for A Knights Life, five poems today now. 23. Riding For A Purpose, 24. The Reason To Live, 25. Seasons Of Time. More Later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now read another three chapters of Matthew, five chapters today and the last few days now, up to chapter 16 now. I would like to read to the end of Matthew today while it is raining but my mind does not seem to want to do it, despite taking my mind of reading for a while and writing instead. More later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been to Hungry Jacks and Woolworths with Marje. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have an invite to my nephews 1 year old daughter on the 9th of December with Marje which we will go to after I replied affirmative. I had afternoon tea with Marje, one chocolate and a bottle of water. I cooked lamb chops for lunch with potato salad and coleslaw that I got off Carol, along with some mangos, for other days there are mushrooms and kumatoes, apples and nectrines and bread. More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I just rested since last writing, listening to music. That is it for today, church tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

24/11/2023 Friday Marje Podiatrist - Lunch With My Sister

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have taken Marje to the podistrist and the bank to get her pay, she gave me $10 and I gave her $10 to cover lunch for today with my sister around $20. Raining here today, a bit of a wet one. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I finished two chapters of Kingdom Of God, up to page 126 now. Going out for lunch with Marje and my sister and nephew at the Club. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to lunch at Gymea Tradies Club again today, Marje shouted me a roast beef dinner for $15. That is it for today, no afternoon tea now, too late and too tired. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

23/11/2023 Thursday Marje Biopsy

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and welcome to my day, good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje to the hospital this morning at 7.30 am when we arrived, I sat there till after 10.00 am waiting for them to let her in for her test, Then I went to my Bible Study at the church and had lunch afterwards with the group for $13. I went back to the hospital at 1.37 pm and waitied there till 4.37pm before she came out. A long day all in all, Marje bought me a chicken and pasta dish for dinner. I bought a drink at Woolworths as well for $1.10. Podiatrist for Marje in the morning and maybe lunch with my sister also tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

22/11/2023 Wednesday Funeral for Anna, 100 year old lady.

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am taking Josephine to her sisters this morning and then Marje to The Funeral at 1.00 pm. I also finished reading The Old Testament this morning for the 212th time. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 amGood Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from taking Josephine for $25. More Later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have finished reading the second chapter of Kingdom of God by John Bright on page 70. More later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. It was a beautiful serivce out at Pine Grove Cemetary, followed by the burial service and wake at St Marys Diggers Club. I am sure that Anna will rest in peace in heaven. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

21/11/2023 Tuesday Marje Heart Specialist

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I did not go to Manly this morning as I was a bit tired, had washing to do and also Marjes appointment at 1.00 pm. Up to Daniel 7. Have a good day and More Later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been to HJ's with Marje and she gave me $70 to last till the end of the week with all I am doing for her, taking her to till Friday. Up to Jonah in my Bible. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje to her heart specialist and we had trouble finding the place, but eventually it was right there where we went to last time. Then I took her to Best and Less and Coles for another $20. I had afternoon tea as well, a bottle of water, one chocolate and four pikelets with marjerine and honey, three pieces of watermelon Josephine gave her and two nann bread that Ruth gave her that she would not eat either so that was enough food for me for today. Tomorrow morning I am taking Josephine to her sisters palce and then at 1.00 pm we have got the funeral for granma from Armidale. Up to Micah. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

20/11/2023 Monday Coming home in Afternoon Full Report

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. This is my weekend report now that I am home. Drove up Sarurday morning to my sisters place on the Mid North Coast, stopped at HJ's Raymond Terrace on the way for breakfast. I spent $ 29 at Woolworths, choclates, lamb chops, rolls and a hot chicken for lunch and also paid for dinner $34 for two pizzas. I drove around the area in the afternoon on Saturday and had a look at all the usual sights and found a beach there I had never seen before, about 20kms long and bought an icecream for $5. I bought prawns and a drink $13 and had a good talk with my sister there for a few hours. She has not been well and she made a will leaving everything to her niece, her sisters daughter. Sunday I went to the local Baptist Church where I remembered some people from last November. Sunday afternoon we had a picnic on the river and my sister made a nice chicken caeser salad for lunch. She marinated the lamb chops for dinner but I said I was not hungry after a big lunch so she will have meals for tonight and tomorrow night. Drove home today and had breakfast at HJ's Raymond Terrace again for $2.50. I got $52 petrol up there and $53 petrol when I got home. I gave my sister $100 to help out. We watched about three or four movies on TV while I was there, I did not get to bed till after 7.00 pm both nights. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I took Marje up to the post office to post some cards for $10. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje at 2.30 pm and just got back now, Ronnie came and joined us. I had six pancakes and three chocolates and a bottle of water. Marje has the heart specialist tomorrow when i come back from Manly if I go as I am a bit tired from the drive today. Wednesday we have the hundred year old lady's funeral and Thursday Marje has her biopsy. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

19/11/2023 Sunday Church

No News While At My Sisters Place Mid North Coast

18/11/2023 Saturday Pay Day

No News While At My Sisters Place Mid North Coast

17/11/2023 Friday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Ezekiel this morning. Probably going out with my sister today for lunch as she has not rung yet to say otherwise. Also will have to pick up Marjes blood test results from the doctor this morning on the way out. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a walk at Cronulla from North Cronulla to Bass and Flinders and back. My sister had a dentist appointment today at noon so lunch was out. I got HJ's on the way for $2.50 and a chicken and salad roll at Gymea on the way home for $9.50. I also got petrol for $32 ready for the drive up the coast tomorrow morning. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a choocolate and a bottle of water with Marje for afternoon tea. I put my fishing rod in the car for tomorrow. There will be no news while I am away but you will get a full report when I get home on Monday afternoon. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

16/11/2023 Thursday

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive with Marje around The Eastern Suburbs, we stopped and saw Pearl's grave at La Perouse, then Maroubra Beach, Coogee and Bondi Beaches, Vaucluse, Rose Bay and Double Bay and home through The City. Marje shouted HJ's for breakfast $5 and KFC for lunch $6.95. We only used an eighth of a tank in petrol. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I finished reading the first chapter of Kingdom Of God by John Bright on page 44. AMP shares took a massive dive this morning down from $1 a share to 87c each 14% down. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and she bought me four orange mango concentrate fruit juices for $4.40. She posted her Christmas Cards as well. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I nearly bought 3000 AMP shares this afternoon at 85c. I have a bid in for 84c and they are at 86c at the moment. I had a chocolate and a bottle of water down with Marje for afternoon tea. That will do for today, lunch with my sister tomorrow if she is not working, she has worked every day this week so far. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

15/11/2023 Wednesday Geoff's Funeral

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read twenty chapters of Ezekiel this morning because I missed out on yesterdays reading by leaving early for Manly and I did not have a chance yesterday afternoon to catch up. Geoffs funeral on this morning after I take Ruth to The Dentist on the way. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from Geoffs Funeral and I did not take Ruth on the way, I got a chicken and salad roll on the way for $8. Geoff could not always here you as he was nearly deaf, but you could always hear him and knew he was around. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a drive with Marje down through Appin and Thirroul to Stanwell Tops where I bought Marje a cup of tea for $4 and back through Helensburg where I bought a half a chicken for $9. We put $41 petrol in near home and Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje (four chocolates and a bottle of water) after I rang the bank to close two of my accounts, one was one I opened the other day as it was sticking its nose in front of me when I tried to login. They were going to charge me $5 a month for that one and so no good. The other one was a savings account which I had two the same, so one account for that will do me now. Nothing planned for tomorrow but Riday I might be going out with my sister if she is not working. Saturday I am heading up the coast to visit my other sister up there for the weekend. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

14/11/2023 Tuesday Manly

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and given $20 to the church, I bought a pie for $6 and had breakfast shouted me. I walked from Shelly Beach to Queenscliff and back about 3km this morning. I am going to the mechanic for an oil change at 2.00 pm about $120 I think. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I got my car serviced for $130, $120 for the oil change and $10 for a number plate light. Then I took Marje shopping for $10. Tomorrow morning I am taking Ruth to the dentist on the way to Geoffs funeral, George might come with me as well. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

13/11/2023 Monday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Jerimiah and Lamentations this morning. Taking Marje to the doctors this morning to see about a blood test. Have a good day and More Later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from the doctors with Marje for $20, I also got pills for $6.30. Marje shouted McDonalds this morning. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a drive with Mare down through Appin and back through Thirroul and The Royal National Park. We stopped at Wattamolla and walked up to the beach and back, Marje struggled with the stairs a bit but she made it with my help, leaning on my arm. We got $52 petrol near home and I shouted Hungry Jacks for lunch on the way for $5, Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. It is Geoff's funeral on Wednesday morning, it has been over a few weeks since he died and so it is good to get that done now, the family were struggling for enough money to bury him. I had a bottle of water and some sweets that Ruth gave Marje for afternoon tea. Manly tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

5.00 pm Late Extra

I donated another $100 to Hope 103.2 FM Radio Station and I gave $50 to my church. Good Knight Again. Darel.

12/11/2023 Sunday Church

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning aand welcome to my day. I took Marje to church this morning with HJ's on the way, Marjes shout as per usual $5 for both of us. I am taking Thuan to the airport at 10.30 am, she is going to Vietnam for 6 weeks, she paid me $50, I will miss church today and next Sunday here as I will be up the coast at my sisters. We also have a Bible Study Christmas lunch on the 23rd when Marje has to go to the hospital for her biopsy, that is early and lunch is at 12.00 noon, we might or might not make it. so I will not get back to my local church till the 25th. I paid Hope 103.2 radio station $20 this morning for their annual appeal. They send me out a quarterly daily devotion booklet, that ocsts money and they are a great radio station that I listen to all the time when driving in the car. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.30 pm Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from the airport and picking up Marje. Thuan thought she forgot her phone again and we got all the way back home and she found it in her lunch bag, she gave me another $20. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went down to Marjes a couple of times this afternoon and had a bottle of water and some chocolates. Thuan rang from the airport and I checked her stove was off for her, she left me with her key. I also turned off her stove at the fuse box and also her hot water off at the fuse box. I e-mailed my minister at church and left a message on his mobile but he did not get back to me about missing today and next week the Bible study Christmas lunch on the 23rd when Marje has her biopsy. That is it for today, I have listened to Hope 103.2 radion station online this afternoon, checking news and e-mails. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

11/11/2023 Saturday

6.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. Read another ten chapters of Jerimiah this morning and four pages of Kingdom Of God. Heading out again today, possibly up north for a change. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a drive with Marje up and around Lake Macquarrie, we got HJ's at Gosford my shout $9.40 and fish and potato scallops at Dora Creek, Marjes shout. $45 petrol near home, Marje gave me $20. Prayer meeting on at the church this afternoon at 2.30 pm. My father John Roy McAllister would have been 100 today if he had lived, He was born on 11/11/1923 and died on 23rd December 1987, aged 64. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to the prayer meeting this afternoon at one of the church members house. There was about eight of us there for a prayer of thanks and petition to our God. Thuan rang me and gave me $50 to take her to the airport tomorrow morning at 10.30 am, she is going to Vietnam for 6, I will miss church but I will still take Marje to hers. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

10/11/2023 Friday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Late Extra Last Night

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am up to Jerimiah 21 this morning. I think I have to take Marje for a blood test this morning to take with her for the biopsy, no I just rang her and she said another day. I have to get my hair cut and so I might do that this morning and then go for a drive. Have a god day and more later. Darel.

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am up to page 24 in chapter 1 of The Kingdom Of God by John Bright. Doing a load of washing which I have to hang out before going to get my hair cut. More Later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I got my hair cut for $10, Marje also got her cut shorter for $20. I also spent $21.90 at Woolworths. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a drive down through Appin to Austimere and then we walked across the sea cliff bridge and back. Then went to Stanwell Tops, Bald Hill and Marje bought me a bacon and egg roll. Then through The National Park to Waterfall and I bought fish and chips for $15 which we shared. Back home and got petrol $43, Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I had afternoon tea with Marje, just three chocolates and she told me that the grandma who had her 100th birthday in Armidale when we were up there has died. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I just checked the market and read the ABC News, I also caught up on Facebook for about two weeks worth of news there. That is about it once again for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

09/11/2023 Thursday

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have taken the ladies out this morning for $10. Bible Study this morning at church. Have a good day and More Later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading Tragedy In Kabul by Hannelie Groenewald. More Later. Darel.

