Bible & Books:- Having Been Read


BIBLE READINGS, Times and Versions.

316 Times through Cover to Cover now.

Aiming for 400, 500 or even 1000 times.

Dates Bibles Finished. Since Recording.

26/11/2015, 16/2/2016, 19/4/2016, 29/06/2016, 23/09/2016, 17/11/2016, 23/12/2016, 09/03/2017, 19/05/2017, 13/07/2017, 8/9/2017, 17/10/2017, 16/12/2017, 14/03/2018, 21/05/2018, 6/7/2018, 15/08/2018, 16/09/2018, 7/11/2018, 3/12/2018, 24/12/2018, 31/01/2019, 16/03/2019, 22/04/2019, 1/6/2019, 21/06/2019, 9/08/2019, 2/09/2019, 7/10/2019, 27/11/2019, 20/12/2019, 29/01/2020, 24/02/2020, 19/03/2020, 19/04/2020, 5/05/2020, 31/05/2020, 29/06/2020, 16/08/2020, 23/09/2020,23/10/2020,19/11/2020, 23/12/2020, 21/01/2021, 7/2/2021, 20/03/2021, 05/04/2021, 8/5/2021, 30/05/2021, 20/06/2021, 5/07/2021, 19/07/2021, 03/08/2021, 23/08/2021, 12/09/2021, 18/10/2021, 01/12/2021, 21/01/2022, 07/04/2022,10/06/2022, 22/07/2022, 13/07/2023, 20/12/2023, 19/03/2024, 10/04/2024,23/05/2024, 22/06/2024.

Currently Reading A number of different study Bibles by assorted collators.

Baker Illustrated Study Bible

Bibles That I have and have read are:-

I first read The Good News Bible in 1980 and Again for the second time in 1985. I have read this Bible in,22.5 hrs once and have read it a couple of times more again. Now 5 times total.

I have read twice, a Revised Standard Version, my mother Mavis, gave me.

I have a NIV Pictorial Bible which I have read 5 times 1985 -1995.

A New King James Thomas Nelson Study Bible which I have read twice through.

An Old King James Family Bible that I have read Twelve times, I am currently reading it for the thirteenth time and up to Joshua 1. Now old and fragile and has been since I have had it. 26

NIV Zondervan $19.95, My favorite and Old faithful, about 30 times in 1996 and 30 times in 1997. I lost recollection of the total count in 1998 when I read it 28 times. Then when I was travelling around Australia, Cairns, Darwin and Tasmania in 1999, when I read it a total of 40 times in the year. Then the following year in 2,000 while I was in Tasmania, Orange and Broken Hill, I read it about 32 times. Inner Sydney 3 months in 2001 and then the final time was in Bankstown where I lived for 18 months. This one the old faithful, I am actually believing I have read it 160 times or over from January 1996 to February 2001. Is now completely falling apart and kept, retired to the shelf. 186

An NIV Bible that I have read 30 times since May 2001 which is retired to the shelf now as it is nearly worn out 2011.-216

The Message Bible Twice.

Two TNIV Bible I have read 5 times each.

I have read and a King James Bible in Large Print Published by Thomas Nelson 10 times.

English Standard Version 2 times through. 247

Finished an English Standard Anglicized Readers Edition 3 times through.

TNIV HoLy BIBLe Zondervan 3 times

I have finished reading an Authorized Bible from Chancellor Publishing and I have finished reading it for the second time now.

Read a NIV leather bound travel Bible five times now.

A Holman King James Large Print Bible 10 times. 262

Large Print God's Word Bible, I have finished it ten times right through now.

God's Word Translation Bible by Baker Books, slimline and compact and handy size once through.

NIV faith and works Bible, edited by David Kim, 10 times through. 283

A Thinline Authorized King James Version Bible Zondervan Large print 1994 Ten times through. 293

Holman Giant large Print King James Version Bible 10 times through 303

Robert H Schullers Possibility Thinkers Bible 1. 304

John McArthurs Revised Standard Version Study Bible. 1. 305

Don Carsons Study Bible NIV. 1. 306

Strobel The Case For Christ Bible NIV 1. 307

New Spirit Filled Life Bible - Jack Hayford NLT 1. 308

Stewardship Study Bible NIV. 1. 309

Transformation Bible NLT by Dr. Warren W. Weirsbe 1. 310

Archaeological Study Bible NIV 1. 311

Quest Study Bible NIV 1. 312

The Ryrie Study Bible ESV 1. 313

Large Print Amplified Bible 1. 314

Geneva Bible 1560 Prodestant Reformation 1. 315.

Life Recovery Bible NLT 1. 316.

I have about 70 different copies of the Bible now in different versions, forms and formats.


I have read 1300 books of the nearly 3000 that I own which I have supplied a list below. I also read about 300 Library books, which I failed to record and the ones that I can remember I am trying to buy copies of. I started reading seriously in 1985 and I have decided to publish the list of books here that I have read, as the Bibliography won't allow me to enter them under that section as the program restricts me to just put books that I have written.

This Is The List of Books I've Read Completely,

Up To 1330 Books.

