Darel In April

My birthday is in April a most wonderful month,
Of what life can bring out of earth rust and moth;
April is special in many different kinds of ways,
It helped lead you to heights to see higher and clearer days.
It picks me up when I'm feeling down,
And leads me along the road but the stream to a town;
And when I am weary and am all at a rest,
April then shows me how I can still be my best.
April is beautiful and a real and true meaning to love,
That still in gods care I'm kept well enough to give;
This life of mine that will all so soon pass away,
Returns in the victory of Christ at the end of the day.
And there is heaven in knowing that the truths still to come,
Of the life left in heaven and the paradise sum;
So I may as well accept things as they were meant to be,
That I may inherit all the love meant for me.
I want you to see a bit of me in yourself,
That you to may endeavor to live so passed yourself;
For the truth is in the knowing that Christ will come back,
And that with our eternal salvation there is no need to lack.
Well now the beauty you see is now down in my pen,
Of all of the love that from April does stem;
And I hope you may find real true peace of mind.
And you're heart and you're head will be to people as kind.