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from Bible Study. We had Hungry Jacks and went to Woolworths. Taking Ruth to the hospital at 1.00 pm. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am back from the hospital with Ruth for $20. Waiting for George to ring between 2.30 pm and 3.00 pm to pick him up from a different hospital. Marje has got the date for her biopsy on the 23rd of this month. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I picked George up from the sleep clinic for $20 and then I took Marje to the bank again to deopsit some money for $10. Marje had to reshedule her respiratory specialist appointment to give them time for the results from the biopsy to the 14th of December. I made $60 today taking me back over the $7000 figure. We have got a thunder storm here now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

7.30 pm Late Extra

I took Thuan and Michelle to The Budhest Temple for $40. Good Knight Again. Darel.

08/11/2023 Wednesday Bible College

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Isaiah this morning, also finished and started another chapter of Kabul book. Bible College this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Bible College this morning and I got $12 HJ's on the way. I got $47 petrol on the way home. That was the last week of College for this year, I am not sure whether I am doing next semester or not yet next year in February. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am taking Marje and Josephine to the bank tomorrow morning and then Marje and I are going to Bible Study, at 1.00 pm I am taking Ruth to the hospital. Afternoon tea time now. More later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a bottle of water down at Marjes before coming back and reading about 40 pages of The Kabul book this afternoon. I also paid Thuans Electricity bill and gave her the key to her letter box back and the change. I got a book from College today, it was only $1 but they could not process it with this Optus outage so she gave it to me for free, they don't take cash there. The book is The Kingdom Of God by John Bright. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

07/11/2023 Tuesday Manly

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and bought a coffee $5.27 and pie $6, I gave $20 to the church and had breakfast shouted me there. Then when I got home I took Thuan and Nam to their friends place for lunch and I have to pick them up from the station at around 3.00 pm when The Melbourne Cup is on. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I watched Without A Fight win The Melbourne Cup and then I picked up my neighbours from the station and got a chicken and salad roll for my efforts. Thuan is going to Vietnam on Saturday and she gave me money to pay her power bill while she is away and me $10 for my time. I went down to Marje for afternoon tea after the race but the phone rung to pick them up as soon as I got there. Marje is talking to Ruth now so I will miss out this afternoon. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

06/11/2023 Monday

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at Cronulla and got a chicken and salad roll on the way for $6. I walked from North Cronulla to Bass and Flinders Point and back, about 6kms. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and she bought me some yogurt and milk, I got a charcoal chicken for $14 and gave Marje some. She also gave me a couple of frozen dinners out of her fridge. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a bottle of water and two rocky road chocolate biscuits for afternoon tea with Marje, just rested this afternoon listening to music. The mind not in gear enough at the moment to write poetry. Tomorrow I am going to Manly but I have to be back early to take Thuan and Nam to their friends place at 11.45 am, I have already been paid for that. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

05/11/2023 Sunday Church

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50. The sermon was on Issac and Rebekah. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. My neighour from just across from me, Jan has just been taken to hospital in the ambulance, she could not talk the other day, she usually is the one who swears and screams at everyone, God must have been listening. I had a couple of rocky road biscuits down with Marje before I noticed the ambulance people at the door next to me. That is in for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

04/11/2023 Saturday Pay Day Mens Breakfast

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I went to The Mens Breakfast this morning and gave $5. Up to around $7100 now after my pay went in last night. Marje and I went for a drive down to Appin and back through Thirroul, Helensburg and Waterfall where we had fish and chips for $14.35 my shout. We got petrol near home which is abck up again in price for $44, Marje gave me $20. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am now going up to see my sister on The Mid North Coast on the 18th, I will be there on the 19th Sunday and come back Monday 20th in the afternoon. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a bottle of water, a biscuit and a piece of fruit cake down at Marjes for afternoon tea. Just listened to music and rested this afternoon, up to page 84 of Kabul book and Isaiah 21. Calling it a day again now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

03/11/2023 Friday

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am going out for lunch again with my sister over Mosman way. I took Josephine to the shops, she gave me $50 and I only had $20 change and so I will give her some more money this afternoon when we get home. I am up to page 76 in the Kabul book. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to Castlecrag and Middle Head for lunch, I paid $25 and got $53 petrol, Marje gave me $20. I gave Josephine another $20 so she gave me $10 this morning. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

02/11/2023 Thursday Pyschiatrist

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to the pyschiatrist this morning and spent $10 on food. I took Marje to the doctors when I got home for her unrine test results, the doctor put her on antibiotics. We also got the number for the biopsy that Marje has to have before the 13th, it takes a week for the results to go through so she needs to have it done tomorrow or Monday at the latest as her results have to be ready by the 13th. She gave me $20 and I also have to take Josephine to the doctors tomorrow morning at 8.00 am. We tried ringing the biopsy number but they were bust so we left a message for them to call back. I started reading another book this morning after finishing Song Of Songs, The book is called Tragedy in Kabul, published by Voice Of The Martyrs. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went down to see Marje and checked on her biopsy appointment which they don't have a date for, because even if they did it tomorrrow she they would not have it by the 13th when her specialist appointment was for her results, so we had to reschedule the appointmentfor the 27th with the respiratory specialist for the results. So I will be right now for my sisters up the coast on the 11th as I don't have to be back now for the 13th for Marje. I rang my sister about lunch tomorrow and she will ring me back tomorrow around 8.30 am when she knows whether she is working or not. I am taking Josephine to the doctors around 8.00 am tomorrow morning as well. That is it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

01/11/2023 Wednesday Bible College

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read the book of Ecclessiastes this morning and recieved $22.00 interest from the bank. Off to Bible College this morning, then pick up Marjes meals on the way home. After that I am taking Nam for an x-ray. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from Bible College and I got a chicken and salad roll on the way for $8. I picked up Marjes meals on the way home and I am taking Thuan and Nam to the x-ray place in about 2 hours. I did not stay for princliples Hour today as I had other things to do and there was some conent which we were warned against today, that was a good enough excuse to miss it today. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. Thuan cancelled on this afternoon as Nam and her are at The Hospital. Marje is waiting on seeing people for Ruth to tell them that she (Ruth) is at the doctors. I was going to go for a drive or a walk, but I am only half in the mood and Marje has to stay home till they come. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I gave Thuan back the $20 that she gave me yesterday for taking Nam to the x-ray this afternoon, Thuan was at the hospital because she fell over a couple of weeks ago and her leg is still sore. I had a drink of water and an egg sandwich with Marje for afternoon tea. Pyschiatrist tomorrow morning. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

31/10/2023 Tuesday Manly

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and bought aa pie for $6, I gave $20 to the church and had breakfast shouted me there and a coffee. I had to come home early to take Nam and Thuan to the doctors and then for an x-ray for $20, she gave me another $20 for an x-ray again tomorrow and $30 for taking her out next Tuesday. Marje has to pick up her meals on wheels because they are not delivering frozen meals at the moment, I may be able to get them on the way home from Bible College before taking Nam for her x-ray, otherwise it will be Thursday after my pyschiatrist. I also finished reading Proverbs this morning. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written another five poems for A Knights Life, 16. Meandering and Wandering, 17. Wherever The River Flows, 18. Its A Very Long Day, 19. The Maiden Along The Way & 20. Damsel And The Well. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje up to the post office to change some one hundred $ notes for fifties. Only ten minutes work, free this time. I should be able to get the dinners from meals on wheels tomorrow on the way home from College, I have an hour and it is a 25 minute trip, she gave me the money for the meals. I should have about $20 interest tomorrow on my money. That is about it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

30/10/2023 Monday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am nearly finished reading John Newtons book. Taking Marje to the hospital this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. Back from the hospital with Marje, she gave me $20 and I bought sandwiches $10 and water 80c after walking up to Woolworths and back. More Later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have now finished reading, Letters of John Newton. I also read a chapter of Selwyn Hughs biography on Sheffield while I was at the hospital. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I sorted a couple of things out for Marje this afternoon or helped her do it. Meals on Wheels, Heart specialist on November 21st, we are also waiting for a phone call from the hospital for her to do a biopsy, they stick a needle into you and take a sample of the tissue. Then she has the respiratory specialist on the 13th for the results of both tests. I had some bread rolls and watermelon down at Marjes as well. George cancelled out on the hospital this afternoon. That is about it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

29/10/2023 Sunday Church

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50 for a sermon on Abraham and Isaac, we had the fifth Sunday lunch after church and I took Marje there to my church. I am taking Marje for her test tomorrow morning at the hospital and then George to the hospital in the afternoon. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. My touch typing is getting better but I have not written any poems for a while now, my mind tired and streched from thinking in that department at the moment, just having a little break for a while there. I read another letter 20 of John Newtons book this morning up to page 121 now. Time to sign out and say good bye for today now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

28/10/2023 Saturday

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive with Marje this morning down through Appin and Bulli to Albion Park and back through Macquarrie Pass and Mittagong. We got $49 petrol on the way home and Marje gave me $20, I bought soap for $5. I also got my Electricity Bill and paid it $74.55, very cheap for three months I think, cheapest I have ever had as well. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I just rung my sister to check on my weekend away up there on the 11th. I have to take Marje to the specialist on Monday morning at 9.00 am on the 13th, so that would mean leaving Sunday after lunch up there to be home Sunday night. I suggested next weekend but she has a friend coming so I said the 18th or 25th, just waiting for her to confirm an e-mail I sent with the dates on for her to think about. Church tomorrow, I finished reading Psalms this morning and also up to Letter 20 in John Newtons book, page 117, there are 39 letters all together finishes on page 195. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

27/10/2023 Friday

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went out for lunch with my sister again today to The Oaks Hotel at Neutral Bay. I had lamb rump with roast potato, brocolli and beans, I paid $20 and my sister paid the $16 difference. We had sticky date pudding with butterscotch sauce and ice ream and cream for desert, my sister paid. We bought two between four for $17 each and shared. We went to Koorong on the way and also had a look around Northbridge and Cremourne Point. That is it for today, though I got $40 new wiper blades on the way home and $34 petrol, Marje gave me $25. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

26/10/2023 Thursday Bible Study

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have bene to the doctors with Marje to drop off a specimen test, she went to the bank and got her pay as well. We also went to Coles and Marje bought me some yogurt $4, before going to The Bible Study where we had Hungry Jacks first, Marjes shout and the to Woolworths where Marje shouted me water and toothbrushes. It was a good study on serving for a book we are doing titled, A Good Old Age, it goes through the alphabet for a study on each lesson today's was S is for Serving. I got Red Rooster on the way home for $20. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a bottle of water and two rocky road biscuits with Marje this afternoon. I read 65 pages of a new book today. 20 Letters from John Newton who wrote Amazing Grace and died around 1802/3. That is it for today, the market is down again and I have some even lower bids in that I might pick up next week if the market continues to take a dive. They are low because I am hoping to get my interest on my goal saver at the end of the month, Tuesday night next week. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

25/10/2023 Wednesday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have seen Marje this morning and I am taking her to the doctors again today. Just hanging up some washing and then leaving. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from the doctors with Marje. We were trying to organise the Pet Scan, the doctor rang them at the hospital and they said that they have the referral and will ring Marje soon for the appointment, she is waiting home today for the call. She may be home for the next couple of days till they ring but they said soon. We have Bible Study tomorrow at the church at 11.00 am, maybe I will have to go on my own. I just recieved a phone call from the hospital while I was writing this and her appointment is on Monday 30th 9.00 am. Should be right for tomorrow now. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a drive with Marje down through Appin and Thiroull, we got fish and chips at Waterfall for lunch $14.35, I paid. Marje shouted an apple streudle slice for me at Appin and HJ's for breakfast. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Just had a drink of water with Marje and a chat for 45 minutes. She does not seem like she has cancer, as she is her bright and cheerful normal self, it may just be a cyst or something else, she is not in any pain for that but she has an ache on her lower front right side under her lower rib, maybe just sciatica or something. That will do for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

24/10/2023 Tuesday

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to see Marje in hospital this morning and I took her a few things that she needed. I also rang a couple of people for her as well to tell them where she is. I have to cancel an appointment with a heart specialist this afternoon. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been up and seen Marjes heart doctor, they are ringing me back soon to reschedule the appointment. This morning I also read six chapters and 86 pages of a new book, Humility - True Greatness by C. J. Mahaney. More Later. Darel.

