Meaningfulness 1

Life without meaning and purpose is dull,

When people make things all void and null;

Meaningfulness is a pleasure and treasure of point,

Which can be painful or enjoying in any given joint.


Love helps to make all the world go around,

And money is a reward in time to manage above ground;

Work is a service and a need for requirement,

That we can acquire what is wanted and save for retirement.


Giving is a luxury that God blesses to the generous,

Making meaningfulness reciprocal an inadvertently prosperous;

Seasons change in time and the world turns each day,

As we orbit the sun with the planets in their way.


Sexual gratification is a means to an end,

Those children will come and through family depend;

Marriage is the right way to live on morally,

So the truth of the story is to not live morbidly.


Meaningfulness really the answer to the question,

Of what is right and dignified in obvious suggestion;

The history of places and geography of people,

Are why things are granted and God is a steeple.


Like clear crystal blue water of an aqua marina,

Or diamonds and sapphires, emeralds or rubies are meaning;

Life is a gold mine of opportunities and scenery,

So the earth and the heavens, the blue sky meets greenery.



Eternal Paradise.