Title / Author / Date

Page 1

1 Business in Society / Keith Davies

2 Environment and Responsibility / Robert L. Blomstrom

3 Personal Theories / L.A. Hjelle & D. J. Zeigler

4 Lateral Thinking / Edward De Bono

5 Leaders and Leadership / W. J. Byrt

6 Organisation Structure and Process / Richard H. Hall

7 The Business of Winning / Robert . Heller

8 The Business of Success / Robert H. Heller

9 The Leadership Imperative / Robert H Heller

10 Conduct Expected / William Careau

11 Understanding Management / C. Northcote &P. Robinson &M. Rustonati

12 Great Ideas in Management / C. N. Parkinson &M. Rustonati &J. Sapre

13 Topics In Operational Developement / ( Language and Thought) David Goldstein & Barbara Presseisen

14 The Development of Thought / Jean Piaget

15 The Anatomy of Self / Taikon Doi

16 The Undiscovered Self / Karl Jung

17 Corporate Cultures / Deal & Kennedy

18 It's Healthy To be Human / F. R. C. Casson

19 Cognition and Thought / Walter Reitm

20. Masks and Mirrors / Medicine in Society The Search for Identity / Anselm C. S. Maoss 1987

21 From Instinct to Identity The Development of Personality / Bregom

22 Self Esteem / Wells / Markwell

23 Intelligence / Gaston Vaud

24 The Art of Decision Making / Davis

25 Culture Values and Human Development / A. Montagu

26 Personality / J. Guilford

27 Perception an Approach to Personality / Robert L Blake G. Ramsey

28 The Increditable Japenese / Cyril Northcote Parkinson

29 The Road to Surftom / Hayak

30 Manageing Through People / Dale Carnegie

31 The One Minute Manager / Kenneth Blanchard

32 Answers to Management / Adam Radsik & Sharon Emek

Page 2

33The Direction of Human Development / Watts

34 Behaviour /J. R. Maze

35 The Tower of Babel Idenity and Sanity / Edi Shamueli

36 How Do We Choose / Mary Tuck

37 Experimental Design and Statistics / Steve Miller

38 Learning and Reinforcement / Steve Walker

39 Decision and Stress / D. E. Broadbent

40 The Act of Will / Robert Assagioni BA

41 The Ideal Problem Solver / John. D. Bransford & Barry F. Stein

42 The Stress Factor / Dr. H. E. Stanton

43 The Plus Factor / Dr. H. E. Stanton

44 Information Payoff / Paul Strassman

45 Rengineering Management / James Champy

46 Making it Happen John Harvey Jones

47 Reflections on Leadership Robert Greenleaf Foundation / Larry C. Spears

48 Body Soul And Substance( Socreties ) / Hartman

49 For the Common Good / Daly & Cobb

50 Socialism Past and Future / Michael Harrington

51 Mechanism of Mind / Edward De Bono

52 Cognitive Thinking / Jean piaget

53 Compassionate Capitalism / Rich Devos

54 Stream of Consciousness / Gerome G Singer

55 Ambition / Burchil Juvle

56 Psychology and Religion / Carl Gustav Jung

57 Management Through Lateral Thinking / Edward De Bono

58 In The Light of Truth1 / Abd Ru Shin ( Leonard Burnstein )

59 In The Light of Truth 2 / Abd Ru Shin ( Leonard Bernstein )

60 In The Light of Truth 3 / Abd Ru Shin( Leonard Burnstein )

61 In The name of Love / Jill Tweetie

62 The New Millenium / Pat Robinson

63 The New World Order / Pat Robinson

64 The Secret Kingdom / Pat Robinson

Page 3

65 Power and Politics / Jerome C Beinstein

66 Ideaology and Politics / Martin Sellinger

67 Dare to Connect / Sussan Jeffers

68 Identity Through Personality / Paranjapy

69 Jonathon Livingstone Seagull / Richard Bach

70 The Sword of Shanara / Brooks

71 Body Language / Alan Pease

72 The Dragonbone Chair / Tad Williams

73 Corporate Revolution / Roger Haye

74 Manageing in Turbulent Times / Peter Drucker

75 The Transformation / George Leonard

76 Eliott. A Biography of John Eliott / Peter Denton

77 The Organisation of the Future / The Drucker Foundation

78 God is Enough / Hannah Whitall Smith

79 The Catcher and The Rye / J D Sallinger

80 For Entrepreneurs Only / Wilson Harrel

81 Teaching Reading and Thinking Skills / Freidman Bowls

82 A Pillar of Salt / David Wansbrough

83 Abiding Things / Andrew Landsdown

84 The Nice Company / Tom Lloyd

85 The Future of Capitalism / Lester Thurow

86 Marx and Marxism / David Child

87 R. J. L. Hawke / Blanch De Apulchet

88 Days of our Fore Fathers The San Andreas Hospital Ship

89 Tom Sawyer / Mark Twain

90 Freud / Richard Wollheim

91 Corporate Culture / Deal and Kennedy

92 Book of Faith / Mahatma Gandi

93 Through Seasons of the Heart / John Powell

94 Evenings With Cary Grant / Nancy Nelson

95 The New Individulalists / Paul Liemberger & Bruce Tucker

96 Simplicity / Duane Elgin

Page 4

97 Awakening Earth / Duane Elgin

98 Passion of the Western Mind / Richard Tarnas

99 The Lost Testament / Alan Gold

100 The Jericho Files / Alan Gold

101 The Final Candidate / Alan Gold

102 Conflicts / Edward De Bono

103 John Locke / Problems in Perspective J. W. Yolton

104 John Locke / The Compass of Human Understanding / J. W. Yolton

105 John Locke / Philosophers in Perspective J. D. Mabbout

106 The Happiness Purpose / Edward De Bono

107 The Crime Prevention Handbook / Pat Daly

108 Your Heart Your Planet / Harvey Diamond

109 The Presumption of Wisdom / John Fairbanks Kerr

110 The Mind of The Maker / Barbara Sayers

111 The Secret Garden / Frances Hodgenson Burnett

112 The Day of The Triffids / H. G. Wells

113 The Silver Sword / Ian Serailer

114 Amazon Adventure / William Price & Harry Bons

115 The Lord of The Rings / J.R.R. Tolkien

116 The Hobbit / J.R.R. Tolkien

117 Future Positive / Edward De Bono

118 Inventing The Future / David Suzuki

119Jung / Vincent Brome

120 Abra ham Maslow The Right To Be Human / Edward Hoffman

121 Albert Einstein / Sugimoto Kenji

122 Louis Pasteur /

123 Victor Ampere /

124 Peace of Mind / Sandy McGregor

125 Heart Attack and Back / Barry Smith

126 He The Masculine Pscychology of Parsifal / Robert A. Johnson

127 The Mind of God / Paul Davies

128 The Demon Drink / Janis Robinson

Page 5

129Unreliable Memoirs / Clive James

130 God and The New Physics / Paul Davies

131 In Search of The Edge of Time / John Gribbon

132Perfect Symetry / Heinz Pagels

133 No Concievable Injury / Robert Milikin

134 Opportunities / Edward De Bono

135 Civilization / Kenneth Clark

136 National Identity / Anthony d. Smith

137 A Breif History of Time / Stephen W. Hawking

138 Go For It / Dr. Irene C. Kassorla

139 Born To Win / Muriel James - Dorothy Joyce Ward

140 Dare to Disipliine / James Robson

141 Dare to Win / Mark Victor Hanson

142 My Personal Power Program / Brett Lyons

143 Your Right To Fly / Melton

144 Lets Get Well / Adelle Davis

145 A Short History of Australia / Manning Clark

146 Life After Life / Raymond A. Moody

147 The Oposite Sex / Rose Hacker

148 The Man From Snowy River / Banjo Patterson

149 Bill The Ventrilloquial Rooster / Henry Lawson

150 The Bush Undertaker / Henry Lawson

151 The Mind of South Africa / Allister Sparks

152 India The Challenge of Change / Pranay Gupte

153 Historyof Australia / Manning Clark

154 I am Right You Are Wrong / Edward De Bono

155 Parrallel Thinking / Edward De Bono

156 Manageing For The Future / Peter Drucker

157 The Population Explosion / Paul R. Elrich & Anne H. Elrich

158 Healing Words / Larry Dossey

159 Space Time and Medicine / Larry Dossey

160 Meaning and Medicine / Larry Dossey

Page 6

161 Frontieers of Excellence / Robert Waterman

162 First Things First / Stephen Covey& Roger Merill

163 The Grail Castle / Johnson & Elsbeth

164 Business Bible for Survival / Silver

165 The Educated Executive / Harold Taylor

166 Good Enough Is Never Good Enough / Kevin Weldon

167 On Becoming a Leader / Warren Bennis

168 Confident decision Making / Ed Ruso & Paul Shoemaker

169 Unlimited Power / Anthony Robins

170 Awaken The Giant Within / Anthony Robins

171 Goals Guts & Greatness / Mark O Haroldson

172 In Search of Excellence / Peters& Waterman

173 A Passion for Excellence / Peters & Austin

174 Who Dares Sells / Patrick Ellis

175 The New Realities / Peter Drucker

176 You Can Have It All / Arnold M. Patent

177 A Cource In Miracles / Foundation For Inner Peace

178 Karl Marx / McClelland

179 Why Don't People Listen / Hugh McKay

180 Sur Petition / Edward De Bono

181 Tactics / Edward De Bono

182 How To Enjoy Your life and Your Job / Dale Carnegie

183 How To Win Friends and Influence People / Dale Carnegie

184 High Tech High Cost / Roselyn Haynes

185 How to Succeed at Work / Fred Orr

186 Earth Quest / Chanel 9 Television Station

187 Future Shock / Alvin Toffler

188 The Trouble With Economic Rationalism / Horne

189 The Intuitive Manager / Roy Rowan

190 The Limits to Growth / Donella H.Meadows & Dennis LMeadows& Jorgen Randers & William W. Behrens III

191 Holy Blood Holy Grail / Michael Baigent

192 Dianeteics / Ron L. Hubbard

Page 7

193 The magic Power / Stanley Arnold & Ray Josephs

194 How to Develope Self Confidence and Influence People / Dale Carnegie

195 The Complete Plain Words / Sir Ernest Gowers

196 John Laws Life by Misadventure / Timothy Hall

197 Laws / John Lyons

198 Keating A Biography / Edna Carew

199 A World Waiting to be Born / Scott Peck

200 Inovation / Richard Foster

201 Serious Creativity / Edward De Bono

202 Handbook for the Positive Revolution / Edward De Bono.

203 Top Performance / Zig Zigler

204 The Renewal Factor / Robert Waterman

205 King Charles The II / Anthony Holden

206 Head First The Biology of Hope / Norman Cousins

207 Earth in The Balance / Al Gore

208 Power and Influence / Dillinschenider

209 Creative People / Winston Fletecher

210 Iacocca An Autobioghraphy / Lee Iacocca & W. Novak

211 The Jokers Wild / Jack Nicholson John Parker

212 The Search for The Grail / Graham Phillips

213 The Holy Grail / Malcolm Godwin

214 Further Along The Road less Travelled / Scott Peck

215 Doing Busines In Japan / Jonathan Rice

216 Power and Persuasion / Walsh & Cosgrove & McKillop

217 Water Logic / Edward De Bono

218 Strange Stories Amazing Facts / Readers Digest

219 Invest Your Money Wisely / Roberts

220 Theology and Sanity / Sheed

221 Waiting For The mountain To Move / Charles Handy

222 Sucess Through a Positive Mental Attitude / Napolean Hill &W ClementStone

223 How To Stop Worrying and Start Living / Dale Carnegie

224 Sociology An Introduction 2nd Edition / McGee

Page 8

225The Tower of Geburah / John White

226 The Iron Scepter / John White

227 Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens

228 The Book of Abraham / Marak Halter

229 The Night Manager / Le Care

230 Eternity / Greg Bear

231 The Silmarillion / J.R.R. Tolkien

232 Beyond The Barrier of Space / Pel Torro

233 A Time To Die / Wilbur Smith

234 River God / Wilbur Smith

235 Iberia / James Michener

236 Carribean / James Michener

237 Every Living Thing / James Herriot

238 Spycatcher / Peter Wright

239 The Bastard King / Jean Plaidy

240 A Book Of Love / John Hadfield

241 Fatherhood / Bill Cosby

242 Love and Marriage / Bill Cosby

243 Time Flies / Bill Cosby

244 Scoundrals and Scallywags / Readers Digest

245 Prime Ministers of Australia / Lindsay Nance

246 Attitudes and Opinions / Stuart Oskamp

247 Gems From Tozer / A.W. Tozer

248 Of God and Men / A.W. Tozer

249 The Pursuit of God / A.W. Tozer

250 The Knowledge of the Holy / A.W. Tozer

251 The Friendship Factor / McGuiness

252 Bringing Out TheBest In People / McGuiness

253 More Than a Carpenter / Josh McDowell

254 Givers, Takers and Other Kinds of Lovers / Josh McDowell

255 Evidence For Joy / Josh McDowell

Page 9

256 Affirming Your faith / Alister McGrath

257 Doubt / Alister McGrath