11.30 pm Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read up to page 137 in Humility chapter 11 now. Only about 40 pages to finish the book, it is quite large print and a small book, easy to read. Still waiting to hear back from Marjes heart specialist. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have finished reading Humility - True Greatness by C. J. Mahaney. The doctor just rung me from the hospital, they think Marje has lung cancer, she is coming home from hospital today, and needs to undergo further tests later on to confirm or not. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have picked Marje up from the hospital after the specialist rang me and told me she could go home. There was nothing else that they could do for her there today. Marje gave me $50 and I put $45 petrol in my car. She has to go for a pet scan on the 12th of November I think, they will ring me back again for that one. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a bottle of water and two chocolate biscuits with Marje just now, she seems alright but says she is tired, she only got about three hours sleep at the hospital last night. I am taking her to the doctors again tomorrow to organise the pet scan. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

23/10/2023 Monday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading God Never Gives Up On You this morning by Max Lucado. I am taking Marje to her doctors this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just come back from the hospital after Marje was admitted for the night. I took her to her GP this morning and she was sick so we saw another doctor there who said her CT scan had showed up with aa serious problem in her lung, so she said we had better go to the hospital and that she should be emitted tonight. We waited three hours at the hospital before she saw the doctor there who questioned her a fair bit and then said she needed to talk with the respiratory specialist, the speciaist came down about an hour and a bit later and said they were admitting her tonight. I shouted HJ's this morning first for $5 and then bought two egg and lettuce sandwiches for $17 and a bottle of water for $3.80, Marje gave me another $30. That is it for today. I will see Marje in the morning in hospital, so Manly is out for tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

22/10/2023 Sunday Church

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to church and given my tithe of $50. I was not feeling well, like I was going to cough through the entire service, so I picked Marje up and came home. I bought a bottle of water for 80c but it still did not help. I thought if I could do the walk I could go to church. I was up through the night not breathing easily and only got about 3 hours sleep this morning till 5.30 am. Nevertheless it is just a thing to deal with and get over I am afraid. There is a sign in church that says if you are unwell stay home. That is the idea for today. Enjoy your day and more later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje to Woolworths this afternoon and I spent $10 on yogurt and honey. I read another chapter of Max's book and had some lemon juice for my throat, the honey is to add to that. I rested and listened to music as well. That is about it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

21/10/2023 Saturday Pay Day

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive with Marje down to Appin and across to Douglass Park and Picton and back through Narrellan and Fairfield. I got a puncture repaired near home for $20, a screw in the tyre and spent $10 at Woolworths, juice and fish. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I was awake for about 6 hours last night with a sore throat, I took about 6 Vicks butter menthols but could not shake it. This morning when I went down to see Marje I had all but lost my voice. Flem and coughing up junk all night and day so far. It is not too bad now but still a little bit sore and itchy. I hope that it clears up by tomorrow. Heart is all good and Carol came with the food, I have just had a paw paw for lunch, nice and soft to eat, good for the throat. More later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have read another chapter of Max Lucados book, God Never Gives Up On You. Up to chapter 8 now. I am having a Turkish bread roll for late lunch, courtacy of Carol. Vaccummed and put the rubbish out, had to change the vaccumm cleaner bag, about every three or four years for one person, listening to music and resting otherwise. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Still got a bit of a tickle in my throat, Marje gave me some Benadryll drops to gargle with, they don't seem to help very much, so I left them with her. She says salt water is good to gargle with as well. All these remedies I think I will just leave it alone. Vicks cough drops don't seem to have any effect now either. I am still a bit crokey voiced but it is milder now. I cleaned the bathroom a bit more and washed the bathroom mat. Not sure whether I am going to church tomorrow or not, I will see how I feel in the morning, there is a sign up in the toilet at church, if you are not well stay at home. I have been drinking plenty of water and so I am hoping that that will be enough for me now. Nothing else to add or at least that I can think of at the moment. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

20/10/2023 Friday Walking Group

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been for my walk with two friends this morning from Artarmon to Northbridge Clive Park and bus back to North Sydney. I got $7 sandwiches and coffee at 7/11 Artarmon this morning. We walked under the famous old heritage bridge at Northbridge, through bush and along creeks down to Tunks Park at the harbour and around and along it, middle harbour west of The Spit. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a bottle of water with Marje and a chat for half an hour from 3.00 to 3.30 pm. Just rested and listened to music again this afternoon. Checked the market which is badly down again today like most of this week. Westpac 20.86. I had pains in my heart last night for a couple of hours, but I knew that if I went to the hospital I would not have done my walk today, I knew the walk would do me good today and I feel great now. I think it was just the excitement and tension on doing a walk that I had not done before, maybe a bit from gambling last week. Anyway I am all right now. Back ontrack to doing the right thing. Melbourne Cup coming up in two weeks, I will try and avoid that. I am going up to my sisters in Port Macquarrie in three weeks, she said she does not like me gambling. I had a bet around this time last year for Spring Carnival, it was a long time before that when I last gambled, not during Covid. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

19/10/2023 Thursday

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive with Marje down through Appin and Thirroul and back through Waterfall and home. We got $34 petrol near home and Marje gave me $20. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

3.30 am Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have rested today listening to some music and checking the market which is down about 120 points today. I cooked some pasta with slow cooked beef for lunch and gave Marje some. It was a tray I got from Carol from ALDI for nothing that I put in the oven for an hour. I also read a new Max Lucado book that I got at Koorong last time, God Never Gives Up On You, I am up to chapter 6 on page 69. That is about it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

18/10/2023 Wednesday Bible College

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I wnet to Bible College this morning and did two parables. I got a chicken and salad roll on the way for $7.50 and paid for last weeks lunch at College $11.80. Then I came home and took Marje for her CT Scan, all done now, she paid me yesterday for that. Back soon with the good knight news. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a frozen roast beef meal with vegetables and gravy for late lunch. Then I went and saw Marje for half an hour. Ronnie gave her some of his birthday cake from yesterday but I did not want any. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

17/10/2023 Tuesday Manly

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I went to Manly this morning and spent $16 on food and coffee and gave $20 to the church. When I got home Marje wanted to go to the doctors again for another blood test and x-ray, she gave me $20 for that and another $20 for petrol which cost $45. More Later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje back to the doctors again to get a CT scan, we went to The X-ray place after that but it was too late, she paid me $40 for today and tomorrow when we go back to the X-Ray place. The hospital rang from last weeka s they picked something up in her lung from the chest X-Ray last week, just congestion I think and wanted the CT scan done now as well, her appointment is at 2.30 pm Wednesday after I come from from college. That is it for today, Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

16/10/2023 Monday

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive with Marje down through Appin and Thirroul and back through The Royal National Park. I spent $1.45 on water at IGA Ruse and $15 on a bacon and egg sandwich and cup of tea for Marje at Bald Head Flying High Cafe at Stanwell Tops. Marje has got her doctor today at 1.30 pm. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from Marje with the doctor, she had to have a blood test as well and also go to NSW Services for a new ID card, she has a heart doctor next Tuesday at 12.45 pm. Geoff passed away at 2.00 am this morning, Colin had his car stolen but they found it again. More Later. Darel.

8.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I started writing the 5.00 pm Good Knight News and forgot about it, I slept for the past few hours. I must have clicked over to the music or something and it slipped my mind. For any one who gets this, congratulations or you are just checking for the week or something or just coming back late, anyway here it is, at least I did something. I rang my sister and told her that I am doing my walk on Friday so Marje and I will miss lunch with her this week, she is busy for the other days. My brother got some bad news about a heart condition, his wife made him get checked out because my other brother died of a heart attack at 50 in 2015 and my younger brother is now 50, they said he has a 90% chance of having a heart attack. He is a real estate agend and that is a high pressure job which he has been doing for 30 years now. I hope and pray he gives up the beer, even though he works out at the gym and has done since he was 12, it is not as good for you as walking or running. I am OK but I am not blood related to either of them as I was adopted at birth. I feel good, I am a bit overweight but I do a lot of walking and I am reasonably fit for my size. I told my sister about Geoff and her husband has the same name, but he is super fit after riding his bike around The Royal National Park for the last 30 years or so every weekend. That will do for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

15/10/2023 Sunday Church

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I woke up this morning with a sore and croaky throat and was not going to go to church this morning. I had a shower and got ready and rang Marje back and said we would go after first ringing to say I was not well. We went To HJ's on the way and then church, where I gave $50. I had about five Vicks Vapourdrops and was pretty good after that, no more gambling as it is not good for my health. We got $34 petrol on the way home and Marje gave me $29 for petrol and the doctors tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and spent $33, Marje paid the $3 and gave me $5 towards a charcoal chicken for $14. I won only about $14 over the last little while gambling, but don't forget I paid $79 towards Feed The Hungry, so all my winnings and more went on paying for kids to eat $65 out of my own pocket, that will teach me to be smart. Like Robin Hood, rob from the rich and give to the poor. Thuan gave me the $10 she promised for coming back to get her phone. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

14/10/2023 Saturday

6.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. Ronnie came over last night and wanted to put some bets on the dogs, he bet $45 and won $30, I had a few bets as well, and bet $35 and won $34. Going to vote this morning and then for a drive and a walk I think. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been and voted and then went to HJ's with Marje, going for my walk after Carol comes with the food at 11.00 am. More later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. Spring Racing is on at the moment and today they have got The Everest Race at Randwick, the biggest paying race in the country, bigger than The Melbourne Cup now for prize money. I had a $5 bet and it paid 4-1, $20, some money back from last week. Caufield Cup and other big races coming soon. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I won another $25 on the races. I bet $2.50 on a place that paid $12 at Caufield. $40 up for today. Money back from last week now and $8 up, that will do for today. The Everest is too hard to pick, I like I Wish I Win no.1 but probably won't bet at 4-1. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have won another $10 after about 8 bets, $15 up for now. I still have a bet on The Everest on I Wish I win for $5 at $4.60 paying $23 if I win. I had a $2 bet on Just Fine at Caufield but it ran last after being the favorite. I won $24 on Ayrton at Caufield and $22 on I Am Me at Randwich. I lost about 5 $5 bets before that. Back for the good knight news after The Everest and afternoon tea with Marje at 4.30 pm. More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I bet about $66 today and won $111. $45 up for the day. With the $1 I lost yesterday and the $30 from last week I am about $14 ahead for the time being. I Wish I Win came second to the first favorite Think About It in The Everest. Not too bad for a day at the office. Quit while your ahead, but Melbourne Spring racing is coming up in November. I will be in trouble at church tomorrow, not really a right thing to do by God, but I think even He likes to have some fun to. I don't know how the Voice vote is going, but I voted No. My church told me to vote No because in the Uluru Pact the spirit goes back to the ground not to heaven. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

13/10/2023 Friday

7.00 am Good Morning news

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Job this morning. About to ring my sister to see if there is anything on for today. Taking Marje to her doctors first this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am home from the doctors this morning for $20, Marje shouted HJ's on the way. We are going out to the club with my sister again today, so my $20 will go on that I think. More later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I had lunch with Marje and my sister at Menai Club, I had roast beef for $15. We went to The Salvos shop on the way and Marje bought me a small backpack for $6 for my walk next Friday. More Later. Darel.

