Because I Loved You

Because I loved you I died for you,
That you may know the love I do;
Not for my sake or for yours alone,
But for richness of life down deep to the bone.

Because I loved you, you came to me,
And filled my heart with love eternally;
You lifted me up to places far beyond,
Now you're seated on the throne as a golden blonde.

Because I loved you, you kept your promise,
And took my hand and spoke in a parable;
To live up to the expectations beyond you,
So you could reign and love me in return.

Because I loved you, you gave your life to mine,
That all would fit in with God's perfect design;
And now you are in heaven as I love you,
To look back and see me and know what I do.

Because I loved you, you went beyond all men,
You loved your life and went to eternity then;
You raised yourself up with me beyond all else,
No you live there in paradise with me myself.

Because I loved you, you had a plan for me,
To choose a wife for me and live on eternally;
And now in heaven where your marriage is bliss,
I leave you with one thing more, a kiss.