258 Everthing You Heard Was Wrong / Tony Campolo

259 How To Rescue The Earth Without Worshiping Nature / Tony Campolo

260 The Problem of Pain / C.S. Lewis

261 SurprisedBy Joy / C.S. Lewis

262 The Four Loves / C.S. Lewis

263 The Screwtape Letters / C.S. Lewis

264 The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe / C.S. Lewis

265 When The Spirit Comes / Colin Urquhart

266 The Positive Kingdom / Colin Urquhart

267 Faith For The Future / Colin Urquhart

268 In Christ Jesus / Colin Urquhart

269 Christ Is All / Andrew Murray

270 The Promise of The Spirit / Andrew Murray

271 The Reign of Love / Andrew Murray

272 Consecrated To God / Andrew Murray

273 Be Perfect / Andrew Murray

274 Absolute Surrender / Andrew Murray

275 Power For Your Life / Andrew Murray

276 The Ministry of Intercession / Andrew Murray

277 The Power of The Blood of Jesus / Andrew Murray

278 The Inner Life / Andrew Murray

279 The Deeper Christian Life / Andrew Murray

280 Waiting on God / Andrew Murray

281 Like Christ / Andrew Murray

282 Abide In Christ / Andrew Murray

283 As A Tree Grows / Phillip Keller

284 Still Waters / Phillip Keller

285 Sky Edge / Phillip Keller

286 Sea Edge / Phillip Keller

287 The Wonder of The Wind / Phillip Keller

Page 10

288Excellence In Leadership / John White

289 The Race / John White

290 The Fight / John White

291 The Masks Of Melancholy / John White

292 Healing The Wounded / John White

293 Money Isn't God / John White

294 Flirting With The World / John White

295 Move Ahead With Possibility Thinking / Robert H Schuller

296 God's Way To The Good Life / Robert HSchuler

297 Your Future is Your Friend / Robert HSchuller

298 Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do / Robert HSchuller

299 Success Is Never Ending, Failure Is Never Final / Robert H Schuller

300 Be happy You Are Loved / Robert H Schuller

301 Tough Minded Faith For Tender Hearted People / Robert H Schuller

302 Daily Devotions 1 / Robert H Schuller

303 Daily Devotions 2 / Robert H Schuller

304 Life's Not fair, But God Is Good / Robert H Schuller

305 Believe In The God Who Believes In You / RobertH Schuller

306 Power Thoughts / Robert H Schuller

307 Prayer My Souls Adventure WithGod / Robert H Schuller

308 The Be Happy Attitudes / Robert H Schuller

309 Be An Extraordinary Person In An Ordinary World / Robert H Schuller

310 Power To Grow Beyond Yourself / Robert A Schuller

311 Getting Through The Going Through Stage / Robert A Schuller

312 Consumed By Passion / P.T. O'Brien

313 Where Eagles Soar / Jamie Buckingham

314 Freedom To Choose / Gruen

315 The Pursuit of Holiness / Jerry Bridges

316 Trusting God / Jerry Bridges

317Transforming Grace / Jerry bridges

318 The Joy In Fearing God / Jerry Bridges

319 Knowing God / J. I. Packer

Page 11

320 Knowing Christianity / J. I. Packer

321 Truth and Power / J. I. Packer

322 A Passion For Faithfullness / J. I. Packer

323 Above The Level Of Mediocity / Charles Swindoll

324 Come before Winter and Share My Hope / Charles Swindoll

325 Living On The Ragged Edge / Charles Swindoll

326 The Finishing Touch / Charles Swindoll

327 New Every Morning / Al Bryant

328 Unto The Hills / Billy Graham

329 Storm Warning / Billy Graham

330 The Holy Spirit / Billy Graham

331 Just As I Am / Billy Graham

332 Peace With God / Billy Graham

333 The Secret Of Happiness / Billy Graham

334 Answer's To Life's Problems / Billy Graham

335 The Overcoming Life / D.L. Moody

336 Where Will You Get When You Get When Your Going / Bruce Larson

337 Family Life In The Kingdom / Frank and Ida Mae Hammond

338 Faith Works / John McArthur

339 The Good Life / Max Anders

340 Here and Now / Mgre George Leonard

341 Blessed Be The Peacemakers / Audeh Rantasi

342 Spiritual Leadership / Francis Shaeffer

343 Power Religion / Colson, Packer, Scholl, McGrath

344 The Kingdom and The Power / Gary S Greig KevinN.Springer

345 Raising The Standard / Carman

346 And The Angels Were Silent / Max Lucado

347 When God Wispers Your Name / Max Lucado

348 He Still moves Stones / Max Lucado

349 Romantic Love / Dobson

350 Kingdom Of Love / Hurnard

351 Love Yourself Walter / Trobish


52 How DoI SayI Love You / Scwhartz

353 Fathercare / Charles Paul Conn

354 Drawn By His Love The Life Of Holiness / Gerry Savelle

355 More Prayers for Young People / William Barclay

356 The Friendship Of Christ / Canon Charles Smyth

357 Jesus Of Nazareth / William Barclay

358 The Light of Life In The Spirit of Man / Charles Capps

359 You Be The Judge / Don Stewart

360 Fruit of TheSpirit / Hembree

361 Right With God / John Blanchard

362 Discovering God's Will / Sinclair B Ferguson

363 New Life New Lifestyle / Michael Green

364 Life is For Living / Peter J Horribin

365 The Christians Promised Land / J Oswald Sanders

366 The Pursuit of Maturity / J Oswald Sanders

367The Hour That Changes The World / Eastman

368 Forgive and Forget / Lewis Smedes

369 Redemption / John Murray

370 Beyond Deaths Door / Maurice Rawlings

371 Born ForBattle / Matthews

372 Will The Real Me Please Stand Up / Powell - Brady

373 Life After Debt / Kim Hawtrey

374 Shooting For The Stars / Ross Clifford - Phillip Johmson

375Letters From A Soviet Prison Camp / Michael Khoury

376 A Guide To Confident Living / Norman Vincent Peale

377 Stay Alive All Of Your Life / Norman Vincent Peale

378 The Power Of positive Thinking / Norman Vincent Peale

379 Joy and Enthusiasm / Norman Vincent Peale

380 Inspiring Messages For Daily Living / Norman Vincent Peale

381 The New Art of Living / Norman Vincent Peale

382 The Amazing Results Of Positive Living / Norman Vincent Peale

383 Jesus The Transformiing Leader / Leighton Ford

Page 13

384 Leading lawyers Look At The Resurection / Ross Clifford

385 Recent Trends Amongst Evangelists / Rowland Crowcher

386 More Power To You / Merlin Carothers

387 Where Faith Begins / C Ellis Nelson

388Honesty Morality and Conscience / Jerry White

389 None Of These Diseases / McMillen

390 God Owns My Business / Stanley Tam

391 Born To Win / Timberlake Read

392The Power Of A Successful Life / Bill Newman

393 Divine Government / R.T. France

394 Where The River Flows / Peter and Sue Kaldron

395 True Spirituality / Schaffer

396 Discovering Jesus / Gordon Moyes

397 Discovering Paul / Gordon Moyes

398 The Best Of Grid / Rowland Croucher

399 The Ten Wonders of The Bible / Don Stewart

400 The Everlasting God / D. Brougton Knox

401 Laws Of The Heart / Bill Hybels

402 Through The Eyes Of Faith / John Powell

403 Birthright / David Needham

404 Hand Me Another Brick / Charles Swindoll

405Three StepTwo Steps Back / Charles Swindoll

406 Business By The Book / Larry Burkett

407 Your Work Matters To God / Sherman & Hendrick

408 Pain, The Gift Nobody Wants / Paul Brand & Phillip Yancey

409 Moving In The Spirit / Phil Pringle

410 Become The Person You Dream Of Being / Wes Beavis

411 The Race For The 21st Century / Tim LaHaye

412 Resurection MythOr Reality / John ShelbySpong

413 Prayer Asking And Receiving / John RR Rich DD

414Healing Rediscoved / Derek Mullins

415 The Art Of Life / Edith Shaefer

Page 14

416 Crossing The Threshold of Hope Pope / John Paul II

417 The Christians Secret Of A Happy Life / Smith

418 The Aquarian Gospell Of Jesus Christ / Levi

419 Some Fell On Good Ground / Alan C Prior

420 Know The Truth / Bruce Milne

421 Understanding People / Larry Crabb

422Finding God / Larry Crabb

423 Inside Out / Larry Crabb

424 The Cry Of The Soul / Allender & Longman

425 Changes That Heal / Henry Cloud

426 Surprised By The Power Of The Spirit / Jack Deere

427 Great Compromise / Greg Laurie

428 The Gift Of Love / Maureen Stroud

429 All Creatures Great And Small / James Heriot

430 Picnics On Vesuvious / William Rees Mogg

431 A Textbook Of Wisdom / Edward De Bono

432 Straight And Crooked Thinking / Thouless

433 That Was Then This Is Now / S.E. Hinton

434 Philosohy As A Way Of Life / Piere Haddot

435 Be A Winner / Gordon Moyes

436The Road Ahead / Bill Gates

437 Managing In Time Of Great Change / Peter Drucker

438 The Merrygoround In The Sea / Randolf Stow

439 The Rolex Awards The Spirit Of Enterprise / David Reed

440 You Can Heal Your Life / Louise Haye

441 The Media / Keith Windshuttle

442 The New Superannuation Made Easy / Daryl Dixon

443 Budget Auto Biogragphy / Bob Ansett

444 War Of The Worlds / H. G. Wells

445 Universal Humanism / A R Sarker

446 Holy Spirit Power / Charles HSpurgeon

447 Your Available Power / Charles H Spurgeon

Page 15

448 Power For You / Charles H Spurgeon

449 Grace God's Unmerited Favour / Charles H Spurgeon

450 The Second Coming of Christ / Charles HSpurgeon

451 The key To Holiness / Charles H Spurgeon

452 Words Of Wisdom For Daily Living / Charles H Spurgeon

453 Being God's Friend / Charles H Spurgeon

454 According To Promise / Charles H Spurgeon

455 When Christ Returns / Charles H Spurgeon

456 God Promises You / Charles H Spurgeon

457 The Soul Winner / Charles H Spurgeon

458 Charlie And The Choclate Factory / Roeld Dahl

459 The Economics Of Inequality / A. B. Atkinson

460 Only One World / Gerald Piel

461 Sartre / Antony Manser

462 Political Behaviour / Ian McAllister

463 Sin, Sex and Self Control / Norman Vincent Peale

464 The Sword and The Grail / Noel Currer Briggs

465 The Grail Legend / Emma Jung

466 The HolyGrail Tradition / John Matthews

467 On Australia's Constitution / E.G. Whitlam

468 Foundations Of Corporate Success / John Kay

469 Freedom And Destiny / Rollo May

470 Work Smarter Not Harder / Jack Collis &Michael LeRoes

471 Total Confidence / Phillipa Davies

472 You Can If You Think You Can / Norman Vincent Peale

473 Courage and Confidence / Norman Vincent Peale

474 Power / Michael Korda

475 New Directions In Management / Alexander Kauzmin & Paul Clark

476 The Pathway Of Holiness / John White

477 The Dead Sea Scrolls / C Verrnes

478 A Managers Guide To The Millinium / Ken Matejha & Richard Dunsing

479 Managing To Survive / John Harvey Jones

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480 Building A Better World / Dave Andrews

481 The Cambridge Companion To Locke / Vere Chappell

482 The Philosohy of Descartes / John Vertch

483 Descartes and The Modern Mind / Albert C A Balz

484 Superselling / Jim McMahon

485 Certainties Of Christ's Second Coming / J Oswald Saunders

486 Authority / M Lloyd Jones

487 Ash Road / Ivan Southwell

488 The Winning Attitude / John Maxwell

489 Developing The Leader Within You / John Maxwell

490The Last Three Minutes / Paul Davies

491 Continent In Crisis / David Smith

492 The Taming OfThe Schrew / William Shakespeare

493 Global Change / Keith Suter

494 How To Be happy Though Rich / Peter Daniels

495 Mid Summer Nights Dream / William Shakespeare

496 Humanism / Petrosyan

497 God and The Philosophers / Thomas V Morris

498 Ree's Howell Intercessor / Norman Grubb

499 Love Life / E D Wheat

500 His Needs Her Needs / Willard F Harley

501 The Coming King / A W Tozer

502 The Finishing Touch / Charles Swindoll

503 He Touched Me / John Powell

504 Self Esteem / Robert H Schuller

505 A City Out Of Sight / Ivan Southhall

506 Come Down Lord / Roger Ellsworth

507 A Reason To Live A Reason To Die / John Powell

508 The Magic Of Thinking Success / David Schwartz

509 Links / Charles Pinati

510 Intelligence ? Psych ?

511 Power From On High / Charles Finney.

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512 Kingdom Now / Gerald Coates