12/10/2023 Thursday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. Marje rang me at 6.00 pm last night and siad she could not breathe or swallow very easily. So I took her to Emergency at The Hospital and we were there for 4 hours, we left the hospital at 10.00 pm. They said she had scratched her throat with a macadamia nut that she had eaten, because she could still swallow and breathe, they ruled out that the nut had got stuck in her throat, the doctor said it would take a couple of days to heal. They gave her some mouth wash to numb the effects a bit. Marje gave me $20 and I bought two bottles of water there for $4 each $8. She has to go back to her local doctor on Friday as well, so that should be OK. Going to Bible Study at the church today. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read another book this morning, Happy Today by Max Lucado. A guided journal to genuine joy. I rang Marje and she seems better this morning, she ate her poridge without too much trouble and she said she would go to Hungry Jacks with me on the way to Bible Study. More later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have taken Marje up to get her pay and also make a donation to The Salvo Shop for $10. More Later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again for today. I have done the budget for next year now, 2024 is complete. More later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. Marje and I had breakfast at HJ's and then we went to The Bible Study at church. Marje shouted Domino's pizza for lunch afterwards. More later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a bottle of water, 2 chocolates, 2 rocky road biscuits and a punnet of strawberries at Marjes for afternoon tea, she is feeling much better than she did last night now. Just checked the market and the ABC News this afternoon, listening to music and relaxing. I did a load of washing this morning and folded it up this afternoon as well. I paid my telephone bill for this month as well. That is about it once again for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

11/10/2023 Wednesday Bible College

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read two books this morning, The Freedom Of Self Forgetfullness by Timothy Keller and He Gets Us by Max Lucado. I am taking Thuan to The Airport at 8.00 am this morning and then Bible College after that. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to the airport this morning, but we got twenty minutes up the road and she realized that she had forgotton her phone, so we came back and got it, then two trucks had colided at The Domestic terminal and there was a massive back up of traffic. She was going to Brisbane not Vietnam, that is next month, she will fly home tomorrow and give me another $10. Her flight was at 10.30 am and we got there at 10.00 am after originally leaving home at 8.00 am. I had lunch at Bible College afterwards missing the first half of the lecture, I will pay for that next week, about $11. I put $54 petrol in the car on the way home. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I rested this afternoon listening to music, I checked the market which is up for the fifth straight day now. I had a bottle of water with Marje and some strawberries for afternoon tea. That is aout it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

10/10/2023 Tuesday Manly

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Mnaly this morning and bought a pie for $6 before walking to Shelly Beach and then to North Steyne and back, I shouted someone there a coffee and mine as well, $9.53 and gave $20 to the church. I had breakfast afterward shouted me after the prayer meeting. I came straight home after the Bible Study after leaving home before 5.00 am this morning tired. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have paid Feed the Hungry $47 after I realized that I had been caught with the Amercian website again, my $30 AUS became $47 USA, so not happy with Australia missing out on feeding the hungry I sent another $30 to them, now I am feeding 10 kids food for a month instead of 5. The thing about the American donation was though that the gift gets doubled, so I guess I am actually feeding 15 people (kids) for a month. I don't know if the Australian gift gets doubled or not? More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have a confession to make, last Wednesday I had a few bets on the dogs $30 worth and lost my money. I recorded it under petrol so you would not know that I had been silly, I guess be sure your sins will find you out, I felt guilty so I changed it to a Sportsbet entry in the budget. I heard them advertising Feed The Hungry on the radio this morning and I thought surely my money would have been better spent there, feeding 5 kids for a month who are starving. So when I got home I had an e-mail from Feed The Hungry and decided to pay them $30 as well. The website did not come up straight away so I decided to Google them instead and I got the Global FTH again like I did last time I donated and I did not remember that I paid through the nose for it and the same thing happened again as it did last time. Anyway I have enough money to cover all my costs, so I guess I will just have to be smarter next time I feel well off and remember the AUS $. The second time I clicked on the e-mail to donate the AUS website came up straight way. God give me wisdom to know the difference and better way to spend my money next time. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. Thuan paid me $50 to take her to the airport tomorrow morning. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written the first three poems for chapter two of A Knights Life, going for afternoon tea now with Marje I will write the other two when I come back to make five poems today. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have written the last of the five poems for today, they are 11. Up The Lonely Path, 12. Somewhere Down the Track, 13. Castle In The Distance, 14. Long And Winding Road & 15.Travelling And Following for A Knights Life chapter 2. That is it for today, I just had a bottle of water and two rocky road biscuits at Marjes. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.

09/10/2023 Monday

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have taken Josephine and Marje to the doctors this morning, Josephine gave me $20, Marje paid me the other day. Marje has to go back to her doctor again on Friday. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a drive with Marje down through Appin and back through Thirroul and Waterfall. I spent $5.24 at IGA Ruse. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have taken Marje shopping for $10, she also bought me some Marathon Spring Rolls for $5. That is it for today however. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

08/10/2023 Sunday

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church and Hungry Jacks on the way where Marje shouted a $5 meal there. I gave $50 to a good message on Elijah and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings offering a burnt sacrifice of a bull and the God who answered by fire , He was God. I had lunch a a mans palce from the church afterward with another couple from the church and then picked Marje up and brought her home. We got $41 petrol on the way home and Marje gave me $20 for petrol and $20 for the doctors tomorrow. Wednesday I am taking Thuan to The Airport before Bible Study, she is flying to Vietnam, Manly Tuesday. I also finished reading God's Economic Mandate this morning as well by Keith R. Smith. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

07/10/2023 Saturday Pay Day Mens Breakfast

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to The mens breakfast at church this morning and given $5 towards costs. I got paid last night and the budget has been updated. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have taken Marje shopping for $14.40 and spent $4.40 on four fruit juice concentrates, in other words, Marje paid for my juice and gave me $10. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just listened to some music this afternoon, while relaxing. I did cook some savraloys that I got off Carol this morning and gave some to Marje, I also ate some strawberries that I got as well. Also got some cooked frozen chicken pieces, more strawberries, spring onions, bananas, zuchinis and 1kg of bacon. Marje gave me two mangos that Josephine had bought as well. That is it once again for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

06/10/2023 Friday

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Welcome to my day and here it is, I have been out to lunch with my sister after I went to Koorong with Marje this morning and spent $74 on three Max Lucado books and one Timothy Keller book, Marje gave me $10. We went to Gymea Tradies after Miranda Westfield where I bought a pair of shorts from Lowes for $15. It cost $15 for a roast beef dinner at the club, my favorite food in The Shire. That is it for today, Mens Breakfast tomorrow morning at The Church. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.

05/10/2023 Thursday Pyschiatrist

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to my pyschiatrist this morning and then for a walk at Cronulla Beach, about 6 kms. I saw Laurie on my way home who I have not seen for a couple of months and also Marje when I got home. Beautiful day at the beach, water aqua blue and sand golden, many surfers out as well, but strangely not many people there. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, water and two hot cross buns. My sister e-mailed me back from yesterday and we are having lunch tomorrow at one of her clubs again with her birthday vouchers, she is a member of five clubs in The Shire. Koorong has 20% off again at the moment and so we may go over there tomorrow morning before going out with my sister for lunch. That is it again for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

04/10/2023 Wednesday

12.00 pm Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I had a knock on my door from my next door neighbour last night at 10.00 pm, her hot water system was leaking badly and so I rang the department and told them and they told her that they would be here within 8 hours. We could not find the tap to turn off the water. They just came now at 12.00 pm after I called them again. I went for a drive with Marje this morning on the usual down through Appin aand Thirroul and back through The Royal National Park to Sutherland, we got $39 petrol near home and Marje gave me $20. The tap ran all through the night next door and she did not get any sleep, she is Vietnamese as well and so I tried to get an interpreter for her, but they let me help her. The hot water man found the tap easily this morning and turned it off, she needs a new hot water system which he is trying to arrange now but needs two men to put it in, at least the water is off now. I finished reading Nehemiah this morning as well. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje after resting and listening to some music. I checked the market out which is down aabout 60 points again today, now lost all of 2023's gains this week. That is it again for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

03/10/2023 Tuesday Thuan and Nam

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am taking Nam and Thuan to her daughterinlaws today, she paid me $50 last week and gave me noodles and chicken drums for breakfast this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from St Marys where I had lunch with Nam and Thuan and her family there. They are a Samoan family and we watched Samoa on television there. I had a drink of water when I got home with Marje and she gave me some fetta cheese that Josephine gave her and she did not want. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just drunk cool water and juice since last writing, checking the market which is down about 100 points today. Listened to some music and rested. Thuan rang and wants to go to the airport next Wednesday morning before Bible College, she is going to Vietnam. I read about fifty pages of God's Economic Mandate this morning, up to page 104 now, by Keith R. Smith. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

02/10/2023 Monday

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. Marje and I went up around Lake Macquarrie today. We stopped at Lakehaven Hungry Jacks where I shouted $5 and then Marje shouted $7 fish and chips at Swansea. We had a look at the cave at Caves Beach, the beach was really nice as well, but a lot of people. Slow going on The Pacific Highway coming home with school holiday and public holiday traffic. We got $47 petrol near home and Marje gave me $20. I finished reading Ezra this morning as well. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just rested this afternoon listening to some music. I had a drink of water at Marjes, two hot cross buns and some cashews for afternoon tea. That is it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

01/10/2023 Sunday Church

6.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading The Kindness Effect this morning by Jill Donovan, you will have to find it and buy it to find out the rest of the story. I got $17.50 interest this morning on my goal saver account. Off to church soon, I hope you all remebered to put your clocks and watches ahead one hour. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to church and spent $5 at HJ's on the way. I gave $50 for my tithe and also $25 to Voice Of the Martyrs for Regina who preached from them today, welcome if you found this here. I have been reading a 365 devotional from them this year, that I got off them last year and I got another different one for next year today. I got $50 petrol on the way home and Marje gave me $20. More later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have rewritten chapters 3 & 4 for A Knights Life, the other two were too hard to do. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went down to Marjes and had a bottle of water and a chocolate. I had apple Danish for lunch and another apple and raison pastry that I got from church today. I gave a pastry to Marje as well and she ate hers for lunch to. I was unable to get my mind is gear to write any more poetry today, plus by the time I had got myself organised it was 3.00 pm doing the dates for the news this month as well. Tomorrow is a free day and so we might go for a drive or to Koorong or something but they have not got there 25% off there at the moment, Marje has a $10 voucher there for her birthday. That is about it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.


30/09/2023 Saturday

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive down through Appin and Thirroul to Stanwell Tops where Marje shouted me a bacon and egg roll. Back through The Royal National Park and home. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. We had a birthday party here in the hall for Marje. Carol and Redman bought a nice mudcake for Marje and we sat and talked for an hour or more.Thuan came home and I am taking her to her daughterinlaws on Tuesday instead of going to Manly, she gave me $50, she wanted me to take her out to lunch tomorrow as well but I said I am going to church and that I can't do that one. Listening to some music, resting and relaxing with cool water and juice. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had an orange juice with Marje just now as we put our clocks and watches forward for daylight saving tonight, I nearly typed 5.00 pm news tonight. I have been reading a book by Jillian Donovan called The Kindness Affect, she is an American who started her own business Rustic Cuffs after traiing for four years when she was young to be an Olympic Gymnist before her coach told her she did not have what it takes and she would never make it for Gold. So she decided to try 1 yearly hobbies and did, ice skating, tap dancing, learning to speak Russian, before she started a gift cupboard after what her mother had one when she was young, getting gifts and giving them away. She was on the Ophra Winfrey show in 2004 with a segment on her gift closet and 20,000,000 people saw her four times on each episode, 80,000,000 people watched her segment, she felt totally humiliated after a rude joke she made on the show. She worked as an air hostess for a couple of years and use to buy cuffs wherever she went and built up a collection, they are life leather wrist bands with a verse or inscription on them. Then she got the idea to start making her own cuffs and Rustic Cuffs was started, now a big company in America, she lives in Mary Lake - Florida and grew up in Baltimore Marylands. there were people lining up for hours just to get into her only showroom at one time. I guess she could be worth about $400,000,000 now. Anyway I read twelve chapters and I am over half way through it now on page 98. I have told her story to Marje and my sister and her friend, I was reminded as the pyschologist who my sisters friend went into the city yesterday afternoon while we did our walks name was Gillian. She is a small cute blond that has made a fortune out of one of her dreams coming true. It was a $10 book I found on the special table at Koorong. That is it for tonight. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

29/09/2023 Friday

6.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I filled up with petrol this morning $43 and then got HJ's at Mona Vale for $.6.25. I went to Wahle Beacha nd Palm Beach and then back down to Manly before heading to Mosman for lunch. We had lunch at a Cafe there and Margerot my sisters elderly friend shouted. We all had pork belly rolls with salad and my sister and I had a banana smoothie. Then my sister and i walked down to Mosman Bay and played with the dog in the park, before walking up to Cremourne Point and Back with all the multimillion doller houses along the way. Extremely good view of the Harbour from there as well, Opera House, Harbour Bridge and city skyline, my sister took a stack of photos along the way. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

28/09/2023 Thursday

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Kingdom Come by Reggie McNeal this morning. Going to Bible Study today at the church, followed by lunch and shopping with my sister after that. Marje got her ticket on the bus to Bowral tomorrow for the tulip festival and so my sister will be dissapointed that we can't have lunch at Mosman tomorrow now on Marjes actual birthday. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to Bible Study at the church and to Miranda Westfield to buy shoes and have lunch. Marje go a pair of shoes Homneped from the chemist and I gave my sister $50 towards them. I had KFC for lunch $13.95 and bought water for 79c from Aldi. I am going to Mosman tomorrow without Marje as my sister had already committed to her friend there that she was going. My sister bought me some Flora Margerine for $7. Marje gave me $20 for petrol but I did not get it yet as my service station was out of E98, I will try and get it tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

27/09/2023 Wednesday

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at Cronulla this morning and bought a chicken and salad roll on the way with a pie for $10 at Padstow. I walked from North Cronulla to Bass and Flinders and back. Also I spent $11 at Woolworths Caringbah on juice on the way home and stopped in and saw my sister on the way to arrange going out on Friday and also getting Marje a present tomorrow for her birthday on Friday. We are also going out to Mosman on Friday for lunch, but Marje is on standby for Bowral Tulip Festival on her birthday with Anne on the community bus, they probably won't go as cancellations are rare, I will ring my sister if she is going on Friday morning. More Later. Darel.

