
It all was written in logic down along the lines,

Some one thought it smart to grow vines and drink wines;

As it wasn't very clever to have a thousand or more beers,

Because all the words were spirit over across the years.


The written love of lanuage in English, means a lot,

And all the other dialects I seem to have forgotton;

The certainty of continuity is as the rivers flow,

For me it is constant poetry in which to know and grow.


I see the sea, seem to be blue or grey or green,

So the scene becomes an ocean of what the heads will mean;

From in and out the harbour, from country shore to shore,

The city becomes the surest, from surer and from sure.


The rhythm of the rhyme, is a continuous poem,

As you read the words along the line preferring to stay at home;

And onward as I trabvel from Sydney to Paris and Rome,

I go off into the distance and I must not forget my comb.


And London, New York and Tokyo, have different sounds,

As I keep my head above water, staying on high grounds;

My ears hear the heart beat of the earth going around,

And my eyes see the distance to the equation found.


The hemisphere and equator divide continuitous continents,

And the conttents of the book seem to look like condiments;

The consequence of the difference is the world's coordinents,

And the different deistance amounts to all my ornaments.



Procession and Progression