513 Your Quest For God / Richard A Bennett

514 The Time Is Now / George Maynard Leonard

515 The Soverignty Of God / A. W. Pink

516 Meekness And Magesty / R. T. Kendall

517 Journey To Freedom Of Ourselves / Browning North B A

518 The Destiny Of Israel and The church / Derek Prince

519 How To Reach Your Life Goals / Peter J Daniels

520 A History Of The Medievil Church / Isnard William Frank

521 Earth Current / Howard Snyder

522 God Came Near / Max Lucado

523 Practical Intelligence / Roger Peters

524 Unity In Truth / D Martyn Lloyd Jones

525 The Leader Of The Future Peter / Drucker Foundation

526 From Refreshing To Survival / Terry Virgo

527 Power In Praise / Merlin Carothers

528 Techno Trends / Daniel Burpae

529 Bringing Heaven Into Hell / Merlin Carothers

530Taken On Trust / Terry White

531 The Loyalty Effect / Frederick F Richeld

532How To Create Your Own Mission Plans That Work / Peter J Daniels

533 Standing Tall / Steve Farrar

534 Success Through Excellence / Brett Wutitford

535 The King Within Douglas Gillette / Rubert More

536 Windows Of The Soul / Ken Gire

537 Mile Stones Of Mercy / John C Ridley

538 Alone In The Universe / David Wilkinson

539 The God Your Looking For / Bill Hybels

540 Leo Tolstoy / A W Wilson

541 Read Better Read Faster / Manya Anderilde Leevlo

542 On Being Human / Erkin Fromm

543 From Jesus To Christ / Rudolf Steiner

544 Fully Alive / Roy Lauring

Page 18

545 Future Grace / John Piper

546 The Actual And The Real / Oscar Kavestrom

547 Seekers After God / Rev F W Farrar

548 Sight And Mind / Lloyd Kaufman

549 All About Psychoanalysis / JosephRosner

550 Sigmund Freud / Gerald Lauzon

551 The Interpretation Of Dreams / Sigmund Freud

552 The Drive For Self / Edward Hoffman

553 Crystal Chistianity / Charles Finney

554 Waiting On God / Andrew Murray

555 Southerly 1 1997 / Sydney University

556 Southerly 2 1997 / Sydney University

557 Rudolf Steiner (essential reading) / Richard Seddon

558 Between Hope and History / Bill Clinton

559 Mission Of The Arch Angel Michael / Rudolf Steiner

560 The Case Of Ansthrosophy / Rudolf Steiner

561The Political Psyche / Andrew Samuels

562 Understanding Understanding / Paul Ziff

563 The EvolutionOf Consciousness / Rudolf Steiner

564 The Philosophy Of Freedom / Rudolf Steiner

565 An Enquiry Into Meaning And Truth / Bertrand Russel

566Truth And Power / JI Packer

567 Concept Learning / Earl B Hunt

568 The Motivation Of Emotion / A. Buck

569 Love and Will / Rollo May

570 The Planets Within / Thomas Moore

571 Other Senses Other Worlds / Jonas & Jonas

572 In Search Of Mind / Jerome Bruner

573 Brain Power / Marylyn Vo Savent

574 The Lively Mind / J. Willing

575 Mind / Davis A Taylor

576 Human Intelligence (It's Nature &Assessment ) / H J Butcher

Page 19

577The Descent Of Mind / Peter Blows & Geoff Decker

578The Art Of Thinking / Allan Harrison & Robert Brandon

579 The Mechanics Of Perception / Jean Piaget

580 The Psychology Of Time / Paul Fraise

581 Just As I Am / Dr. Billy Graham

582 Love And Its Place In Nature / Jonathon Lear

583 The Journal Of John Wesley / Elizebeth Joy

584 The Day Christ Died / Tim Bishop

585 Between Death And Rebirth / Rudolf Steiner

586 The Universe Within / Morton Heart

587 The Archangel Michael /Rudolf Steiner

588 The Person Of Jesus Christ / H R Mackintosh

589 The Holy Grail / Rudolf Steiner

590 In The Grip Of Grace / MaxLucado

591 Christ And The Spiritual World The Search For The Holy Grail / Rudolf Steiner

592 A Breif History Of Everything / Ken Wilbur

593 Bible Cameos / Ivor Powell

594 Centuries Of Childhood / Phillipa Aries

595 Spirit Of The Living GodExploration Part One / B G Webb

596Public Speaking And Influencing Men In Business / Dale Carnegie

597 Parzival (WolframVon Eschenbach) / Helen M Mustard & Chatrles E Massage

598 The Mind OfChrist / Anthony Duncan

599 Gifted Hands / Ben Carson

600Talking Straight / Lee Iaccoca

601Spirit Of The Living God Exploratio Part Two / B G Webb

602 The Negotiating Game / Chester Karass

603 How To Pray In The Spirit / John Bunyan

604 The Search For The Holy Grail / R M Maiterasso

605 A Path Through The Wilderness / Jamie Buckingham

606 How To BeMore Interesting / Edward De Bono

607 If Is Going To Be It Is Up To Me / Robert H Schuller

608 Faster Reading Self Taught / Harry Shefton

Page 20

609 How To Know Higher Worlds / Rudolf Steiner

610 The Secret of G ------- V------- / John Davidson

611 The Saturated Self / Kenneth J Gergen

612 Mind In Society / C. S. Wygotsky

613 Understanding / Paiget R Droz & M Rollfray

614 Culture and Thought (Psychlogical Info ) / Michael Cole Sylvia

615 Motivation Theories and Principles / Robert Schriber C Beale

616 The Right Brain Manager / Dr. Harry Adler

617 True Professionalism / David H Maister

618 How To handle trouble ( A guide to peace of mind ) / John Carmody

619 The Art Of Living Consciously / Nathanial Brandon

620 Not I But Christ / Corrie Ten Boom

621 Midnight Ransay A Life / Owen Chadwick

622 Dreamers Never Sleep / Pat Mesitr

623 Take Me Home / John Denver

624 Intelligent Leadership / Alistair Mant

625 John Hewson A Biography / Norman Abjorbason

626 Abiding Interests / Gough Whitlam

627 A Freind Forever / Suan Polus Shuultz

628 You Can be Holy / Charles Finney

629 Mean Business / Albert J Dunlap

630 Like Christ / Andrew Murray

631 Going Within / Shirly McClaine

632 The Inner Eye / Nicholas Humphrey

633 Jonathon Livingston Seagull /

634 Our Republic / Thomas Keneally

635 Reinventing Australia / Hugh Mackay

636 An All Consuming Passion / William J Lines

637 Noahs Castle / John Rowe Townsend

638 Conrad Black / Richard Sirlos

639 The Holy Spirit In You / Derek Prince

640 Finding Peace In God / Charles Spurgeon

641 The Theology Of Paul The Apostle / Fermanes Prat S.T.

642 Too Perfect / Allan E Maringla & Alewzd

Page 21

643 The Positive Family / Arvella Schuller

644 The End Of The World / Bruce Milne

645 The Political Economy Of Hunger(Selected Essays) / Jean Droze & Atken Anstein & A Martyn Sei

646 Breif History Of Christain Spirituality / Bradley P Holt

647 The New Middle East / Shimon Perez

648The Mechanism Of Mind / Edward De Bono

649 John Howard Prime Minister / David Burnett & Pru Goward

650 The River Of Life / Francis Frangipani

651 The Shattered Mirror Reflections On being human / John White

652 The Auto Biography of George Muller / George Muller

653 Mobilizing The Army Of God / Rick Joyner

654 The Joy Of Answered Prayer / D L Moody

655 The Key To Holiness / Charles Spurgeon

656 The Immortal Sea A Book Of Saying / Leslie Weatherhead

657 In The Steps Of The Maker / H V Morton

658 Climbing The Mountain My Search For Meaning / Kirk Douglas

659 Being God's Freind / Charles Spurgeon

660 Coming Clean / Ian Keirnan

661 The Story Of The Church / A M Renwick & A M Herman

662 The Legend Of King Arthur And Hid Knights / Sir James Knowl

663 Words Of Wisdom / Charles Haddon Spurgeon

664 Jesus And The Logic Of History / Paul W Burnett

665 The Power Of The Blood Of Jesus / Andrew Murray

666 Progress And Poverty / Henry George

667 A New Look At An Old Earth / Don Stoner

668 Medicine And Meaning / Larry Dossey

669 The Bride / Charles R Swindoll

670 Faith Alone / R C Sproul

671 Lightning From Heaven / John Widdas & Peter Machland

672 The Competive Power Of Constant Creativity / Clay Carr

673 The Vanishing Conscience / John F McArthur

674 Reason In The Balance / Phillip E Johnson

Page 22

675 End Time Events / Charles Capps

676 Abide In Christ / Andrew Murray

677 ManTo Man / Charles Swindoll

678 The Psychology Of Winning / Dr Denis Waitley

679 The New Dynamics Of Winning / Dr Denis Waitley

680 Kants Theory Of Mental Activity / Robert Pad Wolff

681 The Greatest power Thinker That Ever Lived / Robert H Schuller

682 The Confidence Game / Stephen Soloman

683 To Live Or Die / Dr C Evett Scholl

684 Secrets Of Greatness / Dr Denis Waitley

685 In The Steps Of Moses The Law Giver / Louis Golding

686 The History Of Rome 5 / Momsen

687 The Corporate Coach / James B Miller & Paul brown

688 Beyond Re-engineering / Michael Hammer

689 A History Of The Mind / Nicholas Humphrey

690 It Doesn't Take A Hero / General Norman Schartzkoph

691 The Paradise Factor / George & Meg Patterson

692 A Devout And Holy Life / William Law

693 Passengers To The City / Katherine Gallegher

694 Absolute Surrender / Andrew Murray

695 The Deeper Christain Life / Andrew Murray

696 Leading Minds / Howard Gardner

697 The Tresspasser / D H Lawerence

698 Moses The Conqueror / Louis Golding

699 Time Flies Bill / Cosby

700 A Gentle Thunder / Max Lucado

701 Napolean Hills Keys To Success / Matthew Sartwell

702 Too Busy To Pray / Bill Hybells

703 When Christ Comes / Charles Spurgeon

704 According To The Promise / Charles H Spurgeon

705 Peace Of Mind / Dr Ian Gawler

706 Living Spiritually / Christine McColl

Page 23

707 Understanding M.E. / Dr. David Smith

708 Stonehenge / R.J.C. Atkinson

709 The Act Of Marriage / Tim & Bev Le Haye

710 Youth Aflame / Winkie Pratney

711 Perception / William T Powers

712 Such Is Life / Tom Collins

713 The Third Wave / Alvin Tofler

714 The Fathers Face / James Robinson

715 Earth Abides / George Stewart

716 Mega Trends / John Naisbitt

717 Innovation and Entrepreneurship / Peter F Drucker

718 Introduction To Space Perception / Harvey A Carr

719 The Ministry of Intercession / Andrew Murray