12.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. Marje has gone out for lunch today with her friends from Armidale who are down for a couple of weeks. I finished reading chapter 1 of Kingdom Come, by Reggie McNeal. Waiting to see who gets the next top job in Vioctoria after Daniel Andrews resignation yesterday. Maybe they will try and keep the Commonwealth Games, I think that is what got him, a very unpopular decision with the rest of Australia. Fancy that Australia renigging on a world class hosting event, we have the money, it is just how it is spent. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. Well Jacinta Allen is the new Premier of Victoria. They have not had a woman as leader since Joan Kerner back in the 1990's. Good luck to them, I hope that she renistates the Commonwealth Games. I went and saw Marje after her friends had left. We have Bible Study on tomorrow at the church, then we are going shopping for shoes for Marje with my sister. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Just rested and listened to some music after seeing Marje. Was not well for a bit this afternoon, a gastric attack, I am all right now. I think it was a 850 ml can of pear juice that I bought today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

26/09/2023 Tuesday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read seven chapters of Goldsworthy's book this morning, Gospel and Wisdom, up to chapter 9 now and I have about 90 pages to go to finish off the book. I also got a call from Thuan last night wanting me to take her and her freind Nam to their friends place this morning at 11.30 and so I rang John in Manly and told him I would not be there today, hence why I am home writing this. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading Graeme Goldsworthy's book Gospel & Wisdom. I have started reading Kingdom Come by Reggie McNeal now as well. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have taken Thuan and Nam out for $30 and also been to the chemist and picked up my pills for $6.30, I gave the $3.70 change to Marje for burger money. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I picked up my Vietnamese neighbours from the station and they gave me a chicken and salad Vietnamese roll. Just listened to music and rested this afternoon. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

25/09/2023 Monday

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have taken Marje to her doctors this morning for $20, but her doctor was on holidays till 8/10/2023. I shouted HJ's for $5 and got $45 petrol, Marje gave me another $10. I have to go and get pills. Have a good day and More Later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been back to the chemist and ordered my pills to pick up tomorrow afternoon on the way home from Manly. They said they ordered two packets in last time I was there two months ago, but apprantly did not order them. More Later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning news

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading Graeme Goldsworthy's book The Gospel Of Revelation. Market down 35 points this morning again. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have just rested for a while listening to some music, I got up to chapter 2 of Goldsworthy's third book in the trilogy series, Gospel and Wisdom. Going out now to buy a chicken for lunch. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I bought a charcoal chicken for $14 and ate three quarters of it, Marje said that she did not want any. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I did not go very far today, so it seems that I had done enough driving for a while I thought. I organised another trip up to see my sister on The Mid North Coast NSW on the 11th of November. I am also organising my next walking group on the 10th of November, a bit too close together but I may change that depending on what the other guys say and make it the 3rd. I had afternoon tea and with, just a bottle of water and I finished off the charcoal chicken for early dinner. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

24/09/2023 Sunday Church

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I picked up Ruth last night and got my $20, all is good. Today I went to church and shouted Marje HJ's for $5 and spent $3 at Woolworths on chips. I gave $50 for the final sermon in the 1 Thessalonians series and also we finished the Old Testament in our study Story of The Kingdom after church. I picked up Marje and she gave me a pavlova that she got from her church which I had for lunch. I also read chapter 8 of Goldsworthy's book this morning Kingdom and Revelation. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went to Woolworths with Marje and spent $39.50 on food. Marje is going to the doctors tomorrow morning and I assume Ruth will want to go to the hospital after Manly on Tuesday, I will have to check. Just checked, Colin will start taking Ruth from now on. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

23/09/2023 Saturday Pay Day

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive with Marje down to Appin and back through Thirroul and Waterfall. It seems that we do this drive a lot but it is nice through countryside and bushland and along the coast where there are plenty of beaches, not sick of doing it yet. We have not headed north for a while, that is due soon, but we have the concert on today and also Ruth to the hospital again first, I am also picking her up from there tonight as well around 6.30 pm. I got paid this morning an did the budget, I also finished reading 1 Chronicles. Have a good day yourselves and more later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have read chapter 7 of Goldsworthy's book, leaving now for the hospital and the concert. More later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Marje and I enjoyed the concert of Bankstown City Choir, Magical Movie Musicals for $15 with a nice afternoon tea after dropping Ruth at the hospital for $20. I am waiting for her to ring again now for me to pick her up about 6.30 pm tonight for another $20 I hope, I will put in into the budget now in anticipation. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

22/09/2023 Friday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have started reading Graeme Goldsworthys book, The Gospel In Revelation. I am going out to lunch again with my sister at a club near where I grew up. The market set to open down nearly 100 points this morning. Raining a bit here this morning as well. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been to Hungry Jacks with Marje and I shouted $5 burgers with tea and coffee. I finished the first three chapters of Goldsworthy's book as well. Leaving about 10.30 am for lunch. More Later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read up to chapter 7, in other words the first 6 chapters of The Gospel in Revelation by Graeme Goldsworthy. Leaving now for lunch with my sister and I also have to take Ruth to the hospital again on Saturday, tomorrow and then we are going to The Bankstown City Choir concert. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to Gymea Bowling Club for lunch with Marje and my sister. We had roast pork and vegetables for $20, Marje had chicken nuggerts and chips for $10. Market regained territory this afternoon, only down about 20 points now. We got $40 petrol near home and Marje gave me $10. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

21/09/2023 Thursday

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive this morning and bought petrol on the way $62, Marje gave me $20. Then down through Appin to Thirroul and Stanwell Park, where I bought Marje a cup of tea for $4.50, she shouted HJ's at Minto. Then back to Menai, where I spent $23 at Woolworths and $11.25 at Subway. I am taking Ruth to the hospital again at 1.00 pm. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I am home after taking Ruth to the hospital for $20. The market has been down the last few days, getting close for prices to buy. Listening to music. I finished reading Gospel & Kingdom by Graeme Goldsworthy, The Gospel in Revelation is next by Graeme Goldsworthy. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I just rested this afternoon listening to some music. I had afternoon tea with Marje, one chocolate and a rocky road biscuit, plus water. Market was down over a hundred points today, eased back to 95 points down for the day. Westpac now at $20.99, KSN got down to .082c after being around .090c this morning at open, closded at .083c. I might buy at .080c but I think I would rather have my money in the bank. If Westpac gets down to $20 again I will buy then. God Is Good. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

20/09/2023 Wednesday Bible College

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Bible College this morning for two more parables and more of Genesis 32. I bought Lebanese bread on the way for $8 and had lunch there for $11.80. I am taking Marje to the chemist now. Enjoy the rest of your day on what is still another very warm one. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje while the water man came and did her taps, Marje gave me $20 for the chemist. Still warm 37 degrees when we went to the chemist, but we are in for a cool change tonight I believe. That is it for today I think. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

19/09/2023 Tuesday Manly

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and given $20 to the church. I had breakfast there with the guys, Ken shouted. When I came home I took Ruth to the hospital again for $20. I have to take her again on Thursday. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have read chapter 8 of Goldsworthy's book, up to page 104 now. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went down to see Marje at 3.00 pm and just got back up here. It is Josephines birthday today, she is 82, so Marje and I went up and wished her a happy birthday. Marje gave her a box of chocolates and she gave me a plate full of orange pieces, but they are not normal oranges, they are 3kg each and red, I ate about half of the big full plate for dinner. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

18/09/2023 Monday

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. Marje and I left this morning about 7.00 am down through Appin and Thirroul to Stanwell Tops and Helensburg, where I realized that my sister was surpose to call me this morning to go out with her and her elderly friend. So I drove back passed her place at about 9.30 am and she said her friend was not well and so we did not go over there, but we went to Cronulla for a walk and fish and chips for lunch $20. We walked from Shelly beach to South Cronulla for lunch and back. My sister let her dog go for a swim in The Nunns Pool there for a little bit. Marje walked back to Shelly Beach but we dropped her at South Cronulla on the way there. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a bottle of water and one and a half hot cross buns down at Marjes came home and ate two hamburger buns with vegemite and peanut butter on them that Carol gave me, they freshen up quite nicely after 30 seconds in the microwave. Just listened to music and checked the maket which is down nearly 60 points today at close. The shares I watch are up though WES and KSN should have bought when they were cheapa nd made a fortune. KSN were .08c a week ago and at one point today they were .097c, with 50,000 shares about $5000 worth I would have made about $870 if bought and sold at those prices. That is it for today, Manly tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

17/09/2023 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I bought a 2ltr ice coffee this morning for $3.36 from Woolworths and have been to church and given $50. It was a good sermon on 1 Thessalonians. We are of the day. The message of salvation is preached where I go each week so faithfully, it is a blessing to hear it and get the meaning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written five more poems for A Knights Life, 6. Warmer With Two, 7. Kissing And Cuddling, 8. He Will Die Before Fearing, 9. Wisdom In The Wind & 10. Thirst and Feasting. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I am bored and signing off early again today, I just had a bottle of water down with Marje for afternoon tea. As the summer comes around the days will get longer and I have got into a habit of taking my pill at 4.00 pm when I sign off for the way. It seems a shame to waste so much of the daylight, I only have to take my pill accoding to doctors instructions before I go to bed and so that could be anythime up to 12.00 midnight I surpose. I iwll try and see if I can make life less boring by reading more or writing more poetry before I go to bed, I don't watch TV at all anymore even though I have two and one good one. They are both the same size about 46 inch screens but one is about 20 years old and does not get all the programs and channels as the newer one which is about 10 years old, I don't have Foxtel, Netflex or other pay stations/chanels, I would not watch movies anymore either and I have not been to the cinema for a long time, even the one I was going to see a few weeks ago does not matter anymore, I lost interest in that, I don't watch dvd's at all and I have got about twenty that I have not watched, the only reason that I would turn the TV on is for The Australian Open Tennis or Olympic Games and that only comes around every four years. Sometimes I watch the morning shows when I am sitting in a waiting room somewhere with Marje, the doctors and podiatrist and the like, but that is only for half an hour at the most. Anyway that is it for today. I will work on the idea of staying up later but really I think that I am too far set in my ways to change now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

16/09/2023 Saturday

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at Cronulla this morning and had $2.50 HJ's on the way. I walked from between North Cronulla and Eloura to Bass and Flinders Point and back. Marje is going to the markets with Anne this morning. I am taking Ruth to the hospital again at 1.30 pm. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I went out to see Marje off getting on the community bus and she gave me $100 for my car. More Later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have read chapter 7 (The Kingdom Revealed In Israels History) of Graeme Goldsworthy's book, up to page 90 now. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am abck from the hospital with Ruth for $20. It was 39 degrees when I got into the car and still 36 degrees when I got home. More Later. Dare.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went and got a charcoal chicken $14 and put some money in the bank. Then I got petrol for $65. I gave Marje a piece of chicken and said good night. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

15/09/2023 Friday

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I took Marje to the podiatrist this morning for $20. We had Hungry Jacks on the way. Then we headed down towards Appin but the temperature light came on near Campbelltown and so I turned aorund and filled up the car with water and drove back to the menchanic, it came on again near the mechanic but it is all right, well it needs a new part which they are working on this afternoon. I may get it abck today if the part arrives otherwise it will be Monday, Ruth has to go to the hospital again tomorrow and so I am hoping that it is all right today, maybe by 4.00 or 5.00 pm today. I have a concert to go to on Saturday 23rd September, Bankstown City Choir. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I cooked six pork sausages for dinner tonight and gave Marje 2. I rang the mechanic and he said he will have it finished today, that could be up till when they close at 6.00 pm I think. I will walk up there soon and wait to pay and bring my car home. PS. Picked up the car $506. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

14/09/2023 Thursday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been up and got Marjes pay for her while she was having breakfats, going back up to Woolworths again with her now, she gave me $10. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. Back from taking Marje to Woolworths. My sister e-mailed and we might be going out on Monday or next Friday, she is busy tomorrow. More Later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. Marje and I have been back to Woolworths and Hungry jacks, she shouted HJ's and bought me two Long Life Lite 1ltr milks. Taking Ruth to the hospital at 12.00 Noon. More Later. Darel.

