
The earth's so heavy, world so light, heavens so high,

With this it is hard to put everything in perspective;

Imagine an ideal planet that would organise and lead,

There'd be plenty of money and more things to read.


Sunny blue skies, white clouds above, grey when rain,

With all of God's love to realize for those with a brain;

The mind full of beauty and concentrating brilliantly,

Fills up our hearts with spiritual food fruit instantly.


The wind will blow, house will stand, car is driven.

Things come into perspective with planes and trains;

Television, computers, appliances with calculations,

Suburbs, shires, areas, cities, countries and nations.


River to sea, mountains rise forever, oceans of fish,

School in ship net, boat sailing free, is that all I wish;

Contentment, continuity, contemplation, all are right,

Faith, hope and love with the heart left to still write.


Music and noise to the sounds of the birds and wind,

Voices speaking still softly to the sight of the mind;

Home alone with my books, pen and paper lined pad,

Remembering being a good boy and to dad a glad lad.


Verses of poetry in rhyming perspective flows along,

The Bible contents completely relived and repeated;

Realizing what is rational when being international,

My poem is finished requiring inspiration sensational.



One more night.