720 Pursuing The Will Of God / Jack Hayford

721 Trusting The People / Bob Pole & Jack Kemp

722 History Of The / Jews Milman

723 The Joy Fearing God / Jerry Bridges

724 Psychology At Work / Avery Baker Kane

725 Strategic Management (A Tech Text Cover To Cover) / John Wiljoen

726 Organisational Behaviour ( A Tech Text Cover To cover ) / Allmen & Velensia & Heselman

727 Telling Others / Nicky Gumbel

728 The Moral Quest / Stanley J Grenz

729 A Farewell To Arms / Ernest Hemingway

730 The Old Man And The Sea / Ernest Hemingway

731 In Search Of Morality / Robert A Schuller

732 Fundamentals Of Business Law ( A Tech text Cover To Cover)/ M L Barron

733 Captain James Cook / Richard Hough

734 Equity And The Law Of Trusts / Phillip H Pettit

735 One World / Gerald Coffee

736 Creation vs Evolution / Ralph O Muncaster

737 Remember Jesus / Steve Motyer

738 The Final Quest / Rick Joyner

Page 24

739 The Prayer Life Of Jesus / David McIntyre

740 Secrets OF Life / J Ronald Watters

741 Ready To Rebuild / Thomas Keirandt

742 Mother Theresa A Life For God / Lavonne Nett

743 Flame Of Love / Clark A Pinnock

744 Was Jesus A Moderator / Tony Campolo

745 Body and Mind, Past Present and Future / Anthony Fromy & Basil Blackweed

746 The Nature of Knowledge / Kemp

747 Reality And Reason / Sayers

748 From Knowledge To Wisdom / John Maxwell

749 Time And Free / Will Henri Bergsun

750 The Ontology Of Consciousness / Ralph Elis

751 Subjecting and Objecting / Max Deatschen

752 Philosophy and Philosophers / John Stands

753 Powers OF The Press / Mike Walker

754 Leadership / James C Sarros & Olas Butchatsky

755 Luther - Man Between God and The Devil / Heiko Oberman

756 One With Christ / Hudson Taylor

757 Lord Find Me A Parking Place / Derek Wood

758 Let God Be God / Phillip S Watson

759 Strenght For The Fragile Spirit / Robert A Schafter

760 The Science Of God / Gerald L Schroder

761 Liberation Management / Tom Peters

762 The Surprising Work of God / Jonathon

763 Jesus Rose For You / Charles Spurgeon

764 God Promises You / Charles Spurgeon

765 Isaac Isaacs / Zelman Cowen

766 The Lords Day / Joseph A Pipa

767 Beazley / Peter Fitzsymons

768 The Living And The Dead / Paul Henderson

769 The Inner Life / Andrew Murray

770 Power For Your Life / Charles Spurgeon

Page 25

771 The Turin Shroud / Ian Wilson

772 The Soul Winner / Charles H Spurgeon

773 The Caring Question / Donald A Tubesing & Nacny Long Tubesing

774 How To Experience Revival / Charles L Finney

775 The Revolutionists / Robert Littel

776 Age Of Conscent / Norman Lindsay

777 Honest To God / John A T Robinson

778 You Are My God / David Watson

779 The Eternal Voice / Leslie Waetherhead

780 The Souls Dark Cottage / Richard King

781 Return From Nowhere / Amory Hill

782 Choosing To Live The Blessing / John Trent

783 Forgiveness / John F Macarthur

784 An Unchanging Faith In A Changing World / Kenneth D Bug & Robert M Bowman

785 God Of My Father / Dr Larry Crabb

786 Peace With God / Billy Graham

787 The Secret Of Happiness / Billy Graham

788 Management Fundamentals / Killian

789 Power Ideas For The Family / Robert H Schuller

790 Peace Of Mind Through Possibility Thinking / Robert H Schuller

791 The Bible Doctrine OF Salvation / C Ryan Smith

792 D L Moody The Valley Of The World / Faith Cox Baily

793 Days Of Our Years / Peirce Cor Peassen

794 Grace Abounding To The Cheif Of Sinners / John Bunyan

795 The Pilgrims Progress / John Bunyan

796 African Adventures The Hardy Boys Adventures / Thomas Hardy

797 Becoming A Person Of Influennce / John Maxwell & J M Doran

798 Thriving On Chaos / Tom Peters

799 Quality Is Free / Phillip Crosby

800 Go For It / Victor Kiam

801 Quality Without Tears / Phillip Crosby

802 Face To Face Selling / Bart Breigher

Page 26

803 Secrets For Success And Happiness / Og Mandingo

804 Developing The Leaders Around You / John Maxwell

805 Humanists And Reformers / Brad Thompson

806 History Of England / David Hume & T Smollet Willis

807 The Annals Of The Four Masters / Owen Connellan

808 A Godward Life / John Piper

809 The Lord Of Life / Student Christain Movement

810 The Life And Work Of St. / Paul K W Farrar

811 Faith and Progress / Paul R Sponheim

812 Hawaii / James A Michener

813 History Of Goulbourn / Wyatt

814 Christ In His Mysteries / Abbott Marmon

815 Drayton Hall / Julia Matthews

816 Love Among The Artists / George Bernard Shaw

817 The Leafy Tree / Daryl Linsay

818 Space / James Michener

819 Sartre / Jean Piaget

820 Autobiography The World Is My Home / James Michener

821 Conan The Barbarian / Robert E Howard

822 Conan The Warrier / Robert E Howard

823 Conan The Adventurer / Robert E Howard

824 The Lost World and Other Stories / Conan Doyle

825 Visions From leaders OF Today For leaders OF Tomorrow / Ty Boyd

826 Ageless Body Timeless Mind / Deepak Chopra

827 Make A life Not Just A Living / Dr Ron Jenson

828 The E Myth / Michael E Gerber

829 You Inc / Burke Hedges

830 The Aladdin Factory / Jack Merrifeild & Mark Victor Hanson

831 The Secret Of Success / R C Allen

832 Get A Life / Phillip Stills

833 Basic Christianity / John Roder Scott

Page 27

834 The Power Of Thought / Glenn Bland

835 Out Of The Blue Comes Into Our Lives Within / Marie Hansen

836 The Instant Milionaire / Mark Fisher

837 The Great Connection / Annie Warren

838 George Bush Man Of Integrity / Doug Wead

839 Paradigms / Joel Arthur Barker

840 Dare To Dream / Florence Vittaver

841 The Winning Edge / Dr Denis Waitley

842 A Better Way To Live / Og Mandingo

843 You'll See It When You beleive It / Dr Wayne Dyer

844 Miracle Of Motivation / George Shaw

845 The Possible Dream / Charles Paul Conn

846 Go For The Magic / Pat Williams

847 The Greatest Salesman In The World / Og Mandingo

848 Over The Top / Zig Ziglar

849 Steps To The Top / Zig Ziglar

850 Empire Of Freedom / James W Robinson

851 Empires Of The Mind / Denis Waitley

852 Success For Dummies / Zig Ziglar

853 The Success Journey / John C Maxwell

854 The Power Is Within You / Louise L Hay

855 The Joy Of Winning / Michael Beer

856 How To Have A Good View Anyway / Corrie Ten Boom

857 How I Rescued Myself From Failure To Success IIn Selling / Frank Bettger

858 Wild Swans / Jung Chang & Les Lubber

859 Believe and Acheive / W Clement Stones

860 Network Of Champions / Shed Helmsletter

861 Leading / Phillip B Crosby

862 Thick Face Black Heart / Ching Ng Chu

863 10 Natural Laws Of successful Time And Life Management / Wyrumber

864 Tai Pan / James Clare Smith

865 Winning People Over / Michael Beer

Page 28

866 One Door Closes Another Doors Opens / Arther Finch

867 The Books You Read / Og Mandingo

868 How To Sell Yourself / Joes Gerard

869 The Power Of Optimism / Alan Loy McGinnis

870 The Romance Factor / Alan Loy McGinnis

871 Not A Penny More Not A Penny Less / Jeffrey Archer

872 Learning Wealth / Roz Townsend

873 Get Out Of Your Own Way / Mark Goulston

874 There's Got To Be A Catch / Phillip Godhart & Michael Ryan

875 leadership Secrets Of Atilla The Hun Mess / Robat Pluto

876 Stay In The Game / Van Grenich

877 How To Deal With Powerful Personalities / Tim Kennel

878 An Uncommon Freedom /

879 Beach Of Dreams / Sergo Bunbaven

880 You have A Purpose, Begin Now / Susan Hayward

881 Real Magic / Dr Wayne Dyer

882 Chicken Soup For The Soul / Mark Victor Hansen

883 Chives With Clout / Wilbur Gray

884 The Key to Your Child's Success / Gary Smalley

885 For Better or Best / Gary Smalley

886 All You really Need To Know Is Learning / Robert Fulcher

887 Be A People Person / John Miasuck

888 Blow Away The Black Clouds / Littaver

889 First You have To Row a Little Boat / Richard Hall

890 The Positive Power Of Praising / Reche Twentuer

891 Handwash For Happy Life / Jim Donevan

892 Reaching Your Full Potential / Funmack

893 The Teasury Of Quotes / James Robin

894 Self Sell / Tim Conner

895 Rekindled / Pat & Jill Williams

896 Sydney Cove 1788 / John Cobey

897 The Seventh Scroll / Wilbur Smith

Page 29

898 Kamal The Impossible Dream / Christopher Day

899 Poverty And Discrimination ? yes / Lester Thurrow

900 The Zero Sum Society Yes I think / Lester Thurrow

901 Dangerous Currents ? / Lester Thurrow

902 The Management Challenge Yes I think / Lester Thurrow

903 Head To Head ? / Lester Thurrow

904 Investment In Human Capital Yes I think ? / Lester Thurrow

905 Successful Direct Marketing Methods ? / Lester Thurrow

906 Remembering Weary / Margerot Gedes

907 Einstein A Life / Denis Brian

908 The Greatest Man You Ever Heard Watch Your Bible

909 Elizebeth / Sarah Bradford

910 Social Interaction / Candace Clark & Howard Robroy

911 Human Production And Society / Derek Llywelyn Jones

912 Civilization Past And Present Wallbank, / Taylor Baily

913 Origin Of Life / Jim Brooks

914 Genisis Robert / Tan Tuit

915 A Time To Remember / Peter Luck

916Rupert Murdoch / William Shawcross

917 Managing for Results / Peter Drucker

918 Einstein A Life / Denis Brian

919 Louis Pasteur /

920 William Ampere /

921 The House OnThe Mountain

922 Sell Better Live Better / Alfred Tack

923 7 Habits Of highly Effective People / Stephen Covey

924 Advancing Australia / Mark Ryan

925 The Merry Go Round In The Sea / Randolph Stow

926 That's Life / Derryn Hinch

927 Dear Me ? / Peter Ustinov

928 Tim ? / Colleen McCulloch

929 Picnic At Hanging Rock / Joan Lindsay

Page 30 isa short page because I crossed a lot out and could not write over it.

