Internal External

Through the ins and outs of things the internal and external exist,
That we might find answers to all the questions on earth, if with life we persist;
For the internal is about the organization of things made to order,
Whereas on the external it is for cosmetic appearances, looking to show.

On the one hand we have the internal within, on the other external out there,
Then if we consider the difference between the two to dare to compare;
We have to understand that adjustment of differentiating them both,
For we know the internal it is best left unsaid, to portray the eternal cover best.

Like when you read a book to get the story and the idea of it,
It is then as you want to tell others meaning of how it all does fit;
For this loving passionate beauty being portrayed of ins and outs,
Shows how the eternal signifies what lies beneath on the internal doubt.

So clearly it is visible that the unseen can't be seen invisible,
Just as you can't see the internal from the outside because the inside is eternal;
For showing what is right and true or correct to judge is the scene,.
And it is this anticipation of what are looking at that clearly is what's seen.

Like now you're reading this, which is a poem within one of my books,
And you can't see me but you know how it must be because of the look;
I know that you had to agree that what you saw you really saw,
And you like me see things differently and the same as sure as sure.

For these words come from inside of me, which is the internal side,
And you see the eternal first and cover the thoughts from within the mind;
As when you now come to finish this the internal becomes eternal,
And the external that you see of me is the internal heart inside of me.


Beauty Within