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. Ruth paid me $20 but she is not going till 1.30 pm now. I read eight pages of Graeme Goldsworthy's book and finished chapter 6. Checking the market and listening to some music. More Later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I am back from taking Ruth to Hospital. More later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, just one and a half hot cross buns after I cooked some zuchini for dinner and watered my plants. That is it for today again, more tomorrow after I take Marje to the podiatrist early. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

13/09/2023 Wednesday Bible College

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Bible College this morning and spent $13 on two chicken and salad rolls for breakfast. Ruth wants me to take her to the hospital tomorrow at 12.00 Noon. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. My mind is tired again a bit and that is why I am not writing much at the moment. Just listened to music and had a sandwich for lunch at Marje's that Ruth gave her from the hospital, Ruth has to go into the hospital three times a week for dialysis and she always brings home food, Colin normally takes her but he is in hospital himself for a back operation at the same place as where Ruth goes so she will say hello to him tomorrow in there. I can't bring Ruth home as it is about 7.00 pm and I will have taken my pills and be in bed by then, Colin normally brings her home as well. That is it for today. Marje's pay day tomorrow morning like most pensioners. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

12/09/2023 Tuesday Manly

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning, bought a pie for $6 and then walked to Shelly Beach and back. At the prayer meeting I gave $20 and had a coffee shouted me and then had breakfast shouted me at the restaurant. Did the Bible Study on Proverbs Peace and went back to the cafe restaurant for coffee and a cinamin scroll $10. Geoff rang last night and apologised for telling me not to come back, he left three messages on my phone this morning. I will go and see him tomorrow after Bible College. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have finished reading 1 Kings after doing my Daily Bible reading when I got home today, it was too early at 5.00 am this morning when I left for Manly to read it. Geoff rang again and has permission to come home, I said to him better your mother brings you home as she took you in there, I will not be going in tomorrow now as he may be home. I also gave Marje $4 burger money. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a chocolate, one and a half hot cross buns and a cup of coffee. That is all for today now. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

11/09/2023 Monday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am up to chapter 6 in Goldsworthy's book, Gospel & Kingdom. I also read a few pages of each of four Peter Fitzsimons books that I am reading, got up to page 100 Burke and Wills chapter 5 and page 59 chapter 2 in Eureka, the other two are pages 37 Kingsford Smith and 314 Mawson. Waiting for Marje to make an appointment this morning at 8.00 am at The Hearing Aid place again and then we will go for a drive depending on the appointment time. Manly tomorrow and Bible College on Wednesday this week. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I got a Lebanese bread near home for $8 and then took Marje to the hearing aid place and also the optomitrist for $20 down. We then went down to Stanwell Tops and watched the hangliders for half a hour, beautiful day for it, we saw thirteen up in the air at one time, via Appin and Thirroul. Back through Helensburg for lunch $16 I shouted Marje, half chicken and chips for me, plus Marje got a chicken skewer and shared the chips. $45 petrol near home, Marje gave me $20. We also went and had a look at Woronora Dam, access to the dam was closed but we could see it from the road in, back a bit. It had been over twenty five years since I have been there. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a cup of coffee and a sandwich with Marje for afternoon tea with one chocolate as well. Just listened to music and relaxed this afternoon apart from that. That is ot for today I am afraid as I can't come up with anymore ideas on what is going on anywhere. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

10/09/2023 Sunday Church

1.30 apm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and spent $7.70 at HJ's, I gave $50 and heard a sermon from Mark. We studied Daniel in our Bible Study afterwards. For lunch I have chicken drums and rice which Thuan gave me on Friday night. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a drink of water with Marje and a chocolate. Her friend Janet came and brought some food and also took some of the food from Marje that she got off Carol yesterday. I have just rested this afternoon listening to some music. My mind is not in gear today, so I am just resting and henceforth the early sign off tonight. I had a problem at my doctor the other day with my referral, the secretary there wants me to get another referral but I have got an indefinite referral which I have had for 16 years since 2007 and that has been worrying me a bit while the one I have got is still good there is no need in my mind to go and get another one, if the Government has paid it for this long I don't think they are going to stop now, she said because I told her my GP had retired that it was no good, he was practicing then for 40 years and his writing has not changed on the paper. A new referral will only last twelve months and i am not going to get that so that I have to renew it every year when I have an indefinite one. I talked to my pyschiatrist about it and I will let him handle it, if she wants to trouble me about it I will see my doctor at his other location where he is two days a week as well as where he is now. I am not getting another referral because then my indefinite one will be no good, I will say that as long as they keep paying it it is still good. she says that they are going to cancel it and that they can't backdate them once they are no good. The other woman at the place told me it was good for a lifetime and that I would never have to worry about it, she has been there as long as I have, over twenty years. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

09/09/2023 Saturday Pay Day

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been paid and done the budget for the next fortnight. Yesterday I finished reading 2 Samuel, up to 1 Kings now. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. Marje and I went to see Geoff again and he was not very recpetive. We took Coke and chips and all he wanted was us to bring him home. he can't get to the toilet on his own let alone look after himself home hear, so of course we said no. He has been offerred nursing home care as they say now he has only 6 months to live. He says no and so he will have to stay where he is until a solution is found, he has to go into fulltime nursing care, that is his only choice really because he can't look after himself at all. At least he was sitting in a chair today as he is usually lieing in his bed. So until he says he will go into nursing home care he will just have to stay where he is because he can't come home, there is no way they can get someone to look after him here and I am certainly not doing it. He said I was his only hope, but I have to look after myself first I am afraid. We will not be going back into see him again in hospital as he told us to get out when we said we would not bring him home, he will just have to be left up to their care in there from now on, his mother does not go and see him either, he can ring her on the hospital landline because his mobile is out of credit. More later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. Marje shouted Dominos pizza for lunch. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. Marje and I have been to Woolworths and I spent $10 on juice and fish fingers. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have just rested since last writing and listened to some music, church tomorrow morning. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

08/09/2023 Friday Travelled Home

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. We went out to Dubbo via Mudgee, I shouted Red Rooster chicken in Dubbo for $21 and Marje filled up with petrol there $68. This morning we drove to Parkes and had coffee and tea. We got Hungry Jacks in Dubbo beofre we left $5 Marjes shout and then also PK's Pie Shop where I got a pie and Marje got a custard tart, her shout again. Trying to make up for the $99 I paid for IBIS Budget Accomodation. WE drove home today and had lunch at Lawson Pie shop, I had a chicken and salad roll, Marje had a cream bun, Marjes shout. We got $68 petrol near home and Marje gave me $50, I guess we did about 1200 kms on the round trip. Then I had to renew my car registration for twelve months and so I got an inspection certificate for $40 and paid my CTP Green Slip for $505 and then I went to NSW Services and picked up a copy of my registration certificate, I get free rego at NSW Services because I am a pensioner. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

07/09/2023 Thursday Pyschiatrist

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I did a little job in the garden last night for George for $15. I have started reading another Graeme Goldsworthy book this morning, it is a trilogy of three books and so I will record each book separately in the books read list as I finish each, I read the first chapter of book 1 this morning. Pyschiatrist this morning and then we will be leaving for a two or three days away, I don't think that I will miss church on Sunday here. Have a good day and more when I get back, no news while I am away. God Bless. Darel.

12.00 Noon Leaving for a few days away

06/09/2023 Wednesday No Bible College

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Graeme Goldsworthy's book According to Plan this morning. Marje is still waiting for her cleaner and then we are going to see Geoff, followed by a walk at Cronulla, this afternoon I am taking her to her hearing aid place and then to the chemist. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have booked an IBIS Budget Motel for $99 for tomorrow night, it looks at this stage we will only be away for one night but I am leaving it open, we are taking enough money for three nights plus petrol and food. We saw Geoff this morning and gave him Zero Coke and chips for $9.40 my shout. Then we got Hungry Jacks at Sydenham on the way to Cronulla, Marjes shout $5 total. I walked from South Cronulla to Bass and Flinders Point and back. Then I took Marje to her chemist and eye glass people and then to her Hearing Aid people and we got $37 petrol, I got $17 off Marje for that. Leaving for our trip away tomorrow after I come back from the doctors. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

05/09/2023 Tuesday Housing Inspection

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have started anotherbook this morning, just reading the first chapter of Graeme Goldsworthy's - According To Plan. Home today for the smoke detector guy. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am now up to chapter 6 of Goldsworthy's book. More later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am now up to chapter 9 of Goldsworthy's book. Market set to open down 19 points this morning. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have taken Marje to Woolworths for $10. Up to chapter 13 in Goldsworthy's book. More later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a cup of lemon and ginger tea with Marje a chocolate and two rocky road biscuits. Marje has to go to her hearing aid place tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow morning she has her cleaning lady coming and I may go for a walk at Cronulla or wait for Marjes cleaner to go and then take her with me around 10.00 am. Thursday I have my Pyschiatrist at 10.00 am and then we will be leaving for two or three nights away at lunch time 12.00 noon, I will tell you where when we get back home, possibly Saturday or Sunday. That will do for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

04/09/2023 Monday

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to see Geoff again this morning with Marje, I got $10 chips and Coke for him on the way. I did not hear back from Jen Baker overnight. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have written the first three poems for A Knights Life, 1. Royal Romance, 2. Cold As The Seas & 3. Wind Blown Love. Marje and I might be going away for a few days at the end of this week. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written another two poems for A Knights Life, making that five poems for today, 4. Him and Her & 5. A Knights Life, the titles lead rhyme. Afternoon tea time now. More later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I posted a news article on a Cronulla Group on Facebook and got 41 reactions and comments, about me running from Bass and Flinders Point to Boat harbour and back for ten years between 1985 &1995. I had lemon and ginger tea with Marje and two chocolates. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

03/09/2023 Sunday Church and lunch at my Sisters again.