930 The Canterbury / Tales Chaucer

931 The Tree Of Man / Malcolm Bradbury

932 Monopolies And Competitions / Alex Hunter

933 Simplicity / Edward De Bono

934 Angels / Billy Graham

935 Body Politics / Julius fast

936 The Thorn Birds / Colleen McCulloch

937 The Lucky Country / Donald Horne

938 The Comic World Of Dickens ? / Murray

939 My Mask ? / Lindsay

940 Introduction To Sociology A Humasn Perspective / Peter L Berger

941 War And Peace / Leo Tolstoy

942 Anna Karen ? / Leo Tolstoy

943 Complete Manuel Of Fitness andf Wellbeing / Barrie Wright

944 Money Plans ? / Russ Gleeson

945 Seas and Oceans / Barbara Clinton & John Tietjin

946 The Bid / Rod McGeoch

947 Bogart The Search Of My Father / Stephen Humphrey Bogart

Page 31

948 To Kill A Mocking Bird / Harper Lee

949 Robert Schuller Life changes / Robert A Schuller

950 How To Hire The Right Person / Bonnie L Russel

951 Powerful Faith / R A Torrey

952 The Hard Sayings Of Jesus / D A Carson

953 The Four Sacrifices Of Jesusb / Rudolf Steiner

954 Longing For Love / Michael Frost

955 Ministry And Management / Peter F Rudge

956 Popular Hymns / Norman Marble

957 Churchill A Photographic Portrait / Gilbert

958 Winning The Entrepreneurs Game / David E Rye

959 Romance And The Legend Of Chivalry / A R Hope Monegreif

960 Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam / Edward Fitzgerald

961 The Man Born To Be King / Dorothy Sayers

962 My Utmost For His Highest / J Oswald sanders

963 The Third Wave / Alvin Tofler

964 Jesus The Christ / James James

965 The Streeet Lawyer / John Grisham

966 Genisis Predestination / John Calvin?

967 People In Prayer / John White

968 The Lost Ark / Don Stewart

969 The Secret Of God's Love / Andrew Murray

970 Obtain The Power Of God / Andrew Murray

971 Soul Survivor / Phillip Yancey

972 History Of Europe / H A L Fisher

973 Economic History Of Europe / Clough Cole

974 England 1870-1914 / Ensor

975 The Suffering Saviour / Krumacher

976 Christianity Made Simple Beleif / David Hewetso & David Miller

977 Kerri-Anne Kennerly Life Energies / Kerrie-Anne Kennerly

978 Sons And Lovers / D H Lawerence

979 Making Desciples / Alan Walkler

Page 32

980 The Phenonemon Of Christianity / Ninian Smart

981 What's So Amazing About Grace / Phillip Yancey

982 A History Of The Intellectual Development Of Europe / John William Draper

983 Hands Of Grace / Geoff Bullock

984 Art And Love (Collection of poems) / Angus Grant

985 Twelve Steps To Serenity / Gordon Moyes

986 When Box Hill Was A Villiage / Gordon Moyes

987 White Hot Passion /Billl Newman

988 Reach for The Stars / Bill Newman

989 How To grow An Australian Church / Gordon Moyes

990 Common Ground / Malcom Fraser

991 Mind Seige / Tim Lahaye & David Woedel

992 The Voyage Of The First Fleet / Victor Crittenden

993 Something To Smile About / Zig Ziglar

994 The Power Of One / Bryce Courtney

995 Conscience Of The Nation Alan Walker / Don Wtright

996 The God OF The Bible / R T Kendall

997 God The Father / Emile Guery

998 The Crisis Of Global Capitalism / George Soros

999 God''s Way Out / Authur Warren

1000 The Hawke Memoirs / Bob Hawke

1001 Christian Poetry / Pat Alexander

1002 The Triumph Of Love / Benedict Williamson

1003 The History Of Yagoona Baptist Church / Barbara Humphries

1004 The Second Coming / John McArthur

1005 In Love Is An Expensive Place To Die / John Laws

1006 Animal Farm / George Orwell

1007 Pigmalian / George Orwell

1008 Papillian / Rhinehart

1009 The Rise And Rise Of Kerry Packer / Paul Barry

1010 Gordon Moyes Goldie / M Down

1011 I Was Just Wondering / Phillip Yancey

Page 33

1012 Amazing Faith Bill Bright / Michael Richardson

1013 Return To Paradise / James A Michener

1014 The Idea Of Christain Charity / Gordon Graham

1015 Global Agenda / Keith Suter

1016 When Christ Comes / Max Lucado

1017 The Battle For Truth / David A Noebel

1018 The Purpose Driven Life / Rick Warren

1019 Why Me / Jacob Damkani

1020 Christ Is Enough / Alan Walker

1021 No Future Without Forgiveness / Desmond Tutu

1022 God's Smuggler / Brother Andrew

1023 That's A Keeper / H Norman Wright

1024 Hard To Beleive / John McArthur

1025 How To Have A Beautiful Mind / Edward De Bono

1026 No Compromise The Life Story Of Keith Green / Melody Green

1027 Spirit Of The Living God / Leon Morris

1028 Success Motivation / Charles Capps

1029 The Cost of Decsipleship / Deitrich Bonhoffer

1030 Whatever Happened To Worship / A W Tozer

1031 The Battle For The Mind / Tim Lahaye

1032 Understanding Leadership / Tom Marshall

1033 Trust God For Your Finances / Jack Hartman

1034 Sinners In The hands Of An Angry God / Jonathon Edwards

1035 By The Grace Of God / Colllection Of English Writers

1036 Conquest Of The Mind / Elbert Willis

1037 That None Should Perish / Ed Silvoso

1038 The Greattness Of Christ / John H Patterson

1039 Life On The Road / Athol Gill

1040 The Kingdom By The Sea / Paul Theroux

1041 God's Plan For You / Andrew Murray

1042 God's Will For Our Dwelling Place / Andrew Murray

1043 Worship / Graham Kendrick

Page 34

1044 How To Renew Your Spiritual Passion / Gordon McDonald

1045 These Contoroversial Gifts / George Malone

1046 The Holy War / John Bunyan

1047 The Works Of William Wordsworth / William Wordsworth

1048 Long Walk To Freedom / Nelson Mandella

1049 To Catch A Theif / Agatha Christie

1050 Just Capital The Global Economy / Adair Turner

1051 King Edward The 8th / Phillip Zeigler

1052 The Coming Of Parsifal / Darel Robert McAllister

1053 The Seven Cultures Of Capitalism / Charles Hampden Turner & Kons Trumper Anhs

1054 Chronicles Of The Crusades / Elizebeth Hallam

1055 GOD ( The Character of ) / Bill Briight

1056 The Master Haunter / David Wimter

1057 Why The Passion / Greg Laurie

1058 Secrets Of The De Vinci Code / Dan Burnstein

1059 The Master Musicians / Robert L Jacobs

1060 The Murder Of Jesus / John McArthur

1061 Cracking The De Vinci Code / Simon Cox

1062 Shaping The Nation / Keating Labour Government

1063 Coping With Schizophrenia / Peter Haywood & Stephen Jones

1064 The Glory Way / Bruce Hyatt

1065 The New Rules Class Of 74 / John P Kotter

1066 Leader To Leader Drucker Foundation / Francis Hesselbein & Paul M Sohen

1067 St Paul; Spiritual Thought Series / Pope Benedict 16th

1068 The Life ( A Portrait Of Jesus ) / J John

1069 By God's Word Vol 1 / Phillip D Jensen

1070 By God's Word Vol 2 / Phillip D Jensen

1071 Jesus ( An Intricit Portrait Of The Man His Land And His People ) / Leith Anderson

1072 The Reason For God ( Beleif In An Angel Of Scepticism ) / Timothy Keller

1073 Pro Hart ( Dieing To Be Heard ) / David Hart

1074 McDonalds ( Behind The Golden Arches ) / John F Love

1075 Business At The Speed Of Thought / Bill Gates

Page 35

1076 The Di Vinci Code / Dan Brown

1077 Emotions:- Can You Trust Them ? / Dr James C Dobson

1078 The Lucky Country / Donald Howie

1079 The Anglican Church In Tasmania / Geoffrey Stephens

1080 The New Rules / Kotter

1081 The Doomsday Book / Michael Wood

1082 The Likeness Of God / Phillip Yancey & Paul Brand

1083 The Heavenly Man / Brother Yun & Gavin Paul Hathaway

1084 The Glory Way / Bruce Hyatt

1085 From Glory To Golgotha / Rudolf Steiner

1086 Cure For The Common Life / Max Lucado

1087 Regeneration / J C Ryle

1088 90 Minutes In Heaven / Don Piper

1089 Prayer / Phillip Yancey

1090 Issues Facing Christains Today / John Stott

1091 The Life Of God In The Soul Of Man / Henry Scougal

1092 Come Thirsty / Max Lucado

1093 Where Is God When It Hurts / Phillip Yancey

1094 Shared Life / Donald McCloud

1095 The Pleasantness Of A Religous Life Matthew Henry 23/08/07

1096 Back To Jerusalem Three Chinese Church Leaders with / Paul Hathaway

1097 The Story Of Alan Yuan A Living Sacrifice / Lydia Lee

1098 Winning Words / Margeret Court

1099 Your Guide To God's Power / Barry Chant

1100 The Better Fight The Salvation Army 1914-1946 / Frederick Couts

1101 The Myth Of Happiness / Rick Wagner

1102 Booths Drum The Salvation Army 1896-1980 / Barbara Bolton

1103 Revive Us Again / David Matthew

1104 Answers To Praise / Merlin R Carothers

1105 The Holy Wild / Mark Buchanan

1106 The Name / Franklin Graham

1107 Why Does God Allow War / Martyn Lloyd Jones

Page 36

1108 Jesus Is Lord Christiology Yesterday and Today / Donald McCloud

1109 The Creation Of Wealth / Fred Catherwood

1110 Words For The Crossroads Of Life / Keith V Garner

1111 Hell Empty, Heaven Full / Reinhard Bonke

1112 For This I Was Born / Brian Houston

1113 King Tide My Life / Peter Doyle

1114 The Incomparable Christ / John Stott

1115 The Cross Of Christ / John Stott

1116 Burden Of Truth / Charles Colson

1117 High Definition Life / Luis Palav

1118 Will God Heal Me / Ron Dunn

1119 Personality Plus / Florence Littauer

1120 Next Door Saviour / Max Lucado

1121 Empowered By The Spirit / Barry Chant

1122 The Narrow Road / Brother Andrew

1123 Lord Of All / D James Kennedy & Jerry Newcombe

1124 3:16 The Numbers Of Hope / Max Lucado

1125 Truth Under Seige / Ray W Yerbury

1126 The Secret Message Of Jesus / Brian D McClarren

1127 The Shaping Of Things To Come / Michael Frost & Alan Horsch

1128 He Chose The Nails / Max Lucado

1129 Victory On Praise Mountain / Merlin Carothers

1130 Walking With God Reflections On Life's Meanings / Adolf Quezada

1131 Good News Is For Sharing / Leighton Ford

1132 Prayer / O Hallesby Phebe

1133 Paradise Lost / John Milton

1134 The Warren Buffet Way / Robert G Hagstran

1135 Remembering Weary / Margeret Gedes

1136 Tracks I Knew Not / F J Thwaites

1137 Destined For The Throne / Paul E Biheiimer

1138 You Can be The Person You Want To Be / Robert H Schuller

1139 Mosques And Miracles / Stuart Robinson

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1140 Discovering The Young Church / Gordon Moyes

