I've Been A Long Time With Nobody

I've been a long time with nobody else,
Now I'm looking around to rediscover myself;
There plenty of people out there in the world,
So I'm looking and searching to find me a girl.

It gets a bit lonely living life all alone,
You need to have company and a love of your own;
Deep in my heart I'm weak like all the rest,
But the depth of my soul is as strong as the best.

So I'm certain that now I'll just let time pass,
And return to my first love of lying on the grass;
To have a picnic and relax and look to the sky;
And dream of my women from on the blanket I lie,

Well now comes the time to reconsider it all,
And make love with the future and woman I call;
I'll name her and love her and hold her to keep,
And marry in eternity and stay in heavenly sleep.

Being so special as the most beautiful woman on earth,
S sweet peace of mind as much as all the words worth;
I'll take her and love and she'll be my bride,
To forever be with me and a stand by my side.

I've been a long time with nobody so it now time to die,
And like in a relationship that reaches out to high,
Then loneliness and sadness will leave me for good,
And I'll join in unity as God would let would.


It's my decision