5.30 pm Good Evening and Good knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went to church this morning and gave $50. Then I went to my sisters for lunch for her birthday and we had Thai for main meal and bread and butter pudding for desert. Very nice indeed. This morning I finished reading Jen bakers book, Face To Face. She is an American who moved to London and now lives in Bath England, which has a 2000 year old Abbey there, Christ Church Abbey, I was there in 2011. It has Roman baths as well. I sent Jen an e-mail, welcome Jen if you found the site here. I also finished reading 1 Samuel. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

02/09/2023 Saturday Mens Breakfast

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to the mens breakfast and Marje gave me $5 for that. I went and saw Geoff after that and bought him two cans of Zero Coke and a packet of chips for $7.50. Carol is back from Indonesia and she gave me a quiche, pork sausages and pasta salad for today. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I wnet for a drive with Marje this afternoon down through Appin and back through Thirroul and Stanwell Park and The Royal National Park to Sutherland and home. We got $41 petrol near home and Marje gave me $20. I was going to go for a walk at Cronulla but we stopped to watch the hangliders at Stanwell Tops and it got a bit to late for the walk.Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

01/09/2023 Friday Sisters Birthday Lunch

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I got $21 interest overnight and the petrol $48 came out of my account last night as well. I am going out to lunch with my sister today for her 62nd birthday on Sunday. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had lunch with my sister at Sharks kareela, I paid $29.50 and Marje gave me $20. My sister got $20 off her meal as she is a member like I am there. She gave Marje some flowers out of her garden at home. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.


31/08/2023 Thursday

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been in to see Geoff again this morning, I bought him chips and coke for $8. I got vitamins and fish oil at Chemist Warehouse for $39 and petrol for $48, Marje gave me $15. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a cup of lemon and ginger tea with Marje and two chocolates. I gave her my monthly Every Home For Christ mailout and then I came home and tried to give them $20, they are an American organistation and so my $31 AUS became $20 USA. Well I have not given them anything for a year or more. I will be more careful next time, but sending them $15 or $10 USA for $20 AUS does not make much of a difference. It is like Mount Moriah in the UK if I send them $50 AUS they only get about $25 pound. Well we live and learn, I will be more careful next time. I had a bit of trouble today to when I bought my petrol, they would not take my card, I found out later it was because my World Vision payment had come out today, I day early, so I used a different card which I also used for the Chemist Warehouse, but the petrol $48 did not come out of my account yet and nor does it show that it will. I transfered the money from my regular account back to the other card suspecting that it will take them a day or two to process the transaction. It is strange though when it came out at Chemist Warehouse but not at the petrol station, I may have got away with it, there till will be out if it does not come out, it said that it had been processed when I paid though. I just checked again and there is an Australian Every Home For Christ website where you can donate in equivelent AUS $, I just googled and got the Americans head office. That is it for today again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

30/08/2023 Wednesday Bible College

6.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read another two chapters of Face To Face this morning, up to chapter 15 now. Bible College this morning and the last one for a two weeks after today, they are breaking for school holidays. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Bible College this morning and studied The Good Samaritan and The Parable Of The Wedding Feast, I got $2.50 HJ's on the way. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I almost forgot, welcome to Zachariah and Matthew from College, I hope that you enjoy the websites, also to Adam from Manly who I gave a card to last week. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that yopu enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went downa nd saw marje for afternoon tea, I did not have anything as I had a chocolate and orange juice beofre I went down. That is it for today. Tomorrow we might go and see Geoff again after a drive, my car feels good again now after he did the wheel alignment. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel

29/08/2023 Tuesday Manly

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and given $20, I had a pie $6 and walked to Shelly Beach and back before the prayer meeting. Then I went to The Bible Study Group but had to come home to get my wheel allignment done which I did for $70. I bought a drink there for $5. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written The Introduction for A Knights Life, A Feel For The Book. Have a look as we get started on yet another book. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to Woolworths with Marje and spent $24, Marje gave me $1. That is it for today. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

28/08/2023 Monday

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been and got an oil change $120 and new air filter $40 this morning for $160. I still have to go back again for a wheel allignment for $80. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I booked my car in for after Manly tomorrow afternoon at 12.30 pm. I read Ruth this morning as well. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written another three poems for Over The Moon, 56. The Hubble telescope, 57. Chance A Glance & 58. Stars and Constellations. I am going down for afternoon tea with Marje now. I rested and listened to music for most of the afternoon, I cooked a porterhouse steak with gravy for lunch with a large boiled carrot and four medium size potatos. I will finish off writing the book after I see Marje. More Later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I wrote the last two poems of Parsifal Over The Moon and The Final Word Atmosphere, 59. Infinite Space and 60. Everything Else. It has been six months in the making, I have just taken my time with it to try and get it right without rushing and doing a bosh job of it. Take some time to read it if you have not already done so, most of you would have been following as I have been going along with it, even over the six month period. That is 41 poetry books now on and 52 books across the three websites. Some of the books on the other websites still need me going over them before you get them perfectly to read. Geoff rang again tonight and I told him I was writing poetry, they are not letting him come home and he is afraid of losing his place, he really needs fulltime nursing care which I tried to explain to him, he asked me to come in again tonight, but I am not a night person and take my pill at 4.00 pm which means that I can't drive after that. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

27/08/2023 Sunday Church

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Welcome to my day and here it is. I have been to church and had $2.50 HJ's on the way. I gave $50 to the church, still in 1 Thessalonians. Marje and I went and saw Geoff again after church and bought him a Coca-Cola Zero can for $3.70. Organising my next walk for November. I finished reading Judges this morning and up to chapter 13 of Face To Face with Jen Baker, page 135. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.

26/08/2023 Saturday Pay Day

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. There is planned maintainence of the banks website again so I can't see that my pay has gone in yet. About to do the budgets anyway and I will check again when i can see the balance on my account. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a drive with Marje down to Albion Park and back through Maquarrie Pass and Moss Vale. I got a $1 cd from an Op Shop in Bowral and also spent $8 at McDonalds there and Red Rooster for lunch $15.95, Marje gave me $10 for lunch and $50 for the car, we got $67 petrol near home and I also have to get an oil change done on Monday and a wheel allignment, about $160 I think. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have taken Marje up to the bank to get some money out after I had three chocolates and two chocolate biscuits for afternoon tea. Church tomorrow and then we are going into see Geoff again after church. He rang me this afternoon and said come in and I said I was too tired today but would come in tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

25/08/2023 Friday Walking Group

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk from Brighton Le Sands to Captain Cook Bridge and back with my two friends, I spent $2.50 at HJ's and $7.57 at Coles Brighton. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had 3.00 pm afternoon tea with Marje, just some water and some watermelon that Ruth gave her, also I have to take Ruth to the hospital on Tuesday after Manly. I did not eat much today and even after all that walking, about 14 kms I did not feel hungry, just a small burger and six small cheese and bacon rolls which I shared with the sea gulls. That is it for today, it was glorious weather for the walk but my eyes are a bit sore from the sun now reflecting off the water and it being such a bright day. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

24/08/2023 Thursday

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive down to Appin and Thirroul and back through Stanwell Tops where Marje shouted me a egg and abcon roll. We also had Hungry Jacks at Minto but I paid the $2.50 for mine there. We got petrol at Apping for $65 and Marje gave me $20 plus $30 to pay for Save The Hungry in Uganda which we were listening to on Hope 103.2, $6 feeds a child for a month. I gave $20 towards that as well, so I paid $50 total to the cause and got a $50 note off Marje for church on Sunday, I paid online and bought petrol with my card. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. Marje and I have been into see Geoff again, he is talking but not doing too well, he is not eating much, he had a half an icecream with a roast lamb dinner sitting there for him to eat, but he would not eat it. We only had one hour parking again and it takes ten minutes or more to walk to the ward from the parking spot, so we only had just over half an hour there to see him. He wants to come home and he says he will pay me, but that is simply not going to happen, no way am I lifting him up the stairs to his place. He is in a coronary care unit and the only move they may give him is to palative care as he is in final stages I told, if he could eat or walk that may happen otherwise he will just be left where he is till the end, he is in good care where he is I think. I read another chapter of Jen Bakers book this morning and also two chapters of my Old Family King James Bible up to Joshua 10 there. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good aevening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, two orange juices and two small bits of tea bun/cake. Listened to a bit of music and checked the market which is up again today, some long term investors will be happy with the increases, but the day traders who like to go short will miss out, they probably go long when it is like this, but I can't pick which way the market is going to go, so I don't buy. The market is up around 50 points and Westpac is up around 30c at $21.43. That is it for today, tomorrow I am doing another walk with my couple of friends, will leave early in the morning and let you know where when I come home around 2-3 pm. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

23/08/2023 Wednesday Bible College

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Bible College this morning and bought a $7.62 meat and cheese bread on the way. Three more parables today, then followed by Genesis 29 in Principles Hour following. It was nice and sunny this morning but has now started to rain. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I finished reading Joshua this morning and I also read ten more pages of Face To Face by Jen Baker, up to chapter 6 now. Marje rang and said her friend on The Central Coast is not well, so we are not going up there tomorrow now. More later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Eveneing and Good Knight news

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, two chocolates, a piece of fruit cake that Janet made, Marje had KFC with her today for lunch and she brought the cake. We both had lemon and ginger tea as well. I read another chapter of Jen Bakers book, up to chapter 7 now on page 70. Anyway that is it again for today. Marje and I will probably go for a drive tomorrow somewhere now we are not ehading up to The Central Coast. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

22/08/2023 Tuesday Manly

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and given $20, I had a pie for $6 and got shouted breakfast. I also got a coffee after the Bible Study for $5 and gave $2 to a beggar. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. Marje and I went into see Geoff again this afternoon, one of his relatives rang and left a message on my phone and I rang back and she said Geoff wanted me to come in again, he talks alright but is very demanding and deaf and has a lot of trouble hearing me. Marje was sitting on his good ear side and I had to repeat everything I said three times and he still did not hear me. The doctor did a blood test and then the nurses did his blood pressure, we were there for a bit over 30 minutes this time. I only had one hour parking and it took ten minutes or more to walk from the car to the bed. So we left a bit early this time. That is it for today once again. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.

21/08/2023 Monday

11.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. i have been for a drive with marje this morning, down to Appin and back through Stanwell Park and The Royal National Park to Sutherland, I got a chicken and salad roll at Padstow and also Marje a apple and cream turnover for $9.50 total. I read 50 pages of a new book this morning by Jen Baker, titled Face To Face about the story of God and Moses. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to Woolworths and spent $8 on yogurt and juice. I also got a charcoal chicken for $14 and gave Marje half. I saw someone I knew from Target Rockdale who trained me there in 1993 Tanya Jones, long time no see huh!. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a cup of lemon and ginger tea with Marje and a chocolate. Been checking out the market this afternoon, Westpac back down to $20.62 a 65c drop today. Maybe inline for a purchase around $20. Back at Manly tomorrow I hope, all things going well with me tomorrow morning, sleeping in and the like. Thursday Marje is going to see a friend on The Central Coast, Wednesday Bible College. Friday my walking group is back on again. Once again all things falling into place and happening the way I want them to. That is it again for still yet another day. I say that because you never know when God will call you home, I am too young to die really, though my father was only 64 and I am 63, my brother died at age 50 and he was born in 1964. I really want to live to a hundred if I can, if my heart holds out and and just keep going on from there if the Lord permits. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

20/08/2023 Sunday Church

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church and given $50 for a good sermon on 1 Thessalonians 2. I shouted $5 HJ's on the way and spent $5.08 on food at Woolworths. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written three more poems for Over The Moon, 51. The Milky Way, 52. Light Years Away and 53. A Different Universe. Going down for afternoon tea with Marje now. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a bottle of water and two chocolates and a sandwich Ruth gave her. Then i came back and wrote two more poems for Over the Moon, 54. University Students & 55. Astronomy. That is it again for today. Only five more poems to go now to finsih off the book. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

19/08/2023 Saturday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading great day Every day by Max Lucado this morning. I am going to see Geoff again today after her rang me three times yesterday, leaving messages twice before I finally got to talk to him when he rang the third time. Also I have a prayer meeting with the church at someones house at 2.00 pm, near Geoff in hospital. I said I would take Marje but that may prove to be a bit difficult this time. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been and seen Geoff for ten minutes, he is a lot brighter but still not well. I will go back for the prayer meeting in a couple of hours. I had $5 HJ's. More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went back for the prayer meeting this afternoon at 2.00 pm. I spoke to one of the guys there who is a nurse at the hospital where Geoff is and he said that he would have a look in and see him on Monday. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

18/08/2023 Friday

7.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading Deuteronomy this morning. Going out for lunch again with my sister and Marje today. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have read the first four chapters of Great Day Every Day by Max Lucado this morning. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight news

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had lunch with my sister and Marje down at Como Wharf Cafe today, it cost me $30 for a seafood basket. We walked across the Como railway bridge to Oatley and back afterward. That is it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