1141 The God Who Is There / Francis Schaeffer

1142 Management / Peter Drucker

1143 The Jesus I Knew Not & Dissapointment With God / Phillip Yancey

1144 The Freedom And Power Of Forgiveness / John McArthur

1145 Don't Throw Away Your Tomorrow / Robert H Schuller

1146 Cutting Edge / John Smith

1147 The Prodical God / Timothy Keller

1148 Basic Christianity / John R W Stott

1149 How To Live The Knid Of Life You Always Wanted To Live / Barry Chant

1150 Faith And Doubt / John Ortberg

1151 God Is Enough / Ray Galea

1152 Who Made God / Edgar Andrews

1153 Leaving A Legacy / Dr Gordon Moyes

1154 What Good Is God / Phillip Yancey

1155 Generous Justice / Timothy Keller

1156 Turning Hurts Into Halos And Scars Into Stars / Robert H Schuller

1157 The Difficult Doctrine Of The Love Of God / D A Carson

1158 Basics For Believers / D A Carson

1159 Tales Of The South Pacific / James Michener

1160 When Jesus Confronts The World / D A Carson

1161 From Triumphantalism To Maturity / D A Carson

1162 Managing For Results / Peter Drucker

1163 Abundant Lving / E Stanley Jones

1164 Jesus And His Freinds / D A Carson

1165 Sermon On The Mount / D A Carson

1166 Counterfeit Gods / Timothy Keller

1167 According To The Plan / Graeme Goldsworthy

1168 The Grace Of God / Andy Stanley

1169 Thriving On Chaos / Tom Peters

1170 The Living Church / John Stott

1171 Inside Story Of The Life Of John Stott / Roger Steer

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1172 Like You Mean It / T J Addington 2-4-2011

1173 The Moral Landscape / Sam Harris

1174 Kings Cross / Timothy keller

1175 Reaching For Hope / Patrica A Nordberg

1176 The Armageddon Factor / Marci McDonald

1177The Annals Of The Four Masters / Owen Conellan

1178 Between A Rock And A Hard Place / Tony Evans

1179 666 And All That / John Dickson & Greg Clark

1180 The Sacred Balance / David Suzuki

1181 Theosophy / Rudolf Steiner

1182 Winning / Jack Welch

1183 The Weather Makers / Tim Flannery

1184 Darwins Armada / Iain McCalman

1185 An Introduction To The Chinese Economy / Rong Xing Guo

1186 Triumph Of The City / Edward Glaeser

1187 We Can Have Peace In The Holy Land / Jimmy Carter

1188 Here On Earth / Tim Flannery

1189 The Rational Optimist / Matt Ridley

1190 The Audacity Of Hope / Barack Obama

1191 The Sellout / Charles Gasparino

1192 Fortune Favours The Bold / Lester Thurow

1193 Change We Can Believe In / Barack Obama

1194 Choosing Your Faith / Mark Mittelberg

1195 A Warrior For Peace Burnum Burnum / Marlene J Norst

1196 Don't Miss The Mark / Karl Fase

1197 To Kill A Mocking Bird /

1198 Robert Schuller Life Changes / Robert A Schuller

1199 The Catcher And The Rye /

1200 Flinders / Rob Mundle

1201 The Hidden History Of Australia / Bill Hornadge

1202 Listening, Be Still And Know / Dave McKay

1203 Freely Given / Phyllis Thompson

1204 Nearing Home, Life, Faith, Finishing Well / Billy Graham

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1205 The Sixth Wave / James Bradfield Moody, Bianca Nogrady

1206 The Journey / Billy Graham

1207 Rudolf Steiner / Gary Lachman

1208 The Practice Of Management / Peter Drucker

1209 The Gospell According To Jesus / John McArthur

1210 Genisis Of The Grail Kings / Laurence Gardner

1211 Where Is God / Dr. John Townsend

1212 Colour / Rudolf Steiner

1213 Roden Cutler, V.C. / Colleen McCulloch

1214 The Case Of The Dead Certainty / Kel Richards

1215 God Wins / Mark Galli

1216 Beauty From Ashes / Callum Henderson

1217 Great Is Your faithfullness / Richard Brooks

1218 Saving The Planet / Colin A Russel

1219 One God / Peter Coterell

1220 Trust A Racial Manifesto Faith Works / Steve Chalke

1221 The Year 2000 Ad / John Stott Editor

1222 A Certain Rumour / Russel Rook

1223 Our Queen / Robert Hardman

1224 The Great Race / David Hill

1225 Soros On Soros / George Soros

1226 The End Of Poverty / Jeffrey Sachs

1227 The New Paradigm Of Financial Markets / George Soros

1228 Beyond The Limits / Donella H Meadows, Jorgan Randers, Denis L Meadows

1229 Bill Gates Impatient Optimist / Lisa Rogak

1230 Bligh / Rob Mundle

1231 The Passion Of The Christ / George Pell

1232 The Future Eaters / Timothy Flannery

1233 The Case For Christ / Lee Strobel

1234 The Reason For My Hope / Billy Graham

1235 The Question That never Goes Away / Phillip Yancey

1236 Jesus Blood and Righteousness / Brian Vickers

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1237 The Fall OF Arthur / J.R.R. Tolkien

1238 The New Atheist Crusaders and Their Unholy Grail / Becky Garrison

1239 On God's Side / Jim Wallis

1240 Truth With Love - Francis Shaeffer Apoligetics / Bryan Follis

1241 The Case For Christmas / Lee Strobel

1242 Why Jesus Died / R T Kendall

1243 Kingdom Growth / Domonic Smart

1244 The De Bono Code Book / Edward De Bono

1245 Preparing For Jesus Return / A W Tozer

1246 The Great Awakening / Jim Wallis

1247 Killing Jesus / Stephen Mansfield

1248 Theosophy / Rudolf Steiner

1249 And He Dwelt Among Us / A W Tozer

1250 Seven Ways To Change The World / Jim Wallis

1251 The Holy Grail / Giles Morgan

1252 Magnify The Lord / Martyn Lloyd Jones

1253 Why Does God Allow War? / Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones

1254Reaching For The Invisible God / Phillip Yancey

1255The Real Life MBA /Jack and Suzy Welch

1256Jack Straight From The Gut /Jack Welch

1257 Where I Am / Billy Graham

1258The Spectacular Ordinary Life / Viv Thomas

1259The Case For Faith / Lee Strobel 05/01/2016

1260 Better / Tim Chaddick 10/01/2016

1261Vanishing Grace / Phillip Yancey 31/01/2016

1262The Social Future / Rudolf Steiner 19/02/2016

1263The Case For Grace / Lee Strobel 19/02/2016

1264Church:-Why Bother? Phillip Yancey 04/03/2016

1265Fear Not / Carter Conlon 23/05/2016

1266In God They Trust / Roy Williams 30/05/2016

1267More / Benny Perez 10/07/2016

1268The Jesus Experience / Bill Myers 15/07/2016

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1269 The History Of England ( Kings Of England 1000 AD on) 1998

1270 Watership Down / Richard Adams

1271 Peace, Love and Liberty / Tom G Palmer 11/11/2016

1272Hero Of Hacksaw Ridge - Desmond Doss / Booton Herdon. 21/01/2017

1273 Faith / Tim Costello 25/03/2017

1274 A Fresh Start / John Chapman 10/05/2017

1275 The Battle For The Beginning / John McArthur 4/07/2017

1276 Parables / John McArthur 24/07/2017

1277 Right Thinking In A World Gone Wrong / John McArthur 24/07/2017

1278 Living Water/ New Living Bible 10/10/2017

1279 The Science Of Salvation / Peter EJ Smith 3/11/2017

1280 Counted Rigtheous In Christ / John Piper 10/11/2017

1281 God Is Good /Bill Johnson 27/11/2017

1282 Rain From Heaven / Arthur Wallis 5/12/2017

1283 A New heart / Selwyn Hughs 5/12/2017

1284 Through The Year With William Booth / Stephen Voxon 31/12/2017

1285 My Rock My Refuge / Timothy Keller 31/12/2017

1286.Masters Of The English Reformation / Marcus L Loane 21/1/2018

1287 The Indespensable Parson-Wiliam Cowper 1778-1858 / Peter G. Bolt 12/02/2018

1288 Stories Of Australia's Christian Heritage - Elizabeth Rogers Kotlowski 2/3/2018

1289 Hear My heart - Billy Graham 8/03/2018

1290 Tradition Or Truth - Vince Wall 13/03/2018

1291 The Benedict Option - Rod Dreher 15/03/2018

1292 Life with a capital L - Matt Heard 2/5/2018

1293 Jesus Now - Frank Viola 2/5/2018

1294 The Mystic Grail - John Matthews 10/5/2018

1295 Six Hours One Friday - Max Lucado 14/06/2018

1296 Faith Like Potatoes - Angus Buchan 16/06/2018

1297 Angels - Billy Graham 21/06/2018 second time through

1298 Jesus (The Only Way To God) John Piper 25/06/2018

1299 Squatters Castle / George Farwell 31/07/2018

1300 The Gold Rush - David Hill 7/8/2018

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1301 Reflections On Ireland - James Joyce 1/9/2018

1302 1788 - David Hill 11/09/2018

1303 Batavia - Peter Fitzsimmons 6/10/2018

1304 The Making Of Australia - David Hill 6/11/2018

1305 Developing A Biblical Worldview - C. Fred Smith 24/11/2018

1306 Seasons Of The Lord - Herbert Lockyer 31/12/2018

1307 The Way Of Wisdom - Timothy Keller 31/12/2018

1308 Amazing Love - Corrie ten Boom 21/01/2019

1309 A Life Worth Living - Nicky Gumbel 2/2/2019

1310 Power and Promise - Peter Jensen 6/2/2019

1311 Slave - John MacArthur 21/02/2019

1312The Heritage Of The Saints - Herbert Lockyer 12/03/2019

1314 A History of London - Robert Gray 12/03/2019

1315 Heart After God - Luis Palau 13/03/2019

1316 Life Of Faith - A.W. Pink 23/03/2019

1317 ReDiscovering Values - Jim Wallis 26/03/2019

1318 All God's Love - Herbert Lockyer 27/04/2019

1319 When London Was Capital Of America - Julie Flavell 21/05/2019

1320 Unimaginable - Jerimiah J. Johnston 21/05/2019.

1321 The Science Of Salvation Also ~ Eugene Of Avondale - Peter E J Smith 5/5/2019

1322 The Glory Of Heaven - John MacArthur 5/5/2019

1323 Ecology & Stewardship - Agneta Sutton 22/08/2019

1324 God Politics - Jim Wallis 22/10/2019

1325 Bread For Each Day - De Hann & Bosch 31/12/2019

1326The Blood and The Spirit - Andrew Murray 01/01/2020

1327Humility - Andrew Murray 01/01/2020

1328The Dark Horse - Rumer Godden 15/01/2020

1329 Stewardship - Peter Block 17/03/2020

1330 The Way Of Faith - AWT Hunt 25/03/2020

1331 Stewardship - Craig Watson 28/04/2020

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1332 Doing Right while Doing Good - Kenneth Bickel & Kevin Vanderground 16/05/2020

