
What's the first thing you see when it's day,

It's sunshine off course to light forth your way;

Some fear with their lives for what this may bring,

But really it's natural and a quite happy thing.


Sunshine is bright from dawn till it sets,

To get those jobs done and to steer clear of debts;

We go to the beach to acquire us a tan,

And no matter what weather it's sunshine we plan.


Now I don't know as much as where it began,

But I do know it's source will burn all it can;

For what would happen if one day it was no more,

Would the sunshine re-group or just tally up the score.


Life's quite strange when we sit down at night,

Without all that sunshine we're use to as light;

So I suppose there's some trouble or kind of despair,

To understand why it hides or to even know where.


But worry not yourself about the sunshine up high,

For it will be concerned with what's hiding or dry;

So look to the future and days all ahead,

Where the sunshine is brightest and surely not dead.


So you think there is an end to this poem about sunshine,

And that this poet has written his last rhyming line;

But resourceful is he, who has faith in tomorrow,

And will use his time wisely and live with sunshine not sorrow.



Brighter days ahead.