17/08/2023 Thursday

7.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I am taking George to the Post office this morning. I read the first chapter of Max's book, Great Day Every day this morning. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from taking George to the Post Office for $15. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been out to Wetherill Parks Stockland Mall to see Harrison Ford in Indianna Jones and The Dial Of Destiny in the Hoyts cinema there, but I got lost trying to find it and ended up being half an hour late for the movie, so I came home, the next screening would have been at 4.10 pm but you only get three hours parking there and I got there at 2.15pm. With those places they charge you if you go out of the car park and try and get in again. Anyway I think I will buy the DVD now and watch it any time I like. I had a cup of lemon and ginger tea with Marje when I came home. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

16/08/2023 Wednesday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have finished reading another Max Lucado book this morning, Before Amen, only 100 pages this one. No Bible College today they are taking a weeks break. Taking Josephine to her doctors again this morning and then going for a drive with marje I think. have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been for a drive with Marje after taking Josephine to her doctors for $20. We went to Stanwell Park via Menia and back through Appin and home, we got $59 worth of petrol and Marje gave me $20, she also bought me a set of 6 George Martin books, boxed edition for $15. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I tried to fix my printer by doing diagnosis checks in settings, no luck. Seems that we will just have to have up to 6 months news until I can work out how to fix it. The computer works and the printer works so it is just in the connection or transmission somewhere. There is probably away that I could put the enws onto a USB somehow for my website but I don't know how to do that either. I had a lemon and ginger tea and a chocolate with Marje after she gave me some lemon juice which I added hot water to for lunch as I have a bit of a cold, I have not had a cold for 15 years or more. I just had a can of John West chilli tuna and a can of Safcol sardines for lunch, had Hungry Jacks at Engadine this morning, Marjes shout $5 for both of us. I bought some butter last time I went shopping and had that on six pieces of stone baked toast for breakfast, last time I got butter off Carol I got a bit of a runny nose as well, so I will not be buying butter anymore again for a while anyway, I usually use Flora Buttery margerine. That is it again for yet another day. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

15/08/2023 Tuesday

8.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read two more chapters of Lucados book Begin Again this morning. Taking my neighbours out today for lunch. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have now finished reading max Lucado's book Begin Again. Leaving soon to take my neighbours. More later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I am back from taking my neighbours out, I will pick them up from the station later. More later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to JB HiFi to buy a new cable for my printer which is not working, still not connected after I changed the cables, I don't know what is wrong with it for $12. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have picked up my neighbours from the station and taken them to the doctors and chemist for an extra $10, I also got a chicken and salad roll. More later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje, a bottle of water and some cashews. That is it for today once again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

14/08/2023 Monday

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a walk at Cronulla and bought HJ's on the way for $2.50. I walked from North Cronulla to Bass and Flinders and back, just a light drizzle for a bit of the way, OK coming back. I read three chapters of Begin Again by Lucado this morning as well. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon for today. I have read another three chapters of Lucado's book Begin Again. I had three bread rolls with Vegemite on them for lunch that Josephine gave Marje and she gave me. More Later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have taken Marje to Woolworths and KMart for $20. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I read two more chapters of Max's book, Begin Again this afternoon, up to chapter 9 now. I had bottle of water with Marje and some strawberries, plus one chocolate. That is it for today, tomorrow taking Thuan and Nam out at 11.30 am. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

13/08/2023 Sunday Church

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50 for a sermon on 1 Thessalonians. I bought $5 HJ's on the way. Enjoy the rest of your day and more later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been into the hospital this afternoon with Marje to see Geoff who is in intensive care with a heart condition and kidney and liver failure, it is only a matter of time the doctor said. I started another Max Lucado book, Begin Again, I read the opening ten pages about Noah, up to chapter 1 now. That is it for today again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

12/08/2023 Saturday Pay day

6.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been paid this morning and done the budget. I also finished reading Numbers this morning. Not sure what I am doing today, possibly another drive if I can't read any more. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

10.00 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I have been for a drive with Marje down to Appin and back through Douglass Park and Camden, we got $50 petrol in Fairfield and Marje gave me $25. Cooking a roast chicken and vegetables for lunch. More Later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I ate the chicken dinner and gave half to Marje. I read two more chapters of Max's latest book, Jesus - The God Who Knows Your Name. more later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have finished reading Max Lucado's book, Jesus - The God Who Knows Your Name. Listened to some music and had afternoon tea with Marje, water and a chocolate. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

11/08/2023 Friday

6.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. WElcome to my day short and sweet as it is, I went up to Palm Beach via Mona Vale Road this morning with Marje, then back down to Middle Head for lunch with my sister and her friend, it cost me $25. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

10/08/2023 Thursday

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read another book this morning, A Love Worth Giving by Max Lucado. Taking Josephine to her doctors this morning and then going for a drive with Marje I think. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have taken Josephine to her doctors for $20 and then went for a drive down to Appin and Thiroul and back through Helensburg and home. I spent $11 on food at Appin and got $57 petrol near home at $226 a ltr for E98 now, Marje gave me $20. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to Koorong with Marje and spent $63.17 on three Max Luxado books. Marje gave me another $20, she got $10 off her purchase, thanks to a voucher that they sent her and also there is 20% off storewide at the moment. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I went for a bit of a walk along the beach this morning down at Austimere with Marje, I walked a bit under 1 km and Marje a bit less than that. Did a walk around Oatley with my sister and Marje last week, Marje walked a km. Going out with my sister again tomorrow, waiting for her to ring again tonight or e-mail me or ring early tomorrow morning. I had a drink of water down at Marjes place for afternoon tea with her on our regular event these days, I had a Cadbury chocolate that I bought for $2.75 at Appin this morning before that as well. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

09/08/2023 Wednesday Bible College

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Bible College this morning and bought a chicken and salad roll on the way for $7.50. I have been paid $30 to take my Vietnamese neighbour out next Tuesday at 11.30 am, it will be tight getting back from Manly by then. Josephine wants to go to the doctors tomorrow morning as well. Up to Numbers 21. More Later. Darel.

08/08/2023 Tuesday Manly

12.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning, I paid them $20 electronically last night and spent $15 on food, some how I managed to lose $5 somewhere. I had breakfast and morning tea there with a pie for starters. More Later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje and Ronnie, just a bottle of 750 ml water. Bible College tomorrow. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

07/08/2023 Monday

8.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have read another five chapters of Numbers, up to chapter 11 now. I also read another book this morning, a 127 page book on end of life. The Coming Glory by Paul W. Swets. Taking Marje and Josephine to the doctors this morning. Have a good day and More Later. Darel.

9.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning again today. I am back from taking the two ladies to their doctors for $20 each $40. I also got $40 petrol and Marje gave me another $10. Marje is sewing up a blanket for someone at her church and so I may go for a walk at Cronulla on my own today. More Later. Darel.

1.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to CRonulla for a walk, but I only did a bit over 1 km because it started to rain. I went into Woolworths to buy a bottle of drink and a $1 Turkish Delight and the thing would not accept my card when I tapped it, I tapped it a few times and the woman behind the counter gave me the two things because my card did not work. I walked up to an old nus shelter to stay dry and drink my drink and there was a homeless woman there who I talked to for 20 minutes. She was from canberra originally and had been living in Sydney at Maroubra for quite some time now, but just recently she had trouble with the people there in social housing and became homeless. I walked back to my car and thought about it as I have enough for myself, so I drove back to near the bus shelter and gave her the $30 that I had in my wallet. I said that will help you out a bit. She was talking on the phone when I got back there so she may need phone credit, a hot meal or Opal credit or even just a hot coffee. She said she was heading back into the city tonight, to sleep on the streets I surpose and get meals that they hand out in there, she may even get another $20 for a back packers for the night and a shower or something. More later. Darel.

06/08/2023 Sunday Church

12.00 Noon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to church this morning and given $50 for Camerons sermon on Micah 6:8 Do Justly, Love mercy and walk humbly with your God. I bought a tray of prawns for breakfast for $9. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I finished reading When Christ Comes by Max Lucado. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to Woolworths and spent $20 and then bought a charcoal chicken from across the road for $14, I gave Marje half. More later. Darel.

3.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had afternoon tea with Marje after eating my half a charcoal chicken, just a bottle of water really. Anyway that is it again for yet once again another day. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.

05/08/2023 Saturday

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been for a drive with Marje down to Picton via Campbelltown and Menangle. I spent $13.75 at The Coles there. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I have been to Flower Power with Marje and spent $5.99 on potting mixture, I had a $5 voucher and so I only paid 99c and gave the bag of potting mix to Marje for $5. I finished reading Leviticus this morning. More Later. Darel.

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have written two more poems for Over The Moon, 49. Pluto and 50. Aries. That is the ten chapters of 5. The Planets, now written, only the last ten poems of chapter 6 to go now to finish off writing the whole book. More Later. Darel.

5.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I have been to Koorong with Marje for $20. I bought two books for $7 and Marje gave me the $2 for one, I paid $5 for the other. Good knight and God Bless. Darel.

04/08/2023 Friday

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I took Marje to her doctors this morning an she also got her pills. Then we went to my sisters and she took us to Oatley for lunch $20 and then we walked 1 km around the park there along the waters edge. That is it for today, Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

03/08/2023 Thursday Pyschiatrist

11.30 am Good Morning News

Good morning and welcome to my day. I have been to the doctor this morning and spent $7 on a Lebanese bread (meat and cheese). I took Marje to get her money from the ATM and also we went to Hungry Jacks for breakfast, Marje shouted. Have a good day and more later. Darel.

1.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon for today. I took Marje shopping after helping Geoff into a wheelchair to get into the car for his mother to take him to the hospital. Marje gave me $50, $10 for the ATM this morning and $20 for taking her shopping and $20 for the doctors tomorrow morning, she also bought me $5 worth of food. My sister will ring me this afternoon to organise lunch with her for tomorrow. More later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been to the bank and put $100 in. Afternoon tea with Marje now. More later. Darel.

4.30 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I finished off writing the two poems that is tarted in Over The Moon, 46. Saturn and 48. Neptune, they are my two favorite planets despite Jupiter being the biggest, overwhelming really and apart from earth ofcourse. I also wrote 47. Unranus and took Marje to the Salvos to drop in some clothes there as well. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

02/08/2023 Wednesday Bible College

2.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Bible College this morning for two Parables from Luke 16, The Shrewd Manager and The Rich Man and Lazerous. Principals Hour from Genesis 27. Going to pick up Georges script now. More Later. Darel.

3.00 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon again today. I have been and picked up Georges script for $30, he paid me yesterday. More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had water and a couple of chocolates with Marje before cooking an omelette for dinner, tomato, ham, mushrooms and cheese with four eggs. That is it for today once again, listened to music and watched the market plummet again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.

01/08/2023 Tuesday Manly

2.30 pm Good Afternoon News

Good afternoon and welcome to my day. I have been to Manly this morning and given $20 to the church, I bought a pie for $6 and then had breakfast shouted me after the prayer meeting. I bought a coffee for $5 after the Bible Study. They were having a big meeting there with the Archbishop and Bishop for North Sydney and all the Northern Beaches Parishes. When I got home I got an e-mail to pick up my printer cartridge which I ordered yesterday for $92. Then George gave me $30 to pick up a script from Chemist Warehouse tomorrow after Bible College and Geoff gave me $14 to get him another Chinese meal. Marje gave me some pizza and garlic bread with a small piece of corn that Josephine gave her, so that was lunch. A bit warmer today with July being the hottest weather ever around the world, I thought it was quite a cold Winter otherwise. Enjoy the rest of your day and More Later. Darel.

4.00 pm Good Evening and Good Knight News

Good evening and good knight and I hope that you enjoyed your day as much as I did mine. I had a drink of water and two chocolates with Marje for afternoon tea. I read the first five chapters of Leviticus this afternoon and I have read about three chapters of Max Lucados book, When Christ Comes. That is it for today, Bible College tomorrow, Thursday Pyschiatrist appointment and Marje said Geoff might want a hand with his shopping as he is nearly invalid now. Friday lunch with my sister again. Good Knight and God Bless. Darel.





St Michel - England