1333 The Story Of Philosophy - James Garvey & Jeremy Stangroom 6/10/2020

1334 The How and Why Of Love - Introduction to Evangelical Ethics by Michael Hill 26/10/2020

1335 For The Love Of God - D. A. Carson 31/12/2020

1336The Australian Experience Of Air Power - Australian Air Publication 1000-H 14/02/2021

1337 Prayer - O Hallesby 22/03/2021

1338 Undaunted - Christine Caine 13/04/2021

1339Throwim Way Leg - Tim Flannery 20/04/2021

1340 Faith Forward Future - Chad Veage 20/04/2021

1341 Acts Of God - Bob Russell 18/09/2021

1342 When The Darkness Will Not Lift - John Piper 19/09/2021

1343 Every Day With Jesus, A Fresh Vision Of God - Selwyn Hughs 365 day devotional. 31/12/2021

1344Daily With The King - W. Glyn Evans 31/12/2021

1345 A Doctor In Africa - Dr. Andrew Browning 06/02/2022

1346 An Incredible Journey - Bev Holden 07/02/2022

1347 Go To the Land of Moriah - Kathy Stewart 09/02/2022

1348 The Gospel According to Paul - John MacArthur 12/02/2022

1349 The Prodical Son - John MacArthur 14/02/2022

1350 The Believers Walk With Christ - John MacArthur 19/02/2022

1351 Our Sufficiency In Christ - John MacArthur 20/02/2022

1352 Think Biblically - John MacArthur 09/03/2022

1353 A Simple Christianity - John MacArthur 11/03/2022

1354 The Case For A Creator - Lee Strobel 19/03/2022

1355 Walking with A Limp - Barry Chant 22/03/2022

1356 Enriching our Vision of Reality - Alister McGrath 26/03/2022

1357 Maximum Faith / Live Like Jesus - George Barna 29/03/2022

1358 Know And Tell The Gospel - John C. Chapman 29/03/2022

1359 Morality - Jonathan Sacks 30/03/2022

1360 Mere Theology - Alister McGrath 01/04/2022

1361 Wisdom Of The Elders - Peter Knudtson & David Suzuki 20/04/2022

1362 Walking With God Through Pain And Suffering - Timothy Keller 26/04/2022

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1363 Faith and the Creeds - Alister McGrath 27/04/2022

1364 The Prodigal Prophet - Timothy Keller 29/04/2022

1365 The Good and Beautiful God - James Bryan Smith 15/06/2022

1366 JONI - Joni Earreckson Tada 08/07/2022

1367 What Jesus Demands From The World - John Piper 27/07/2022

1368 I Can Only Imagine - Bart Millard 30/07/2022

1369 The Pleasures Of God - John Piper 05/08/2022

1370 Desiring God - John Piper 12/08/2022

1371 The Jesus I Never Knew - Phillip Yancey 13/08/2022

1372 Disappointment With God - Phillip Yancey 18/08/2022

1373 Tips From A Travelling Soul Searcher - Tim Costello 19/08/2022

1374 the Faith of Queen Elizabeth - Dudley Delffs 21/08/2022

1375 Billy Graham ~ Evangelist To The World - John Pollock 23/08/2022

1376 Inspirational Australian Stories - Various Writers 04/09/2022

1377 The Truth Of The Matter - Gough whitlam 05/09/2022

1378 Well Done, BILLY GRAHAM 06/09/2022

1379 ask BILLY GRAHAM compiled by Bill Adler 07/09/2022

1380 How to Be Born Again - Billy Graham 13/09/2022

1381 Jesus On Trial - David Limbaugh 17/09/2022

1382 Mr Eternity / The Story of Arthur Stace - Roy Williams & E Meyers 17/09/2022

1383 Unexpected - Christine Caine 18/09/2022

1384 CHRIST The First 2000 Years - Martyn and Esther Whittock 21/09/2022

1385 The Case For The Real Jesus - Lee Strobel 01/10/2022

1386 Christians - Greg Sheridan 08/10/2022

1387 Prayer - Timothy Keller 18/10/2022

1388 Ministries Of Mercy - Timothy Keller 23/10/2022

1389 Reflections of God's Glory - Corrie ten Boom 24/10/2022

1390 Encounters With Jesus - Timothy Keller 26/10/2022

1391 Every Good Endeavour - Timothy Keller 31/10/2022

1392 The Case For Heaven - Lee Strobel 6/11/2022

1393 Hope In Times Of Fear - Timothy Keller 10/11/2022

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1394 Alone With God - John Macarthur 11/11/2022

1395 The Power Of Suffering - John Macarthur 16/11/2022

1396 Saved Without A Doubt - John Macarthur 19/11/2022

1397 The Silent Shepard - John Macarthur 21/11/2022

1398 Anxious For Nothing - John Macarthur 24/11/2022

1399 Divine Design - John Macarthur 26/11/2022

1400 Forgive - Timothy Keller 28/11/2022

1401 The Truth War - John Macarthur 01/12/2022

1402 Truth Endures - John Macarthur 04/12/2022

1403 The Hole In Our Gospel - Richard Stearns 07/12/2022

1404 Facing Your Giants - Max Lucado 12/12/2022

1405 Grace - Max Lucado 16/12/2022

1406 How Happiness Happens - Max Lucado 16/12/2022

1407 The Future Of Justification - John Piper 20/12/2022

1408 The Meaning of Marriage - Timothy Keller 21/12/2022

1409 Compelling Reason - C.S.Lewis 25/12/2022

1410 The Weight of Glory - C.S. Lewis 27/12/2022

1411 Favorite Psalms - John Stott 29/12/2022

1412 Every Day With Jesus / Carried by Grace - Selwyn Hughes 31/12/2022

1413 A Calender Of Wisdom - Leo Tolstoy 31/12/2022

1414 What Christ Thinks Of The Church (Revelation) - John Stott 31/12/2022

1415 John G. Lake / His Life Teachings - Robert Liardon 19/01/2023

1416 Smith Wigglesworth / His Life Teachings - Robert Liardon 20/02/2023

1417 Generous Justice - Timothy Keller 24/02/2023

1418 52 Hebrew Words - Dave Adamson 24/02/2023

1419 Preaching - Timothy Keller 02/03/2023

1420 Max on Life - Max Lucado 12/03/2023

1421 You Were Made For This Moment - Max Lucado 19/03/2023

1422 The Great House Of God - Max Lucado 28/03/2023

1423 Travelling Light - Max Lucado 04/04/2023

1424 Help Is Here - Max Lucado 05/04/2023

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1425 You Are never Alone - Max Lucado 15/04/2023

1426 A Rushing Mighty Wind - Angus Buchan 16/04/2023

1427 FAITH Not By Sight - Carlos (Cash) Luna 17/04/2023

1428 The End Of Christianity - William A. Dembski 22/04/2023

1429 Keeping God's Earth - Noah J. Toly & Daniel I. Block 25/04/2023

1430 Free Book - Brian Tome 26/04/2023

1431 You The Leader - Phil Pringle 27/04/2023

1432 Guided By God - Morling College Team 04/05/2023

1433 The Quiet Revolution - Jay F. Hein 13/05/2023

1434 God And The Pandemic - Tom Wright 17/05/2023

1435 Evangelical Truth - John Stott 23/05/2023

1436 The Case For Miracles - Lee Strobel 26/05/2023

1437 On Birth - Timothy Keller 26/05/2023

1438 On Death - Timothy Keller 26/05/2023

1439 Making Sense Of God - Timothy Keller 14/06/2023

1440 Timothy Keller - Collin Hansen 21/06/2023

1441 The Jesus Way - Peter Walker 13/07/2023

1442 In The Eye Of The Storm - Max Lucado 28/07/2023

1443 When Christ Comes - Max Lucado 06/08/2023

1444 The Coming Glory - Paul W. Swets 07/08/2023

1445 A Love Worth Giving - Max Lucado 10/08/2023

1446 Jesus, The God Who Knows Your Name - Max Lucado 12/08/2023

1447 Begin Again - Max Lucado 15/08/2023

1448 Before Amen - Max Lucado 16/08/2023

1449 Great Day Every Day - Max Lucado 19/08/2023

1450 Face To Face - Jen Baker 03/09/2023

1451 According To Plan - Graeme Goldsworthy 06/09/2023

1452 Gospel & Kingdom - Graeme Goldsworthy 21/09/2023

1453 The Gospel in Revelation - Graeme Goldsworthy 25/09/2023

1454 Gospel & Wisdom - Graeme Goldsworthy 26/09/2023

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1455 Kingdom Come - Reggie McNeal 28/09/2023

1456 The Kindness Effect - Jill Donavan 01/10/2023

1457 God's Economic Mandate - Keith R. Smith 08/10/2023

1458 The Freedom Of Self Forgetfullness - Timothy Keller 11/10/2023

1459 He Gets Us - Max Lucado 11/10/2023

1460 Happy Today - Max Lucado 12/10/2023

1461 God Never Gives Up On You - Max Lucado 23/10/2023

1462 Humility - True Greatness C. J. Mahaney 24/10/2023

1463 Letters of John Newton 1725-1807 - John Newton 30/10/2023

1464 Tragedy In Kabul - Hannelie Groenewald 09/11/2023

1465 The Kingdom Of God - John Bright 10/12/2023

1466 A Heartbeat Of Hope - Nina Smit 31/12/2023

1467 Extreme Devotion - The Voice Of The Martyres 31/12/2023

1468 Out Live Your Life - Max Lucado 02/01/2024

1469 Where Is God In A Messed Up World - Roger Carswell 03/01/2024

1470 321 The Story Of God, The World and You - Glen Scrivener 04/01/2024

1471 My Story - Selwyn Hughs 22/01/2024

1472 God On Campus - Trent Sheppard 24/01/2024

1473 As Long As The Earth Endures - Jonathon Moo & Robin Routledge 3/2/2024

1474 Jesus Freaks - dc Talk and The Voice Of the Martyrs 11/04/2024












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