
What kind of whether is enough to worry weather water,

Work to support her and worry whether it will what her;

Wait for the woman to welcome you in to the water,

Out of the rain and to give you a son and daughter.


Pests and insects and other things that breed on the water,

Giving birth from pregnancy will in the end to reward her;

Whether the litre can be figured or your wallet can bare it,

It helps a lot to exercise and sweat and remain fit;


It's now in the pipeline and waves crash at the beach,

That you can run along the sand and the surf you can reach.

In freshness you up to have a wash in the water and be clean,

So that you mean a bit more money and water a scene;


Now you have seen all the water that has fallen and ran,

And  has runn from the tap down the drain in the plan.

Like the world's full of water covering over all the earth,

In the days of the flood and salt water the real worth.


If you are the salt of the earth try some for flavor,

For the step and the breath are the stage and the favour;

And the taste of the food is a good nice thing to savour,

For in the life it is sweet with cooking in water to a neighbor.


Well it seems to have the reign and the water is flowing,

Down from the sky into river beds, streams, creeks, and still going;

For the two necessities of life are air and water,

And I'm not going to tell you to go to a resort with her.



About what or who.