To Write Right What Was Written

To Write Right What Was Written

 This is  a dialoge for writing the truth and having the truth written.

The right of the writer is a continual search for the reason and meaning of life and the battle to uncover and write the truth and facts of real life situations and realities. The University is set up for this very reason and the ongoing to be a conclusive understanding of the establisment and generation of truthful anwsers and factual meanings of which are eternal, infinite or purposeful and relational to rationalize truth that in proving  is never ending. Realizing the truth is to uncover the comprehensive understanding of real life integration and conceptual connections of relativity. To write right what was written is not to completely change the facts but sort and sift through reality, to write conceivably a believable assessment of what the truth of the reality or situation is all about. This can come from the Arts in Psychology or Plilosophy or even through exploring written verse in Poetry, Science, Politics or Economics and Management or The Environment, from ecological and evolutional derisions, to Mathematic and Physics, points of view. Reality changes all the time and keeping up to date with the adjustments is a conintual process. To adapt to change we must realize what is going on around us and write what we see to allow others to understand the interpretation of what we see. The written word should be and in most cases is a transcribing or set of truthful statements and factual evidence or a cource of events being recorded accuately. Change is inevitable and to the degree in writing, there is no end and so the work continues in discovering and rediscovering the truth in a recyclic, continuous system. The work continues tomorrow and the day after that and until we can write no more in a total self contentment of saturated facts and details of the truth within the human guidlines and physical limitations. To the end there is no end and to the truth it is always variable and reappearing as truth. We should not accept second best and always aim for the truth of which is the right or desired outcome in any set of given facts or events. The truth must hold water and it must be substantiated by facts,for a leaky bucket will not hold water and the idea is to keep it full to the brim in case of unforseen circumstances.

The documentation of history is always reguarded as fact if it is transcribed true and correctly and we should always keep our eyes out for and open to discrepancies in the written word. The Greek word for The Word itself is Theo of which Theology comes from in the form of study for Biblical truth. Then the day to day job comes in discerning the truth, by transcribing what was written in the text books and Bible to how life relates to you and me as a corporal us in society for today and then tomorrow and ongoing from what experience we have in and from the past. I thank God for His faithfullness and blessings of giving me a chance in life, but the to live up to all the expectations is still a major battle today. I love writing but how close you can get to the truth without hurting someone else is very hard without any money or enough payment for work and remembering all the work is very painful and even my own sin in my own life does not meet the standards of other peoples behaviuor or expectations. I know that I still have not got all the facts right and other people try for the truth as well. But at the end of the day it is more important to stay alive and that I surrender to my faith and trust in God. Thankyou for trying to be understanding and so you should form your own idea of the truth by your own understanding and trust in God and thye good of people in the world who still try very hard to do the right thing. The law is designed to protect the innocent and I pray to God that it does. My hope is in an eternal kingdom where God has the reigns and as here on earth we have to manage.  Darel.